Chapter 843 839【Microscope】

When Li Zicheng planned to visit the Nanjing night market, Zhao Han came to the Queen's bedroom.

The maid took off her coat, Fei Rulan hung up the clothes herself, walked back and said, "Husband, the crown prince is short-sighted."

"Huh?" Zhao Han thought he heard it wrong.

Fei Rulan said: "Mr. Zhang from Zhan Shifu said that the prince likes to read books close by. Mr. Zhang felt bad, so he put the book far away for the prince to read. The prince said that the handwriting was very blurry."

Zhao Han couldn't laugh or cry. When he thought of his son wearing glasses, he thought it was funny and unreal.

Although, many civil servants also wear a pair of glasses on their chests when they are in court.

Fei Rulan also said: "Mr. Zhang suggests wearing glasses, but I'm afraid it will damage the prestige of the prince."

"It won't hurt your prestige, you can wear glasses when you need them, and choose the best optician." Zhao Han said.

Fei Rulan said: "Master Sun of Qintian Academy is a first-class mirror master in the world."

"Then ask Master Sun to match the prince with glasses." Zhao Han didn't know what Master Sun was doing.

Dr. Sun's name is Sun Yunqiu, from Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province, and he is only 25 years old this year.

Being a master of Qintian Academy at a young age is definitely not due to his glasses-grinding skills. This old man graduated from Yangzhou University, did not take the imperial examination, and was directly admitted to Qintianyuan.

Moreover, before being admitted to Qintian Academy, Sun Yunqiu had already invented the microscope!

This is not the butterfly effect brought about by Zhao Han. In real history, Sun Yunqiu also invented the microscope.

Glasses appeared in China in the Yuan Dynasty, but until the end of the Ming Dynasty, glasses were all precious items. The main reason is that it is not easy to grind, and after grinding, it often does not match the degree. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Western learning spread eastward, and simple knowledge of optics gradually spread to China, and finally a breakthrough was made in eyeglass manufacturing technology, which is why Qian Qianyi said that eyeglasses are a Western product.

And Sun Yunqiu, with his own power, directly made the glasses that the dignitaries could afford, at the price of cabbage - each pair of glasses only cost two or three cents of silver (one tael equals 100 cents).

This gentleman studied at Chen Tianqu, a disciple of Matteo Ricci, and mastered some knowledge of mathematics and physics. He also invented the tuo car for grinding lenses, and pointed out the difference between presbyopia, hyperopia and myopia, and equipped glasses according to the actual conditions of patients. He even wrote the book "History of Mirrors", which disclosed all the methods of making glasses, which eventually caused the cost of making glasses to plummet.

It's a pity that when the Qing army went south, Sun Yunqiu's livelihood was difficult and he had to make a living by collecting herbs. He died of illness at the age of only 34.

By the way, Sun Yunqiu can also make chime clocks.

Sun Yunqiu in this time and space will definitely not go to collect herbs again, and he doesn't even focus on grinding lenses.

He invented the microscope and continued to improve it. Now he does research every day and uses a microscope to observe various microorganisms. The Qintian Academy even plans to set up a separate "microscopic hall" to allow researchers to explore the microscopic world.

"Wenyu, His Majesty summoned you!" Fang Yizhi called out in person.

Sun Yunqiu, who had just invented the microscope slide, was watching the cute tardigrades swimming, and raised his head in a daze when he heard the words: "What did Your Majesty want me to do?"

Fang Yizhi said: "I don't know, you just entered the palace."

"Wait a minute," Sun Yunqiu said, "The lenses I polished a few days ago can see microbes more clearly, and today I discovered a new kind of water worm. After I finish my observation and record, I will go to the palace to see Your Majesty. "

Fang Yizhi was speechless about this, and actually stopped urging, turned around and asked the female officer to wait a moment.

Sun Yunqiu continued to fiddle with the microscope, and then took a pen to start the portrait, drawing the whole picture of the tardigrade from different angles, and annotated beside it: water bug 21 (tentative name), green body, six-legged...

The female officer was already anxiously waiting, and Sun Yunqiu finally got up, went out and clasped his fists and said, "Please wait a long time."

As soon as this guy left, the researcher next to him rushed to occupy the microscope. The lens of this microscope is a newly polished ultra-high magnification, the only one in the entire Qintianyuan, and everyone is waiting in line to see it.

Being brought into the palace in a daze, Sun Yunqiu didn't pay attention to the scenery along the way at all, and his mind was still on the things under the microscope just now.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Prince, brought by Master Sun."

Sun Yunqiu finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly went to see him.

Zhao Han didn't talk about myopia, but asked, "I heard that you invented the microscope, how did you do it?"

Sun Yunqiu replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, although my ancestral home is Wujiang County, my uncle has lived in Hangzhou with my uncle since he was a child because he was doing business in Hangzhou. Eighty percent of the glasses in the world are made by Hangzhou mirror craftsmen. I am very curious about glasses, so I stand all day long. Watch them grind from the sidelines."

"Later, I went to school and learned geometry and physics, the true meaning of Fang Xiaoguang's optics. When I was in middle school, I began to grind lenses by myself. I always felt that it was not easy to polish lenses, so I thought about inventing a tuo cart. In fact, it is not The principle of the invention comes from water oranges, which have existed since ancient times.”

"When I was studying in university, I first learned how to make binoculars, and later made things such as kaleidoscopes and night mirrors. I thought that a binoculars can see very far objects, so why can't I make a set of lenses to see things that are very near and very small?" things? Hence the microscope.”

"Great kindness!" Zhao Han praised.

Sun Yunqiu said: "Your Majesty is absurd. The microscope is not very useful. It can only observe some small bugs to satisfy the curiosity of the members of the Qintian Academy."

"Otherwise," Zhao Han shook his head and said, "Why don't you observe the patient's sputum? For example, for a certain cough, compare the sputum of the same disease under a microscope. Perhaps this disease is also caused by small bugs."

"Bugs cause cough?" Sun Yunqiu couldn't keep up with the emperor's rhythm.

Zhao Han continued: "When you come into contact with patients and sputum, you must wear a mask, which is a cotton mask to prevent the plague. When observing, you should wash the contact with boiling water, and your hands should be washed repeatedly. Yes Yes, it's better to wear gloves, and put the gloves in boiling water afterwards."

The emperor has a mission, of course Sun Yunqiu dare not refuse: "I obey the order."

Fei Rulan reminded from the side: "Your Majesty, let's talk about the prince first."

Zhao Han pointed to Zhao Kuanghuan: "My son is nearsighted, please trouble Sun Qing to get a pair of glasses."

Sun Yunqiu said: "Your Majesty, I want to go home and fetch the optometry."

"Go." Zhao Han nodded.

Sun Yunqiu took the royal carriage, went back quickly, and got a set of optometry equipment.

He opened the prince's eyelids first, and observed the condition of the eyes with a magnifying glass. Then the cardboard was erected, and the character "Jia" in different directions and sizes was written on the cardboard, asking the prince to point out the specific direction with one eye blindfolded.

Fei Rulan couldn't understand, and after Sun Yunqiu finished his work, he asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Sun Yunqiu replied: "Returning to my mother, I think the eyes are convex lenses. For some reason, the focus moves forward, so I can't see clearly. Using concave lenses to make glasses can adjust the focus. And because everyone's myopia focus is different, in When wearing glasses, it is necessary to measure how much the focal point has changed. The characters 'A' on the cardboard are of different sizes. Each size represents a focal position, so it can be matched with different concave lenses."

"So that's it, Master Laosun is here." Fei Rulan smiled, but the more she listened, the more confused she became.

Zhao Han suddenly said: "You guessed that the eyes are convex lenses, why don't you prove this guess?"

Sun Yunqiu was stunned: "Chen... how can I prove it?"

Zhao Han said: "You can go to the butcher's place and dig out the eyes of freshly killed pigs for observation. Or, simply go to the medical school, where human corpses are often dissected."

Today's medicine is divided into several schools, the most unacceptable is the "Ziyang School".

The Ziyang Medical College originated from Gezao Mountain in Jiangxi. When Zhao Han's territory was only in Jiangxi, he kept throwing the enemy's corpses for autopsy.

Today, detailed human skeleton diagrams, muscle diagrams, blood vessel diagrams, etc. have all been drawn by the doctors of the Ziyang School. However, the dissection process was too disgusting and violated the traditional customs, so that the Ziyang School was cast aside by traditional doctors, and there were even rumors that Gezaoshan doctor liked to eat people.

In Gezao Mountain, the ancestral home of the Taoist Lingbao School, the incense of the Taoist temple is getting weaker and weaker, and the common people are too frightened to go up the mountain.

But well, spurn on it, the medical research results of the Ziyang School were secretly studied by traditional doctors. No matter which school of famous doctors they are in, they will secretly collect those human anatomy diagrams, and only allow the disciples who entered the room to study them in private.

After a few days.

After Sun Yunqiu's fine polishing, a pair of glasses was sent to the prince.

Zhao Kuanghuan put on his glasses and looked at the clear scenery around him, like a blind man who had regained his light, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

Zhao Han couldn't help but think of his son as the emperor.

An emperor wearing glasses, sitting on the golden throne, the scene really made people laugh.

Maybe it will be similar to Emperor Yongzheng, who had 35 pairs of glasses in different styles and materials. After washing up every morning, the first thing Yongzheng did was to think about which pair of glasses he should wear today.

What "Scary Step by Step" and what "The Legend of Zhen Huan" were not filmed enough to restore history, and they didn't give Si Ye a complete pair of glasses.

"Mom, I can see clearly!" Zhao Kuanghuan shouted happily.

Fei Rulan looked at her son from the side, and suddenly said: "The glasses frames should be replaced with better-looking ones. The tortoiseshell tribute from Nanyang Fanbang can be polished into glasses frames by artisans."

The mother and son were having fun, while Zhao Han was playing with the microscope.

If the emperor wanted anything, Qintianyuan would send it naturally, and they would just make a new one by themselves.

Sun Yunqiu guided his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this is a slide (slide glass). The object you want to observe must be placed on the slide first..."

Traveling through two lives before and after, Zhao Han played with a microscope for the first time, and he was inevitably a little excited.

He soon saw the tardigrade, and he shouted excitedly, "Queen, come and see!"

Fei Rulan lay beside Zhao Han, took a closer look with her glasses, and immediately backed away in fright, exclaiming, "What an ugly monster!"

Zhao Kuanghuan yelled, "I want to see it too!"

The father and son obviously have the same style, and Zhao Kuanghuan also found the tardigrade interesting, lying there for a long time without moving his eyes.

The invention of the microscope made Zhao Han feel great: "The autumn is crisp and clear, and it's the perfect weather for hunting. Li Zicheng hasn't left Beijing yet, right? Invite him to go hunting. Also, Sun Qing will go too. You have made a contribution to inventing the microscope and accompany me to hunt." Easy easy."

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