I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 400

Following Zeus's words, the entire chat group seemed to quiet down.

Finally, looking at the speeches of each member of the chat group that was almost breaking the sky, Zeus smiled and then looked at the name of a member of the chat group.

Snow under the snow.

Yukinoshita Harano, and Yukinoshita Yukino, thought of what happened in Yukinoshita Harano's world before, Zeus touched his chin and started to think about another thing.

Should I take advantage of this opportunity or not? . .

He did whatever he thought of, and while the people in the chat group were still chatting, Zeus came to the world where Yukinoshita Harano was. But Zeus did not appear in front of Yukinoshita Yukino. On the contrary, Zeus appeared next to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Seeing Zeus appearing next to her, Yukinoshita Yukino was startled, but then Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Zeus in front of her and said, "You..."

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him, an inexplicable meaning flashed in Zeus's eyes.

"Yukikinoshita Yukino."


He subconsciously tensed up his body and responded.

"Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you. I just want to ask you something."

"Excuse me."

Knowing what kind of existence the person in front of him was, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't dare to relax at all. What would be the consequences if he relaxed.

"Guess why I came to you this time. If you guess correctly, you will be rewarded. If you guess wrong, you will miss this opportunity. If you don't answer, you will violate the rules."

However, after a while, my Yukinoshita Yukino still didn't answer. At this time, Zeus looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, with an expression in his eyes as if he was asking why you didn't answer quickly.

Yukinoshita Yukino's expression froze on her face. At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino hoped that her unwanted sister would quickly appear in front of her, so that she would not have to face this terrible person in front of her.

"What's wrong? Why haven't you answered my question? Or are you saying you don't want to answer?"

Beads of sweat appeared on Yukinoshita Yukino's forehead. Answering the question or not answering the question was already difficult to measure for Yukinoshita Yukino at this moment. The reward Zeus mentioned was definitely not an ordinary reward.

If you make a mistake. . .

No, you have to answer, but what if you make a mistake?

Continuously struggling and tangled in his mind, Yukinoshita Yukino answered with difficulty as he finally looked at Zeus in front of him.

"Are you here for me?"

Zeus clapped his hands softly: "Yukishita Yukino is very good."

However, Yukinoshita Yukino's expression didn't look good when she heard Zeus's praise. Zeus came for him, no matter what he came for, it was not a good thing for Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Now then, guess what I am here to find you for."

Yukinoshita Yukino doesn’t want to guess!

But Yukinoshita Yukino had to guess, because if she didn't guess, it would undoubtedly be the stupidest choice.

"Test me?"

"I have heard that you have a title called Yukinoshita of Absolute Justice. If this is the case, then I have a test that I want to test you again."

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but turn pale when she thought about what she had experienced in the dream. If that kind of thing happened again, Yukinoshita Yukino was afraid that she would collapse.

"... Don't worry, this time it won't be the same thing as your last time. This time I will do something different."

Gritting his silver teeth, Yukinoshita Yukino, the Zeus, said, "What is the test sequence?"

"Then let me ask you this. There are two groups of people who are in danger respectively. One group has 500 people, and the other group has 400 people. At this moment, you can only choose to save the concentrated people. A group of people, then which side will you choose to save?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's expression suddenly changed. Zeus's question made Yukinoshita Yukino understand one thing, that is, no matter which side she chooses, there is another side. . .

In order to increase the pressure on Yukinoshita Yukino, Zeus clapped his hands and displayed two scenes in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.

"This is a battlefield in this world. Those rebels are slaughtering the indigenous people of the world. Now you can choose to save a group of them. Whether it is 500 or 400, this choice is only made by you. , and don’t bargain with me.”

Yukinoshita Yukino took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down the anger in her heart.

"Why are you treating me like this?"

Yukinoshita Yukino asked Zeus.

"I just want to see your growth, that's all.".

Chapter 837

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't understand why this god king treated him like this.

Zeus, however, looked at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him indifferently and said to Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him: "Then you can make your choice now."

"I don't get to choose."

Yukinoshita Yukino's answer was as expected by Zeus. Zeus sighed lightly and looked at Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Do you know how Yangno would answer my question? Even if it means deceiving him, he will make a choice, and even answer this question according to my wishes."

Yukinoshita Yukino bit her lower lip. It was obvious that Yukinoshita Yukino understood what Zeus was saying, but Yukinoshita Yukino could not refute.

Compared with his older sister Yukinoshita Yukino360, he knew very well that he was no match for his older sister. To put it bluntly, Yukinoshita Yukino was nothing compared to his older sister Yukinoshita Harano. Worth mentioning.

Yukinoshita Yukino is simply an inferior version of Yukinoshita Harano.

Yukinoshita Harano has excellent communication skills, and Yukinoshita Harano has extraordinary luck. Otherwise, it would be impossible to join the chat group.

And what kind of character is Yukinoshita Yukino?

Compared to his elder sister who is good at dancing, Yukinoshita Yukino is simply a piece of rotten wood that cannot be carved. It is obvious that all she needs to do is make a random choice, but it is wrong for Yukinoshita Yukino to make such a choice. Yukinoshita Yukino would rather accept the punishment from Zeus than answer.

"You still haven't made any progress. I originally thought you would change a little bit, but now."

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him, Zeus's face was very dull, and he did not have any anger because of Yukinoshita Yukino's behavior, or Zeus had expected that Yukinoshita Yukino would refuse.

"I will accept any punishment but don't involve my family."

It felt like there was a trace of prayer in Yukino's voice, but Zeus shook his head.

This made Yukinoshita Yukino despair, but Zeus' next words made Yukinoshita Yukino stunned.

"Why should I punish you?"


Zeus sighed and then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him and said: "I just asked you a question, and I won't be angry with you because you don't answer my question."

"Don't think that I am so cruel and cruel. Although I am indeed the God-King of Olympus in the myth, I am slightly different from that God-King. At least I am not lustful, otherwise If so, do you think you can still stand in front of me safely now? I'm afraid you are already pregnant."

Yukinoshita Yukino's face turned red as she looked at Zeus in front of her, wondering what nonsense this man was talking about.

"But even though you are stupid like this, you also have your uses. Yukinoshita Yukino, I want to recruit you and make you my dependents. My dependents just lack a judge who can treat everyone fairly. .”

"You can think of it as a job as a disciplinary inspector or a disciplinary committee member. This time you have no right to refuse. Otherwise, I will really be angry."

"I see."

After hearing Zeus's words, Yukinoshita Yukino's face seemed to show a smile of relief. She had no intention of rejecting Zeus's recruitment of Yukinoshita Yukino. For Yukinoshita Yukino, this was a An opportunity, a chance to catch up with his sister.

"So are you going to leave with me now, or say goodbye to your relatives first and then leave with me?"

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a moment and then looked at Zeus: "If possible, I hope to say goodbye to my relatives before leaving."

"Of course you can. I'm not so unkind that I won't even give you time to say goodbye."

"Then go say goodbye to your relatives and come find me later. As long as you want to find me, I will appear in front of you."

After finishing the brushing, Zeus disappeared and left, but a trace of determination flashed in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes. This time, she would catch up with her sister no matter what.

But then Yukinoshita Yukino thought that Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka seemed to want to help change a student's character, and now she could only say sorry.

Subsequently, Yukinoshita Yukino called her sister Gakusoshita Haruno and explained Zeus' intention to recruit her.

After a long ring, Yukinoshita Harano spoke to Yukinoshita Yukino on the phone: "Congratulations Yukino, then work hard and become my sister, I am proud of you."

On the other side, Yukinoshita Yukino confirmed with Zeus in the chat group whether what Yukinoshita Yukino said was true. .

Chapter 838

Zeus took Yukinoshita Yukino back to the Orario continent and said to Yukinoshita Yukino beside him: "You will join my family in the future. I believe Yukinoshita Yono should have told you about Orario." It’s a matter on this side of the mainland.”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded subconsciously, but then immediately reacted and said: "Although I have said something, I am not too clear about the details."

"It doesn't matter. Someone will tell you about these things later. All you have to do is manage the things in the building well, and it must be fair, just and open."

"I believe you should have no problem with this."

According to Yukinoshita Yukino's character, Zeus is very sure that Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely live up to his expectations!

It's a pity that Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't seem to be very good at fighting, so she is destined to only become a manager, just like Nami.

Recently, I heard that Nami has passed on a lot of money to the Zeus Familia. I was originally worried that Nami would become slack after joining her own Zeus Familia, but now it seems that no matter which Familia she is in, for Nami, The most important thing for a money fan is to make money.

It seemed that everyone was surprised that Zeus had brought back a girl like Yukinoshita Yukino.

Yukinoshita Yukino gives people a stubborn~ feeling!

At the same time, it also reminded the others of another girl - Horikita Suzune!

The two girls are surprisingly similar. If Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Harano are sisters by blood, then Suzune Horikita and Yukinoshita Yukino are sisters by personality.

"That's it."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Horikita Suzune in front of her with a look of complete astonishment.

Yukinoshita Yukino saw some shadows of herself in Horikita Suzune.

"You will have time to have a good chat later. Now I am going to give you a favor, take off your shirt, and then lie down on the table."

The corners of Horikita Suzune's lips raised slightly after hearing Zeus's words.

Thinking of the humiliations she had suffered before, Lingyin was immediately full of expectations. After arriving at this place, Gu Wei Linying's personality had undergone some changes, or in other words, Gu Wei Lingling's personality had been changing since she met Zeus. .

In the past, Kugou Suzune would definitely have stood up to stop her and accused Zeus righteously. But now Horikita Suzune not only did not stand up and accused Zeus, but she even looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with malice. Wouldn't it be interesting if Yukino knew the inside story of this matter?

However, to everyone's expectation, Yukinoshita Yukino simply took off her shirt in front of Zeus, without any covering.

Then he turned around and leaned on the table to face Zeus and said, "Then what?"

"Don't you have any problems? If you want to do something to me, you don't need to cheat at all. Naturally, I don't have to worry about whether you are coveting my beauty or something like that."

Yukinoshita Yukino groaned, then looked at the others and said to Zeus: "Although I think I am very cute and popular with boys, there are not many people here who are prettier than me, but obviously they have not become you. As a woman, I, as a man, don’t have to worry.”

··Request flowers 0·····

After a pause, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Zeus again.

"And once I join your family, will you let me marry another man? So even if I take off my clothes in front of you, what does it matter?"

What Yukinoshita Yukino said makes sense, but Zeus can't refute it. That's fucked up!


Watching Zeus eat the turtle, the rest of the people looked at Zeus with wide eyes.

This was the first time they saw Zeus saying goodbye, and then they all looked at Yukinoshita Yukino with their eyes shining brightly.

Especially Horikita Suzune, thinking about how she was tricked by Zeus before, now Yukinoshita Yukino is simply her idol. It seems like this is the first time that Zeus can eat a turtle?

Zeus glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino out of the corner of his eyes. If that's the case, then just climb on the table and I'll take care of the rest.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything but just lay down on the table.

Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino's body was pressed against the table without any gaps, Zeus sighed.

However, the next moment Yukinoshita Yukino said in a cold voice: "The measure of a woman's charm is not a woman's bear part."

"But there is no doubt that the first thing men look at in women is how big they are."

Yukinoshita Yukino had nothing to say, and could only say lightly to Zeus: "Superficial!" 5.

Chapter 839

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