I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, Don’t Want to Be a God King Chapter 300

"Okay, but I have another piece of news to tell you. A boy named Bell appeared in Orario. This boy is more than 9 points similar to Zeus."

Kazami Yuka's body paused slightly, and then those scarlet eyes looked at Metis.

Seeing Kazami Yuka's appearance, Metis chuckled: "It seems that he is finally interested.

Kazami Yuka didn't speak, just stood up and then walked outside, watching Kazami Yuka who was about to leave!

Metis said to Kazami Yuka: "Remember your own identities, he is not something you can offend, I think you should already know what will happen if you offend him, and now the rest of the monsters are under my control. Among the family."

Kazami Youxiang paused slightly, but then left without paying attention to Metis.

The corners of Metis' lips slightly raised as he watched Kazami Youxiang leave.

Even if Kazami Yuka is not willing to fight for the Metis family, it doesn't mean that Metis can't help Kazami Yuka become her own combat power.

As the goddess of wisdom, the most primitive and oldest goddess of wisdom, Metis's wisdom is unrivaled.

Even Athena could only plot against Metis when Metis didn't notice.

the other side.

Athena of the Athena Familia also found Yakumo Zi.

It's just that compared to Kazami Yuka, Yakumo Zi's life in the Athena building is a bit difficult.

Although Athena said that she didn't torture Yakumo Zi, she locked Yakumo Zi up.

Walking into a dungeon, Athena looked at Yakumo Zi who was looking at a book with a flat face.

"A human being more than 9 points similar to Zeus appeared in Orario, who do you think this human being will be' 〃."

Yakumo Zi's plain eyes suddenly changed, and she raised her head to look at Athena.

"If you can get the favor of that young man at this time, will there be any unexpected gains at that time?"

There was playfulness in Athena's voice, but Yakumo Zi said to Athena flatly: "What conditions."

Athena would not tell Yakumo Zi these things kindly. Although Athena did not torture Yakumo Zi, Yakumo Zi's life in these years is definitely not easy.

Athena looked at Zi Yakumo playfully and said nothing.

"I, the Metis family, seem to want to let Kazami Yuka get the boy's favor by letting Kazami Yuka out. Do you think I should stop it or not?"

Yakumo Zi's complexion became ugly, Kazami Yuka is definitely the name that Yakumo Zi hates most now.

But this name came out of Athena's mouth, and more importantly, Athena will never make false statements, that is to say, if Yuka Kazami really gets the favor of Zeus, then maybe in the future Kazami Youxiang can gain Zeus' favor by relying on this matter.

This is definitely not what Yakumo Zi wants to see.

"In your mind, is revenge for Kazami Yuka more important, or is it more important to be free, let those monsters live in Olalie like domestic animals? This is what you think about those monsters now, to be honest , if it were me, I would throw you monsters into the dungeon and let you monsters become those monsters in the dungeon."

"Under what conditions are you willing to let me out?"

In any case Yakumo Zi does not accept the possibility of Kazami Yuka taking the lead, no matter what Yakumo Zi will stop Kazami Yuka, no matter what Yakumo Zi will kill Kazami Yuka.

"...It's really a deep resentment. Relying on this kind of resentment, maybe it will make Olalie more interesting. If that's the case, then I'll be a little more accommodating."

"I allow you to temporarily leave the Athena family, but only for 7 days. I will not interfere with what you are going to do during these 7 days. Everything is up to you."

Looking at Zi Yakumo in front of her, Athena smiled meaningfully. Then turned and left.

And Yakumo Zi struggled fiercely on his face.

Then Yakumo Zi stood up and walked out of the basement.

Feel the harsh sunlight. Zi Yakumo, who hadn't seen the sun for several years, couldn't help squinting her eyes.

It took him a while to get used to the sun. Yakumo Zi slowly opened his eyes.

Only two LV8 adventurers Yakumo Zi appeared on the surface of Orario again.

"The wind sees the fragrance."

Yakumo Zi's voice was full of gloom.


The name Dong whispered in his mouth.

Yakumo Zi opened a gap, and then Yakumo Zi walked into the gap.

The reappearance of Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi in Olalie obviously caused huge waves. As Olalie's only LV8 adventurer, Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi are two people. It can be said that it is famous and prestigious.

Over the years, I don't know how many people have joined the Metis family and the Athena family just because of their LV8 adventurer status.

It's a pity that the adventurer only found out after joining the two families that the LV8 family he joined was actually fake! !

To those adventurers, they just want to say: When I finally know the truth, I shed tears. .

Chapter 607

If at this moment, the families of Olalie were to comment on which family is the worst, then there is no doubt that the Metis family and the Athena family are definitely on the list!

No matter how many other families are cheated, there is no such thing as the Athena family and the Metis family. The Athena family and the Metis family claim to have the only two LV8 adventurers of Olari.

But when those rookie adventurers joined the two families, they found out that the two v8 adventurers of Timo were transparent people among the families, and they lived in Cao Ying and their hearts were in Han!

Although it is said that they are restricted to the Metis family and the Athena family at this moment, whether it is Kazami Yuka or Yakumo Zi, the two of them do not belong to the Metis family and the Athena family at all in their hearts!

Even the Athena's family can't see Yakumo Zi at all, and even the members of the family will not discuss Yakumo Zi.

But now these two LV8 adventurers actually appeared in Orario again!

Could it be that the Athena family and the Metis family plan to give up 207 Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi this time?

This way of thinking is not only those uninformed family members, even some gods can't help but think like this!

After Penglaishan Huiye found out about this incident, he immediately summoned Baiyi Yonglin to discuss with him what the hell is going on!

"Eirin, why did you say Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi suddenly reappeared? Does their appearance represent the reconciliation between Athena and Metis?"

"Yuka Kazami and Zi Yagumo are willing to serve Athena and Metis? Join their family?"

Looking at the anxious look of Penglaishan Kaguya, Yayi Yonglin said to Penglaishan Huiye: "Your Highness, don't worry about the sky, Yakumozi and Kazami Yuka are absolutely impossible for Athena and Mo You can rest assured that Tis is serving, what we need to worry about now is actually what Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi will do next."

"But if I'm not wrong, Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka are their targets this time!"

Kaguya Penglai's eyes lit up and he said to Yayi Yonglin: "You mean that Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi are targeting Zeus?"

"To be precise, it's Bell. I think Metis and Athena released them on purpose to test Bell, so don't worry!"

Hearing that Bayi Yonglin's analysis was beyond doubt, Penglai Shanhuiye breathed a sigh of relief.

But then Penglai Shan Huiye frowned again and said to Bayi Yonglin in front of him: "Since this is the case, do we also need to test it out, if we can..."

Seeing that Penglai Shanhuiye seemed to want to die, Bayi Yonglin quickly dismissed Penglaishan Huiye's thoughts!

"My suggestion, Your Royal Highness, is that it's best not to. After all, we can't figure out that person's character. If we disturb that person's interest because of our reasons, I think the loss outweighs the gain."

Penglai Shanhuiye nodded in agreement when he heard Bayi Yonglin's words, and then said with some regret: "If that's the case, then forget it."

Later, Penglai Shan Huiye seemed to be discouraged, and said with some self-pity and self-pity: "It's another man, hehe."

Bayi Yonglin looked at Penglai Shanhuiye and shook her head but didn't say much. Although Penglaishan Huiye's appearance is indeed beautiful, Zeus is not an ordinary person, and it is not so easy to make Zeus fascinated by him.

And even if Zeus and Penglai Shanhuiye have a skin relationship, according to Baiyi Yonglin's guess about Zeus' character, Baiyi Yonglin can feel it.

Even if something happened between Penglaishan Huiye and Zeus, Zeus would not make any excuses for Penglaishan Huiye, and even if Penglaishan Huiye blocked Zeus's way, Zeus would not hesitate Kicked Penglai Shan Huiye away!

Zeus is such a person!

"In that case, let's wait and see."

Except for Mount Horai Kaguya, other people naturally noticed Bell one after another!

It's just that everyone made the same choice.

Everyone just chooses to wait and see what happens!


But in that small village, in the small village where everyone had already left and only Zeus was left, a person suddenly came today!

Hexi looked at Zeus who was sitting on the recliner, and then walked over.

"You are really laid back. The whole Olalie is in a turmoil because of you, but you are enjoying such tranquility here."

Zeus opened his eyes lightly and then looked at Hexi!

"Is there something wrong with you coming to me instead of managing the family well in Orario?"

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

Zeus chuckled, but the meaning revealed in the laughter directly made Hexi's face darken.

The bastard!

However, after taking a deep breath, Hexi looked at Zeus in front of him: "How do you plan to deal with the matter about Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka?"

"You are being used as a knife for others, and the parties are not in a hurry, why do you worry about them?"

"I don't want to be in a hurry, but if someone insists on asking me to come, what can I do, so you can just tell me, the big deal is to unlock a few more poses for you today!"

It can be said that he is directly immune to the words of this old driver. Hexi, an old driver, likes to drive indiscriminately when he has nothing to do!

Seeing Zeus' indifferent appearance, Hexi couldn't help but feel helpless!

"Tell me what you want to do. You created this Olalie and continued to provoke the struggle inside. What exactly do you want to do?"

Zeus still did not answer, indifferent!

"What is there, or what is being conceived, in Olalie's dungeon?"

"If you really want to know, then why not go to the dungeon and take a look yourself."

"I want to go, but do I dare to go?"

He Xi said pointedly.

It's a pity that Zeus is still indifferent! .

Chapter 608

To be honest, seeing Zeus's indifferent appearance, Hexi's teeth really itch, a dog man, after eating and wiping, and then pulling up his pants, he doesn't recognize anyone, right!

At the same time, Hexi scolded Kesha bloody for letting him come here this time.

If it wasn't for Kesha, how could Hexi come here when he was full and had nothing to do? What would become of Olalie had something to do with her, Da Hexi.

So seeing Zeus like this, He Xi snorted angrily and said, "All right, all of you are amazing, anyway, I'm too lazy to take care of your affairs, so do what you like."

Seeing Hexi grinding his teeth, Zeus said calmly: "This matter of mine has nothing to do with you, it's your own fault for insisting on getting involved."

Hexi was already calmed down, but now he exploded with anger after hearing Zeus's words!

"Okay, okay, old lady, my dog ​​and the mouse are nosy."

After He Xi finished speaking, he left in a huff, and Zeus looked at the back of He Xi leaving, and a trace of trouble flashed in his eyes!

Keisha is really meddling, which makes Zeus a little disgusted!

However, Kaisha's wisdom is indeed not to be underestimated. At this moment, Kaisha actually guessed some of Zeus' intentions. If it were someone else, how could he possibly guess it? Queen of Angels-?

This intuition is really sharp enough!

"It seems that I need to find something for Kesha to do. I can't let Kesha keep staring at me. It's better to divert Kesha's attention."

Back in Olalie, Hexi's angry look immediately let Keisha understand the result of Hexi's visit this time!

"If you are a man, if you have anything to do in the future, you can go to Zeus yourself instead of me. If you don't want to go to Zeus yourself, let me take the blame for you, right? You have already guessed it."

Seeing Hexi's angry look, Kaisha sighed softly and said: "You look just right, but you have fallen into Zeus's trap. Zeus is deliberately trying to anger you and let you leave."

"Hehe, from what you said, I seem to have to deliberately make Zeus angry, and then I have to suffer?"

Hexi's resentful words made Kaisha shake her head!

"The reason why I didn't go in person is because I don't want to completely stiffen the relationship between me and Zeus. Now Zeus doesn't have any good feelings for me. If I have a deadlock with him, when the time comes I'm afraid Zeus is going to part ways, you should not want me and Zeus to really get into that situation, so it can only make you feel wronged."

Hexi snorted coldly after hearing what Kaisha said, and then said coldly to Kaisha: "Who makes you feel full and insists on meddling in your own business, even if you save the whole world? Nobody thanks you."

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