I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 259

Although it is said that the chances are very slim for so many of them to fight for the first place, Zeus has already promised to agree to any request of them, so that means them. . .

The thought of these individuals present here almost trembled with excitement.

"Then you can make preparations. Next, I will start building the city of the gods, Orario."

"Then we won't bother you. If you need our help, please tell us directly. It is our duty to build the city of the gods, Orari."

In order for Zeus to complete the construction of all living beings as Oraris as soon as possible, and to become the first family member of the city of the gods Oraris faster, all the goddesses present hope that Zeus will build the city of the gods as soon as possible. Larry set it up.

Because only when the city of the gods, Orari, is established, can they compete for the name of Orari's first family.

Then put forward your own request to Zeus!


The Holy Son came to the world, and the human beings in the original world were directly cleaned and formatted by Zeus. At this moment, the world has become a blank, and everything needs to be recreated by Zeus himself.

But for Zeus, this is not too difficult. With Zeus's strength, it is not a problem at all to create this world into the world he wants.

In the palm of Zeus, this world seems to have become a drawing board.

Zeus drew the same thing after another.

The Babel Tower of Babylon appeared, and then Oraris, the city of the gods, appeared, and then Oraris, the city of the gods, appeared in the palm of Zeus little by little.

"All the gods are Olalie, appear here."

Then Zeus divided the world into various countries where countless myth systems are located, Gao Tianyuan, the Asa Protoss, the Desert Protoss, and the Biblical Mythology Protoss!

Countless myths have appeared in this world!

"Then it's over!"

Countless divinity was thrown into this world by Zeus, and countless gods were born from it.

Orario, the city of the gods!


Countless gods were also born.

Then the next ones are humans and various other races.

Zeus thought of Mount Penglai Huiye, and then Zeus opened the door to the world of Mount Penglai Huiye.

Seeing Zeus appear in front of him, Penglai Shanhuiye showed a happy expression on his face, but then Penglaishan Huiye's expression changed.

"You smell like a woman."

After finishing speaking, Mount Huiye gritted his teeth and looked at Zeus in front of him, Zeus looked at Huiye Penglai with some amusement: "I didn't expect you to be able to smell it, but I underestimated you Yes, but..."

Looking at Mount Horai Kaguya in front of him, Zeus did not expect that Mount Horai Kaguya's nose was so sensitive.

"Who is that woman, I want to know who I lost to."

"A woman who can be guarded by others."

There is no doubt that Mash is a woman who can be protected by others. Otherwise, why would FGO be able to lie to Krypton.

Penglai Shanhuiye gritted his teeth unwillingly, and didn't ask where he was inferior to the other party, because this would only make Penglaishan Huiye look even more embarrassed.

Zeus looked at the calm Mount Penglai Kaguya, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes!

"I thought you were going to question me, but I didn't expect..."

"Because if I question you like this, you will be very disappointed, right?"


"Your growth has not disappointed me, so those monsters are ready."

"It's ready, you can rest assured."

"It did pretty well this time."

Looking at Mount Penglai Huiye in front of him, Zeus said lightly.

"Then should you give private rewards?".

Chapter 521

Zeus was quite surprised, he didn't expect Penglai Shanhuiye to ask for a reward from himself.

"A reward."

After thinking for a while, Zeus took out a Gouyu and handed it to Penglai Shan Huiye.

"I think this one Gouyu should be enough as your reward."

This Gouyu was obtained from the Moon City when Zeus bloodbathed the Moon City. It seems to be the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, an artifact in Gao Tianyuan's mythological system!

Zeus thought it would be good to collect it at the time, so he put it away, and now it happens to be used as a reward for Mount Penglai Huiye.

"You should know that this kind of reward is not what you want privately."

"But the problem is that I don't want to give you other rewards, you just accept what I give you, understand?"

"What a disgusting man."

The beauty Bo Nu has a special style, if it were any other man who saw Penglai Shanhuiye's appearance, he would be hooked away by Penglaishan Huiye.

But it's a pity that Penglaishan Huiye met Zeus, except for the woman he was interested in, no matter how beautiful the rest of the women were, Zeus would not have any heartbeat, this is Zeus.

"Now you just make me feel a little bit interesting, and it's far from reaching it. Let me pamper you."

Zeus raised Horai Shanhui's chin with his index finger, looked at Penglai Shanhuiye in front of him and said flatly!

Penglai Shanhuiye pursed his lips.

"Sooner or later, I will let you bow down under my pomegranate skirt."

"Do you remember why you wanted to seduce me in the first place?"

After hearing Zeus' question, Penglai Shanhuiye couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but soon, of course, Shanhuiye remembered that the reason why he wanted Zeus to bow down under his pomegranate skirt was entirely because of Penglai Shanhuiye I want revenge for everything that Zeus has done to me.

But now. . .

Mount Penglai Kaguya has already forgotten what is the real purpose of attacking Zeus that he wants!

"So, should I bow down under your pomegranate skirt, or you surrender to me' 〃?"

Zeus spoke meaningful words, and Penglai Shanhuiye's complexion turned blue, red, purple, purple and black, and finally he snorted coldly and looked at Zeus and said, "Even if it's a private loss, but that's not enough. how?"

"No, if you lose, it means that all the initiative is in my hands."

"It means that you don't have any bargaining chips when I'm here!"

After Zeus finished speaking, he left directly, but Penglai Shanhuiye's face gradually became gloomy.

"There is nothing you can't get if you want it privately."

Mount Penglai Kaguya did not believe that with his own charm, Zeus was really not attracted to him.

"Don't you just want to see the embarrassed side of yourself? So how about as you wish?"

Baiyi Yonglin looked at the appearance of Penglai Shanhuiye, and sighed helplessly. At this time, Penglaishan Huiye was completely no longer the Penglaishan Huiye that Baiyiyonglin knew before. up!


"Yonglin, you don't need to persuade me, I know what I'm doing."

Penglai Shan Huiye knew what Baiyi Yonglin wanted to say without listening to Baiyi Yonglin speak, so he directly interrupted what Baiyi Yonglin wanted to say.

Bayi Yonglin took Penglai Shanhuiye's appearance, sighed and didn't continue talking.


Throw those monsters into every corner of Olalie's world and let them reproduce by themselves.

Zeus took a look at the continent of Olalie, and later found that there were still some things lacking.

Opened the chat group.

Jupiter: "@Roswaal's maid, is it convenient for me to go to your world? I plan to buy some subhumans in your world and throw them into Orario."

The maid of the Roswaal family: "There is no problem at all. You are welcome, Jupiter, as a guest at any time."

Nightmare: "Allah, Jupiter, do you want to try and bring the elf back?"

Jupiter: "That's not necessary, what I need is a life that can be called a race, not an individual life!"

Suddenly Zeus remembered something.

Jupiter: "@Mapleu, has anything changed in your world?"

Zeus almost forgot that Maple's world will merge with the game world, and now he doesn't know what's going on!

Maple: "In the past, there seemed to be some rumors that some game players brought the skills in the game to reality, but these rumors seem to have disappeared recently."

Jupiter: "...then you have to pay attention to it. This shows that your world has begun to merge with the game world. You may not know when monsters from the game world will eventually appear in your world, so For the safety of your family, you still need to pay attention."

Maple: "Yeah, I'll let Sally know."

Jupiter: "By the way, let me know if your world starts to merge, and I will go to your world to catch some monsters and throw them into the dungeon."

Dagu turned into light: "This is your real purpose, Jupiter, right?"

I want to be an empress: "If you can't speak, don't open your mouth, otherwise it will appear that your emotional intelligence is very low."

For the glory of the Northern God: "Master Jupiter, the Athena of our world, the bear has long thighs, you just think about it."

Goddess Athena: "Thor, the god of thunder, I suspect that you are trying to make things difficult for me, Athena."

Jupiter: "Thor, what kind of benefits did you take from Athena, and pimp Athena in your world like this every day?"

For the glory of the God of the North: "How is it possible, I have considered all of this for Jupiter's sake, and I have absolutely no selfish motives."

Jupiter: "Forget it, although Athena in your world is not bad, she is obviously a little worse than other goddesses."

For the glory of the God of the North: "It's a pity if this happens!"

Seemingly unsuccessful in pimping Athena, Thor has some regrets.

Jupiter: "Rem, now I'm going to your side."

The maid of the Roswaal family: "Rem has already made her sisters and the others prepare for Jupiter.".

Chapter 522

Roswaal's house.

Rem, Ram, and Emilia were all waiting for someone to arrive, and as a space door appeared in front of them, Rem's face suddenly showed a touch of joy.

Then, watching Zeus walking out of the door automatically, Rem walked forward proactively.

"Welcome to the world Jupiter."

Zeus nodded slightly, then looked at Ram and Emilia beside Rem and said, "Long time no see, Ram and Emilia."

"Long time no see, Your Highness Jupiter."

Ram saluted Zeus in front of him with a slight longing on his face.

Emilia on one side is looking at Zeus!

"Thank you very much for your help. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of my own way now."

"You don't need to thank me. This matter has nothing to do with me. If you want to thank me, you should thank Rem. In fact, Rem did everything for you."

After Zeus finished speaking, he looked at Rem.

"Rem, take me to buy some sub-human slaves, and I will take them away later, and I can set them free, the least among Orario, and let them live as ordinary people, not as a Slave 150."

"If that's okay, I have one thing I want to ask Your Highness Jupiter, is that okay?"

Emily suddenly had an embarrassed expression on her face.

"Tell me what it is."

Zeus was also somewhat curious about Emilia's request.

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