I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 105

Artemis and Apollo, who were born to Leto, the goddess of the night.

Hermes, born of Maia, the goddess of wind and rain.

Dionysus, the god of wine, born of Semele, princess of Thebes.

The hero Perseus was born to Princess Argos.

Heracles, the great hero who also gave birth to Alcmene, the princess of Argos.

And Amphion, king of Beit, born to Antiope, daughter of the river god Asopos.

Aiacus was born to Aetina, the daughter of the river god Asopos.

Rhadamandis, Minos, Sarpedon by the Phoenician princess Europa.

Hero Polydeuces, born to Queen Leda of Sparta.

There is also King Lykia who seemed to be born with Princess Lykia.

Because of the absence of those goddesses and women, Zeus was not able to create them.

But thinking that he had so many children, Zeus couldn't help thinking of a joke.

A brick was dropped from Olympus, and one out of 10 people who hit it was the son of the god king Zeus.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, to some extent, it is really irrefutable.

"...Then I will leave the rest of the matter to you. I need to leave Olympus and find those goddesses to help me create the gods of Olympus."

Although a little reconciled, the goddesses above Olympus knew that they could not stop Zeus

"Understood, then this Olympus will be handed over to us."

Hera said to Zeus in front of her infinitely tenderly, now Hera only wants to be Zeus's good helper, even if she doesn't have the name of queen, but Hera is also silently helping Zeus handle everything in Olympus.

"This is what I gained from going out this time. If you are interested, you can learn it."

Countless streamers appeared in Zeus' hands.

Those streamers are the knowledge about the study and use of the small universe.

"Small universe?"

The gods of Olympus were a little surprised after absorbing the knowledge given by Zeus.

Because they can all feel that this power called the small universe is really tailor-made for them.

In the past, they could only rely on laws to attack, or direct physical attacks.

But now that there is a small universe, their attack methods have become more diversified. Although they cannot directly improve their mastery of laws, they can also greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

"There is also Hephaestus, you study the issue of making divine clothes, and create suitable divine clothes for the gods of Olympus."

"Please rest assured to educate me, I will definitely present the most perfect divine clothes to you, Father God.".

Chapter 212

The golden humans of the previous era were destroyed by Cronus, and Prometheus received the order of Zeus to recreate new humans and spread them all over the world of Olympus.

Prometheus mixed the mud with river water and made dolls according to the ruler of the world, that is, the gods of Olympus. Then Prometheus gave life to those dolls, and he The two characters of good and evil were extracted from the souls of those animals and sealed in the chests of those humans.

In this way, the first batch of human beings created by Prometheus appeared in this world of Olympus, but for a long time these human beings did not know how to use their limbs to walk at all, they could only walk like Wriggling on the ground like a caterpillar.

After a long time, these human beings have finally learned to use their limbs to walk, but they can't see, hear but not hear, and walk around aimlessly. They don't even know how to use the soul bestowed on them by God, and they don't know how to build houses. They don't know how to use the fur of wild animals to make clothes. They are like ants dormant in caves without sunlight, unable to detect the coming of spring and autumn, and what they do is meaningless.

After seeing this situation, Prometheus taught these people to observe the rising and setting of the sun, helped these people invent numbers and words, and taught them how to calculate and use words to exchange ideas, and also taught these people How domesticated animals share their labor.

As a prophet god, Prometheus mastered all kinds of skills. He taught these individuals everything he knew, such as divination, and guided those individuals to mine ore and forge weapons to protect themselves.

The gods of Olympus also noticed these newly born humans, and Hera sent Athena to the world to observe these individuals.

They wanted to know whether these people were different from those in the previous life, but soon, Athena discovered that these people were no different from those in the previous life, dull and blind.

But it is also possible that because these individuals were created with talents, Athena thought that these individuals should still have the opportunity to change.

After Prometheus met Athena, Athena now asked the gods to protect these human beings.

Athena looked at the newly born humans and hesitated for a moment, then replied to Prometheus: "If you can convince Hera."

Prometheus was very happy. Prometheus believed that the human beings he had created would definitely win the favor of God, and he would definitely be able to convince Hera.

Therefore, Prometheus began to teach these individuals how to respect God, and he asked those individuals to worship the gods and worship the gods.

Zeus didn't interfere in these matters, and Zeus almost didn't care about these trivial matters at all.

In his previous life, Zeus watched the sky from a well, thinking that there is nothing greater than himself in this world, so Zeus indulged in pleasure.

But now Zeus knows that there is the super god Kronos above his head, and the goddess of definite number Ananke, and he still has an existence that must be surpassed, so what Zeus wants now is how to improve his strength. Once your strength has improved, you can have whatever you want.

Athena reported to Hera about human beings, and after discussing with other goddesses, Hera decided to meet with Prometheus in person to talk about human arrangements.

Hera requires those human beings to worship and worship the main god of Olympus, and to offer a white bull with horns painted gold to Olympus every month.

Prometheus agreed without any hesitation.

In Prometheus's view, it is the right thing for human beings to worship and worship the gods, and it is not a problem to worship a white bull whose horns are painted gold every month.

However, Prometheus also made a request, that is, the gods must not interfere with humans, they only need to protect humans from being destroyed by those monsters in the Olympus world, but they cannot interfere with the internal affairs of humans.

Prometheus would never have imagined what happened next.

Because of how much trouble this one request of mine has brought to myself and to mankind.


At the same time, Zeus was also wandering in the mythical world of Olympus, looking for those goddesses, and those goddesses used their own bones and the blood of those goddesses to create new gods.

Of course, those human princesses hadn't been born yet, so Zeus didn't look for those human princesses, but those goddesses.

Soon Zeus completed what he had to do.

Just when Zeus was about to return to Olympus, Zeus discovered that traces of humans began to appear on the land of the Olympus world.

Zeus knew it must have been done by Prometheus.

Zeus ordered Prometheus to create humans.

Zeus wanted to see if these humans would still be like those in his previous life, so Zeus did not return to Olympus but stayed in this world to observe those humans.

After Prometheus and the gods of Olympus made an agreement, they returned to this world soon, and continued to teach these individuals how to survive.

But it hasn't been long, and these individuals soon ran out of food due to various reasons.

But even so, human beings still have to make offerings to the gods of Olympus in the sky every month.

This is the agreement between Prometheus and the gods of Olympus.

For these human beings who are short of food, what this cow represents is that they can replace human beings to do a lot of labor.

A terrible thought arose in the mind of Prometheus, that is to deceive the gods of Olympus.

Let humans keep the bulls they worshiped to the gods of Olympus, and then deceive the gods of Olympus by creating false offerings by themselves.

Prometheus wrapped the bones of a bull that had been eaten because of an accidental fall, wrapped it in butter, and enshrined it to the gods of Olympus.

But what Prometheus didn't know was that everything he did fell into the eyes of Zeus. .

Chapter 213

Zeus watched all the things Prometheus did with cold eyes. Prometheus had already done this kind of thing in his previous life.

At that time, in order to punish Prometheus, Zeus withdrew the last thing necessary to be given to mankind, which was the fire of civilization.

If a civilization does not have fire, then that civilization will not develop, and it will definitely not be able to continue. It can only live a life of drinking hair and blood.

And this forced Prometheus to steal the fire, and in the end Prometheus was locked on the rocks of the Caucasus Mountains, suffering the pain of vultures pecking at his liver every day.

Prometheus handed over the cow bones wrapped in butter to Olympus as a tribute. The reason why Prometheus dared to do this was because Prometheus knew that the gods didn't need it at all- eat.

The tributes handed over to Olympus end up with nothing but rot.

However, Prometheus never expected that something he thought to be foolproof would go wrong, and what Prometheus did was directly exposed by Athena.

The gods of Olympus seem to have known that Prometheus would behave like this, the gods of Olympus have already set a trap for Prometheus, just waiting for Prometheus Si jumped in by himself, and as a result, Prometheus really jumped into the trap foolishly.

Looking at Prometheus, the gods above Olympus said to Prometheus: "Prometheus, you violated the agreement of the gods, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this?"

Prometheus pleaded guilty with a wry smile, trying to deceive the gods. In the era of Cronus, this was enough for Cronus to imprison Prometheus in Tartarus.

"I am willing to accept any punishment."

Prometheus confessed to the gods.

"Look, Prometheus, you tried to deceive the gods. We should have called you into the abyss, but you helped Zeus defeat Cronus at the beginning, so the merits and demerits are equal. This time we will not hold you accountable for deceiving the gods." things."

Hera said to Prometheus, and Prometheus raised his head to look at Hera in surprise, and then said with conviction, "Thank you for your tolerance."

"But Prometheus, you remember this kind of thing. Remember that you are a god, not a human being. Don't let those personalities affect your judgment."

"I will keep your teachings in mind."

The gods of Olympus left Prometheus left Olympus.

Prometheus sighed and returned to the human tribe.

It didn't take long for Prometheus to discover one thing. Human beings not only reduced their food because of the arrival of autumn, but also because there were not enough warm conditions for the arrival of winter. Most of these individuals would be frozen to death.

After this incident, Prometheus immediately thought of a solution.

That is the flame!

But only the gods of Olympus can use flames, and humans cannot use flames without fire.

Hera's warning sounded in Prometheus's mind.

But looking at the starving and freezing human beings he created, Prometheus felt unbearable in his heart, so Prometheus finally did a stupid thing.

That is stealing tinder.

Prometheus Steals Fire!

Only gods can use flames, so even if Prometheus wants to steal fire, it is very difficult.

There are only a few who can really have flames, Hephaestus, the god of fire, Hestia, the god of the stove, Hyperion, the sun god, and Helios, the sun god.

Soon Prometheus thought of how to get the fire.

There are many ways to obtain tinder, but there are only a few.

And the best way is to get it through the sun god.

Because neither Hephaestus, the god of fire, nor Hestia, the god of the stove, could give Prometheus the fire.

Because of the previous deception, Prometheus knew very well that the main gods of Olympus had a bad impression of him.

It became more difficult for Prometheus to get the fire.

And Zeus watched Prometheus' every move from beginning to end, and everything Prometheus did was under Zeus's watchful eye.

· ·Ask for flowers 0 ····

However, Zeus did not stop Prometheus, because the wisdom of Prometheus and the prophetic ability possessed by Prometheus, the prophetic ability of Prometheus is very useful to Zeus, Western God Unlike the oriental mythology system, which is good at deducing secrets, you can know the next development trajectory through deduction.

The only similar thing is the prophecy. As if Uranus predicted that Cronus would be overthrown by his own children, Prometheus is also very good at prophecy.

In other words, Prometheus can see a corner of the future.

This is something that even the God of Time may not be able to do.

After all, if the god of time can really see through the future, how could the super god Kronos allow Zeus to grow up.

......... ... ...

So Zeus is very greedy for this ability to see the future.

But there is only one Prometheus Godhead, and Zeus will not take it forcibly from Prometheus, but if Prometheus himself makes a mistake, then Zeus can deprive Prometheus of his priesthood and Godhood, and then get this The ability to see into the future.

Don't say that Prometheus followed Zeus to overthrow Cronus's hard work and the like.

Not to mention that overthrowing Cronus was basically Zeus's own efforts, and Prometheus chose the camp the most.

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