"There is one situation that I think you need to know." Dr. Vesalius added.

Longzel thought for a moment, "I roughly understand what you want to add, Evans, your hometown is still independent now."

Evans Dayne puffed out his chest with some pride. "Yes, my lord, Dorne has never bowed to any northern monarch since the warrior queen of Rhoyna, the great Nymeria, crossed the river with thousands of ships and married Mors Martell. Even though the conqueror Aegon Targaryen rode a dragon and burned down our castle, we still stand proudly in the desert and rivers south of the Red Mountains. My ancestor King Dorian Dayne was once the king of the Turbulent River Basin. After being defeated by the warrior queen, he bowed to her, and my other ancestor Sir Davos Dayne became her husband after the warrior queen became a widow."

"I heard that you also shot down a dragon?" Longzel asked. There was no expression on his handsome face.

"Yes." Evans Dayne nodded. "Mirasis's body is still in the prison gate of the Uller family."

"Although I don't want to mention it." Lynn Valtaken interrupted with a smile. "But the ancestor of the person in front of you once participated in the war to destroy the Rhoyna. They rode dragons and almost evaporated the entire Rhoyna River."

"My lord, this happened nearly a thousand years ago." Evans Dayne explained. "Although we are proud of our Rhoyna bloodline, it does not mean that we have inherited the hatred of our ancestors. And you..."

"My last name is Vareses, and it is true that I was once the Dragon King family of Valyria. The last Valyrian Emperor Orion Vareses is my direct ancestor." Longzel answered his doubts. "Of course, we are no longer the Dragon King family now, because we have lost all our dragons."

The young man looked at the people around him and sighed. "You are not afraid that you know that my mother is Princess Senyla Targaryen, so do you understand why I am asking you about the current situation in Westeros?"

Evans was stunned for a moment.

He estimated that his brain had to turn.

Princess Cenira's offspring are of the same generation as Viserys I, who now sits on the Iron Throne.

He wants to return to Westeros? He wants to fight for the right of succession? So he asks about his current situation?

But the right of succession of Princess Cenira's offspring had been denied during the 101st Great Council.


Evans suddenly remembered the problems facing Westeros now, and his heart trembled.

"Relax." Longzel comforted. "Just asking, although I am Princess Cenira's legitimate son, I know whether I have the right of succession. I just want to know the recent situation of my mother's hometown. After all, my mother kept repeating the name of her hometown before she died."

He paused.

In fact, Princess Cenira kept repeating two names before she died.

She cursed Jaehaerys.

She missed Alysanne.

Evans knew in his heart that this was just an excuse made by Longzel, but he had to introduce it as completely as possible.

"Let's talk about the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms first." Longzel raised his hand, and Dr. Vesalius took out an old map from his arms and spread it on the ground.

It was a complete map of Westeros.

"As you can see, the ruler of the six kingdoms of Westeros is King Viserys I of the Targaryen family, and also yours." Evans stuttered a little, but quickly adjusted his state. After all, he had already made a necklace representing history, and he was born into a noble family and was no stranger to the political status quo of the Seven Kingdoms.

"My cousin, please continue."

"Let's look from north to south. The North is the largest of the seven kingdoms. The vast Neck separates it from the six kingdoms in the south. It is cold all year round. Even in the long summer, there will be snowfall, so it is also the poorest of the seven kingdoms. The one who rules the North is the guardian of the North, Lord Rickon Stark, the Duke of Winterfell. When I was captured by the pirates, Lord Rickon had been bedridden for a long time. His son, Lord Cregan Stark, will become the future ruler of the North."

"I heard that there is a long wall in the north of Westeros, which is used to resist the legendary death and the wild men in reality." Longzel pointed to the north of Winterfell.

"Yes, it is one of the most magnificent buildings in the seven kingdoms. Legend has it that the ancestor of the Stark family, Brandon the Builder, built the long wall with the help of giants and children of the forest." Evans said carefully. "However, scholars in the Citadel believe that the so-called White Walkers, which symbolize 'death', only exist in myths and legends and are not credible. Everyone in the Citadel believes that the Great Wall was built by the early rulers of the North to isolate the wildlings outside the Wall."

"The Citadel is still so averse to mystery, huh." Dr. Vesalius was a little dissatisfied. "Have they forgotten that the foundation of the Citadel is mysticism?"

Evans did not dare to continue his master's words and continued to introduce. "South of the Neck is the Riverlands of the Trident River Basin. The land here is fertile and the terrain is flat. The Frey family at the river crossing is a new wealthy family. They made a fortune by collecting bridge tolls and became great nobles, but the nobles in the Riverlands looked down on them. The Blackwood family of Raventree City and the Bracken family of Stonehedge City were both kings in the Riverlands. The feud between the two families can be traced back thousands of years."

Evans introduced the great nobles one by one.

"The Tully family of Riverrun serves as the governor of the Trident River Basin and protects the riverlands for the king. However, the authority of Duke Trout is not high. The princes of the riverlands prefer to solve their own affairs by themselves. God's Eye Lakeside Harrenhal is the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms. The rulers here are the Strong family. They lost their patriarch and heir the year before last. The current Earl of Harrenhal is a cripple. "

"This is also a battleground for military strategists." Long Zell confirmed what he had learned. The Riverlands are rich and populated, but they lack strong enough leaders and are in the land of four wars. Once a war breaks out, this place will definitely become the main battlefield in Westeros.

"The valley in the east is a relatively closed area. The Blood Gate in the east of the mountain guards the only road in and out of the valley. Seagull Town in the west dominates the maritime trade in the valley. The ruler of the valley is the Duke of Eagle's Nest City, Jenny Arryn. Madam, the Vale is prosperous and stable under the Duchess's rule, but it rarely appears in the court politics of Westeros."

"The ruler of the West is the Guardian of the West, Duke Jason Lannister of Casterly Rock. The West is rich in gold, so although there are many mountains, it is a very rich area among the Seven Kingdoms. Lord Jason's brother Tyran Lannis Ser Otto served in the court of King Viserys I before I was captured, and was close to Ser Otto Hightower in the South."

"The Southern Reach faces similar problems to the Riverlands." When it comes to his old neighbors in his hometown, Evans obviously understands them better. "The Reach is the oldest and most fertile region among the Seven Kingdoms. Legend has it that Garth the Greenhand spread his branches and worked hard in the Reach. Of course, the Citadel believes that Garth the Greenhand was a tribal leader during the First Men period. But no matter what, the current governors of the Reach, the Tyrell family of Highgarden, are only descendants of the stewards of the Gardener King who once ruled the Reach Kingdom, whether it is the Hightower family of Oldtown, the Rowan family of Golden Tree City, The Florentine family of Brightwater City, the Peake family of Star Shuttle City, the Redwine family of Arbor Island, the Tully family of Horn Hill, etc. These ancient families not only have vast territories and large armies, but also With a noble lineage that can be traced back to the legendary Garth the Greenhand, they all cared little for the rule of House Tyrell, especially House Hightower of Oldtown, after King Viserys married Alicent. After Queen Hightower, the Hightower family of Oldtown gradually became the leaders of the Reach.”

"It seems that Westeros is also full of internal contradictions." Longzell looked at the other side of the map in thought.

"The Stormlands are ruled by Bomond Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End. Although the Duke of Bucks often conflicts with us Dornish people, the Dornish people respect him as a good man who values ​​oaths, duties and honors, but his son Boros Baratheon is a rogue and a chameleon." Evans also became a little excited when he mentioned the Dornish people's old rival.

"Please continue." Lynn Vartaken, who was listening with interest, promptly brought Evans back on track.

"Dorne is ruled by Prince Keolen of Sunspear City. He is a cautious leader." Evans did not want to comment too much on his lord's lord, and turned to the corner of the map. "This is the Iron Islands, where the ironmen who believe in the Drowned God thrive. The Greyjoys rule these stone islands on the sea. They are keen on plundering and pursue the ancient path of plunder, even though the Iron Throne has banned it many times. , but it has no effect.”

"This is inevitable." Once he saw the geographical location and area of ​​the Iron Islands, Longzell understood that it was almost an inevitable result for the iron race to plunder.

"Finally, the King of the Iron Throne." Evans continued. "But not Dornish."

"It is undeniable that King Viserys is a good king. He continued the policies of King Jaehaerys I the Conciliator and maintained general stability in the country. Dorne also generally enjoyed lasting peace. But what happened in recent years But the whole country is not at peace." Evans sorted out the timeline of these events and continued.

"King Viserys's first queen died in childbirth and took away the king's only male heir. After that, the king and his brother, Prince Daemon Targaryen, had some conflicts and finally decided to confirm the 'Kingdom of Kings'. The heir was Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the princess of Dragonstone, who was also a knight of the dragon Syrax, but the king soon married Queen Allison Hightower, who gave birth to a male heir for the king. Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond and Prince Daeron. This has led to many nobles secretly opposing the princess to continue to be the heir."

"This is normal." Long Zell thought of himself and the unlucky guy who had his head chopped off. "After all, Viserys' inheritance was obtained by King Jaehaerys using 'popular sentiment' to deny the inheritance of his eldest granddaughter and daughter. Now you want to destroy the tradition of primogeniture. What will the nobles think?" the young man thought? think.

"But the king was always ambiguous, and something went wrong with the princess. None of the three sons she had with her first husband, Ser Laninor, son of Lord Corlys Velaryon the Sea Serpent, were Valyrian. characteristics.”

Long Zell suddenly became energetic, and curiosity instantly occupied his mind, there is a melon!

"People speculated that these three boys were the bastards of Princess Rhaenyra and her knight Harwin Strong, but the boys all hatched dragons, and with the king's severe punishment, not many people are talking about it now. topic."

"After all, their mother is of Dragon King blood." Long Zell expressed his understanding. "It doesn't matter who the father is."

"After Ser Lannino and his sister Lady Lanar died the year before last, the princess married Prince Daemon, who had lost Lady Lanar." Evans sorted out the relationship between the royal family again. "But at this time, Prince Aemond, the second son of Queen Alicent, and Prince Lucerys, the second son of the princess, had a conflict. Prince Lucerys blinded one of Prince Aemond's eyes, and Prince Aemond rode the dragon Vhagar left by Lady Lanar."

"An eye for a dragon." Longzel thought it was not a loss, and even said that the Targaryen royal family was happy to see this situation. After all, no matter how close the Velaryon family was, they were still Velaryon, not Targaryen.

"So the conflict between the princess and the queen deepened. In the two years after the incident, the princess and Prince Daemon lived on Dragonstone for a long time, and the queen assisted the king in managing the court in King's Landing. Everything was very peaceful."

Is it very peaceful?

This is the first update today, and there will be another update in the evening. After I finish my work in the next few days, I will adjust a fixed release time. Please feel free to criticize and correct me.

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