Chapter 819 816 [Those who uphold integrity are ruthless people]

Liu Hanyi was born in the former Ming Dynasty. If Zhao Han had not changed history, he would have died fighting the Qing Dynasty in Licheng, Shandong.

"Liu Angel, do you want to return to Beijing immediately?" Captain Zhang Yue asked.

Liu Hanyi slammed the stick on the deck, and the stick swayed. He stared at the Dutch warships in the distance, gritted his teeth and said: "Namba has become a Dutch vassal, so why should I return to Beijing to recover? Kuang Hong went to Nanyang as an envoy, and if he can capture the city of Malacca, I can capture the Badawi Ya! Do you want to become a marquis at sea?"

From Zhang Dai to Liu Xiangke, and then from Liu Xiangke to Kuang Hong, they all achieved meritorious service and promotion as envoys.

Kuang Hong, in particular, gathered the armies of various Southeast Asian countries with integrity, captured Malacca in one fell swoop, and was promoted to the governor of Palembang. This incident has irritated many Honglu Temple officials. Now Liu Hanyi is full of anger. How can he have the shame to return to Nanjing? What he wanted was not to occupy Nambawa, but to knock Batavia down directly.

Zhang Yue was tempted by the "Marquis of the Sea" and wanted to join in the trouble. He asked: "Then go to Luzon and bring reinforcements?"

But Liu Hanyi said: "Go to Tong'an, Fujian first!"

Zhang Yue didn't know why and asked, "What are you going to do in Tong'an?"

Liu Hanyi said: "It is impossible for the imperial court to raise a large number of troops. The most we can do is mobilize the troops from Luzon and Palembang. These troops are not enough to conquer Batavia, so we can only win with strategy. There is an old gentleman in Tong'an who can help Come up with ideas.”

"Is there a Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chick in Tong'an County?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

Liu Hanyi complained: "You have watched too much "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

Fujian, Quanzhou Prefecture, Tong'an County.

Su Minggang lived in a large country house. The original owner was executed in public trial during the land distribution in Fujian for plundering the land of fish and meat.

"Master, the angel is here!"

Su Minggang was squinting in the sun when the housekeeper rushed in and shouted in an excited tone.


Su Minggang was overjoyed. Could it be that he had received praise from the emperor because he donated money to study in Datianting? Or was it the report about Batavia that gained him the emperor's favor?

He stood up tremblingly and said, "Hurry up and help me to meet the angel!"

Su Minggang is 73 years old and his body is still strong. He put on his glasses as he walked, and sure enough, in the living room, he saw the imperial envoy holding a scepter.

The emperor's envoys do not use scepters in the country.

Then, the angel in front of me must be going to sea to work.

Su Minggang had some calculations in his mind, and he cupped his hands and said, "I pay my respects to Lord Angel!"

"How polite, old gentleman," Liu Hanyi held the other person's hands and whispered, "Please step aside."

Su Minggang understood immediately and ordered: "You all go down."

There were only two people left in the room. Liu Hanyi closed the door himself and watched the other people go away.

Su Minggang asked: "Angels want to take action against Batavia?"

Liu Hanyi said in surprise: "The old man knows things like a god!"

Su Minggang shook his head and said with a smile: "I have no other skills. I am only familiar with Bacheng. The angel is holding a scepter and seems to be going on an overseas mission. The two things put together mean that he is going to attack Bacheng."

"It's really the Dutch and Sultan Nambawa who went too far this time. They don't take China seriously at all!" Liu Hanyi began to explain the specific reasons.

After Su Minggang heard this, he asked, "How many troops can China send?"

Liu Hanyi said: "There are 3,000 garrison troops in Luzon and 500 garrison troops in Palembang. It is impossible to use all the troops in these two places. The number of soldiers used to attack the city can be more than 2,000 at most. Of course, Manila and Palembang The fleet can also provide some naval soldiers. If it is not enough, we can go to Malacca to borrow two hundred soldiers."

Su Minggang was shocked: "Bacheng is the home of the Dutch ghosts. How can these troops be enough?"

"That's why I came to ask the old gentleman, this battle must use strategy, and the help of the Han people in Bacheng is needed." Liu Hanyi showed a fox-like smile.

Su Minggang attended a private school and also learned martial arts. Because of his family's financial difficulties, he went to sea to make a living when he was more than ten years old.

Thirty-four years ago, the Dutch occupied Batavia. At that time, Sumingang had started from scratch, owned his own ship, and owned land on the outskirts of Batavia. He helped the Dutch bring Han people to build the city. Because of his generosity and righteousness, he stood out among many ship owners and was unanimously supported by the Han people.

Therefore, Su Minggang was appointed by the Dutch Governor as Kapitan to manage the civil affairs of the Han people in Batavia. The Han people also came to him to resolve disputes. Immediately afterwards, he was appointed as a member of the Batavia Senate.

Historically, he resigned from his post in Kapitan in the eighth year of Chongzhen's reign and returned to his hometown to return to his roots. But when he arrived in Taiwan, he heard that Fujian was strictly investigating people who went overseas. He was so frightened that he stayed in Taiwan for three years, and in desperation returned to Batavia to die.

What do you say about this guy?

He must have tricked his compatriots, but it was indeed true that he gained many benefits for the Han people in Batavia. At the same time, I have a very good relationship with the Dutch. He was even proud of this and hung a lantern at the door of his house in Bacheng. The lantern had the words "Founding Father" written on it, thinking that he assisted the Dutch in establishing the foundation.

In this time and space, Su Minggang successfully returned to China and spent money to buy the mansion left by the evil gentry, and was allocated several acres of land without paying any money.

One of his sons was brought back to the country, started as a civil servant, and is now a seventh-rank official. Other children and grandchildren continue to operate industries in Batavia, mainly doing trade and starting plantations.

He also took the initiative to write a report detailing the situation in Batavia, which was read by Honglu Temple officials.

Faced with Liu Hanyi's request for help, Su Minggang said: "My son is in Bacheng and often writes letters back. Over the years, Bacheng has been different from when I was doing Kapitan."

Liu Hanyi quickly asked: "What's the difference?"

Su Minggang said: "The Dutch lost Taiwan and suddenly lost the source of cane sugar. They also wanted to do the cane sugar business, so they encouraged the Han people to plant cane sugar, and even captured the natives and sold them to the Han people at low prices as serfs. The Han people reclaimed large areas of forest to plant sugar cane, and just now At first everyone was happy to get what they needed, but gradually the Dutch showed their true nature. They banned the private sale of sugar cane by the Han people, prohibited the Han people from privately opening sugar mills, and also lowered the price of sugar cane. The Han people who grew sugar cane were extremely dissatisfied with this. These Han people, But they are all big landowners!”

"If you are dissatisfied, you can contact me. Sir, please continue talking." Liu Hanyi said happily.

Su Minggang said: "When I was doing Kapitan, I tried my best to ease the relationship between the Dutch and the Han people, and I also tried my best to help the Han people speak. After I left, I changed to a Kapitan, and it completely changed. The Datong Army and the Dutch had many conflicts During the war, the Dutch became more and more distrustful of the Han people, so they specially selected people who were pickpockets to make Kapitan. Now this Kapitan raises thugs and oppresses the compatriots, and the Han people have been dissatisfied with it for a long time."

"This man must be killed to unite the Han people in Bacheng." Liu Hanyi said.

Su Minggang added: "At the beginning of the establishment of Bacheng, there was an extreme shortage of food. So we asked Han shipowners to transport more Han people and encouraged the Han people to cultivate land in the suburbs. The Han people who were the first to cultivate land have now become landlords and no longer work in the fields themselves. . Han Chinese landowners also imitated the missionaries, setting up plantations in the suburbs, also known as farms, and buying natives as serfs. There are more and more plantations, and they are getting farther and farther away from the city of Batavia. In recent years, they often They were robbed by Banten bandits, and the plantations were burned one after another. The Han landowners asked the Netherlands to send troops, but the Banten bandits ran away after looting and burning, and they could not catch them every time they sent troops. As time went by, the Dutch were too lazy to send troops. Let Wandan bandits plunder Han farms."

Liu Hanyi thought about it: "Sir, what you are saying is that the big Han landowners in Banten have alienated themselves from the Dutch because the sugarcane prices have been lowered and because they have been robbed and ignored."

"That's it." Su Minggang nodded.

Liu Hanyi asked again: "What else?"

Su Minggang said: "The last time China signed a contract with the Netherlands, the Netherlands was not allowed to tax the Han people in Bacheng differently. The Netherlands did keep its promise, but contracted the head tax to Kapitan. Kapitan is a Han Chinese, no matter how high the tax is, it will It does not violate the contract between the two countries. The Han people in Bacheng were even more angry because they believed that the Dutch had gone back on their word. As long as the Chinese army was dispatched, ordinary Han people would help fight the war. As for the Han landlords outside the city, as long as they were promised enough preferential treatment, they would definitely I am willing to sell grain to the Datong Army. If the Datong Army besieges the city with 3,000 men, they don’t have to worry about food for two years. They can buy it from Han landlords."

"Great kindness!" Liu Hanyi said happily.

Su Minggang added: "Quinzi's letter revealed that a big event happened last year."

Liu Hanyi said quickly: "Old sir, please speak."

Su Minggang said: "There are a total of 21 types of taxes in Bacheng, 17 of which are contracted to the Han people to collect. Every New Year's Day, these contracted taxes are tendered at Kapitan's house. Last year it changed!"

"Changed?" Liu Hanyi asked.

Su Minggang said: "The tax package bidding was moved from the Kapitan mansion to the Batavia Castle. There was an employee of the Dutch East India Company who married a Javanese noble widow and colluded with other members to act randomly during the bidding. 17 One of the Han tax types was taken away by the Javanese nobles. Although Han Chinese won the bid for the other two tax types, the winning bidder was a relative of Kapitan who worked as a dog for the Dutch. The wealthy Han businessmen in Bacheng also had great influence on the Dutch. dissatisfied."

"Wonderful!" Liu Hanyi laughed.

Su Minggang said: "I can write a letter and give it to Quanzi when the angels send troops to Bacheng. Quanzi will contact the wealthy Han businessmen and landlords in Bacheng. We are unable to help the Datong Army attack the city, but as long as the Datong Army is willing to pay, we will guarantee Provide two years of military rations for three thousand soldiers. We can also recruit thousands of people to serve as civilian laborers for the Datong Army, helping to cut down trees, dig trenches, fill trenches, etc."

Liu Hanyi stood up and held his hands in his hands: "Thank you very much, Mr. Sir, for your generosity. Once the matter is accomplished, I will definitely take credit for you."

"No need, I can just spend my old age in my hometown." Su Minggang was actually dissatisfied with the Netherlands. After he left Batavia, the new Kapitan was meddling in the property he left to his son in Batavia.

The next day.

Carrying Su Minggang's autographed letter and holding a scepter, Liu Hanyi boarded the ship again. He also had to persuade the Governor of Luzon and the Governor of Palembang to send troops.

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