I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 398 Uchiha Yu: Pretending to be dead won’t stop me from slicing you

Uchiha Yuu smiled happily and said hello happily: "Hello, this is the first official meeting between you and me."

The Sage of Six Paths tried to struggle for a while to confirm that the seal was strong enough, and then turned to glance at Yuu Uchiha.

He recognized this face, it was Uchiha Yuu, the descendant who attacked him and his brother and sealed himself.

The Immortal of Six Paths lowered his eyes and asked in a low voice: "First time meeting?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said, "Yes, it's the first time."

"The Sage of Six Paths I saw last time was not you, and the Uchiha Yuu you saw...wasn't me either."

The Immortal of Six Paths pondered in silence for a long time before he asked: "What time period was I sent to?"

Uchiha Yuu replied with a smile: "This time and space is the year 52 of Konoha. This year happens to be the day when your two sons boarding schools, Namikaze Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, enter the ninja school."

"They're entering school two years earlier than they should be because they were born two years earlier."

The Sage of Six Paths' eyes widened. He was not surprised that Yuu Uchiha knew the information about his son. After all, this was the guy who could successfully attack him.

But he actually knew his plan for the birth time of his sons. This was a secret that only existed in his own heart. Even his younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura didn't know.

Even such a secret is known by the other party, which proves that the other party is really capable of traveling through different times and mastering the history of the future.

No matter how hidden the secret is, it is also a fact that truly exists in the ninja world, and it can only be temporarily hidden as time goes by.

The Immortal of Six Paths snorted coldly, closed his eyes in silence, and even lowered his head.

No matter how Uchiha Yu spoke and stimulated him, he would no longer respond.

Uchiha Yuu tried his best to talk, even if he threatened to liberate Kaguya Otsutsuki, he didn't get any response.

It was as if the Sage of Six Paths had died and turned into a corpse without consciousness or awareness.

Uchiha Yuu was not disappointed, the communication failure was already expected.

This is the Sage of Six Paths Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the true behind-the-scenes chess player in the ninja world. He has a kind face but a ruthless hand, a long-term vision and never loses his determination.

When he realized that he had no chance, the first thing he did was to ensure that the enemy would not get any benefits, and at the same time he refused to give up hope of survival.

Therefore, extreme passive resistance is a method that suits His needs very well.

If the Sage of Six Paths doesn't give Uchiha Yu any feedback, he won't be able to convey any effective information.

As long as Uchiha Yuu is not willing to kill him, he can continue to live and wait for a miracle to come.

Because there must be a Six Paths Immortal in this time and space. As long as he lasts long enough, there is a chance that the Six Paths Immortal will discover his existence.

As for what will happen between the two Sage of Six Paths after they are saved, that is a matter between the Sage of Six Paths and has nothing to do with the descendant of Uchiha Yu.

But the Sage of Six Paths thought wrong. Faced with the Sage of Six Paths pretending to be dead, Yu Uchiha showed a cruel smile, because he felt that there was no reason not to be willing to kill him.

This is a question of thinking. In the Six Paths Immortal's understanding, the concept of time and space has not yet been included in the calculation.

He, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, is of course very precious. There is only one person in a time and space, and he is completely gone when he dies.

However, in the world of the ninja world, there is a Sage of Six Paths in every parallel time and space. Parallel time and space are not the only ones, and the Sage of Six Paths is certainly not the only one.

As long as the information about the Six Paths Immortals can be obtained as quickly as possible, it will help capture more Six Paths Immortals. For this purpose, it is very cost-effective to kill a few Six Paths Immortals.

So He died.

The sealing formation used by Yu Uchiha to imprison the Sage of Six Paths was very complex and strong, and it took a full year to complete its construction.

With Senju Tobirama as the commander-in-chief, Yuu Uchiha launched the construction of the Sea of ​​Trees with a scale of 100,000 people. He also mobilized the entire sealing team of Konoha Village and 4,000 sealing ninjas to make sealing scrolls.

After spending so long and mobilizing so much manpower and material resources, not only did the sealing array reach the solid limit of ninjutsu and senjutsu, but more importantly, a super-large high-energy particle-generating sealing array was integrated.

Driven by the energy of the dragon vein, the lead block in the sealing array is heated until it evaporates, and then the lead metal is further heated until it is ionized, and finally the protons are separated by magnetic escape.

The protons gathered to form a proton stream, which circled the outermost layer of the sealing array for two hours, accelerated to the limit under the influence of the strongest magnetic escape ninjutsu, and then bombarded the silent soul of the Six Paths Sage.

If it were an ordinary person's soul, it would only need one blow to completely collapse, turn into scattered and chaotic information, and eventually disappear into the sealing array.

But Otsutsuki Hagoromo was completely different. Regardless of whether he wanted to die or not, the essence derived from the Otsutsuki clan made his soul burst out with powerful power to resist the impact of the proton flow.

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Yuu concentrated on observing the cloud chamber, looking greedily at every steam line that appeared, and carefully recorded the time, speed, length, diameter and other data that appeared.

This is the proton trajectory reflected by the soul of the Sage of Six Paths. Every minute data reflects the way the souls of the Otsutsuki clan react to the proton bombardment.

The Immortal of Six Paths was angry, and he stared at the two greedy guys with splitting eyes.

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Yuu, those who blasphemed the ancestors, if you can be free again, your souls will be captured and suppressed in the pure land.

No, how can it be just repression?

He wants to build a hell under the pure land and torture the souls of these two bastards.

Ten thousand years of torture, ten thousand years! !

Otsutsuki Hagoromo was vicious and secretly swore a poisonous oath in his heart.

It’s not that He is not calm enough, it’s that it hurts too much!

As we all know, descriptions of pain are often expressed in terms of whether it penetrates deeply into the body. For example, as the old saying goes, pain that penetrates the bone marrow is the deepest level of pain.

And what the Six Paths Immortal is encountering now is a direct attack and damage to the soul, causing pain on the soul.

This is truly painful to the soul!

Even if he knew that his mother killed someone to create Bai Zetsu, even if he saw his favorite girl being used as material, Otsutsuki Hagoromo had never hated someone so much.

My mother has never hit me so painfully! !

As long as there is a chance, I will definitely kill you, definitely! !

The souls of the Otsutsuki clan are extremely special and contain the highest-level secrets and technologies of the Otsutsuki clan. Under normal circumstances, they are immortal.

Even though Otsutsuki Hagoromo is a second-generation Otsutsuki, he still inherited all of his mother's specialness and has uncompromised abilities.

Although His body is dead, His soul is immortal.

But nothing is absolute.

The tenacity of Otsutsuki's soul gradually began to wear away under the persistent bombardment of heavy particles, just like a bluestone slab struck by water droplets.

Many people don't know that the water droplets can penetrate the stone is not a physical effect, but a chemical effect, so there is an unstoppable effect of the waterdrops penetrating the stone.

The proton flow's impact on Otsutsuki Hagoromo's soul is similar to a drop of water piercing a stone, except that it is not a chemical reaction, but a nuclear reaction.

In every impact, there are always some protons with tricky angles that directly hit the information particles at a vertical angle.

The vertical angle coupled with the proton's speed approaching the speed of light, the Coulomb repulsion is not enough to resist the impact of the proton, eventually causing the information particle to undergo a nuclear reaction.

The fusion of light element information particles and lead protons generates brand new protons.

The heavy element information particles were smashed into pieces by lead protons, and nuclear fission occurred to generate a large number of messy particles.

But in any case, the original information particles no longer exist, and the souls of the Otsutsuki clan have become frayed.

At the beginning, the scale of wear and tear was not large, and Otsutsuki's soul had enough redundancy to repair the damage, which created an illusion for the Sage of Six Paths: the proton flow could only make him feel pain, but could not harm his life.

As everyone knows, the feeling of pain itself is the most basic and primitive sense of danger in life.

Wherever there is pain, there will be death.

Even in the painful torture day after day, the pain from the soul did not weaken at all, and there was no possibility of numbness. Otsutsuki Hagoromo couldn't bear the torture, and he actually had the idea of ​​seeking death.

Then he discovered to his horror that he seemed to have lost part of his memory.

Despite the constant pain and the most rigorous self-examination, Otsutsuki Hagoromo confirmed that he had really lost part of his memory.

Through the correlation of other memories, he was able to confirm that he had lost part of his memory, but he did not know exactly what was lost.

This not only means that the lost memories cannot be recovered, but also means that the soul of the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagororomo begins to disintegrate.

He was afraid.

Although the Sage of Six Paths has been dead for hundreds of years, what died was not all of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, just a body that was damaged due to practicing celestial arts.

His soul is still an immortal existence, and has even appeared to be truly biochemical, and has been promoted to the level of the Blood Succession Snare without a body.

This was the reason why Immortal Six Paths dared to plan to seal his mother for the second time.

But now something unexpected happened. His immortal soul suffered real harm from his descendants and encountered a fatal threat.

After truly feeling the approach of death, Otsutsuki Hagoromo could no longer maintain his composure.

He became angry and cursed the two descendants crazily:

【Thousand-hand Tobirama! Uchiha Yuu! Damn you! ! 】

Slowly, the curse of the Sage of Six Paths spread to the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan:

[Damn the Thousand Hands Clan! The Uchiha clan deserves to die even more! 】

Finally, He cursed even Asura and Indra's two sons:

[You two idiots, you can just fight on your own. Why did you give birth to such dangerous offspring? 】

In the end, the Immortal of Six Paths did not even let himself go:

[I’m such a fool. Mother’s lesson is right in front of me. Why would I give birth to two troublemakers? 】

With endless resentment and hatred boiling like a volcano, amid the endless curses, the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo died.

His soul was completely decomposed and turned into disorderly information particles after disintegration.

With the help of the huge sealing array, Uchiha Yu and Senju Tobirama collected information particles and found real and effective information among these scattered information.

Although this information is not systematic and mixed, it is impossible to restore the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan.

But this information is extremely true, and there is no cover-up of the information about the Otsutsuki clan.

After all, the encrypted functions covered in layers of Otsutsuki Hagoromo's soul were the first functional areas to be destroyed.

The core of Otsutsuki Hagoromo's soul is not pure, and is still full of dense encryption systems, but after all, the normal functional areas occupy the vast majority.

When normally functioning information particles were disintegrated by lead protons, Otsutsuki Hagoromo's most secret information was revealed.

With this information, the two crazy researchers were finally able to truly peep into the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan, instead of being unable to see anything clearly in the clouds and fog like before.

It was precisely because they got the real information that Uchiha Yu and Senju Tobirama were frightened.

Senju Tobirama's face was as white as his hair, but he forced himself to jokingly say: "Why, they are all beings at the level of the Blood Successor Snare. What are you afraid of, Yuu Uchiha?"

"You can't be afraid, we in the ninja world are counting on you to protect us."

Uchiha Yuu's mind is now full of chaos, including inspiration from seeing the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan, resentment from not being able to see the full picture of Otsutsuki, and also fear from vaguely seeing the huge outline of the enemy.

His feelings and fears far exceed those of Senju Tobirama, because he has also been promoted to the blood successor snare level, and can understand some of Otsutsuki's secrets to some extent.

If Tobirama Senju was the first assistant in the agricultural era, Yuu Uchiha was the one who had just entered the steam age. They also saw the aircraft carrier in the electronic age, but the impact they felt was completely different.

Both of them felt great fear, the kind of heartfelt fear that overwhelmed them when facing an enemy that was too powerful to resist.

Fortunately, they are all very outstanding leaders and will not be directly overwhelmed by fear. They also have unyielding flames of anger in their hearts.

Just come, aren't they the Otsutsuki clan?

Senju Tobirama: If you can't beat him, you will die. What's so scary?

Yuu Uchiha: If you can't beat me, just deal with it slowly. I will win one day!

Senju Tobirama was not afraid of death, and he had no idea how to survive, so he broke the jar and got rid of his fear.

On the contrary, after Uchiha Yu got rid of his fear, he was entangled with an inexplicable loneliness that he couldn't let go of.

After seeing the heritage of the Otsutsuki clan, he felt as if he had returned to his previous life, when his fathers were completely impoverished.

Watching Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong go to the sky and into the sea, Rabbit is still working hard to polish the basic heavy industry, cutting his own flesh with a pair of scissors day by day, and has suffered for three generations.

But it was also an era full of hope and ideals. The word "comrade" between each other was not the customary name later, nor was it the disgusting variant of the new century.

Under the leadership of the great leader, the fathers supported each other and made great strides on the road to national rejuvenation. The dream of rising again inspired everyone.

At the last moment of memory, Rabbit has returned to the center of the world stage, standing on the threshold of returning to the world's number one, and it can even be said that victory is right in front of him.

Having had such an experience, Uchiha Yuu was naturally able to realize that the terror of the Otsutsuki clan was only temporary.

Although their power is comprehensive, they have not made any progress over the millennia, and they are not even as scary as the energetic Eagle Sauce.

Uchiha Yu has full confidence in winning the final victory, and counterattacks the Otsutsuki star, destroying the Otsutsuki clan.

But he also knew that in this long war, the only one he could rely on was himself.

First of all, the Otsutsuki clan is not the Six Paths Sage. It is a huge organized and hierarchical race, and it requires great strength to be hostile to them.

The most suitable ones are high-level beings like Uchiha Yuu who have achieved the Blood Succession Snare level.

For example, Otsutsuki Hagoromo is a suitable guy, but it's a pity that he is Uchiha Yu's enemy and is not even suitable to be won over by a united front.

Organizations with endless stamina such as Konoha Village and Cat Castle can also play a huge role in the war, but they can only be regarded as allies, not as one of their own.

This includes young Uchiha tribesmen who have joined the Tiger Force, and even Uchiha Shisui who has been educated by Uchiha Yu since childhood.

They were influenced by Uchiha Yu in terms of outlook on life, but there were still decisive differences, and there were no conditions for becoming gay yet.

Only the nine-tailed cat sage Miwa Masashi is Uchiha Yuu's own, but her relationship with him is too close. They are Taoist companions, family members, and a haven for the soul.

As the saying goes, too much is too little, the long straight black lolita and Yuu Uchiha are the same person, and they are not like-minded people.

Uchiha Yu can only rely on himself, so the loneliness that comes from it is difficult to resolve.

But the strong are always lonely. It was precisely because the ancient kings and emperors realized this that they would call themselves "widows" or "lonely" in a self-deprecating way.

With a deep sense of loneliness, Uchiha Yuu and Senju Tobirama cooperated to deal with the funeral affairs of the Sage of Six Paths.

This is a very serious job, and no information particle can be allowed to escape, otherwise it may be discovered by the Six Paths Immortal of this time and space.

If Otsutsuki Hagoromo knew about the existence of parallel time and space, and knew that he was killed by Uchiha Yu in parallel time and space, he would definitely abandon all scruples, ignore the intimidation of the Divine Emperor, and set off huge waves in the ninja world.

In other words, he will directly start the Fourth Ninja War and promote the process of annihilation.

Otsutsuki Hamura's strength is limited and he is unable to push the moon into the world and restart the ninja world with water, fire and wind.

But Otsutsuki Hagoromo can really do it.

He not only has enough strength, but also has the courage and determination to achieve it, and even has the practice of destroying the world once.

When Kaguya Otsutsuki was sealed a thousand years ago, Otsutsuki Hagoromo was able to ignore the existence of civilians during battle and beat the ninja world to pieces.

He takes it for granted that it is his responsibility to save the apocalypse, but the sin of causing the apocalypse belongs solely to his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Faced with such a ruthless person, Uchiha Yuu and Senju Tobirama naturally dealt with the debris carefully. They did not want to fight to the death with the Sage of Six Paths in advance just because of their own casualness.

That's just not worth it.

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