Chapter 837: 833 [Islanders offering soil]

The Dutch fleet sailed through Malacca without being attacked.

Even when picking up the governor, he went to China's Palembang to resupply once. Wars belong to wars, and business belongs to business. Now that the war is over, fresh water and food can be replenished with money.

In the cabin, Governor Rainiers said: "Batavia is gone, and occupying Ceylon will not make up for this major loss. Before the headquarters gets the news, we must make up for it. The port of Naga Patam in Portugal is not easy to fight. But Chittagong is relatively easy, there are only a few Portuguese and a few pirates there."

Commander-in-Chief Edlan said: "I'm afraid we won't be able to send troops. We seem to have lost the war with the British."

"Seems?" Rainiers didn't understand.

Edland said: "A few days ago, I met a few French merchant ships, and they brought the latest news from Europe. In the last naval battle, we lost both with Britain, but our naval commander was killed. Due to being besieged for half a year, Amsterdam Prices are soaring, food is in short supply, and it is said that many civilians have starved to death. We are negotiating with the British, and we are passive in the negotiation.”

Rainiers was shocked: "How could it be possible that even the British fleet can't win?"

Edlan said: "I am also surprised, but the fact is like this. So I dare not fight the Chinese fleet, because our fleet has suffered heavy losses at the headquarters. If we fight the Chinese fleet again, even if we win, we will definitely win." The loss is heavy, and it is difficult to replenish ships in the short term. At that time, if China gathers its fleet to attack, we may not even be able to keep the Indian Ocean. Now our army is not enough, we can only defend the existing colonies, and it is impossible to capture Jida port."

When Rainiers heard that the Netherlands lost to England, he didn't feel much sadness, but a tinge of rejoicing.

My loss of Batavia was a major fault. Wasn't the Netherlands' loss to England a major fault? Everyone is in the same boat, so don't make fun of anyone. I can also shirk when faced with inquiries from the headquarters.

Rainiers said to Edlan: "When we arrived in India, we threw those staff and soldiers to the colonies in batches. We took our cronies and went to Colombo to rebuild the Governor's Palace."

"Shouldn't you go to Pulicat? It develops best there." Adrian asked.

Rainiers shook his head: "It's because Pulicat has developed so well, and the local forces there are entangled. After I went, I was easily dismissed. Colombo is just the opposite. Not long after it was laid down there, the local factions have not yet had a solid foundation. Portugal has ruled for hundreds of years, and Colombo is suitable for Europeans and is the best government house for companies."

Batch after batch of civilians and Dutch soldiers were thrown in the colonies on the east coast of India.

Rainiers landed in Colombo with his cronies and changed the castle left by Portugal into the Governor's Palace. Sri Lanka became the Asian ruling center of the Dutch East India Company.



After losing Luzon, it became the ruling center of the Philippine Governor.

The new governor, Sabignano Manrique de lara, set off from Spain to Mexico, and then took a boat to the Philippines to serve.

"You're finally here, hurry up and do the handover, I've long wanted to leave this damned place." The current governor, Diego Fajardo Chacon, was relieved.

"What's the trouble?" Sabignano asked.

Diego said: "Half of the Philippines is rioting, and these indigenous people can't be killed cleanly. Also, don't mess with the Chinese. The Netherlands is about to be driven out of Southeast Asia by China."

"Has Batavia been captured by China?" Sabignano asked in surprise.

Diego said: "I don't know very well. The news I got is that the Chinese army has surrounded Batavia for almost two months. The reason is that China's vassal state discovered a large gold mine, and the Netherlands sent troops to capture it."

Sabignano gloated: "Those greedy Dutchmen deserve it!"

Diego said: "Don't worry about the Dutch, I remind you to apply for the formation of more troops as soon as possible. There is a rebel leader named Sumu Luoyi. He instigated and led the indigenous riots. This riot has lasted for four years. Forgive me for my lack of ability , I really can't completely put down the rebels. I killed more than 20,000 rebels, but the number of rebels is increasing."

"Four years of rebellion?" Sabignano finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Diego said: "In the entire Philippines, more than half of the region has rebelled. Especially Mindoro Island, which is the closest to Luzon Island in China. The indigenous people on the island killed the missionaries in the countryside and surrounded our colonial castle. The first time I sent troops there, I successfully killed more than 2,000 indigenous rebels. But the reinforcements only left for half a year, and the aborigines started a large-scale rebellion. Because I was busy suppressing the rebellion in Sumu Luoyi, I could not send troops to rescue Mindoro The Spanish defenders of the castle, who had been besieged for nearly a year, starved to death."

"So Mindoro is now under indigenous occupation?" asked Sabignano.

Diego nodded and said: "Yes, they also elected a Chinese to be the provincial governor. And that Chinese is calling a parliamentary vote to try to incorporate the entire island of Mindoro into China."

"The rebels in Mindoro must be suppressed immediately!" Sabignano said.

Diego shook his head: "We can't spare enough troops. In the entire Philippines, there are at least 100,000 rebels who elected Sumu Luoyi as the leader to cause riots. In fact, Sumu Luoyi has already been killed by us. But Killing one Sumu Luoyi, but more than ten Sumu Luoyi appeared one after another."

The leader of the rebel army named Sumu Luoyi apparently became the third prince Zhu of the Philippines, and all the rebels on the islands used him as a signboard.

Regardless of whether China has seized Luzon Island, the Philippines has always been in uprisings, which stems from the brutal colonial rule model.

The administrative structure of the Philippines is divided into three levels: provinces, towns, and villages. In addition, there is a "domestic" model, where the king of Spain rewards someone to be a lord.

Lords could levy taxes, enforce corvee, and recruit native soldiers. They expanded their territory as they wished, occupying the land of the aborigines or Han people, and used corvee to force the aborigines to continue to cultivate.

Most of these lords are missionaries!

While frantically exploiting the aborigines, it was also accompanied by religious oppression, forcing the aborigines to convert to Catholicism.

The various villages of the aborigines were forcibly combined into towns.

The leader of the village community is partly a colonial lord and partly an aboriginal henchman. They formed the town council and elected the native puppet as the mayor. The mayor was actually a scapegoat, and he was directly pushed out to top the vat when there was a big disturbance.

Each town forms a province, and the provincial governor is also making money like crazy.

The aborigines couldn't bear the exploitation, and they revolted one after another. Most of the Han Chinese who couldn't get by, chose to flee to Luzon, and a small number of them participated in the uprising of the indigenous people.

Let's put it this way, in the Philippines under Spanish colonization, an uprising will break out on average every one and a half years.

This Sumoluoyi uprising has lasted for four years and quickly spread to half of the Philippines. In many areas, the Spaniards could only hide in the city, and all the suburbs became the territory of the rebel army.

Moreover, the rebels became smarter and smarter as they fought. When the Spanish army went to conquer, they immediately hid in the mountains or forests. After the Spanish army left, they came out of the mountains and killed the colonial lords of the villages, and even killed the mayors and councilors, so that the provincial governors of the Philippine provinces could not collect taxes at all.

Diego took his embezzled money, sailed to Mexico, patted his ass and left.

Sabignano, the new governor, didn't know how to deal with the mess of the uprising army everywhere. He could only counter the rebellion from Cebu Island, and he also called on Europeans to be encouraged to join the army, no matter which country they are from, as long as they are Europeans.

Europeans can form private soldiers, and after the rebellion in a certain place is put down, that piece of land is that person's territory.

Ever since, these adventurers from Europe formed their own armies in groups of three or four. Gathering hundreds of people, they dared to conquer a small group of rebels, laid down a large area of ​​land and immediately divided up the spoils.

And Mindoro, which is next to Luzon, the Spaniards really can't care about it!

This island, which is more than a quarter of the area of ​​Taiwan, elected a provincial governor according to the Spanish system.

Before the Batavia castle was breached, the Han provincial governor personally took a boat to Manila and knelt down in front of the Luzon governor Zhang Huangyan: "Song Min, an abandoned overseas citizen, pays homage to the governor of China!"

Zhang Huangyan smiled and helped: "Please get up quickly."

Song Min took advantage of the opportunity to stand up, and then bowed his hands again: "Please, Governor, send troops quickly to occupy the castle on Mindoro Island, and don't let the Spaniards come back again. This time, the Han people and indigenous people on the island joined hands to conquer the Spanish castle. People drove them away, and the Han people alone sacrificed hundreds of people, and the indigenous brothers died more than a thousand."

Mindoro Island has been called Mayi Kingdom since the Song Dynasty, and it was an important trading place for Han merchants. Yellow wax, pearls, betel nuts, tortoiseshell, calico, etc. are the special products here, which are used to exchange for Chinese porcelain, ironware and cotton cloth.

The record in "Daoyi Zhilue" in the Yuan Dynasty is: "(Mayi Country) has flat and wide mountains, Jiaxi settlements, fertile fields, and a slightly warmer climate. The vulgar is still righteous...many merchants negotiate prices, and lead them to pass on Bo Yitu Goods, and then the ship merchants will keep their promises and keep their promises."

In other words, Mindoro Island has gentle mountains and many villages gather in river valleys. The climate is relatively warm and the land is very fertile. The aborigines here advocate integrity and have a tradition of burial. The native businessman kept his promise, negotiated the price, and never changed his mind.

Zhang Huangyan asked: "Are the residents on the island willing to submit to His Majesty?"

Song Min replied: "Yes. The residents on the island, regardless of the local Han, all hate Spain and admire China. I heard that the court treats the Luzon natives well, and all the natives on the island yearn for it."

Zhang Huangyan asked again: "How many Han people are there on the island?"

Song Min replied: "There are about two or three thousand Han people (mostly of mixed blood)."

Zhang Huangyan thought for a while and said, "In that case, I will make my own decision and change Namindo Luo Island to Mayi County, and your Excellency will temporarily be a false (acting) magistrate. After reporting to the imperial court, you will be transferred to the county magistrate. The county should respond The officials will be arranged by Your Excellency. In addition, I will recruit three hundred soldiers in Luzon to guard the castle there."

"Thank you, Governor!" Song Min was overjoyed.

Contributing soil is meritorious, and a county magistrate will definitely give it. In order to rule the island stably, the officials arranged by the magistrate will also honor it.

But, every three years.

After two terms at most, the imperial court will send officials to replace them, and gradually bring them under the actual control of the central government.

The expansion of Datong China in Nanyang is really smooth. As long as there is force as a backing, a bunch of vassal states will vote one after another. Now even more islanders are revolting, donating soil directly and incorporating it into China.

In fact, those Nanyang aborigines were oppressed too hard by the European colonists, and they thought of turning to China at the slightest opportunity, and they would not be bullied by taking shelter in China.

When the day comes when all the European colonists are driven away, the situation will definitely slowly change, turning into a conflict between the Han Chinese and the indigenous people. At that time, it will be the indigenous uprising, clamoring to rebel against China.

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