Chapter 141 139 [Trivia]

Zhao Han's residence changed again and became the Ji'an government office.

There was no time to engrave the lintel plaque, so I turned over the government office sign and wrote the three characters "General Military Department" on the back in red pen.

It may seem ridiculous at first glance, but no one will question the authority of the man inside because of this sign!

"Sir, please have some tea!"

Xiyue brought tea and Fei Rulan made it for Pang Chunlai herself.

"Okay." Pang Chunlai said cheerfully.

In the entire backyard of the General Military Administration, apart from Zhao Han and his wife, only Pang Chunlai moved in.

This old gentleman has no children. He is not only Zhao Han's teacher, but also like Zhao Han's adoptive father. He has been living under the same roof since the incident.

Zhao Han blew tea foam, leaned back on the chair comfortably, drank tea and enjoyed the late autumn sunset.

Fei Rulan suddenly said: "Sir, he is only in his fifties and only has a maid by his side. Why don't you get a wife and have someone to take care of you?"

Pang Chunlai shook his head and said: "With my old age, I won't bother others."

Zhao Han suddenly put down his tea cup and said: "There are stubborn landowners who have to raise troops to fight against the land distribution. After the house was confiscated, there were still some children left. Why not choose a young child, two or three years old, that the husband can adopt to continue his career?" .”

"Well..." Pang Chunlai was a little moved.

He used to only think about rebellion and had no other distracting thoughts. Now that the rebellion is on the right track, although he has no intention of marrying and starting a family, he still hopes to have an heir - Pang Chunlai's whole family was killed by the Tatars.

Zhao Han smiled and said: "Then it's decided, choose a smart little boy and hire a wet nurse to feed him."

"That's okay..." Pang Chunlai was happy and even thought about naming the child.

After Pang Chunlai was overjoyed, Zhao Han suddenly asked: "Concerning urban homeless people, many think tanks have sent letters to discuss. Everyone has their own opinions and cannot agree on one thing. What do you think, sir?"

"How else can we look at it? There is no land to divide at all," Pang Chunlai said. "There are also many homeless people who have been living in the county for several generations and have long ago not known how to farm. I agree with Xiao Huan's proposal. There are two ways to do it. Household registration, one is rural household registration and the other is urban household registration.”

Zhao Han's head hurt from this incident. He really couldn't think of any good solution, and the same was true for his subordinates.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry for the time being, because a large number of homeless people in Ji'an Fucheng joined the army last winter and followed Zhao Han to the countryside to divide their fields. This has led to a shortage of labor in cities, which not only makes it easier to find work, but also increases remuneration. Even the hawkers selling goods are doing better than before due to fewer competitors.

Many of the homeless people in Jishui County were recruited by the gentry to defend the city. When Zhao Han attacked the city, he had promised to allocate land to the soldiers who defected. The remaining homeless people can also increase their incomes without competitors.

As for Anfu County, the county is not that prosperous. Recruiting 200 homeless people to join the army can also alleviate the conflicts among the homeless.

These are temporary policies that can only try to ensure employment.

In the Ming Dynasty, many cities in the south were full of gang organizations. The final analysis was that there were too many unemployed people, which led to a large number of idle young people to join gangs.

When fighting for domestic hegemony, you can recruit vagrants or even gangsters as soldiers. You can't recruit too many at one time, you have to disperse them among the various units, and mix in a few of the two to three hundred people, and the gangsters will slowly be assimilated.

As for after the country is unified, urban gangsters will directly use it to immigrate.

Aren't you very good at fighting?

First go to Qiongzhou (Hainan) and Dongfan (Taiwan) and fight with the indigenous people on the islands. These two islands can accommodate millions of people.

Not to mention, there is the infinite vast overseas land!

After chatting for a while, Pang Chunlai suddenly asked: "Is there any news about Zhong Cong?"

Zhong Cong is Xu Ying, the cousin Pang Chunlai chose, and that is the biological son in his heart.

"Not yet. It's not easy to get around in Nanchang. I only gave him a few hundred taels of silver. The store can be bought, but it depends on whether there are vacancies." Zhao Han said with a smile.

Pang Chunlai was a little unhappy: "Actually, Zhong Cong can be transferred back, not only as a county magistrate, but also as a civilian in the General Military Administration."

Zhao Han shook his head: "I am of great use to Brother Xu."

Heck, the great use is nothing more than an intelligence chief.

Pang Chunlai felt particularly sorry for Xu Ying, and was even more afraid that in the future when the country was founded, the intelligence leader would be easily killed by the emperor.

At the same time, Pang Chunlai also wanted to train Xu Ying and become a major help to his subordinates.

Even though there are only three counties in the country now, there are already signs of factions forming within it.

One is the veteran faction, that is, the people Zhao Han brought from Qianshan, as well as officials from Huangjia Town and surrounding areas.

The second is the surrender faction, that is, the landowners in Yongyang Town and the east who actively donated their land, and the Xiangyong (Jie Xuelong's subordinate) who was captured by Zhao Han. During the second large-scale land distribution, many of these people became grassroots officials.

The third is the Jishui Sect, which is headed by Li Banghua and includes a large number of scholars who have recently become thieves.

Of course, there has been no conflict yet, let alone any factional struggle. They are just getting closer.

This is an inevitable development trend. If you want to eradicate the faction, Zhao Han's men must be all robots.

No political regime in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, is an exception.

After sending Pang Chunlai back to rest, Zhao Han returned from a leisurely walk.

Xiyue was teaching the new helpers a lesson, and it seemed that the rules had been broken somewhere. Now, the number of servants in Zhao Han's courtyard has increased to six, which can be regarded as setting a standard for officials.

Officials from the countryside will inevitably show off their style after entering the city.

Take Huang Shunde, Zhao Han's military secretary, for example. Now there are five servants in the family and they dare not hire more than Zhao Han.

"Headquarters, we've found out." Xiao Huan came in to report on his work.

Zhao Han asked: "How?"

"It's so funny." Xiao Huan started laughing as he said it.

Xiao Huan is now not only a think tank, but also in charge of the Integrity Department of the General Military Administration, focusing on corruption issues after entering the city.

Huang Shunde just brought his wife and children over, and hired five helpers at home. They were quickly reported. Xiao Huan didn't dare to investigate immediately. After all, he was Zhao Han's secretary, so he came here to ask for instructions.

"Speak directly." Zhao Han asked Xiao Huan to sit down and drink tea.

Xiao Huan took a sip of tea and said: "Huang Shunde is very proud. But his salary is not much, and he doesn't dare to be corrupt, so he can't afford many helpers. So he hired some short-term workers to go home and only did one or two a day. He does chores for an hour and shows off that he has five servants at home."

Damn it, hourly workers are also considered servants?

Zhao Han shook his head and sighed, the mud can't hold up the wall. It needs to be hammered out, otherwise if the territory becomes bigger in the future, Huang Shunde will definitely be a big corrupt criminal.

If you still don't calm down after hammering, you will have to find another secretary.

Zhao Han asked: "How many people have been investigated and punished in the past month?"

Xiao Huan said: "Seven. Five here in Fucheng and two in Jishui County. In the countryside, there is not much money to be corrupted, but in the city there is a lot of money. The person who embezzled the most was more than sixty taels, and the person who embezzled the least was eight taels." "

"Notify the three counties and let everyone know," Zhao Han ordered, "Anyone who embezzles or accepts a bribe of more than twenty taels will have the couple's land confiscated. The corrupt person will be punished by burning lime and charcoal in the mountains, and his wife will be ordered to remarry as soon as possible! "

It was very inhumane. Not only did he punish himself, he also asked his wife to remarry.

But he was extremely kind and did not trace his parents, brothers, and children. You know, in ancient times, it was common to sit together. Not to mention family members, even neighbors would suffer.

Zhao Han added: "For those who embezzle less than ten taels, one acre of land will be confiscated and the punishment will be downgraded. Those who embezzle between ten taels and twenty taels will have two acres of land confiscated and the punishment will be downgraded."

Zhao Han has no shortage of talents now. There are literate scholars everywhere. He only lacks talents who are truly willing to obey.

Xiao Huan said: "After notifying the three counties, corruption will definitely be deterred."

Fei Rulan came out with preserved fruit: "Mr. Xiao, have some snacks."

"Thank you, madam!" Xiao Huan quickly stood up.

"Sit down quickly." Fei Rulan smiled.

The high-level civil and military officials respected this lady very much. Not only did Zhao Han have no official airs, but even his wife was generous and decent.

Fei Rulan is still contacting Xiaohong and Xiaocui, looking for suitable partners for unmarried senior staff.

Fei Rulan smiled and said, "I heard that County Magistrate Huang (Huang Shunfu) received a divorce case?"

"It's not a reconciliation," Xiao Huan explained. "There was a concubine from a wealthy family who was often abused by his wife. She escaped two days ago and went to the county government office to complain about her injustice. She also said she wanted to join the missionary group."

Fei Rulan asked: "How did Huang Zhixian judge this?"

Xiao Huan said: "For keeping a domestic slave in violation of the order, I fined the big family five taels of silver. Not only did I allow this concubine to start her own business, but I also asked the big family to compensate the concubine ten taels of silver."

The "Laws of the Ming Dynasty" has long stipulated that commoners are not allowed to take concubines. Only those who are over forty and have no children can legally take a concubine in order to continue their incest.

Even the clan has regulations. Only those at the level of prince (and crown prince), who are over twenty-five years old and have no children, can legally have two concubines. If there is no son at the age of thirty, the prince (and the crown prince) can have four concubines. As a county king, four concubines are as powerful as the sky.

Zhao Han actually doesn't need to make too many rules, he just needs to strictly follow the "Laws of the Ming Dynasty".

There is no clan in his territory, and he does not recognize the official position of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, as long as the concubine is willing, he can go to the government to report it. They must all be illegal concubines!

If you win one lawsuit, there will definitely be a second and third one. Now all the big families in the city do not allow their concubines to go out alone.

After Xiao Huan left, Fei Rulan sat in Zhao Han's arms and asked with a smile: "Don't you also take concubines?"

"Can I still take the lead in breaking the rules?" Zhao Han asked back.

"What about becoming emperor?" Fei Rulan asked.

Zhao Han couldn't answer: "Let's talk about it then."

Putting aside the emperor's personal preferences, the Three Palaces and Six Courtyards are more like political tasks. It's nothing more than sowing seeds and ensuring there are heirs, which can greatly improve the stability of the country.

Even if the emperor favors a certain concubine when he has no children, he will be dissuaded by officials.

Fei Rulan touched her belly and muttered: "We have been together for almost half a year, why am I not pregnant yet?"

"Madam, don't be anxious," Zhao Han said with a mischievous smile, "I will definitely work hard tonight..."


Someone suddenly reported outside the hospital.

Fei Rulan quickly stood up, and Zhao Han could only sigh.

He stipulated that officials should have one day off every five days, but he could not take a break. He had already met many subordinates in one afternoon.

"come in."

"In the main town, there are merchants bringing news from the south. Ruijin's rebel army has broken through Huichang County, and will show the heads of the magistrate of Changchang County and the Southern Gansu Council to the public!"

Zhao Han stood up suddenly, clapped his hands and cheered: "Well done!"

The Ruijin Peasant Army is very powerful. Last year it was driven into the mountains by Jie Xuelong, but this year it actually occupied Ruijin and Huichang counties. He also killed the Southern Jiangxi military officer, who was the highest-ranking military commander in Jiangxi. In the early years of Chongzhen, there was no Jiangxi general army.

(Refresh after reading. There will be a map of Jiangxi at the end of the chapter.)

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