Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 116: The King Arrives in Fire

There are people everywhere. The streets of King's Landing have never been so lively. There were burning torches and angry people everywhere.

At first, it was just a mother wailing and sending the cold body of her little son to the feet of the shepherds, accepting the gaze of hundreds of people together with dozens of rotting corpses. Then the situation got out of hand. During these weeks, countless people died in the cold every day, and some people's bodies were covered with pustules that could burst at any time. In pain, entire families and even people in an alley died together. More and more people gathered in the Shoemaker's Square, gathering at the Shepherd's feet.

The heavy taxes have stopped, but the taxes already paid will not be refunded. Although the Queen distributed bread, the thick and inedible black bread could not even feed a thousand people. Even so, people can be patient.

But people can't bear the threat of death. Every day, there are people around them who cry out without warning, and then convulse and die. No one knows whether they will be next.

But the queen did nothing. She arrested the shepherd's companions and ordered Sir Rose Ragette to lead the gold robes to forcibly disperse the gathering crowd. So people were completely outraged. In every alley of Flea Bottom and Linhe Gate, people took to the streets holding torches. They smashed open shop doors and hacked the superior shopkeepers to death. They pried open the door locks of nobles and dragged their delicate daughters to On the street. Chaos spread in the city. Flea Bottom was the first to catch fire, then the docks, all the streets, and then the city gates. The golden robes were running around in the flames, and their already limited manpower became even more stretched.

"The doomsday has come! The doomsday has come!" The one-armed mad prophet looked at the dense crowd with tears. Some of them even suddenly fell to the ground while walking. When people noticed these fallen people again, they discovered in horror They convulsed all over, and soon died with blue lips. "The monster queen who bleeds on the Iron Throne is the offspring of demonic incest. The Seven Gods will definitely punish her for her evil. She is the one who brought strangers and death."

"Prophet, please save us!" Alec Kagel, who was wearing shabby clothes, tore open his clothes, revealing the seven-pointed star emblem, and shouted sadly. A nun also cried and knelt on the ground: "Save us, save us, O Seven, save your lambs."

People shed tears one after another. They stared blankly at the shepherd on the high platform. Waiting for the prophet to give them instructions.

“Only the Holy Mother in Heaven can save you, me, all of us, but we were wrong, our greed and shortsightedness drove away the Holy Mother, and now the Stranger is coming, riding a dark horse with eyes like burning coals. He is coming, holding a flaming whip, to teach unbelievers, heretics, and devils. Did you hear that?” The shepherd’s remaining hands covered his ears. "Listen, do you hear it, do you hear the sound of red-hot iron hooves striking the earth? He is coming! He is coming!"

"He's coming!" People shouted after the shepherd, and the crowd began to move slowly. No one knew how many people had gathered here, three thousand? Five thousand? Or ten thousand? But none of this mattered, because as the crowd began to slowly creep toward the hills of Rhaenys, more and more people joined the shepherds' army.

"The sound of horse hooves?" Alec Cargyle keenly captured the sound of horse hooves hitting the cobblestones and flagstones amid the frantic shouting of "He is coming". The former Kingsguard immediately realized something.

"Go home! All go home! Fools! You have been deceived!" Sir Ross Lagate was riding on a white horse covered with iron armor, fully armored and wearing a golden cloak, and behind him was Five hundred men in gold robes equipped with short swords and spears, each wearing black mail, steel helmets, golden cloaks, and holding shields, advanced neatly into the crowd.

Hundreds of people from the periphery immediately ran away, but the crowd was so big that many people could not move at all. They could only follow the large army and squeeze through the golden robe's spear array. Ross saw that this was not possible. He could not handle a crowd of this size with hundreds of people. He hurriedly ordered his people to continue beating the war drums and kept the spear formation motionless. He raised his sword towards the crowd and said, "Get back quickly. Home, no one will hurt you if you go home. If you continue to move forward, you will be treason. Go home! We only arrest the traitor Shepherd!"

People were still pushing forward, and finally, a fat man wearing a chef's apron groaned in pain. His stomach was pierced by a spear, and his intestines flowed to the ground. More and more people came up, and a long The spearman watched helplessly as a little girl was squeezed onto his spear.

"The golden robes killed people! They are the devil's servants of the Monster Queen!" Someone shouted, and the crowd instantly became commotion. Stones and bricks were flying everywhere, and people were pouring out of the surrounding houses. They were all stones, and there was even an archer who didn't know where he came from lying on the opposite side of the square and shooting arrows at the golden robe.

Ross immediately gave up his plan to persuade the crowd to disperse: "Catch the shepherd, and the crowd will disperse naturally!" He immediately slashed down two civilians who rushed to him with his sword, mobilized his war horse to try to trample through the crowd, and formed a spear formation. The white horse that was also following Ross moved slowly, and with every step he took, more than one mob member would be killed on the spot.

But there were too many mobs. When a soldier fell, his position was immediately occupied by several mobs. The formation of the golden cloaks was quickly torn to pieces by the mobs coming from all directions. Alec threw a stone with force and hit Sir Ross's head. Ross had no time to react and was knocked off his horse.

The mob immediately held down the captain who had fallen to the ground. Almost in the blink of an eye, the captain who had just been showing off his power was torn into pieces by the mob. A leatherworker raised the captain's sword and climbed onto his warhorse: "Charge, charge!"

The leatherworker roared like crazy.

The golden cloaks were quickly overwhelmed by the mob. They took away the golden cloaks' weapons. The crowd surged like a tide. Wherever they passed, only corpses and flames were left.

Queen Mother Alisson was awakened. Since the news of Prince Daeron's death and Prince Aemond's death was successively reported back to King's Landing, Queen Mother Alisson had been in a trance for a long time.

She quietly looked at the city that seemed to be in a sea of ​​fire, and suddenly smiled.

The queen mother slowly stood on the window, tears flowing unconsciously. She was not stupid, she knew what it meant to kill her two sons, their foolish behavior eventually led to bad consequences, she could already imagine the end of Aegon the Great, and the destruction of the Hightower family.

So. Whose fault is it?

Queen Alisson's mind flashed her father's face, forget it, things have come to this point, what's the point of pursuing who's fault? The queen mother slowly closed her eyes, not looking at the spikes in the dry moat under her feet.

She jumped down.

Rhaenyra lay on the window, nervously looking at King's Landing in the sea of ​​fire. "Your Majesty, we can no longer control the situation." Earl Corliss, the "Sea Snake", limped over. "Unfortunately, there is no news from Ser Ross, and there is no news from Ser Lorent Marbrand. With the scale of the mob, I'm afraid they are in danger."

"Where is Little Mei?" Queen Rhaenyra took a deep breath. "How could it be so fast?"

"Lady Messaria doesn't live in the Red Castle." Earl Bartimos said with some horror. If he hadn't wanted to settle the gold in the treasury, he would probably be in danger now. "I'm afraid she has been killed. Our messenger can't get out. Now there are mobs everywhere in King's Landing."

"Mom, let's ride the dragon." Joffrey opened the door with Bernilla. The boy wore the leather armor left by Luthris and carried Luthris's sword. He shouted, "This is a rebellion."

"What is the route of the mob?" Queen Rhaenyra gritted her teeth. Earl Bartimos glanced outside: "They dare not come to the Red Castle. As long as the Red Castle closes the gate, these mobs can't get through. I guess." The earl suddenly shuddered. "They're going to the dragon pit!"

"They'll kill the dragon." Baenila reacted instantly. "Slycos and Mogul are still in the dragon pit!"

Those were the dragons of Queen Helena's twin children, Jaehaerys's Slycos and Jaehaerys's Mogul. When Helena rode her children away on a dragon, she didn't take the two young dragons with her.

"Mom, we must put down the rebellion as soon as possible." Joffrey walked to his mother. "They'll kill the dragon!"

"Dragon flames can stop them." Queen Rhaenyra gritted her teeth and said, "As long as my army comes back, none of these mobs will escape trial."

"Your Majesty, a group of mice can also bite a lion to death." The big-headed jester Mushroom suddenly said. This jester once served Viserys I. After Viserys' death, Mushroom was imprisoned because he had supported Rhaenyra many times in the past, until Rhaenyra occupied King's Landing.

"Slycos and Mogul are both little dragons, Mom. Make a decision quickly." Joffrey said anxiously. Benila added at the right time: "Mother, if they really kill the dragon, then our dragons will no longer be safe. They will think that slaying dragons is not a myth, and our rule will also be..." She said with some concern: "Moon Dance is not much bigger than those two little dragons."

The remaining white knights also gathered together. In fact, the only two iron guards around the queen were Sir Stephen Darklin and Sir Elric Cargall.

Earl Collis looked at his granddaughter and grandson with appreciation, and continued to look at Queen Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra was still hesitant: "My son, you are too young."

However, the mob would not give Rhaenyra time to think.

The shepherd led the mob to gather under the Rhaenys Hill. The team that passed through half of King's Landing had expanded to be like ants, with corpses and flames everywhere.

The hotel was burning, the mansions of the rich were burning, and even the temple was burning. The crazy prophet commanded the mob to drag the priests out of the temple and forced them to join the team, and the monks who did not obey were beaten to death.

The shepherd was lifted up by Alec, and his sharp howl reached everyone's ears.

"Brothers and sisters, do you hear the sound of the stranger's horse hooves? He is coming! He is coming with divine punishment! He is here to punish our sins! Prayers are useless, repentance is useless, there is only blood, your blood, my blood, and the blood of these demons!"

The shepherd pointed to the huge dragon lair at the top of the hill: "The monster queen threw our brothers and sisters there and let the demons devour their flesh and blood. Brothers and sisters, think about it, if the giant dragon flies here, what will happen to us? Our Flesh will blister and burn, our wives and children's eyes will melt in the fire, and our flesh and blood will be separated. The devil is here! They are on the mountain! If we don't want to incur the consequences of God's punishment and die in the mouth of the dragon, just kill them. They, blood and fire, fire and blood, can't extinguish the dragon flames, but blood can! Brothers and sisters, kill them and bathe in the dragon's blood, and we can extinguish the anger of hell!"

"Kill them! Kill them!" Tens of thousands of mouths roared and tens of thousands of legs ran. The dragon guards guarding the dragon's lair were quickly submerged in the sea of ​​people.

As a tall man smashed open a small door with a hammer, more and more people smashed open the side door of the dragon's lair.

They could already hear the dragon's roar of awakening.

Check in for the second update, there will be another chapter later

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