I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 149

Compassion and pity and so on did not exist at all for Zeus.

"It's almost the right time, we should go to the underworld to meet those demons."

Zeus lowered his head towards Li Zevim on the ground, and Li Zevim's head immediately fell into the space crack!

"Then let's go too."

Zeus said that when he is pulling Orpheus, he can also walk in the space crack.

The next moment Zeus and Orpheus appeared above the underworld.

"It seems that you are trying to challenge me?"

"We have one more thing to ask you before we fight you."

Suzeks looked at the piece of Lizevim's head that fell on the ground.

"If you are asking about the head, then I can answer you. I just killed this guy. I came to this world to kill this guy, and I just came to play games with you."

Zeus' gaze slowly scanned these individuals, and then his next gaze was fixed on Zeus, the Olympian king of this world!

Watched by Zeus' eyes, all the hairs of Zeus in the world of Devil's High School stood on end, and a wordless fear suddenly spread.

But at the next moment, looking at his body that lost his head, Zeus from the Demon High School realized that he was already dead. .

Chapter 303

"It's because there are too many Zeus like you that have caused my reputation to be victimized again and again. Obviously, I am abstinent, and I have no interest in goddesses, and of course I am even less interested in men. And your actions have caused my reputation to be compromised, so pay it back with death."

Looking at the world of Demon High School, Zeus' head fell directly to the ground, and everyone's pupils shrank. They didn't realize how Zeus shot.

"how is this possible!!!"

Zeus in the world of Demon High School, his strength is also a transcendent, but the result is only such a moment, even before everyone can react, his head has already fallen to the ground, ~ so dead that he can't be here died.

"Okay, then let's start-start our game."

Zeus looked at the gods present - said.

"There is no need!"

The God of the Bible looked at Zeus calmly and said, it is completely unnecessary!

At this moment, they don't know that they pose no threat to Zeus at all. Their existence is no different from ants to Zeus.

Zeus can easily kill Zeus in their world, so naturally he can easily kill any one of them present.

"So you are planning to sit and wait for death with nothing."

Zeus looked curiously at the God of the Bible, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Do nothing because it's useless and unnecessary, and you won't destroy the world."

Zeus looked at the God of the Bible and snorted, "That's why I hate people like you."

"From the fact that you beheaded Li Zevim, it seems that you will not destroy this world at all. In other words, it doesn't matter whether the individuals we are present live or die. If you want to kill us, we can't escape, so why waste your time."

"Want to sneak away in front of me, who gave you the courage."

Zeus said suddenly, and the next moment, with a scream, Hades, the god of the underworld, directly cools down, stepping into the fate of Zeus in this world.

"So you know what? I'm very upset that you interrupted my game, and you can't afford the price that the person who upset me has to pay."

Looking at the god of nerves who thinks he is smart, Zeus sneered, and then it seemed that a river appeared in the sky in the next lesson, and then Zeus reached into the river and raised a cluster of water splashes.

Then the water splash fell to the ground and turned into dead strong men one by one.

"As the price of your own cleverness, there is no need for this world to exist!"

The God of the Bible and other gods changed their expressions!

"Sa, let's start, use your blood and lives to please me!"

Standing high on the top of the clouds, looking down at the strong men below, Zeus looked at those strong men in the demonic high school world with eyes like ants.

"Infinite Dragon God, are you going to watch him destroy the world?"

The face of the God of the Bible changed. Who knew that such a twists and turns would happen to what he thought he was sure of winning? Now the God of the Bible has the urge to regret. He regrets that he is too confident and thinks that he can grasp the psychology of Zeus. !

The God of the Bible was sure that Zeus would not destroy this world, so the God of the Bible was confident and allowed Zeus to do it, but who knew the result, it turned out like this!

"Originally you didn't have to die, but now, if you want to resent, you should resent the God of the Bible. Who told him to be smart."

"The Chiryuutei of all dynasties, as well as the White Dragon Emperor of all dynasties, as well as the hosts of artifacts and gods, plus the demons, angels, fallen angels, Valkyries, and gods of all ages, I don't know if you can get them all Get wiped out."

Zeus's cold words directly let everyone understand one thing, this world is over!


Originally, Zeus was not prepared to do such a thing, but the God of the Bible was too self-righteous, so Zeus killed 99% of the strong people in this world.

Didn't the God of the Bible affirm that Zeus would not do anything to the world of Demon High School?

Then Zeus did the opposite. Not only did Zeus do it, but it was Ragnarok directly!

This wave of operations by Zeus directly caused more than 99% of the gods and demons in the Demon High School to die directly!

Even if there are still alive, there are only two or three cats, big and small. It is absolutely impossible to revive it without tens of thousands of years!

· ·Ask for flowers 0 ····

The most unlucky ones are those mythical systems that have no way to increase the population!

The direct thing is to be wiped out.

For example, demons have reincarnation pieces, angels have angel reincarnation pools, and fallen angels can supplement it as long as angels fall.

Their situation is much better than other mythological systems, and they can restore their power the fastest, but other mythological systems. .

The worst thing is the Asan mythology system.

It was supposed to be the strongest mythology system in the world, but it turned out, because this time it was directly wiped out by the group. There is really nothing more miserable than this.

But even so, the three major forces of biblical mythology are not much better!

......... ... ... ... ...

In this battle, all the transcendents died so badly that they couldn't die anymore, and now the strongest ones are only the devil level.

There is only one Serafur left in the underworld, and there is only one Gabriel left in the heavenly world. Oh, there is no one on the fallen angel side, and the strongest fallen angels on the other side are only the fallen angels of the upper demon level!

The God of the Bible thinks he is smart, but makes all the mythological systems suffer together!

It can only be said that the God of the Bible is really stupid.

The original Zeus did not intend to kill the other gods except Zeus of Olympus, but the resulting God of the Bible thought he was smart.

Juwang Town.

Rias and Chitori Sona, as the new demon kings of the underworld, came to see Zeus.

"How about this is the end of the matter?"

Shitori Sona looked at Zeus and asked!

"Don't worry, although I'm 100% dissatisfied with what happened this time, no matter what, I won't go back on what I said."

Hearing what Zeus said, Jitori Sona and Rias were both relieved.

In any case, Zeus is willing to stop here and stop here, which is a blessing in misfortune for them!

"Actually, you should blame the God of the Bible. If it weren't for the God of the Bible to be smart, basically no one else would have died this time except for Zeus in this world."

Rias and Shitori So's expressions became very complicated.

"Are you ready to leave?"

Shitori Sona suddenly asked Zeus! Four.

Chapter 304

As the god of love and beauty, Aphrodite's most intuitive manifestation is Aphrodite's crazy worship of love and beauty!

and fanaticism.

Aphrodite has a beauty that no one can match the goddess of Olympus. This is the embodiment of being the god of beauty!

But Aphrodite's love has not been reflected. In Olympus mythology, Aphrodite and many male gods had dewy love affairs. This is the embodiment of Aphrodite's love!

But because of Zeus, Aphrodite's original expression of love was 10 points restrained, which led to Aphrodite's crazy admiration and love for Zeus!

Everything that happened in the previous life before rebirth is nothing, Zeus can satisfy all Aphrodite's concept of love!

But now after being reborn, Zeus directly treats Aphrodite as garbage, which directly leads to a paranoid change in Aphrodite's love for Zeus.

Now Aphrodite has a crazy attachment to Zeus.

Aphrodite wants to be favored by Zeus, no matter what, she wants to be loved by Zeus, and Aphrodite will give everything for this!

So even if what is blocking Aphrodite now is a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, Aphrodite will definitely not back down half a step.

Moths to the flame are just like this!

No one knew about Aphrodite's madness.

All the goddesses of Olympus left soon, and they all have their own things to do now!

In the temple of Zeus, Zeus looked at the godhead that represented the lust of lust condensed in his hands!

Zeus can devour everything, but for Zeus, Zeus generally does not use this ability, at least not for intelligent and conscious beings!

Because the target devoured by using this ability will affect Zeus!

Typhon, the ancestor of all demons before, and this time, Lust Asmodeus, one of the seven original sins, Zeus just browsed their memories after devouring them, and spit out their godheads after that!

So it didn't affect me!

Zeus didn't want to become a split personality anytime soon.

Open the chat group!

Jupiter: "@Goddess Athena, you should pay attention at that time. I got some news from one of the seven original sins, lust Asmodeus, and I know that the seven original sins have sneaked into the Olympus mythology system World, I infiltrated one of the seven original sins, Lust Asmodeus, in a world, and you may also infiltrate the seven original sins demon gods on your side!"

Goddess Athena: "Ah, I understand, I will let the saints be careful!"

Jupiter: "It's useless to be on guard. Just be careful yourself. It doesn't matter if something goes wrong with the rest of the people. As long as you, as a member of the chat group, have nothing to do, even if something goes wrong, at least You have to support it if we chat group members support you."

I want to be an empress: "Jupiter is so warm, protect the best Jupiter!"

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: "Hey, hey, can you not look like this, please be normal, please?"

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: "Jupiter, don't pay attention to Lin Qingqing, I am your number one fan, please find me if you are a fan."

Hui Ye of the Sigong family: "Xia He, you are enough, driving in the chat group every day."

God's Tongue Erina: "I have made a new dish here, do you want to try it?"

Jupiter: "Please give me a copy, thank you."

I want to be Zhao Gao: "Please give me a thank you."

Zhang Junbao: "Please give me a thank you."

Nightmare: "Please give me a thank you."


The maid of the Roswaal family: "I always feel that Rem's status in the group is getting lower and lower!"

Ganwumei: "Everyone in the group is a boss except me."

I want to be Zhao Gao: "No matter how you look at it, I am the lowest in the chat group, and you are the bosses."

Dagu turned into light: "..."

Dagu said that he had something to say, but he didn't dare to say it!

Queen of Fengdu: "It seems that the one above has now realized his status in the group, which is very good."

For the glory of the God of the North: "Above, your horse is gone."

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