I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 168

"When you get close to vermilion, you get red; when you get close to ink, you get black. Isn't that what human beings are like?".

Chapter 341

Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. The original golden humans are no longer pure, and the current golden humans have also changed.

So you will never know what kind of changes will happen to the life of human beings!

Zeus originally placed these golden humans in Atlantis, but these golden humans are obviously not satisfied with just staying in Atlantis.

These golden humans also go out, and those golden humans who go out can still maintain their purity after coming into contact with the silver and bronze humans outside?

Obviously not, the golden humans who are close to vermilion, those who are close to ink are like a piece of white paper, and this piece of white paper is immediately dyed with colorful colors after getting close to those humans. There is no difference between these golden humans and silver bronze humans.

Keisha looked at Zeus.

"These golden humans should disappoint you 10 points, so what are you going to do next?"

At first, he looked at Zeus meaningfully and asked.

"What do you think I am going to do, or what do you think I should do?"

Zeus knew exactly what Kesha was thinking, and he just wanted to know how Zeus would treat these golden humans, and whether he would directly choose to destroy these golden humans.

Perhaps for Keisha, by judging what Zeus did to these individuals, he can understand and know whether Zeus can accept justice and order!

When Keisha came here, she actually wanted to check whether Zeus conformed to the order of justice of the angels.

After all, if the justice and order that Kesha insisted on collapsed because of joining Olympus, then Kesha would rather not join Olympus.

"As I said before, the only thing that can destroy human beings is human beings themselves. Most of the gods just stand aside and watch these human beings destroy themselves with their own eyes' 〃."

Hearing what Zeus said, Keisha smiled wryly. Although she said it was ruthless, Keisha couldn't find any reason to refute.

"So this time you plan to let these individuals open Pandora's Box by themselves?"

Zeus looked at Keisha when he heard this.

"What do you want to do after asking so many questions, or what exactly do you want to ask?"

Zeus looked at Kaisha in front of him with bright eyes!

Keisha smiled but did not answer Zeus's question. Keisha knew that Zeus knew what he meant by asking.

Seeing that Kesha didn't answer, Zeus glanced at Kesha and said calmly, "If it were someone else, I wouldn't bother to bother so much. Do you know why I am so patient with you?"

Keisha pinched her chin with her left hand, and held her left hand with her right hand as if she was thinking seriously. After a while, she suddenly realized and said to Zeus: "You are greedy for my body."

"I'm serious with you. If you're joking with me, I won't bother to talk to you."

Zeus rolled his eyes and said to Kesha.

Keisha chuckled, and then said to Zeus: "Well, I can't guess why you are so patient with me, but it must be because of my specialness."

Although Kesha said that she couldn't guess why Zeus treated her differently, and she was very patient, but this did not prevent Kesha from thinking that Zeus was because of her specialness.

"You are right, you are very special, and what makes you special is that you are an angel. Soon I will start a battle of the gods against the Christianity. At that time, your identity as an angel may bring me some meaning." Unexpected benefits."

"I see."

After hearing Zeus' explanation, Kaisha suddenly realized that it was because of her identity as an angel.

"This is really regrettable. I originally thought that you would be greedy for me and Hexi's bodies, but it turns out that you are only because I am an angel."

Zeus looked at Keisha with a slightly strange gaze.

"Have you noticed that you seem to have changed, and your character settings are almost completely broken."

"I am who I am, and I am not a role set by anyone. I also feel tired, and sometimes I want to cry. I also hope to have a shoulder to lean on."

Keisha said there was some nostalgia in her eyes.

"Don't you want to know if something happened to me after I was taken away by Hua Ye? Then I can tell you, no, after I was taken away by Hua Ye, it was Hexi who rescued me halfway. That was also the first time Hexi and I met."

"... Later we realized that we had to stand up against Hua Ye. If we didn't resist Hua Ye, Hua Ye would take away all our chances of survival!"

"So I led Hexi, and my sister Liangbing, together we created the initial resistance army, and finally overthrew Hua Ye's Tiangong order step by step. During this period, I also hoped that I could get someone to rely on, It's the ultimate I can only rely on myself."

"So now you want to find someone to rely on for yourself?"

"What? Do you find it strange?"

"Of course I find it quite strange. If you want to say that I haven't seen the Super Seminary and don't know the character of Queen Kaisha, then I don't think there is anything wrong, but now I always feel very inconsistent!"

"You're just an old woman, and you're a little bit excited. Of course, the premise is that you must meet my mate selection criteria. Otherwise, even if I have a good impression of you in my heart, unless you use force on me, otherwise, you can't even think about it." I."

Look at Keisha's proud look.

Zeus' words directly shattered Kesha's pride, and at the same time made Kesha extremely embarrassed.

"Say it as if I really mean something to you."

Zeus' words directly made Keisha's face stiff.

Then Kesha looked at Zeus with a stiff face and said: "I want to have a figure, a good appearance, and a temperament. Although the strength is not as good as those of the main gods of Olympus, it is in the world of super gods. I deserve to be the strongest, why do you look down on me."

"This sentence is very interesting, why should I have a crush on you.".

Chapter 342

Keisha, the king of the gods, the strongest person in the known universe of the Super Seminary, a proper rich woman who wants to hug her thighs and eat soft food without knowing how many dicks.

But in the end, Zeus actually looked down on Keisha.

This is very angry.

"So you still don't want to be sentimental."

Keisha remained silent with a livid face, looking at Zeus as if he wanted to kill someone.

Zeus didn't care either.

After smiling, he looked at Keisha and said, "So where are you going to take a look next?"

"What to look at, don't look at."

When Zeus heard what Kesha said, he didn't think that Kesha was acting on her own will!

"It looks like you've made up your mind."

"I agree to join Olympus, but if Olympus violates my order of justice, then I will choose to withdraw and leave, and you will not be able to stop me at that time."

Hearing Keisha's request, Zeus directly vetoed it.

"There is only one kind of person who can leave Olympus."

Zeus didn't say who that kind of person is, but Keisha understood what kind of person Zeus was talking about.

Zeus was talking about the dead, and those who want to leave Olympus can only be the dead.

"Aren't you worried that I will refuse directly?"

Kaisha frowned when she heard what Zeus said. Originally, Kaisha thought that Zeus would agree, but Kaisha didn't expect that Zeus would refuse!

"Although I can lie to you at this time, and lie to you that I can allow you to leave at that time, but my pride will not allow me to do so."

"And my creed is also very simple. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish."

"Are you really not worried about my rejection at all?"

"It doesn't matter. To be honest, the reason why I want you to join Olympus is just an attempt. I don't know if you can really be useful in the subsequent battle of the gods."

Keisha felt a little speechless, how much this Zeus in front of her underestimated herself.

But Kaisha couldn't refute it. Although Kaisha's strength is said to be the strongest in the Super Seminary, but in this Olympus world, it is not right for the 12 main gods of Olympus to just take out a Kaisha. opponent.

So although Kesha felt a little aggrieved, she was completely unable to refute what Zeus said.

"I don't have the right to refuse, right? So what godhead are you going to give me?"

Keisha said this sentence, which means that Keisha has compromised.

"You can choose a godhead yourself."

"What if I want the top godhead?"

Looking at Keisha, he laughed loudly: "As long as you think you are worthy, so what if I give it to you."

Zeus now has several top-level godheads in his hands, namely the godhead of definite number Ananke, the godhead of time from Kronos, and the godhead of earth from Gaia, the god of the abyss. Abyssal Godhead of Tartarus.

So as long as Keisha dares to speak, then Zeus dares to give it.

"Forget it, I hope to get the wisdom godhead."

"Are you sure you are the godhead of wisdom?"

Zeus's eyes became a little weird, looking at Kaisha in front of him, his eyes seemed to be asking Kaisha directly, do you think you are worthy of using the wisdom godhead?

Kaisha's expression was a bit ugly, and she said to Zeus with a dark face: "I plan to hand over the wisdom godhead to Hexi, so it's okay to look like this."

Hearing Kesha’s words, Zeus had a look of enlightenment. If it was handed over to Hexi, then Zeus would understand. Hexi can almost be said to be one of the smartest people in the Super Seminary. If the other party gets What kind of change will it be if the wisdom godhead is acquired?

"I can give you the godhead of wisdom, and in the same way I can let you choose a godhead that belongs to you."

"What about the conditions?"

Keisha asked subconsciously.

"If I said to have a beautiful woman alone for one night, would you agree?"

The expression on Keisha's face suddenly became exciting.

"I will refuse."

"Then I will give it to you for free. This is an investment for you. I also want to see if Hexi has the ability to make the technological world of Super Seminary more perfect, and even achieve what I expected." kind of degree."

"To what extent do you expect?"

"Capture the rules of heaven with scientific means, reduce dimensionality and strike, and turn a world into points and lines."

Keisha almost subconsciously wanted to say that it was impossible when she heard what Zeus said.

But then he thought of the Godhead of Wisdom, if Hexi got the Godhead of Wisdom, would it be possible to change all this?

Seems to be okay?

"No need, just give me a wisdom godhead."

Keisha shook her head and rejected Zeus's kindness.

However, Zeus said to Kesha: "The entire chat group has its own godhead. If you don't want it, how long do you think it will take you to become the bottom of the chat group?"

"Since you don't speak up yourself, I'll give you a choice."

Two six-diamond godheads appeared in Zeus' hands.

"The Godhead of Wisdom is given to Hexi, and the Godhead of the God of War is given to you. It will become the sword in my hand and help me overcome obstacles."

"Do you want me to swear to you? An angel's oath?"

"You can be sure that you are still in the mood to joke with me at this time. At least you are in a good mood so far."

"Naturally, after all, I got a godhead for nothing, didn't I?"

"We should go back, otherwise, you will really be isolated by the rest of the chat group."

Zeus took Keisha back to Olympus, and then Zeus went to the goddess of Olympus to pick up the female chat group members, and then went to Apollo and Ares to take the chef and them These male chat group members were picked up.

"Then prepare the banquet."

Hearing what Zeus said, Erina and Xiaodang's two people suddenly showed eager expressions on their faces!

Banquets are the home of cooks like them.

With Erina and Xiaodang's two people doing their best, the preparations for the sumptuous banquet were soon completed.

This time not only the gods of Olympus participated in the banquet, Zeus also specially invited Atalanta and Medusa to participate.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the members of the chat group reluctantly returned to their own world.

PS: Thank you 186***290 for the 4200 point reward! .

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