I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 404

Not only did he have to keep it a secret, but when the time came, even Parker and Yukinoshita Yukino would have to ask Parker to keep it a secret and not let this matter leak out.

Other than that, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't reject Kushida Kikyo that much. After all, they were all members of the same family and had already been guaranteed.

Yukinoshita Yukino still believes that Kushida Kikyo will not do such a stupid thing, otherwise there will no longer be a place for Kushida Kikyo in the whole world.

After all, this world is Orario, the paradise of the gods.

Kushida Kikyo wants to destroy the paradise of the gods, so you can imagine what will happen when the time comes.

Just after Yukinoshita Yukino returned, Siduri, Sakayanagi Arisu, Tushan Rongrong and everyone in the Zeus family were summoned together.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino had just joined in, she was also summoned.

"I'm going on an expedition."

Siduli spoke directly and told the purpose of summoning everyone.


Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused.

Horikita Suzune on the side explained: "The so-called expedition means that we will not return from the dungeon until the supplies are exhausted, and we will see how many floors of the dungeon we can reach in the end."

"How many floors are there in the dungeon?"

"In the past, the dungeon had a total of 99 floors. But after that incident happened, the dungeon seemed to have no limit."

"That one thing?"

There was doubt in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes.

"I don't know what that incident is. The only ones who know the truth of that incident are the gods of Orario and a few members of the family."

"But it is said that that time was also an expedition."

Siduli looked at the other members of the Familia and continued: "Compared with other Familia, the difference between our Familia and other Familia lies in the highest level of adventurers. The highest level of adventurers on our side are enterprises, and enterprises have the strength of LV7 adventurers. , but not to mention LV9, we must at least reach LV8, so I want to organize an expedition."

The most powerful family of Zeus now is the company with LV7 adventurer strength, followed by LV6 Akagi, Kaga, Bismarck, Brilliance, Prince of Wales, Belfast, Tushan Honghong, Tushan Yaya , and then there is Tomori Nao, who joined the clan not long ago.

The last ones are the others at LV5 level. As for Horikita Suzune and others who have just joined the family, they are only at LV2 or LV3 level.

Although the current Zeus Familia is considered to be the best among the Orali Familia.

However, there is a big gap between the Hera Familia and the Metis Familia. Don't underestimate the gap between the first-line Familia and the super first-line Familia.

"We must give birth to at least one LV8 adventurer."

Siduli directly stated the hard requirement, at least one adventurer must be able to defeat LV8.

"In this case, I personally suggest that Tomori Nao and the company are most likely to reach LV8 in the shortest time. It is even possible that Tomori Nao will reach LV9 in the shortest time."

Tushan Rongrong said to Siduli.

"Indeed, Yuri Nao's ability is too powerful!"

The Magic Thousand Magic that Yuri Nao obtained after gathering all the superpowers of the entire world into one body can be said to be the ultimate in almost every aspect.

There is almost no doubt that Tomori Nao can reach LV9, but how long it will take is unknown.

"My suggestion is to cultivate LV8 instead of directly cultivating LV9. A LV9 adventurer is much more useful than an LV8 adventurer."

Sakayanagi Arisu advocated offense. Compared to a LV8 adventurer, Sakayanagi Arisu hoped to get a LV9 adventurer.

"Gather all the resources of the family members to train Tomori Nao into a LV9 adventurer as soon as possible."

Some frowned upon hearing the plan. .

Chapter 848

"It's too risky to do it like this. If it fails, the family will have no other resources to cultivate LV8 adventurers in a short period of time."

"After all, if adventurers above LV6 want to continue to level up, the time and resources required to level up will increase exponentially."

"I think we should be more conservative. After the current adventurer of LV8 is upgraded to the same level as other buildings, he will have remaining resources and provide them to Nao, so that Nao can try to break through to LV9."

Tushan Rongrong raised objections. Compared to the more radical Sakayanagi Yuqi, Tushan Rongrong was more conservative.

"There is nothing in this world that is 100% correct. If anything, it absolutely should not happen to us. If we want to defeat the other gods of Orario, we have to take risks, especially when the other gods are ahead. In our situation, we should not take risks.

"I don't think we should take risks. We should be more cautious at this time."

Seeing the two people arguing with each other, Siduli sighed and said: "You two don't have to argue. I have already concluded the matter this time. This time everyone Everyone has a chance.”

Everyone glanced at Siduli and said nothing more. As the leader of the group, other people would naturally not be able to continue to oppose what Siduli decided.

"This time I want to discuss with you the specific details of the expedition."

I believe you are a ghost and you are a bad old woman. A group of people looked at Siduli in front of them and muttered to themselves.

It was obvious that Siduli had already made up her mind, but she still had to explain the outcome. After they argued, Siduli stood up and made the final decision.

"Since you, Commander Siduli, have already made your decision, if there is anything else to negotiate, just announce it directly."

"This matter was not decided by me. Don't blame me for everything."

Seeing that a fire was burning on her body, Siduli decisively began to explain.

"All of this is an order from the god. The most I say is just a microphone!"

"What else does he want to do?"

Was it an order from Zeus?

"This time it's called an expedition. In fact, everyone brings their own resources, and then they have to enter the dungeon together."

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem!

Even the most stupid person can see that there is something wrong with this matter.

only. . .

What on earth does that god-king want to do?

The eyes of some smart people gradually shifted to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Feeling a few eyes staring at her, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but feel tense.

"Could it be...?"

If this is really the case, wouldn't this be terrible?

That's why His Majesty the God King treats me like this, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but have this thought in her heart.

"Well, I've already informed you of the general situation. Let's prepare for the expedition in three days."

Siduli made the final decision calmly.

Returning to his dormitory, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but recall what happened before.

Could it be that that god-king really has a crush on me?

Although Yukinoshita Yukino knows that she is very cute, Yukinoshita Yukino, facing so many women here, does not dare to say such words. Any of those women in the family members is As good as Yukinoshita Yukino.

Those women were not favored by Zeus, so what virtues and abilities did I have?

But. . .

"Parker, why did the God King create you!"

... ... ... ... ...

"I don't know about this, but there is probably only one explanation."

Is there only one explanation?

Sure enough, it's because that guy likes me!

"Because I got interested, I made it randomly to create my own creation."

Parker's words that followed completely shattered the illusion in Yukinoshita Yukino's mind.

Parker seemed to feel the broken heart in Yukinoshita Yukino's heart, and asked strangely: "Did you hear it? Something seems to be broken, contractor!"

Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to pinch a cat and tell the other person that the sound you just heard was the sound of heartbreak. Fortunately, Yukinoshita Yukino had just made up many pictures of Zeus liking her in her mind. But at the next moment, Parker's words directly shattered all those images, and those words after that were like a slap on Yukinoshita Yukino's face.

Suddenly, Yukinoshita Yukino felt her cheeks burning. five.

Chapter 849

Looking at the gray fur kitten in front of her, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt that this Parker didn't smell good at all.

But in the end, Yukinoshita Yukino still couldn't bring herself to throw away Parker.

Even though Yukinoshita Yukino was deeply unhappy with Zeus, Yukinoshita Yukino still had to admit that the kitten created by Zeus was so cute.

It was so cute that Zeus couldn't help but be surprised and shocked by it.

"Parker, do you know what this expedition is about?"

"I don't know. I have been in the magic book since I was created by that god king, until you, the contractor, summoned me this time."

Hearing what Parker said, Yukinoshita Yukino sighed immediately.

"But if you want to know, you can ask the God King and the Contractor in person."

"forget it!"

Yukinoshita Yukino said that she doesn't want to see Zeus at all now. When she sees Zeus, Yukinoshita Yukino can't help but think of how selfish she was before.

Yukinoshita Yukino said that she didn't want to see Zeus at all now, and it was best to stay away from Zeus if possible.

Parker could only shrug helplessly, saying he was helpless.

Although he didn't know what the expedition was about, Yukinoshita Yukino knew very well that things might not be that simple this time.

Zeus would never suddenly become interested and then ask the circle leader to go on an expedition. There must be some news that Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't know.

"But if I use remote transmission, my level should increase quickly."

Although the experience gained from the expedition is far less than that of adventuring alone, the level of the dungeon that is now safe and accessible is higher.

If Yukinoshita Yukino's own strength is to enter the 5th floor of the dungeon, it is the limit, but Yukinoshita Yukino accompanying the expeditionary force can completely enter the limit of the expeditionary force.

According to the situation of the Zeus Familia, Yukinoshita Yukino is the least able to enter the 50th floor of the dungeon.

By then, Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely gain more experience than the fifth floor of the dungeon.

Of course, most of the time, the Familia will not bring a tow bottle with them when they go on expeditions. Adventurers like Yukinoshita Yukino who have just joined the Familia have no chance of being added to the list of adventurous expeditions.

But the results so far have been uneven. . .

Something is wrong!

Through these days of understanding Yukinoshita Yukino, she clearly understood that in this Orario continent, the strong is completely respected.

Just like you may support the new generation, but you will definitely not take the new generation with you on an expedition!

But the Zeus Familia was an exception. The Zeus Familia went on an expedition together regardless of strength. Yukinoshita Yukino was the first to not believe that there was nothing wrong with this.

Therefore, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't do many series of dramas before, thinking that Zeus must have taken a fancy to herself.

But who would have thought that Parker would slap Yukinoshita Yukino in the face with just one sentence. I will take you to do it.

Yukinoshita Yukino said, I am really difficult to beat!

Suddenly, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a gust of cold wind.

Yukinoshita Yukino's whole body was filled with terror.

Yukinoshita Yukino remembered what Horikita Suzune said before.

"It can't be..."

"No way, is what Horikita Suzune said true?"

Before, Yukinoshita Yukino had been living in the same place as Horikita Suzune, so Yukinoshita Yukino had not encountered those things Horikita Suzune said, so Yukinoshita Yukino subconsciously forgot about it...

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