I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 416

"If you want to commit suicide in front of me, then you really think too much."

Jupiter chuckled, a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes.

Jupiter didn't care what the other person's expression was, and he prepared to leave with the other person in his arms. However, the next moment, Jupiter suddenly took the other person sideways and hid away from the group.

The next moment a gunshot rang out.

A gunshot mark appeared on the floor where Jupiter and the man had been. .

Chapter 877

Jupiter no longer knew where to start complaining. The entire plant was penetrated by those Atlantic Federation people like a sieve.

Jupiter was very suspicious of whether all the bureaucrats on the plant had grown up on hard work. Otherwise, these plant people were actually spies of the Atlantic Federation.

To be honest, if it wasn't like this, Jupiter really couldn't understand why Plant had fallen to this level.

The Atlantic Federation is full of moles and spies.

Nowadays, people send gunmen to your door openly, and then you are completely helpless against them. You have no idea that the other party has already sent the gun to your door.

Jupiter grabbed the prisoner in his hand and quietly observed the other party, and found that the other party only fired once and then did not fire again. Jupiter thought that the other party should have left, but. . .

"It's not that easy to run away. I won't allow you to run away like this."

He actually fired a 380 shot at himself and then ran away. How could Jupiter let the other party run away like this? So what was necessary was to chase him back and then kill him.

But after taking a look at the prisoner at his feet, Jupiter decided to slow down for the time being and let him go for the time being.

"Just wait for me. This is not the end."

Jupiter snorted lightly and said nothing more.

Jupiter then grabbed the prisoner whose jaw and limbs he had removed and returned to the spacecraft.

During this period, Jupiter had already tortured the other party, but the other party was quite courageous, and he would rather die than say anything.

But it is a pity that in front of Jupiter, it is useless no matter how much the other party would rather die than surrender.

Jupiter has a way of getting the other person to honestly tell him everything he wants to know.

But it's a pity that this guy has no effect, and the other party doesn't know much. He can't even answer questions such as whether there are other killers.

In short, Jupiter caught this gunman to no avail.

But one thing that worries Jupiter is that this guy is actually an adjuster.

This made Jupiter pay attention. Logically speaking, it is impossible for challengers to help natural people.

After all, the relationship between today's adjusters and natural persons cannot be said to be very good.

However, the adjuster in front of us is actually helping natural people.

After removing the poison sac from the opponent's mouth, Jupiter took the opponent's chin back.

"You are also an adjuster, I'm curious why you would help a natural person."

"Why I Hui is the adjuster, I am the adjuster."

Jupiter looked at the gunman in front of him. After thinking for a long time, Jupiter came up with the only possibility that the other party had been brainwashed!

The other party was instilled in Blue Cosmos with the concept of being ashamed of his status as an adjuster, and then came here to be an assassin or spy under the bewitchment of Blue Cosmos.

Jupiter suddenly showed disgust when he thought of this.

"That's it, that's it?"

Jupiter originally thought that the Atlantic Federation could be more sinister and despicable, but he did not expect that the other party would only use this method.

Looking at the adjuster in front of him who had been brainwashed by Blue Cosmos, Jupiter shook his head, sighed, and then gave the other person a happy surprise.

Jupiter's then rotten Fite came over and took away the other party's body.

The fate that has been doomed since birth is really tragic.

Jupiter returned to the spacecraft. Lux was relieved to see Jupiter back safely, but then Lux looked at Jupiter again.

"Has the murderer been caught?"

"He was killed by me. Although I wanted to die by his side, it's a pity that he has been brainwashed."

Jupiter then told Lux ​​that the other party was an adjuster. Lux also fell silent after listening. Obviously, this incident also stimulated Lux.

Pursing her lips, Lux said to Jupiter, "Those individuals went too far."

"Is this too much? Then if you do something even more outrageous in the future, what will you say?"

"Can there be anything more extreme?"

Lux looked at Jupiter with a look of disbelief in her eyes.

Jupiter was expressionless.

"Is there something more outrageous that you should be thinking about?"

"Let's not talk about these things. Now let's think about what happens next. The other party may have ran away with more than one person, and now even the adjuster may be the opponent's killer. You should understand this. The seriousness of the matter.”

Lux can naturally understand and understand what Jupiter wants to say by saying this.

"It doesn't matter, I believe you will protect me."

Lux looked at Jupiter, her eyes full of trust. .

Chapter 878

In the end, Jupiter still failed to convince Lux.

But Jupiter was also fully prepared. Originally, Jupiter just didn't want trouble, but since Lacus was unwilling, Jupiter could only be fully prepared.

Looking at Lux on the stage, Jupiter led ZAFT to arrest everyone who wanted to cause trouble in the dark.

Looking at the people he kept knocking out and being taken away, Jupiter once again couldn't help but sigh that the plant's bureaucrats and defense work were really unbearable.

Jupiter shook his head, knowing that he no longer wanted to let it go.

If all these deficiencies are not completed, then the plant will be like a sieve. If you want to do something, you may just make a decision at the last moment, and the next moment the information will have already appeared on the Atlantic Federation table. .

Jupiter suddenly felt that he was quite lucky. At least the things he had researched should not have appeared on the Atlantic Federation's desk. Otherwise, the Atlantic Federation would have been wiped out by nuclear bombs long ago!

Pull Plent along and die together as soon as possible. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will be tortured by Plant.

Jupiter felt a little bit like he was having fun in the midst of suffering.

Let out a long breath.

After making sure that nothing had slipped through the net, Jupiter found a place and started listening to Lux sing.

Although Lux is not as good as those art goddesses in Olympus, she still has quite good skills.

The business is good and sounds good, but unfortunately I haven't reached the point where I can convey my emotions through singing, which is a pity.

As the audience cheered, Lux smiled and slowly left.

Backstage, Lux looked at Jupiter in the stage.

"Has everything been resolved?"


Lux's face suddenly turned ugly. Apparently, Lux also understood what these 72 people meant!

There are a total of 72 people, which means Junius 7 is like a sieve. If those individuals want to carry out a terrorist attack here, no one on Junius 7 can escape.

"Are they all adjusters?"

“They’re all adjusters.”

Both Jupiter and Lux ​​knew that things were getting troublesome.

If they were just natural people, it would be acceptable. But now these individuals are adjusters, so wouldn't they mean it? . .

"There are so many spies here, so if it were another satellite, would there be more spies? After all, this is just an agricultural satellite."

"It looks like we must return immediately."

"There is no need to delay. Otherwise, once they know that all the spies here on Junius 7 have been arrested, spies from other satellites will probably launch terrorist attacks."

"Contact father and Uncle Patrick first."

"I've already contacted you so you don't have to worry."

Luxtianda Jupiter said that he had been contacted with a reassuring smile on his face, and then he sighed deeply.

"When will regulators and natural persons be able to live in peace with each other?"

How can it be so simple for humans and adjusters to get along naturally?

··Request flowers 0·····

Jupiter shook his head and said nothing.

Natural people and humans who have not experienced pain will not care about the value of peace at all.

Looking at Lux in front of him, Jupiter suddenly felt like showing Naruto's plot to Lux.

Maybe Lux will gain some understanding after reading it.

By then, maybe Lacus will be able to say how many floors a bag of rice can carry.

Inexplicably Jupiter found it unexpectedly interesting.

"What's wrong?"

Lux looked at Jupiter in front of her and didn't feel like asking.

........... 0

"It's nothing, I just thought of something interesting, don't take it to heart."

How could you not take it to heart?

Lux looked at Jupiter speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things anymore, we'd better return as soon as possible."

Lunamaria and Meiling Hawke walked in.

Lunamaria looked at Lux with complicated eyes. Lux's performance was not good. Lunamaria felt that there was nothing to compare between herself and Lux. She was not as good as the other person. .

This is very angry!

Lux looked at Lunamaria with a smile: "Sorry to trouble you, but we must return as soon as possible."

"Are you going back now?"

Lunamaria asked in surprise when she heard Lux's words.

"Well, we have to return now. The matter is serious."

Is the matter serious?

Lunamaria was startled, then her face turned serious.


After Lunamaria took one pill, she quickly took her sister out to prepare. five.

Chapter 879

Jupiter and Lacus hurried back to the plant, and then Jupiter and Lacus immediately headed back to the Klein mansion.

After returning home, Lux immediately contacted her father.

Siegel Klein is still working overtime at this moment because of Lux's words, and wants him to come out to spy on those Atlantic Federation spies above Plent.

But trying to find a spy among so many challengers is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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