I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 266

Although the number of Hakoniwa Chuji is not many, it is definitely not a handful.

Shiroyasha bit his thumb and miscalculated.

Perhaps the gods of olympus will directly seek the protection of the buddhist sect, after all, the buddhist sect is the real giant in this little garden, although white yasha doesn't need to worry about the buddhist sect at all now...

But if possible, Bai Yasha still doesn't want to have any conflict with Buddhism.

After all, what Zeus said was very clear. Even the two-digit Shakya Tathagata in Little Garden is just the spokesperson of Buddhism. No one knows whether there are other giants behind the scenes of Buddhism. boss.

So Bai Yasha thinks that he should be more cautious and make no big mistakes!

In the past, Shiroyasha thought that he could go anywhere in the world, but after seeing the power of Zeus, Shiroyasha knew very well that he was just a stronger ant.

Seeing Bai Yasha's appearance, Bai smiled and said: "Don't worry, the dead will not come to trouble you."

"And Buddhism will soon be in trouble."

"You plan to attack Buddhism."

"Didn't I tell you? I came to Hakoniwa to test Hakoniwa, so do you think I will not fight Buddhism?"

Hearing what Zeus said, Shiroyasha gasped and looked at Zeus and said, "Is there really no problem?"

"What's the problem? Even if my clone is wiped out, it's not a big deal to me. 0.5."

Shiroyasha suddenly looked at Zeus.

"Could it be because of me that you took action against Buddhism?"

When Zeus heard what Bai Yasha said, a half-smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Do you think you deserve it?"

If it were before, Shiroyasha would definitely be furious to death, but for some reason, now Shiraiyasha is very calm when he hears what Zeus said, because Shiroyasha knows it very well!

"You still lied."

Looking at Zeus in front of him, Shiroyasha's gaze was full of joy, and he was still lying that Zeus was going to deal with Buddhism for himself!

While looking at Bai Yasha in front of her, is there something wrong with this woman's brain?

Brain broken? .

Chapter 535

Zeus said from the beginning that he was here to test Little Garden, so it was natural to attack the giant Buddhist gate in Little Garden.

But what is going on with this brain circuit of White Yaksha?

But Zeus didn't bother to explain, Bai Yasha could drip it as he liked, Zeus didn't bother to care anyway.

It's just that Zeus really couldn't understand these women.

It can only be said that if you envy a woman in love, your IQ will become negative!

Even if it is Bai Yasha, an old woman who is already n years old, it is the same.

"Then when do you plan to do it, and do you need my help?"

"No, if you do it, it will only become a burden to me."

If it were the same as before, Shiroyasha would definitely have a lot of resentment towards Zeus because of this sentence, and even take a shot at Zeus, even if he can't beat Zeus, he still has to take advantage of it verbally.

But the current White Yaksha has no such idea at all.

On the contrary, Shiroyasha thought that Zeus was protecting himself. If Zeus knew about it, then Zeus would definitely die laughing.

After Zeus saw that he had said such things for 11 days, Bai Yasha still looked like a nympho. Zeus couldn't help but wonder if he should open Bai Yasha's head first to see if there was something coming out of Bai Yasha's head. What's wrong?

"Don't worry, if I need anything, I can speak up even if it's dangerous."

Is Bai Yasha really treating himself as a tool man?

Zeus couldn't help but look at Shiroyasha in a daze!

What the hell!

On the other hand, I have to say that Zeus really guessed right!

Those gods of Olympus went directly to Buddhism, obviously wanting to take refuge in Buddhism!

After all, the compatibility of Buddhism has to be admitted as the best among all sects, and it can accept everything.

It can be said that all comers are not rejected, and it is precisely for this reason that Buddhism can develop and grow rapidly.

But the same also caused good and bad in Buddhism!

The original Buddhist Zeus thought it was pretty good, guiding people to be good, very good, no problem.

That was later, it gradually became inexplicably turned into putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately. A group of monks who didn't know the so-called put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately. Can be forgiven!


I forgive you MMP. After I hacked your whole family to death, I sincerely repented. Can you forgive me too?

Therefore, the reason why Zeus does not have a good impression of Buddhism is entirely because this reason accounts for the majority!

Then there is what those Buddhist ascetic monks were like in ancient times, and what are those so-called eminent monks in Buddhism like today?

Glossy face, fat head and big ears!

However, it was precisely for this reason that Zeus suspected that Buddhism might have been usurped of authority.

It was as if Zeus usurped Yahweh's Christian authority in the past, and it is very likely that the current situation is similar!

Sure enough, within a few days, a news came from Little Garden, that is, the Olympus myth system in Little Garden was directly merged into Buddhism!

However, with the occurrence of this incident, Zeus noticed a little bit of a problem, that is, after the Olympians in the Little Garden were merged into Buddhism, Zeus felt as if something had been taken away by him. Man was taken away.


Such a word appeared in the mind of the inexplicable Zeus.

The box garden built by Buddhism is likely to exist for the purpose of seizing luck. Once any myth system in the box garden is merged into Buddhism, the luck carried by the myth system will be plundered by Buddhism. , the most direct manifestation is the Jiejiao in the Romance of the Gods!

Buddhism just took advantage of the luck of intercepting religion, so it took advantage of the situation to rise!

"It looks like I have to do something about Buddhism."

Originally, Zeus didn't want to do it so quickly. With Zeus, he may have realized the true purpose of Buddhism, but now Zeus has to do it, and the Olympus myth cannot be merged into Buddhism.

Before the Olympus mythology system is completely integrated into Buddhism, Zeus must kill all the Olympus gods in the Olympus mythology system in Little Garden and destroy the plan of Buddhism, otherwise Zeus is very likely to Lose this part of your luck.

Although Zeus still doesn't know what the purpose of this thing is, after reading so many novels, Zeus still understands that luck should be closely related to himself and it is very important.

The gods of Hakoniwa were still shocked by the fact that the Olympus mythology system was incorporated into Buddhism, another news directly shook the entire Hakoniwa.

Those gods who were incorporated into the Olympus mythology system of Buddhism were all killed, and no one survived!

This is not bad, this is slapping Buddha's face naked!

If the venue for this matter is not brought back, what face does Buddhism have to dominate the Little Garden!

Therefore, Buddhism directly issued a reward, who did this thing!

It's just that except for 160 White Yaksha, it is impossible for anyone in Hakoniwa to know who did this.

Of course Kasukabe Yō also suspected that it was Zeus, but he didn't take it to heart!

Whether it's Shirayasha or Kasukabe Yao, it's obviously impossible for them to betray Zeus!

Therefore, those gods of Olympus are doomed to die without confrontation, and no one in Little Garden will be able to detect who killed them.

What can be said from the Buddhist side is that from now on, everyone will think that the other party is the murderer who killed the gods of Olympus!

Of course, their first suspicious target was Bai Yasha, after all, Bai Yasha was too eye-catching!

With Shiroyasha's current strength, it is not a problem to kill the gods of the Olympus mythology system without anyone noticing, and there are not many people in Little Garden who can do this.

However, Shiraiyasha was exactly among their suspicious ranks.

And the gods of Olympus had conflicts with Shiroyasha before, so Shiraiyasha was directly approached by Buddhism!

Looking at Di Shitian Bai Yasha in front of him, he sneered and said, "Do you think I killed those scumbags in Olympus?"

Di Shitian looked at Bai Yasha in front of him and said very calmly: "After all, only you have such a motive."

Chapter 536

"Don't say I didn't do it, even if you say I did it, what are you going to do? What can you do with me?"

Di Shitian raised his brows when he heard Bai Yacha's words. He always felt that Bai Yacha was a little too arrogant, but when he thought of Bai Yacha's strength, Di Shitian didn't care, Bai Yacha had arrogant strength!

"It's best that you didn't do this matter, otherwise this matter will not end so easily. We will never let the murderer who killed the gods of Olympus go."

"Hehe, it sounds like your Buddhism is really invincible in this small garden."

Di Shitian didn't argue with Bai Yasha on these issues, and looked at Bai Yasha: "I hope this matter really has nothing to do with you without your participation, otherwise, even if it is you, you will definitely die."

Di Shitian looked at Bai Yasha with a very serious expression, which made Bai Yasha's pupils shrink slightly.

"Then I take my leave."

Zeus didn't appear until Di Shitian left.

"It seems that Buddhism really has some hole cards."

Shiroyasha said to Zeus who appeared.

Hearing what Bai Yasha said, Zeus couldn't help but sneered: "Idiots know it, otherwise why would Buddhism become the giant in the Little Garden, and the Heavenly Army is the private soldiers of Buddhism, isn't that enough to explain everything?"

Bai Yasha couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, he almost lost his temper and gave himself an earbud, how could he be so stupid!

Are you talking nonsense?

If we don't have any hole cards, how could we become the giants of Hakoniwa!

"Need me to help you find out what is the hole card of Buddhism?"

"It's not necessary. It doesn't matter what the hole cards of Buddhism are. For me, we are just a sharpening stone. And no matter what cards we have, as long as I make a move, then Buddhism will definitely be exposed."

After Zeus finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yasha: "As long as you don't cause me any trouble."

"I promised you that I wouldn't do anything, so I won't do anything, but don't forget that other people don't necessarily have to be like me. Kasukabe Yao won't listen to you like me. .”

"Are you trying to sow discord?"

Zeus said to Bai Yasha playfully, the words Bai Yasha said had the meaning of sowing discord.

It can even be said that Shiroyasha is obviously telling Zeus that Yō Kasukabe will ruin you!

"Whatever you want, I just said what I wanted to say."

Zeus smiled faintly.

Although Shiraiyasha didn't have any expression on his face, he secretly became nervous in his heart. The Shiraiyasha just now did have some intentions to sow discord.

It was directly seen through by Zeus.

"I'll talk to Kasukabe Yao about this matter, as for you."

Shiroyasha's heart suddenly became aroused, because Zeus's gaze made her feel as if she had no secrets in front of Zeus!

"It's ridiculous to play such a small trick in front of me. Remember, don't do it again."

White Yaksha did not speak, which meant silence, but Zeus understood the meaning of White Yaksha, which meant that he had understood.

"Then I won't stay here, so as not to be exposed in time and implicate you, you are still useful in Little Garden."

After Zeus said that, he left, and Bai Yasha showed a relieved expression after Zeus left!

Anyway, Shiraiyasha just now was almost scared to death!

I was afraid that if Zeus said something bad, like you disgusted me, White Yaksha felt that he might go crazy!

On the other side, Buddhism seems to have suddenly quieted down, no longer looking for the murderers who killed the gods of Olympus.

This made Zeus feel something was wrong.

But Zeus didn't act rashly, because Zeus always had a bad feeling in his heart.

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