I, Zeus, Don’t Want To Be a King

I, Zeus, don’t want to be the King of Gods Chapter 423

Lux said that she is naturally beautiful and does not use any cosmetics at all.

Jupiter smiled and then put his finger in front of Lux.

He said to Lux: "Did you see the powder on my fingertips? You have traces of cosmetic use and you still want to lie to me."

Lux looked at the dog man in front of her expressionlessly.

"That's dust that was accidentally picked up."

Jupiter was suddenly horrified. Looking at Lux in front of him, it was true that 666 could actually directly describe cosmetics as dust. Jupiter said that he really didn't dare to think about it or ask. .

Lux gritted her teeth.

Lux said she had never seen a man like Jupiter.

Jupiter looked calm and looked at Lux in front of him.

"Then release your album as soon as possible. As long as you release your album, those who hear your singing will slowly be healed."

"I'll try my best, but you also know that this side of Plent is fine, but the other side on earth..."

"It's not a big problem on the Earth side, I will make arrangements."

There are hacking techniques in Jupiter that work perfectly without any problems. .

The defense networks on Earth are as if they didn't exist before Jupiter's eyes.

"In that case, I will go and do this."

After all, this is the only thing Lux can do. Lux naturally wants to be perfect. Lux wants to prove that she is definitely not a worthless vase.

Jupiter knew exactly what Lacus was thinking, and he smiled and made a cheering gesture towards Lacus.

Damn it!

If it were another person, Lux would definitely be slapped away if she couldn't control her ancient power.

Then he patted Jupiter's head hard: I'll let you fuck your daddy, I'll let you fuck your daddy!

After glaring at Jupiter, Lux left directly.

Lux will be very busy next time!

The release of these new albums is very important.

After listening to her own singing, Lux knew exactly what use this new album would have!

It can be said that this new album can greatly reduce the disputes in this world.

Therefore, 0.5 Lux is not just to prove that she is not a vase, but more to be able to stop the disputes in this world and bring peace to this world.

She, Lux Klein, the ambassador of peace, represents the world of Gundam Seed!

I don’t know what kind of mission Lux has in her heart at this moment. Jupiter is holding the key to Genesis, with thoughts that no one can understand flashing in his eyes.

"Patrick, I hope you are not looking for death."

Jupiter smiled and stuffed the key into his trouser pocket. .

Chapter 895

Patrick has been having a hard time recently, and the reason is because of his son Aslan.

Because Aslan's idiotic remarks directly offended Nigel's parents, my son risked his own life to save you, and you, a guy, actually excused the murderer, or are you a human being?

Therefore, by the way, even Aslan's father Patrick was resented by the other party. Whenever he thought of this, Patrick gritted his teeth and slammed his fists on the desk in front of him.

Why did he give birth to such a SB son? Patrick wondered if he had given birth to the wrong son.

It's a pity that Jupiter will not tell Patrick this answer.

Renoir Sarah could only sigh helplessly about her husband and son. Renoir 11 Sarah, as a normal person, naturally cannot accept her son’s weird brain circuitry. You say you are a normal person. You actually excuse someone who wants to kill you!

If you don't want to take revenge, you should still hate the other person, right?

But what about the result? The result is that Aslansala not only did not hate the other party, but also excused the other party. Is this what humans do?

Is this something a normal person can do?

Even Renoya Sara doubted whether it was a cerebral hemorrhage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to perform such a mentally retarded operation.

But after all, it was her child. Renoya Sara still wanted to rescue Aslan from prison, but looking at her husband's current state, Renoya Sara knew it was impossible.

It is impossible for her husband to agree to her, and once he does so, he will completely offend Nigel's parents.

"If you are here because of Aslana, a fool, then there is no need to speak."

Seeing his wife coming over, Patrick spoke directly.

Whether Aslan's life is in danger now, he just wants Aslan to calm down in prison, and Patrick naturally won't bother with that.

"I want to see Aslan."

Patrick didn't object when he heard his wife's words. He just went to take a look at Aslan's words, so there was no problem.

"You can go if you want. As long as you don't take Aslan away from the prison, I won't object to anything else. If you want to take Aslan away from the prison, then I will issue an order to take Aslan directly. Kill Lan on the spot!"

Hearing these cold words from her husband, Renoya Sala couldn't help but widen her eyes, as if she didn't expect that her husband would actually say this!

"I did this for Aslan's good. Do you think Ais could survive if she really became Cantonese?"

Seeing his wife's appearance, Patrick said helplessly, meeting such a mentally retarded son, Patrick could only accept his fate.

Renoya Sara was stunned when she heard her husband's words.

But Renoya Sala soon figured it out.

"I know, I won't Aslan escape from prison."

"Just understand. If you want to see Aslan, go and see him."

With a wave of his hand, Patrick indicated that his wife could go visit Aslan.

Since the release of the album, Lux has been so busy that she basically goes out early in the morning every day, and when Lux comes back it is already night.

Siegel didn't have any objections to what Lux did. He just gave a slight reminder not to neglect Jupiter and then let Lux take care of the rest.

Naturally, Jupiter would not have any thoughts on the side.

Perhaps it is a good thing for Jupiter that Lux has something else to rely on. After all, if Lux puts everything on herself, then one day Jupiter will no longer stay in Lux. So what will happen to Lux when the time comes?

The reason why Jupiter found such a 390 thing to do for Lux was also the idea. Otherwise, why would there be such trouble?

That is to complete the contract with Lux, otherwise Jupiter would not bother to care about what happens to this world.

Whether the world is peaceful or not has nothing to do with Jupiter.

Even if everyone in this world is dead, Jupiter will not even frown.


Stella’s voice suddenly came from the door.

"What's the matter, Stella?"

Looking at Stella standing at the door, Jupiter asked.


Lux went to work on the album, and Jupiter was busy with his own things. It was natural for Stella to feel bored at home alone.

"Is it like this? Then I'll take you out for a walk today. I'll talk to Lux tomorrow and ask Lux to take you with her."

Chapter 896

Speaking of which, Jupiter is still Lux's bodyguard, but usually he understands everything that Jupiter studies, so in reality Jupiter only has a false position, and Jupiter can do whatever he wants. He could do anything and no one would stop Jupiter.

The two of them were walking in the shopping mall with Stella and Jupiter. To be honest, although they took Stella out for shopping, Jupiter had no idea what to do when shopping, so Jupiter just took him with him. Stella came to the mall to buy some clothes.

What Jupiter didn't expect was that he would meet Luna Maria and Meiling Hawke here again.

"What a coincidence."

He said hello to the two people.

Luna Maria and Meiling Hawke also smiled and said hello in response, but the next two people looked at Stella on the side.

"Um, who is this girl?"

"A friend, now living with me at Lux's house."

Lunamaria nodded after hearing Jupiter's words.

"I see."

Looking at Jupiter in front of her, Lunamaria had an expression that said, "I understand," but her eyes revealed an expression as if she had discovered something.

Jupiter saw Lunamaria's expression and roughly guessed what Lunamaria was thinking at this moment.

It's just that Lunamaria thought Jupiter was looking for a mistress, but no normal person would think so.

After all, Lux can indeed be called a goddess in the eyes of other people.

Basically no one on the plant can ignore Lux's charm, except for Jupiter!

"Don't act like I discovered something. Lux knows about Stella's existence."

Jupiter directly exposed Lunamaria's inner thoughts, and Lunamaria suddenly showed an embarrassed expression. After all, he was caught in the act after slandering others in his heart.

"Don't think about these things in normal times."

Looking at Lunamaria in front of him, Jupiter said calmly.

But then Jupiter looked at Lunamaria and said: "Do me a favor and give Stella a few sets of clothes to match. As a boy, it is difficult for me to choose the clothes on Stella."

Upon hearing this, Lunamaria immediately patted her chest and assured Jupiter: "No problem, leave this matter to me, I will never let you down."

Looking at Luna Maria Jupiter nodded directly: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Meiling Hawke on the other side rolled her eyes and looked at her sister. Was she stupid?

Is my sister stupid, otherwise she would not seize such a great opportunity?

At this time, her sister should invite Jupiter to join her, and then enhance their relationship.

Meiling Hawke looked on with anger.

This is a pig, this is definitely a pig!

"Sister, don't you want to invite Jupiter with you?"

Meiling Hawk asked with a smile on the side, but Luna Maria had a confused expression. Fortunately, she didn't understand what her sister was talking about at all.

Lunamaria, you are hopeless.

Looking at her sister, Meiling Hawke made a decision in her heart at this moment. Instead of wasting time to continue saving such a hopeless person, Meiling Hawke felt that it would be better for her to give up as soon as possible. Worse than a waste of brain cells on a fool. . .

Looking at Jupiter's slender body and handsome face, Mei Linghawk couldn't help but have little stars in her eyes.

"..Really handsome!"

Jupiter was speechless, looking at Meiling Hawk and Luna Maria.

"You two should go help the Times pick out some clothes now."

As soon as Jupiter opened his mouth, Lunamaria, Merrill Lynch, or two others immediately reacted and then immediately nodded and said, "Yes, let's go now."

Stella pulled Jupiter's sleeve and said to Jupiter, "Help me choose."

"I'll wait for you here and let them help you choose. After choosing, I will help you see if it looks good."

Hearing this, Stella could only nod in agreement.

Stella then glanced at Meiling Hawke and Luna Maria on the side.

"We should go pick out some clothes and go back."

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