I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 395

Hearing Zeus's words, everyone could tell that there was a reason why Zeus did not accept the goddesses of Olympus. Although they did not know what the reason was, it did not prevent them from gossiping in their hearts.

Even girls like them are bound to have gossip in their hearts.

How could they not be curious about what happened to Zeus.

There are so many Olympus goddesses, they have seen each one of them, they are really beautiful and fragrant. But why, Zeus did not attack these Olympus goddesses?

is it possible?

Could it be that Zeus was a eunuch?

But obviously not.

"Then you must at least help me get rid of those goddesses, otherwise I will not dare to leave the Zeus Family."

Sakayanagi Arisu sighed and looked at Zeus helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it."

Zeus raised his hands helplessly to show that he understood.

"Then if we are going to venture into the dungeon tomorrow, we need to at least be promoted to LV5."

In a short period of practice, the people present have understood that the level of adventurers in Orario except for those in the first echelon.

The adventure of LV5 is still in the first echelon.

And more importantly, their appearance will not change after becoming LV5.

Does not age.

This is undoubtedly very important for girls.

"Let Guanghui and the others take you to the dungeon tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, go get some rest early. The adventure in the dungeon is not as simple as you think. The most important thing Guanghui and the others want to do is to protect your safety. You have to do other things by yourself. ."


Zeus left the residence of the Zeus Familia and came to Orario's city walls.

"I didn't expect to meet you here again."

Looking at Ace Wallenstein appearing in front of him, Zeus also felt a little different. He didn't expect to meet this girl here again.

Ace Wallenstein was a little surprised to see Zeus appear, but then she bowed to express her gratitude to Zeus.

"10 points thank you for your previous reminder."

"It's nothing, I just said some insignificant words. You don't need to thank me."

Zeus knew that Ace Wallenstein had upgraded again because of his words, but in reality only Zeus was on it. Ace Wallenstein would also upgrade, but it might take a little more time.

While Zeus and Ace Wallenstein were talking, a group of people in the distance looked at Zeus and Ace Wallenstein quietly.

"That guy shouldn't be the guy who came into contact with Ais last time."

"There is no doubt that it is. You didn't see Ais bowing to thank that guy just now. What does that mean?"

"That little handsome guy is really handsome. Will Ais fall in love with him?"

"But why is Loki so quiet today? Shouldn't Loki usually be very angry when he sees Ace getting along with other boys? But Loki today..."

A group of people from the Loki Familia looked at their main god and then. . .

They noticed that Loki had an ugly expression on his face.

"Damn, damn, damn, I didn't expect it to be this guy. If it was this guy, then Aisi would really be snatched away. If not, I have to find a way. Aisi can't be snatched away by this guy. This lsp is nasty. How could the Lord God let the pure Ais be defiled by the other party..."

Loki, who was muttering in his mouth, did not notice that his circle masters were already looking towards him.

"Loki, are you okay?"

Riveria looked at Loki and asked with a frown. Something about Loki's situation seemed a little wrong.

"I'm fine."

It's just that when Loki said this sentence, the way he gritted his teeth didn't look like he was okay.

Everyone couldn't help but frown slightly.

These members of the Loki Familia are not fools.

"Who is that man?"

Riveria asked Loki directly, but Riveria quickly discovered it. . .

"No, I don't know that man."

"Loki, are you still deceiving us at this time? You definitely know that man and who he is." 0.5

These dependents knew very well about their own mischievous main god, so they immediately started asking questions.

Otherwise, if the mischievous main god does something bad, it will be over. In this world of Orario, the gods also have levels, and the first level is naturally Olympus. of the gods, and then the other gods on the second ladder.

Loki is no different from ordinary gods in this world.

They didn't want Loki to do anything bad.

"Well let me say, that guy is Zeus.".

Chapter 825

A group of people from the Loki Familia looked at their main god, their eyes clearly saying: "Are you looking for death?"

Of course, the one who should not be offended in the entire Orario is the Zeus Familia and the main god of the Zeus Familia, Zeus!

Riveria gritted her teeth and looked at Loki: "What did you want to do just now?"

Riveria knew very well that if they hadn't stopped him, Loki would have definitely rushed out at this moment.

Things will not be solved that easily at that time!

If they collide with Zeus, their entire Loki family will be dead.

Although they are not afraid of death, they don't want to die like this, and more importantly, they die because of Loki's stupidity.

Loki smiled helplessly after hearing Riveria's words: "I just want to bring Ais back."

"Let's not talk about Ais's own thoughts. If Ais really leaves the Loki Familia and joins the Zeus Familia, then this is also a good thing for Ais. After all, in the entire Orario world, we Loki Familia The infrastructure cannot be said to be outstanding, but the Zeus Familia is definitely the best Familia, there is no doubt about it.”

Loki naturally knew this, but Loki was unwilling to accept it.

This is the baby cabbage that I have worked so hard to raise, and I haven't eaten it yet, but it will be snatched away by other wild men outside. Who can understand this feeling, and who understands Loki's pain?

"Moreover, you are not the kind of ungrateful person who may not leave the Loki family, so you should be more honest. If you really collide with any of your majesties, we will all die. Don't think that in The gods of this world can still return, and if they die, they are truly dead."

In the Orario world where Loki and the others were, the gods would not die, but this was not that world. In this world, the forest was also mortal.

Hearing this sentence, Loki's pupils shrank slightly.

"Okay, Loki, I think you should understand."

Loki fell silent.

On the other side, Zeus naturally discovered the Loki Familia, but Zeus ignored them.

Looking at Ace Wallenstein in front of him, Zeus said to Ace Wallenstein: "Are you interested in changing jobs? The current Loki Familia is not a very powerful Familia. If you are willing, I can help you join Zeus. Familia.”

After hearing what Zeus said, he shook his head directly!

"I have no intention of changing my family members."

"Really? That's such a shame."

Zeus knew it from the beginning and just tried to ask.

But now that the inquiry has failed, there is nothing more to say.

"In that case, I won't force you."

Zeus shook his head and did not choose to force Ais.

"Your companions are waiting for you, so I won't disturb your time."

Zeus said something to Aisi and then he disappeared suddenly.

This time the goal was to find no good enough dependents.

Horikita Suzune, Asahina Asahina, and Kushida Kikyo are unlikely to grow to the level of Kazami Yuuka and Yakumo Murasaki.

Zeus is ready to continue looking for good candidates.

But before he left, Zeus really had to help Sakayanagi Yusu settle those goddesses.

It took some time to meet the Olympus goddesses one by one, and then it took some time to get to know those Olympus goddesses.

I, Zeus, swear I have never felt so helpless.

The looks in the eyes of these Olympus goddesses as if they wanted to eat Zeus into their stomachs made Zeus feel a strong chill.

It was precisely because of this reason that Zeus and the Olympus goddesses quickly explained their purpose of coming, and after receiving these replies to the Olympus goddesses, Zeus turned around and ran away.

After doing all this, Zeus returned to his family again. 350

Naturally, Zeus did not go to Akagi's room.

After talking to Siduri and explaining some things, Zeus set off again.

To be honest, it is basically difficult for Zeus to find a Familia with more potential than Yuka Kazami and Murasaki Yakumo.

Zeus was just thinking about the possibility, and he was a little bored and wanted to travel around, so he looked everywhere.

If one day Zeus gets tired of it or doesn't want to continue, then Zeus will stop.

But before that. . .

Zeus did not intend to just listen to his own footsteps.

Those two dimensions are quite attractive to Zeus.

After leaving Orario, Zeus came to a modern world this time.

Soon Zeus knew which world he had come to this time!

A world that interested Zeus. .

Chapter 826

The background of the story of the world that Zeus currently lives in is that a comet named "Charlotte" passes through the earth in a 75-year cycle. This comet will sow virus-like seeds on children. When the children grow into boys and girls, they will induce Viruses in the body will direct special abilities in the body, and adolescent boys and girls will become people with special abilities.

In order to understand and utilize this ability, scientists will capture these ability users and conduct research. In the cruel research methods, it is difficult for people with abilities to survive.

Therefore, in order to protect people with abilities, those with the ability to travel through time and space traveled through time and space. Through continuous efforts, a school that can protect people with abilities was established.

Zeus remembers this two-dimensional world.

It seems that the final result is that I saved the world but forgot about you. In short, the male protagonist wiped out the capable people in the world, but the result was that the heroine was forgotten.

A bloody plot.

Overall, this world seems to have some potential.

Those superpowers are naturally looked down upon by Zeus, but if those people become dependents, they might be able to do something useful.

The male protagonist is able to seize other people's superpowers, and the superpower of traveling through time and space is a pretty good and interesting proposition for Zeus.

Zeus remembers the heroine of this world. . .

"Found it."

It was only a matter of time before I found the heroine of this world.

"Nao Tomori."

Looking at Zeus who suddenly appeared in front of him, Yuri Nao's eyes showed deep astonishment.

The super power of teleportation is the opponent. . . It's obvious that my age has exceeded. What happened to the other party that I still have super powers? Are there any other organizations in this world?

"I want to make a deal with you, Tomori Nao."

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