I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 295

Chapter 595

Others don't know about Shiroyasha, but how could Kasukabe Yao not understand Shiroyasha, not to mention that Kasukabe Yao has already read the novel "Problem Children", what's more, Kasukabe Yao and Shiroyasha are in the same world, and came into contact with Shiroyasha There are also many opportunities.

Therefore, Kasukabe Yō knew exactly what kind of person this Shiroyasha in front of him was.

To put it bluntly, the White Yaksha in front of him is an old man who counts every step as ten steps!

Maybe you are the one who has to help Bai Yasha count the money after being sold by Bai Yasha.

That's how it is, so Kasukabe Yo can be said to know everything about Shiroyasha, so it is precisely because of this reason that Kasukabe Yao doesn't believe that Shiroyasha really doesn't have any desire to compete for the first family of Orari idea!

To put it bluntly, Shiroyasha has the same covetous heart towards Zeus. To put it even more harshly, Shiraiyasha is a guy who is 11 times evil, so it is absolutely impossible for Shiraiyasha to just let it go like this, and it is absolutely impossible for him to remain indifferent Watching other people scrambling for life and death but staying out of it, it's impossible, it doesn't exist, Bai Yasha will definitely get involved!

But the question now is how exactly Bai Yasha plans to get involved. Whether it's holding a gift match or doing other things, the things Bai Yasha has done recently seem to be just taking advantage of others in the end!

"As long as I don't directly announce my participation in this kind of thing for a day, you have no reason to attack me. In this way, I can do what I want to do. Once I do, then the whole of Europe must be destroyed." Larry will be watching me!"

"Oh? Really? So what's your plan?"

"Although I have self-confidence, I am not a fool."

"Also, the words I said here today have caught my ears. Even the goddesses you told him are useless. As long as I express my attitude one day, then they will not be able to attack me!"

Kasukabe Yō naturally knew about this matter, even if he told the other goddesses of Olympus about this matter, those other goddesses would not take action against Shiroyasha!

This is the reason why White Yasha is so confident!

As long as Bai Yasha doesn't make his position clear for a day, then if any of these goddesses offends Bai Yasha, then Bai Yasha can openly help other people to beat him, and this is trouble!

Kasukabe Yao understood, but Kasukabe Yao had no choice but looked at Shirayasha in front of him and said, "As expected of a wily old fellow!"

"It's useless to just use this kind of tongue-in-cheek!"

Kasukabe Yō ignored Shiroyasha!

"This matter will not end like this, just wait!"

Shiroyasha didn't take what he said to Kasukabe Yao at all!

"If I remember correctly, the situation of the family you developed seems to be not very good at this time. It is a bit miserable to be targeted by those goddesses of Olympus, right?"

"I can help you!"

Without waiting for Kasukabe Yao to speak, Shiroyasha directly said to Kasukabe Yao that Shiroyasha can help Kasukabe Yao solve the problems of those Olympus goddesses, and even help Kasukabe Yao's family get out of the predicament, all of which are no problem , as long as Kasukabe Yao can pay the price, in the current situation where no one wants to have an enmity with Shiraiyasha, those goddesses of Olympus will sell such a face to Shiraiyasha!

Kasukabe Yao pondered for a moment, then looked at Shirayasha and asked, "What do you want!"

It is impossible for Shiroyasha to help Kasukabe Yao for no reason, so naturally Shiroyasha must have something to ask for, but what does Shirayasha want?

"I've taken a fancy to a member of your family, how about handing him over to me!"

Hearing what Shirayasha said, Kasukabe Yō seemed to understand everything.

Looking at Shiraiyasha in front of him, he said, "You guy originally wanted to do this kind of thing. Aren't you afraid of becoming the target of the whole Orario?"

"If I dare to do this kind of thing, I will naturally not worry about it. In a word, whether you agree or refuse, just give me a word!"

Kasukabe Yao snorted coldly, but fell into thinking, should he agree or refuse?

It is not a loss to agree to Bai Yasha, but you have to pay for an excellent family, which is undoubtedly equivalent to boosting Bai Yasha's strength, but if you can let yourself open up the current situation, then your family may be able to Take it to the next level!

But in the end Kasukabe Yao rejected Shirayasha's deal.

"I don't trust you, so I refuse your request. According to your character, you may have dug some holes for me, so I would rather refuse you than agree to you. As for the fact that I was rejected by those goddesses I will find a way to solve the problem, so I won't bother you!"

Shiroyasha frowned when he heard Kasukabe Yao's words, this girl is not easy to fool.

In fact, Shiraiyasha is really uneasy and kind.

If Kasukabe 200 Yao agrees, then Kasukabe Yaoke will fall into Shiroyasha's trap step by step.

"Since you refuse, then forget it. I am a very fair and just person. If you don't want to trade with me, I won't force you, as long as you don't regret it."

"The more you look like this now, the more right it is for me to reject you, but forget it, I will not tell the other goddesses of Olalie about this, you are planning to poach their corners, but you Will it be able to withstand the anger of those goddesses of Olalie?"

"Unable to use divine power, those women haha... what can they do to me if they have the courage to do so? It has been very troublesome to find these women for a long time. Now I have such an opportunity. How could you miss it."

Shiroyasha has deep resentment towards those goddesses of Olympus, so naturally he is unwilling to let go of this opportunity!

Hearing what Shiroyasha said, Kasukabe Yao shook his head and didn't say anything more, but Kasukabe Yao had some expectations in his heart. If those goddesses knew that their corner was dug by Shirayasha, I don't know if those goddesses would How to be furious?

There is an inexplicable feeling of anticipation in my heart. .

Chapter 596

There is only one reason why Shiraiyasha held so many gift competitions among Orario, that is, Shiraiyasha wants to select truly outstanding family members.

Bai Yasha didn't want to discover and cultivate the family members by himself, but wanted to poach the corners of the wall, so that the family members cultivated by others could be dug up and used by himself, so why bother to cultivate his own family members?

If those gods of Orari know about Shiroyasha's intentions, then those gods of Orari will never let Shiroyasha go. I'm looking for trouble for Shiraiyasha!

But Kasukabe Yao didn't have such an idea!

The eyes of the gods of Orario are higher than the top, so let those gods of Orarito taste their bitter fruit.

And who made those gods of Orario blind, unable to see through Shiroyasha's actions!

"It's just that nowadays, if members of the family want to quit the family, they need the consent of the master. What are you going to do?"

"Of course I have my way, and you don't need to worry about this matter."

Seeing Shiroyasha like this, Kasukabe Yō couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Could it be that Shiraiyasha found some loopholes in the rules?

He stared directly at Shiraiyasha, as if he wanted to see through what Shiraiyasha was thinking.

But in the end, Kasukabe Yō could only sigh regretfully.

Kasukabe Yao couldn't see what Shiroyasha was thinking!

In the end, Kasukabe Yō got nothing, so he bid farewell to Shiroyasha and left!

After Kasukabe Yao left, Shiroyasha opened the folding fan with a mysterious smile to cover the lower half of his face!

"You're too young to get a cliché from me!"

Is what Kasukabe Yao guessed really guessed by Kasukabe Yao himself?

Wasn't Bai Yasha deliberately leading it?

Kasukabe Yao knew that what he guessed was guided by Shiroyasha on purpose?

Who knows, anyway, except for their own psychology, no one knows what kind of thoughts they have in the struggle between these people and women!


Penglaishan Huiye looked at Metis in front of him with a smile on his face and said, "What can you do for me' 〃?"

"I want you to hand over the ownership of Yakumo Zi and the others to me, on the condition that you can open it at will, as long as it is within my tolerance, I can promise you!"

Metis came to Mount Horai Kaguya this time because of the ownership of Yakumo Zi, Yuka Kazami, Yuyuko Saigyouji, these big monsters are all in the hands of Mount Horai Kaguya!

Although Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka do not belong to Horai Kaguya's family, strictly speaking, Horai Shan Kaguya still has command over Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka!

Penglai Shanhuiye looked at Metis in front of him with a smile that was not a smile!

"What gave you the illusion that you thought I would promise you this thing?"

Penglai Shan Huiye looked at Metis in front of him with great interest!

What gave Metis the confidence that Penglai Shanhuiye would agree to the other party's request?

"In your hands, Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka are simply impossible to display any combat power. It is better to make a deal with me than this. You take away your benefits, and what you lose is doomed to do nothing. Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka and their ownership."

Penglaishan Huiye smiled and looked at Metis in front of him: "Do you think I look like a slut?"

"Of course it doesn't look like it."

"Then you think I will foolishly agree to your condition?!

Metis said to Mount Penglai: "It's not impossible, but it's useless if you continue to hold the ownership of Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi, isn't it?"

"Even if it doesn't have any effect, I can't hand over the ownership of Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka to others. Do you understand me?"

Metis sighed and looked at Penglai Shanhuiye Penglaishan Huiye's firm attitude made Metis a little helpless!

"Is there no discussion on this matter?"

"I asked you to help me become the first family member of Orario, are you willing?"

Hearing what Penglai Shan Huiye said, Metis knew that this matter was absolutely impossible, and sighed softly. Metis looked at Penglai Shan Huiye and said: "If that's the case, then forget it, but I I still want to remind you, be careful of Bai Yasha, this woman is not simple!"

"... You don't need to say more about this point, I know it better than you!"

Horai Shan Kaguya naturally knows more about what kind of character Shiroyasha is than Metis!

Facing Shiraiyasha, if you are not careful, you will be sold by Shiraiyasha and will help Shiraiyasha count the money!

"Since you already know it in your heart, then I won't say more!"

Looking at Metis leaving, a sneer appeared on the corner of Penglai Shanhuiye's mouth!

Penglai Shanhuiye didn't believe that this Metis in front of him would be kind and anxious. The other party just wanted Penglai Shanhuiye to go and Bai Yasha to drag each other back.

These goddesses of Olalie are not simple things!

Even if you know that you will be seen through by the other party, you still want to disgust the other party!

Make the other person feel uncomfortable!

"These goddesses of Orari, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. Kaguya, you want to trample all of them under your feet, but it's not that easy!"

"Yonglin, do you think this matter will be very simple?"

Hearing Penglai Shan Huiye say that, Bayi Yonglin couldn't help laughing awkwardly, indeed, this matter is not that simple!

"However, isn't it interesting because of this appearance? If the opponent is too weak, there is no sense of accomplishment in defeating the opponent!"

But despite saying this, Penglaishan Huiye is not sure of winning. These goddesses from Olympus are not fuel-efficient lamps. Human essence.

Bayi Yonglin seemed to have seen through Penglai Shanhuiye's thoughts, and said comfortingly to Penglaishan Huiye: "Don't worry, we will definitely win."

"With your help, Yonglin, I can indeed say that my chances of winning have greatly increased!".

Chapter 597

It was still the same small village where Zeus looked at him holding a baby in his hands. There was a trace of complexity in Zeus' eyes!

"The previous name doesn't matter anymore, from now on you will be called Bell."

If you identify it carefully, you will find that the baby in Zeus's hand is nearly 7 points similar to Zeus!

This is Zeus himself, or to be precise, it should be Zeus himself before he crossed over!

Turn the self before time travel into a concept and then manifest it.

Zeus originally wanted to adopt an ordinary human being, but in the end Zeus found that those individual humans in this world simply couldn't meet his wishes.

So Zeus made such a choice.

Choose yourself as your own hero template!

As Zeus manipulated the law of time, the law of time quickly made the baby in Zeus's hand grow up slowly!

Zeus put Bell, who had become a teenager, into the house, and then he left the small village.

In Bell's mind, Zeus, as the father who raised him, died in an accident. Before he died, he ordered Bell to go to Olalie!

"So let me see what kind of light you can shine in Olalie 200. I look forward to your performance!"

Zeus said softly, and then the figure of Zeus in the next class has disappeared in this small village!

And after Zeus left, Bell opened his eyes!

"All the gods are Olalie, I will never let you down, father."

Taking firm steps, Bell walked out of this small village and then set off for the city of Orario.

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