I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 354

Enterprise saw Zeus about to leave but suddenly shouted to stop Zeus who was about to leave.

"Are you really not worried about me sending your information out?"

Although the company was shocked that Zeus guessed what she was thinking, but since it had been guessed, the company would naturally not continue to lie.

It's just that a company like this wants to understand why Zeus dares to be so relieved. He knows that the company wants to find out Zeus's information, but Zeus is not worried at all.

"When your power can crush an ant to death at will, will you care about how the ant wants to resist you?"

When Enterprise heard this sentence, his face suddenly darkened, because Enterprise itself was regarded by Zeus as an ant that could be crushed to death at will.

"Okay, Akagi Kaga, let's take the company to repair it."

Akagi and Kaga glanced at the company, their eyes full of disgust.

The commander actually allowed such a traitor to stay in the port area. It was too much. They were no match for this White Eagle woman!

However, Akagi and Kaga obviously would not refuse Zeus's order.

Even though they were 10% unhappy, Akagi and Kaga still led the company to repair it. After the repair was completed, the company directly looked for Zeus.

Zeus seems to have already guessed that the company will come to him.

He took out the equipment he had prepared and handed it to the company.

The company's eyes suddenly became complicated when they looked at the golden five-star aircraft and various other equipment placed in front of them.

··Request flowers 0·····

Even Bai Ying couldn't replace all the company's equipment with golden ones.

Now that I have joined Zeus's port area, I have received a complete set of golden equipment.

"Aren't you afraid that I will leave immediately after taking the equipment?"

"Whatever, you can leave if you want."

The company originally thought that Zeus would retain him or threaten him, but he didn't expect that Zeus would actually say that he could leave at any time if he wanted to.

.. .. .. .. ..

"Even if they put on a full set of golden equipment, Akagi and Kaga will never be able to defeat me. There must be another reason. Can you tell me what it is?"

"It's about strengthening weapons and equipment. Don't you White Eagle and the Royal Family also have them?"

As if in disbelief, Enterprise said to Zeus: "You actually got this?"

"I just got the information, I didn't get the enhanced machine."

"So how do you strengthen your weapons?"

"Maintenance Ship Girl, if I guess correctly, your enhanced machine was not made by some genius, but was invented by the Kitchen God, the Maintenance Ship Girl."

Suddenly the company fell silent.

"You have one too, or have you built a maintenance ship girl?"

"Yes, I built the maintenance ship girl, and this enhanced body was brought by the other party."

After hearing what Zeus said, Enterprise smiled bitterly and said to Zeus in front of him: "I see."

Immediately, the company's eyes narrowed, looking at Zeus and said: "Aren't you worried that I will reveal this matter?"

"Why should I worry?" 5.

Chapter 724

"If I leak this information, it will definitely be a blow to you. Don't you care? After all, you have no chance of winning by surprise."

Zeus listened to what Enterprise said and nodded calmly: "Indeed, should I imprison you now?"

Although Zeus was saying this, the company could tell that Zeus was joking, which made the company feel insulted.

"If you don't lock me up, I will definitely leak this news."

"I've just said it. If you want to leak it, just leak it. I don't care."

Enterprise almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard Zeus's words.

Zeus's arrogant attitude makes the company even more angry, but the company has no way to deal with Zeus. Zeus has already said that if you want to leak it, just leak it directly. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. As long as you are happy, the company is not happy at all or cannot be happy.

If Zeus stops it, then the company will really try every means to pass on the news. But now Zeus looks like you can just say what you want. I don't care anyway. This look makes the company speechless. .

In the end, the company made a decision.

Spread the word.

This is the purpose of companies willing to join Zeus Port District!

If Zeus can defeat the Azur Lane of the royal family and the White Eagle combination when he delivers the information, then the company will have nothing to say, and even future companies will listen to Zeus's command honestly.

Zeus looked at the company in front of him and smiled indifferently and said, "You can pass on information as you wish, but are you sure that the information you pass on is correct? Are you sure that the information you pass on will not be used by me?"

"If you passed on the information and those Azur Lane ship girls were ready, but I suddenly attacked them from another place, what do you think the result would be?"

Enterprise was immediately shocked and looked at Zeus in front of him.

"How can you be so insidious."

Zeus laughed out loud after hearing this accusation and looked at the company in front of him.

"I didn't say anything about you being a spy here, but you have to say that I'm so insidious first?"

The company suddenly became a big red face, looking embarrassed and at a loss.

Based on what the company is doing now, what qualifications does it have to say that Zeus is sinister?

"So whether you want to pass on the information I gave you or not is your own business."

The company was so angry that it was gnashing its teeth, but it was helpless.

He left Zeus' office angrily. After hesitating for a long time, the company finally released a plane.

The plane flew towards Azur Lane with the news given by the company.

Akagi and Kaga looked at the plane in the non-departure area with unpleasant expressions. Akagi and Kaga naturally guessed which plane was flying to where, and they also understood which company it was from. Who released the plane?

"Damn it, Commander, you just let that White Eagle woman go too far."

Hearing Kaga's complaint, Akagi suddenly sneered and said: "Don't worry Kaga, this matter is not just the end, but the beginning. Just wait and see, that woman will definitely be unlucky..."

Hearing this sentence, Kagami showed a confused look on his face, but Akagi did not explain.

Akagi absolutely does not believe that Zeus would accommodate the company like this.

"Think about how the previous commanders treated the enterprise, and then think about the current enterprise."

Kagami was stunned for a moment and then a sneer appeared on his face.

"Just let the White Eagle ship girl be proud for the time being. Soon she will not be able to cry anymore."

On the other side, the ship girls in Azur Lane fell silent after receiving the news from the company.

"How much do you think you can believe this news from the company!"

As the company left, Essex, who took over the position of White Eagle flagship, asked the other ship girls in Azur Lane, but most of them were White Eagle ship girls, and there was only one ship girl belonging to the royal family.

"I think the intelligence passed by the company is quite trustworthy."

Cleveland believed that corporate betrayal was definitely not true.

0.5 "We also believe that the company will never betray Bai Ying. There must be some reason. It is very likely that the company just wants to break into the other party's internal affairs to inquire about information from the other party's internal affairs and pass on intelligence to us."

The Kitchen Goddess also agreed.

Essex nodded when he heard what Cleveland and the Kitchen Goddess said. Essex actually agreed quite a bit in his heart. Essex naturally knew what kind of ship girl the company was.

If the company betrayed White Eagle, then Essex wouldn't believe anything. The only possibility was that the company had become a spy. .

Chapter 725

But soon, these ship girls received another small plane sent by the company. The small plane contained the information that the company had obtained and at the end it said that Zeus knew that they wanted to steal Zeus's information, but Zeus didn't care, so he hoped that these ship girls could judge by themselves whether the information was trustworthy or not.

A black line appeared on Essex's forehead and he looked at the other ship girls and said, "What do you think we're going to do next?"

"Cold salad!"

These ship girls also have black hair on their heads!

The corporate spy is somewhat unqualified!

Cleveland couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"The purpose of the company has been known to the other party, so will the other party mistreat the company? What if the company is sent to the dismantling factory?"

The words of the female Kitchen God suddenly caused a moment of silence.

"This is very possible, in case the company is really sent to the dismantling factory by the other party..."

For these prototype ship girls, there is no place more terrifying than the disassembly factory.

"Send troops immediately to rescue the company."

Essex made a sudden decision!

At this moment, everyone looked at Essex in front of them in surprise, but Essex said calmly: "In order to learn the secrets of the other party, the company kept sneaking into the other party to steal the secrets, and now the other party has caught them. Come on, are we going to watch our company being sent to a dismantling factory by the other party?"

"As comrades-in-arms of enterprises, enterprises in the past have paid countless efforts for Baiying, so now it is time for us to protect the enterprise."

Essex slapped the table and looked at the other ship girls.

"If you don't want to go, I won't force you."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Essex, how could we not be willing to save businesses."

Cleveland pulled the hat on his head. The cowboy hat made Cleveland look boyishly handsome.

“We have been taking care of ourselves from the enterprises, and it is the enterprises that have protected us from wind and rain, so now it is our turn to repay the enterprises.”

Lexington had a faint smile on his face that was full of humanity, and his long flaxen hair and slender figure exuded incomparable charm.

Saratoga, who had more than 9 points of resemblance to Lexington, looked at her sister.

"Okay, okay, since you all said it like this, then I don't have any objection, go and get the company back."

The Kitchen Goddess looked at the others with some emotion.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, we are ready to go."


The company has no idea that because of one of its messages, the ship girls are now heading towards it one by one in an attempt to save itself.

If the company knew about it, the company would definitely burst into tears. The company doesn't want those White Eagle ship girls to save it at all, because the company knows very well that if those White Eagle ship girls come to save themselves, they will basically just deliver food. .

The ship girls under Zeus are all equipped with golden equipment, and they are all strengthened by 15. If the ship girls of White Eagle come, they will be given for free.

It is a pity that the company at this moment does not know that the ship girls of Baiying are preparing to come to rescue them. Otherwise, if the company knew, the company would definitely tell those ship girls not to come over.

Because if those ship girls brought them, the final result would definitely be that one by one they would inevitably fall into the claws of Zeus.

But it's a pity that those ship girls obviously can't hear what the company is thinking.

In the Olympus port area, Zeus received the information transmitted from the white eagle, and immediately showed a smile. He looked at the enterprise on one side and said: "You would never have thought that you were in the port area on the other side of the white eagle. How much is it valued by others?”

Zeus handed over the information in his hand to the enterprise. After taking a look at the information, the enterprise felt bad.

The ship girls of White Eagle actually wanted 287 to come to save the company, but as a result, the intelligence behind them had already fallen into the hands of Zeus just as they set off.

"How many of the White Eagles are yours?"

Unexpectedly, besides Governor White Eagle, Zeus actually had other spies among White Eagle.

"I can have as many spies as I want, and the price I pay is just some trivial equipment for a ship girl."

Zeus just took out a five-star cannon, and dozens or hundreds of commanders were willing to join Zeus's command and become Zeus's inner ghosts. Among them, Zeus's promise was only to contribute the most, and the best people would After receiving the five-star cannon as a gift from Zeus, one can imagine that the commanders were eager to buy it for all the ship girls in the White Eagle Port area.

After hearing what Zeus said, Enterprise was stunned on the spot, how could it be like this, how could it be like this.

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