I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 348

"I understand that the royal family has reached this stage, and naturally I cannot relax in any way."

Today's royal family, to put it mildly, may sink the royal ship at any time, and the person responsible for all this is naturally the royal governor.

Indecisiveness is the reason why the royal family is like this now.

If it weren't for the royal governor's blind compromise with the royal nobles, those royal commanders would not have taken refuge in the royal nobles, and those royal nobles would not have become increasingly arrogant.

To put it bluntly, it was because the royal governor was too indecisive and always worried about this and that. The royal commanders would not take refuge in those royal nobles because they could not see the future.

"Do you want to go then?"

The dean asked, holding the telegram in his hand that was like an invitation letter.

"Go, why not go."

After taking a deep breath to calm down his mood, the Royal Governor said to Zhan Xian.

"But this time we can't just go by ourselves, we have to go with White Eagle's people. The best thing is to use White Eagle's power to make Chongying and Tie Xue retreat from our hinterland."

The current commanders of the two camps, Zhongying and Ironblood, have not yet withdrawn from the royal port area.

··Request flowers 0·····

Therefore, if those commanders are not allowed to withdraw from the royal hinterland, then the royal family will not feel safe at all.

So this time, in addition to witnessing Zeus becoming the governor of Iron-Blooded and Chongying, it was more about negotiating with Chongying and Iron-blooded.

"Now send a message to Bai Ying, and ask Bai Ying to also send a fleet."

At this moment, the only person the Royal Governor could think of calling for help was White Eagle.

White Eagle's strength is undoubtedly the strongest among all camps, and the ship girls have the most. At the same time, the overall strength of the ship girls is only inferior to Iron Blood.

.. ........ ........

"Bai Ying may not be so easy to talk to. When you cooperate with Bai Ying, you may be swallowed by the other party, even the skin and bones. You have to be mentally prepared for this. What's more, what gives me a headache is Bai Ying's side. And there’s an ace in the hole.”

"Grey Ghost!"

"It is precisely because I have this trump card that I have the confidence to negotiate this time."

The Royal Governor said to Warspite!

"And this time we need you to act together with Gray Ghost. Only in this way can we force the other party to make concessions."

"alright, I got it."

Zhan Xian did not continue to persuade him. In fact, he knew nothing about the political dean, and was even more incompetent than the royal governor in front of him. Therefore, Zhan Xian could only do what the royal governor Zhan Xian said.

I hope the result won't get worse. I feel like things won't be that simple this time.

There was a vague feeling in Zhan Ti's heart. This feeling was that this time the world was going to be in a big turmoil. five.

Chapter 709

White Eagle, as the strongest camp among several camps, they are basically at the top of the pyramid looking down at the other camps below. But all this was broken by the appearance of Zeus.

Baiying's flagship company looked at the invitation in his hand with an interesting look in his eyes.

"Enterprise, are we going?"

The Kitchen Goddess, the nanny of the company, asked the company.

"Of course we are going, and not only is this commander inviting us, the royal side also sent a letter of hope that we can help the royal family deter the two camps of Iron Blood and Chong Ying!"

After hearing what the company said, the female Kitchen God was a little worried and said: "But I always feel that this commander is not simple. The previous commander was just a novice commander on the royal side, but now he has made a leap Now that I have become the governor of Tie Xue and Chong Ying, I want Tie Xue and Chong Ying to form the red central axis."

"It's precisely because of this that I want to take a closer look. If I don't know what kind of person a commander is, how can I feel at ease in my heart!"

In fact, the company has long been curious about the Jupiter commander. This commander was just a newbie who had just graduated, but he suddenly became a royal and iron-blooded governor.

"If this commander is an ambitious person, then I am afraid that the next thing will become very bad. The other party is now the governor of Tie Xue and Chong Ying. If the other party wants to launch a war with Chong Ying and Tie Xue, then we White Eagle will never be able to escape this vortex."

After hearing what the company said, the Kitchen Goddess couldn't help but show a worried look on her face!

"If this is the case, what should we do as a business?"

"Don't worry, there won't be any problem. With me here, even if the commander is an ambitious person, I will never let him disturb the world, let alone calm this world. The sea is disturbed."

Hearing how the company responded to the Kitchen Goddess, she felt relieved. After all, the company was invincible, and this had already penetrated into the Heart of the Kitchen Goddess.

"Enterprise, do we need to bring gifts this time?"

"Just bring some gifts. After all, the other party hasn't shown his ambitions yet, so naturally he can't lose our face. It would be bad if the other party thinks that we are the kind of petty Minato. .”

"But what is Governor White Eagle's opinion?"

"That old man is not very good."

Thinking of Governor White Eagle Enterprise, a look of disgust appeared on his face, a stubborn and extremely arrogant old guy.

In his heart, he has determined that no one can be Bai Ying's opponent. He doesn't take Zeus to heart at all. He looks like he is the best in the world. The company even wonders if the other party has a trick in his head. Otherwise, Zeus can become The governors of the two camps, Chongying and Iron-Blooded, must have the other's superiority, and the other party can now use the power of Chongying and Tagged-blooded camps. Even White Eagle must pay attention to it, but the result is that the other party What is the situation?

An old guy obsessed with past glory!

This is what companies say about Governor White Eagle.

"As a company, it's not okay to speak ill of the headquarters behind your back..."

The Kitchen Goddess reminded the company that after all, the governor of White Eagle is also the nominal commander of all the ship girls in the White Eagle camp.

"ok, ok, I got it."

Hearing the nagging of the Kitchen Goddess, the company said helplessly!

Port Olympus area.


Belfast walked into Zeus's office.

"What's matter?"

"Commander, the White Eagle General Flagship Enterprise sent a message saying that they will come with the Royal Governor to attend the inauguration ceremony of Commander Shige Sakura and the Iron-Blooded Governor!"

"White Eagle Flagship, not Governor White Eagle?"

"Yes, it is the White Eagle General Flagship Enterprise and not the White Eagle Governor."

"If I remember correctly, Enterprise should be the gray ghost known as the strongest ship girl, right?"

"Yes, Commander."

Zeus touched his chin and then said to Belfast: "This is interesting. The one who came to participate was the White Eagle's flagship instead of the White 0.5 Eagle Governor. What does this mean?"

Belfast did not speak!

"It seems that this Governor White Eagle either doesn't pay much attention to me and thinks that I can become the Governor of Iron Blood and Governor of Chongqing just because of my luck."

"Otherwise, all the large and small affairs in the White Eagle camp will be handled by the company, and Governor White Eagle is just a puppet."

Belfast did not speak.

"Belfast, send another invitation letter to Governor White Eagle. I want to confirm whether he is a puppet or whether he looks down on me."

"Yes, Commander!".

Chapter 710

Zeus once again sent an invitation letter, but there was still no response. After confirming this, Zeus finally understood one thing, that is, the White Eagle Governor did not take him seriously at all.


Such a word came out of his mouth!

The more Governor White Eagle despised Zeus, the more interesting Zeus found it. How could such a person become Governor White Eagle? No matter how indecisive the Royal Governor is, at least the Royal Governor will not look down upon him.

He would never look down on any enemy, but as a result, the current Governor White Eagle actually ignored him?

"Guanghui, do you think I am so unworthy of people's attention?"

Zeus had a playful smile on his face!

"Of course not. The reason why the other party despises the commander is just because of the other party's stupidity."

For its own commander, Guanghui repays 100% trust. There is no commander stronger than his own commander in this world. Anyone who despises his own commander is a fool.

"In that case, why do some people still despise me? And facing this kind of person who despises me, Guanghui, how do you think I should treat him?"

"Naturally, let the other party have a good understanding of how big the gap is between him and the commander, and let the other party understand that there is a huge gap between him and you, the commander. He can't even carry your shoes, commander. Not worthy."

Hearing what Guanghui said, Zeus showed a smile on his face and then said: "Sure enough, Guanghui, you can speak. In that case, after I take over as the governor of the Red Central Axis, I will first give the governor of White Eagle some color. Take a look."

There was a smile on Zeus's face, but Guanghui could feel from Zeus' smile that the governor of White Eagle would have a hard time in the future.

"Originally, I was still thinking about whom to cause trouble and who to operate on, but I didn't expect that Governor Baiying actually handed the excuse into my hands. If I didn't accept it, wouldn't I be letting him down? ?”-

"Calculating that the time is about the same, the Sakura and Iron-Blooded ships should also arrive."

From now on, Zeus serves as the governor of the red central axis composed of Chongsakura and Iron-blooded ships, so naturally those Iron-blooded ship girls and Chongsakura shipgirls will fall under the command of Zeus!

When Zeus, the governor, took office, they naturally needed to come to watch the ceremony. After all, Zeus would be their boss from now on.

"According to Javelin patrolling ahead, they reported that Chongsakura's shipgirls have arrived. Iron-Blooded might have to wait a little longer."

"No need, Jiang Feng's side has already said that they have received those ship girls from Iron Blood."

"Then let's wait for those who come to watch the ceremony, but now let's go and greet those ship girls. As their future commander, I am very curious about which ship girls there are."

"The commander is really gentle towards those ship girls. As a commander, there is obviously no need to greet them in person."

Ship girls and commanders are basically superior and subordinate. Commander Zeus did not need to go to the port to greet the ship girls, but Zeus did so anyway.

"Because I'm looking forward to it. After all, all the prototype ship girls are treasures that belong to me. Naturally, I have to be gentler with my own treasures!"

Hearing this sentence, Guanghui pouted slightly and then said to Zeus: "If possible, Guanghui only hopes that the commander can treat Guanghui as a treasure."

The voice was very low. If Zeus's five senses hadn't already surpassed that of humans, Zeus at this moment would not have been able to hear what Guanghui just said!

After hearing what Guanghui said, Zeus gently tapped Guanghui's cheek with his finger!

"Guanghui, jealousy is not okay, because my love is distributed equally to everyone."

Guanghui immediately knew that what he had just said was heard by Zeus, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and then he said to Zeus: "Commander, that's a foul."

Zeus gently tapped 280's glorious nose with his finger.

"The glorious light must be distributed equally to everyone, and Commander, I will also share all my love with others."

When Guanghui saw what Zeus said, he immediately pouted and said to Zeus: "Commander is so cunning. Obviously Guanghui's light can only be given to Commander."

Zeus chuckled and then came to the port with brilliance. There were huge ships moored in the port. Those ships were prototypes of ship girls. When fighting was needed, these prototypes of ship girls would be transformed directly. The ship equipment is equipped on the ship girl.

When Zeus came to the port, he happened to be on a ship, and then he walked out from under the ship one by one.

Each of these ship girls has some animal characteristics, such as tails, ears, etc. They look like they came out of a zoo.

But should I say that she is worthy of being Shige Sakura's ship girl?

It’s really unique!

And at this time, one. . . .

Chapter 711

A sudden burst of fragrant wind blew into his nostrils, and then Zeus saw a beautiful girl wearing a white navy uniform coming to Zeus!

"Ah, what a lovely commander~ I am Atago, let my sister take good care of you from now on."

Atago said that he opened his hands to hold Zeus in his arms, but the light on one side stood directly between Zeus and Atago, looking at Atago with eager eyes.

Atago looked at Guanghui in front of him, his eyes swept over Guanghui's body, and then nodded.

Although the front armor of Kouki is also 10% thicker, Atago is definitely not inferior to Kouki in this aspect. At the same time, in terms of body shape alone, Atago feels that he is a little slimmer than Koko. The armor seemed to drag down Kouki's figure a bit, and Kouki trembled with anger when he saw Atago's appearance.

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