I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 395 With this experience, I won’t make a mistake next time

Uchiha Yu didn't expect that the barrier of Mt. Myoboku could actually withstand four meteorites, so he had to temporarily choose the fifth meteorite, which was also the largest one.

He imprinted the Flying Thunder God Formation as quickly as possible, then found the right momentum angle to send it over, smashing through this tough barrier with a true overwhelming force.

The moment the rigid shell is smashed, there is usually no way to control the force.

It's like hitting a walnut with a hammer. It doesn't break after four consecutive hits, but it may break immediately after the fifth hit.

The same is true for the barrier of Mount Miaomu. Under the impact of the fifth meteorite reaching Mach 30, it collapsed into countless fragments on the spot.

The largest fragment after the meteorite shattered directly penetrated the barrier and hit the center of Miaomu Mountain.

This meteorite remnant with a diameter of more than 1,000 meters penetrated the mountains, directly shattered and embedded in the earth's crust. The huge kinetic energy was instantly transformed into earthquakes, high temperatures and unspeakable horrific shock waves.

Miaomu Mountain ceased to exist in an instant. The once most sacred place with beautiful mountains and clear waters turned into a crater with a diameter of 200 kilometers under the violent impact.

The energy erupted at the moment of impact was completely astronomical, and the disaster caused reached the level of local ecological extinction.

At this moment, the toad clan of Miaomu Mountain was almost wiped out by the meteor.

Not only were the tadpoles and little toads that were expected to be abandoned evaporated, but even Mt. Myoboku's biggest trump card, the shelter that Toadmaru considered to be absolutely safe, the powerful Iwajuku giant toad, was also instantly killed.

Only a dozen or so of the toads that hid in the body of the big toad in Iwasu survived, and even Toadhiro and Toad Takeru turned into fly ash at this moment.

Even among the dozen or so surviving toads, except for the big toad sage and Fukasaku sage, it was Shima sage who managed to protect them at the cost of serious injury to himself.

Otsutsuki Hamura is not dead, he is a powerful being at the Sixth Path level, and his seven-year arrival has allowed him to regain some of the characteristics of the Otsutsuki clan.

The body that descended on the Moon Otsutsuki clan this time was Otsutsuki Hamura's own descendant. The strongest characteristic awakened was the immortality characteristic of the Otsutsuki clan before he practiced senjutsu.

Therefore, Otsutsuki Hamura is freed from the threat of death to a certain extent. Unless he is beaten to a pulp, he can save his life with his body.

This time he was also injured, but recovered almost immediately, even regaining his clothes.

The only one who was truly uninjured was the Great Toad Sage. Although its strength was not as good as Otsutsuki Hamura's, its intuition for danger was unmatched.

Before the meteorite impact arrived, Gamamaru subconsciously moved away from the belly of the large toad in Iwajuku, which seemed to be the safest, and came to the throat of the large toad, standing behind Bunta.

As a result, the meteorite shattered after destroying the barrier, and the largest fragment hit the butt of the giant toad, destroying 80% of the giant toad's body from back to front.

The only part of the Iwajuku Big Toad's body that was most completely preserved was its head. Standing at the throat, Gamabunta, Fukasaku Sennin, and the Big Toad Sennin Gamamaru stood at the throat, and the three of them suffered the smallest impact.

But because they were not strong enough, Gamabunta and Fukasaku Sennin were still injured, and only Gamamaru survived the disaster intact.

But Tomamaru didn't feel good. In just a moment, he lost almost all his children.

Among the only dozen or so toads left, there was only one female toad, Shima Sennin, who was seriously injured. However, she was hundreds of years old and had long been sterile.

In other words, a major problem has arisen in the reproduction of the toad clan in Mt. Miaomu.

In terms of the special characteristics of toads, they are not going to become extinct immediately now, because toads are magical creatures that can change their gender.

But changing gender again after adulthood will cause a serious decline in the toad's physical fitness, and the production and quality of eggs will decline even more.

The quality of the next generation of toads will completely collapse.

In the ninja world, a world full of dangers, if the strength of the Myobokuyama clan collapses, they will inevitably be hunted and controlled by the Ryūchidō clan.

According to the secret agreement between the two families, the White Snake Immortal will never exterminate the toads of Mt. Mushan, but it will definitely raise the remaining toads in captivity and make the toads a subsidiary race of Ryūchi Cave.

From then on, the toad will live in Longdi Cave, serving as thugs, cannon fodder and food for the big snakes, and will never be able to stand up again.

If the future of Miaomu Mountain is such a tragic fate, it is better to die heroically here, at least it will be a happy death.

In deep despair, Gamamaru had the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death.

It shouted to Otsutsuki Hamura and Gamabunta: "There is no escape, we are here to fight the enemy."

Wentai tore open the hem of his gown, wrapped his broken eyeball wound, and tightened it tightly to stop the bleeding.

Then he took the body of his dead son in his hands, carefully dug up the ground and buried it, then gently piled it into a small grave.

After doing all this, Gamabunta pulled out his fourteen-meter short sword and said angrily: "The great Toad Immortal is right, fight with the enemy!"

"My child is dead, all the children are dead!"

"Revenge, I want revenge!"

Fukasaku Sennin dragged Shima Sennin over and handed him to Big Toad Sennin for emergency treatment.

But its injuries were so serious that even with Tomamaru's best efforts in treating it, it could only barely save its life.

Fukasaku Sage laughed angrily: "Haha, it's Yuu Uchiha, right? He's the Uchiha who has awakened his samsara eye, right? No matter how strong he is, I will bite off a piece of his flesh!"

"Even if it means death, I will make him pay the price!"

"Oh? What price do you want me to pay? Or what can you do?"

"Little toad..."

Uchiha Yu's figure went from illusion to reality, like a twisted ghost in a dream, appearing in front of the survivors of Mount Myoki.

He ignored the horrified and angry looks of the toads around him, as well as the resentful looks of Otsutsuki Hamura and Toadmaru, and just observed the apocalyptic scene around him.

"Not bad, really good. The barrier on Mount Miaomu is really amazing."

"Not only can it resist four meteorites without breaking, but it can also effectively restrain and suppress the world-destroying blow of the fifth meteorite."

"It was a meteorite with a diameter of more than four kilometers, a mass of hundreds of billions of tons, and a speed of Mach 30. However, the power of the explosion only spread to 200 kilometers away. It is simply incredible."

Uchiha Yuu looked at the corpse of the Iwajuku giant toad that had turned into wreckage, and then at the corpses of large and small toads scattered all over the place. He shook his head regretfully: "Tsk, the damage was too serious. My original intention was not to harm Miao. Mushan was exterminated."

Under the gaze of the survivors who were so angry that their bodies were trembling and their eyes were bloodshot, he uttered a sentiment that made the toads burst into rage.

"Obviously I still want to stay and make roasted toads. I want to taste the taste of the toad's leg meat."

"Forget it, let's just kill them all this time. With this experience, we can be sure to leave them alive next time."

The ill-tempered Fukasaku Sennin was the first to break out: "Go to hell, Uchiha Yuu!!"

A huge amount of senjutsu chakra spurted out, transforming into a desperate senjutsu.

Immortal Technique·Toad’s Angry Eyes

The senjutsu chakra returned to Fukasaku Sage's body, and his body quickly expanded, and his long white eyebrows also grew rapidly.

While growing in size, the toad's body shape also changed dramatically, becoming like the legendary Angry Eyes King Kong, its tall and stocky body filled with terrifying power.

Different from the toad singing, this magical technique is not an illusion, but a real physical change, and it is an irreversible and ultimate technique of mutual destruction.

Under the influence of magic, the caster will completely burn the magic chakra, potential, lifespan and body, and completely rush through the door of death in one stride.

Death will come faster than a ninja who opens the Eight Doors of Dunjia Death.

After completing the transformation, Fukasaku Sennin has transformed from a height of less than two feet to a three-meter-tall angry-eyed King Kong toad. His huge angry eyes, highlighted by his white eyebrows, make him look even more angry and violent.

Fukasaku Sennin mixed the malice, hatred, murderous intent and soul in his heart with the power accumulated over hundreds of years. Through these huge mutated eyes, he turned it into a bloody spear of revenge and threw it at the seemingly relaxed enemy in front of him. .

As soon as the spear appeared, it had a soul-stirring and strange power, powerfully seizing the will of all living creatures present, leaving everyone including Uchiha Yu froze in place.

The next moment, the bloody spear penetrated Uchiha Yu's chest, causing some ripples on his chest, and then the ripples expanded rapidly until they covered the entire human body and then disintegrated and disappeared on the spot.


The satisfied look in Fukasaku Sennin's eyes instantly disappeared, turning into endless panic and confusion.

"It's actually an illusion..."

"How can this be an illusion?"

"When did you cast the illusion?"

"This is impossible...ah..."

Fukasaku Sage's voice gradually dropped, and its aura quickly dropped from its peak like a cliff, and the aura of death quickly filled its face.

Before getting a response from Uchiha Yuu, with the fear of Uchiha Yuu and the uncertainty of the future of the Toad clan, and the depression of not understanding the enemy's methods, Fukasaku Sage took his last breath.

What else is there to say? All the toads pounced on him.

Fukasaku Sennin's desperate attack only hit a phantom created by genjutsu.

Not to mention that he failed to kill Uchiha Yu, he didn't even stain the other party's clothes.

Who would have thought that in such a high-end battle, Yu Uchiha would actually do such a little trick, and use an illusion that was not on the table to trick Fukasaku Sennin to death.

The surviving toads went crazy. They no longer cared about their future, or even their own lives, and attacked Uchiha Yu.

The toads knew that it would be difficult for them to hit the enemy, and they couldn't even think about killing Uchiha Yu.

But so what, they and Uchiha Yuu are already fighting to the death. Even if they can't kill him, they will stain his clothes with their own blood!

Isn't it just death?


Uchiha Yusei had perfected the toads, and easily misled their senses, allowing a group of toads to kill each other in the most brutal way in a state of ignorance.

In front of the Great Toad Sage and Otsutsuki Hamura, several other Uchiha Yuu suddenly appeared, and the real and fake illusions deceived them again.

During the short period of time when Gamamaru and Hamura were held back by the real and fake Uchiha Yuu, Mt. Myoboku was destroyed and all the toads died.

Except for Shima Sennin lying behind Gamamaru, and Gamamaru himself.

Uchiha Yu smiled: "If I kill you two again, there will be no one in this ninja world who can resist me."

"I can do whatever I want with peace of mind."

Otsutsuki Hamura roared: "Don't even think about it!"

But Gamamaru shouted: "Hamura-sama, I'm here to hold him, you run away!"

"The biggest blow to him would be if you escaped!"

Gamamaru shouted as it threw off its cherished doctor's hat, completely liberating the Senjutsu chakra it had accumulated for thousands of years, and turned it into a huge vortex towards Uchiha Yuu.

Uchiha Yu looked at the whirlpool in front of him with surprise and exclaimed: "The power of time?"

"Toadmaru, no, Great Toad Immortal, you actually have mastered the power of time. What magic is this?"

Immortal Technique·Time Exile Technique

Uchiha Yuu still had a surprised smile on his face, but he froze in place without any resistance and lost all colors, turning into pure black, white and gray.

Swallowed by the whirlpool, the colorless Uchiha Yuu was like a pencil drawing, disappearing inch by inch under the wiping of the eraser, and in the end nothing was left.

Otsutsuki Hamura saw this scene and asked in surprise: "Big Toad Immortal, did you kill him?"

Gamamaru turned around and explained: "No, it's just that he was exiled outside of time and cannot appear in the reality of the ninja world."

"The biggest advantage of this magic is that it ignores the enemy's tricks. Even if it is targeted at a clone or even an illusion, it can implicate the real target."

"As long as he is exiled from time, he will not be sensed by us, nor will he be discovered by us, and he will not have any interaction with the entire ninja world."

Otsutsuki Hamura thought for a while and asked: "If you don't have any connection with anything in the ninja world, wouldn't that mean you are dead?"

Tomamaru shook his head, and a bit of anxiety appeared on his face: "Theoretically, it is indeed the same as death, but my technique is not perfect, and I cannot banish a person forever."

"He will still come back. I can only buy you time to retreat."

"Let's go, Lord Hamura, you are the only hope for revenge for us. As long as you are not caught by him, there is still hope for everything."

A big hand suddenly appeared on Gamamaru's head, and the moment it appeared, it was deeply embedded in Gamamaru's huge head.

Uchiha Yu turned Gamamaru's body over, looked at it and said, "You are right, I'm back, Gamamaru..."

Gamamaru shouted in disbelief: "Why did you come back so soon? It shouldn't be like this!"

Uchiha Yu enjoyed the panic and screams of the big toad, with an almost perverted and ferocious smile on his face.

He just smiled and said: "Is it possible that I also understand the power of time, so that I can return to reality faster?"

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you. It is because of your demonstration that I know that I can also expel people and objects from the long river of time. This can definitely be my trump card."

"But you haven't experienced the feeling of being kicked out, have you?"

"Let me let you experience this pain, okay?"

Without waiting for Toadwan's answer or any hesitation, Yuu Uchiha activated the Senjutsu Time Banishment Technique.

A strange time vortex appeared, swallowing up Gamamaru and everything around him.

On the opposite side, Otsutsuki Hamura, who had been half-exiled by Uchiha Yuu when he returned from outside time, is now angrily watching Uchiha Yuu "bullying" Gamamaru.

Hamura's body was translucent, with strange ripples all over his body, but it was fixed in place, and even his eyes could not move.

But he could vaguely hear sounds and see blurry images with his peripheral vision.

Obviously, the time expulsion technique that Uchiha Yu imitated for the first time had an effect, but the effect did not reach what he expected, resulting in a situation where the effect was half achieved.

A few minutes later, Yu Uchiha's second time-exile technique ended, and the Great Toad Sage Toadmaru returned from outside time.

But what a few people saw was a man who looked crazy, foaming at the mouth, and whose eyes were completely distracted.

This is not surprising, Uchiha Yu has already experienced that there is no time outside of time, and the length of time loses its meaning here.

In other words, one second can be a year, and a year can be an instant.

Everything depends on the willpower of the deportees. If they are strong, it can end in an instant. If they collapse, they will face a terrible situation where time extends infinitely.

The most terrible thing is that time does not increase or decrease because of this. The length of time is completely personal and cannot be used as learning and training time.

In the initial panic, Uchiha Yu himself fell into the feeling of infinite extension of time because of his lack of understanding and panic.

Fortunately, he was able to discern the existence of the power of time in time, and with the help of his own advantages, he got rid of the influence of the time banishment technique.

But the Great Toad Immortal was not so lucky. He only mastered the ability of foresight, and relied on this ability to develop this theoretically invincible banishment technique.

When he himself was hit by this technique, he was completely unable to actively adjust his emotions and quickly get rid of the trouble of losing time like Uchiha Yuu did.

Because outside of time, if you want to make such a change, even if it is just an emotional change, you need to have the power of time.

Otherwise, even if Gamamaru understands all this deeply, he can only wait in frustration, waiting for the collapse of the time banishment technique itself.

But in a short period of time, the Great Toad Immortal's experience was that he was outside of time, staying in that small dark room where he could neither hear anything nor see anything, and stayed for who knows how many years.

In the end, it was reduced to the point of physical and mental collapse under the torture of endless loneliness.

As the effects of the Time Banishment Technique faded, the body of the Great Toad Sennin returned to the ninja world, but its spirit was already dead.

But Uchiha Yu couldn't relax at all.

Gamamaru, who was controlled by him, was the top sixth man who manipulated the Otsutsuki family, and his level of insidiousness far surpassed that of Black Zetsu.

In order to avoid the trouble of wasting his brain, Uchiha Yuu broke its neck without hesitation and sent it to join the Myoboku Mountain Toad who had taken the first step.

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