Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 143 New Blood Oath Brothers

Damon suddenly smiled. He put out his arms and hugged Long Zell who was sitting next to him like he did when he was young: "Long Zell, tell me the truth, what do you think of those descendants of the Dragon King family?" To be honest, old man When the prince heard Huo Geng's hysterical and crazy shouts, he actually felt a little empathy. When he was a boy, he had also envied the heroic appearance of his father, uncle and mother flying on a dragon. He knew better than anyone else the power of the dragon. The fatal attraction to people with dragon blood was that he could actually understand the madness and helplessness of these dragon thieves.

"Damon, I said before, they are just a group of poor people who want to become human masters again, but do not have enough ability and ambition." Long Zell gently tapped the big stone under his buttocks and said quietly. : "Have you considered how to protect the Targaryen dragons? Are you still locking them in the dragon lair?"

Daemon glanced at Longzel with a deep look. After visiting Dragon's Nest City two years ago and observing the dragon lair of the Varese family, Damon became aware of the dragon lair built by the Targaryen family. How unreasonable. His own Corak Xiu either lived on Dragonstone Island or the Red Keep all year round. When he visited the Stepstone Islands, he also found a cave in the open air and slept there.

In short, Corak has not lived in the dragon's lair for many years since he was with Daemon. Damon himself rarely saw dragons chained up. In addition, the dragon's lair in King's Landing is indeed a residential area below. There is a big difference between a huge mountain city like the Nest City, which is still a certain distance away from the Summer Hall. Longzell can let the young dragon go out to roam. Anyway, there are many prey in the Crimson Mountains, and there will be more prey when flying to the sea. Argo's Khalasar They also regularly herd sheep for the dragon to enjoy. As for the old dragon Wormisor, he prefers to sleep for a few days or even half a month after eating a full meal. Silver Wing prefers to fly around in place for a few times and then return to his nest. Eat, sleep and hatch eggs. But the dragon lair in King's Landing didn't work. Daemon himself was worried that the dragon would use the residential area as its own hunting ground, so he had to chain the dragon. Even during the riots in King's Landing, the mob killed Scoris who was trapped in chains, proving how foolish it was to put chains on the dragon.

"Lonzel, thank you for the reminder." Damon sighed: "But we also have our own difficulties. When Maegor built the dragon's lair, he didn't even consider the existing residential buildings in Rhaenys Hills. Dragon Can eat people, I can't turn King's Landing into a hunting ground for dragons."

Long Zell stood up and shook the dust off his body: "Cousin Damon, I believe you have also seen the records of the dragon lair in the school we confiscated. Since you raised the dragon in the dragon lair, the giant dragon Not even one larger than Meraxes, let alone Vhagar and Belerys.”

Damon's eyes were full of struggle. Suddenly, Damon remembered a detail. He remembered that when he visited the dragon's lair in Dragon's Lair City, he had observed some interactions in the dragon's lair. Among them, Wormisor roared Summoning out Womax, Shadow Nightmare and Storm Cloud to return to their nest.

"I understand, thank you, Long Zell." Damon suddenly said this sentence without any end. Long Zell was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Damon understood, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He left the place where he was sitting without looking back. He was going to see Xiu Fu and the others, and then returned to Dragon Nest City to participate in the selection of his new blood-sworn brothers. Aslan and Hoffa are preparing to add five new members, making up nine people together with Hoffa, Aslan, Tigaro and Sebastian who are now staying with Long Zell as important guards.

Damon is a smart man. He knows that if he directly asks Longzell whether the Varese family has inherited the technology of dragon training, Longzell will definitely not answer. However, Longzell did not prohibit him from observing the dragon lair in Dragon Nest City. . There is actually another sentence in the manuscript seized by the academy. The manuscript in the academy does not actually think that the chains restrict the dragon, but the closed dragon lair limits the growth of the dragon. But in fact, the dragon lair in Dragon Nest City , and even the Dragon Mountain on Dragonstone Island are closed. The only difference is that the Dragon Cave in Dragon Nest City and the Dragon Mountain on Dragonstone Island are both open, but the Dragon Cave in Junlin has its gate closed, and the wild dragons are also more Prefer caves to open air.

Perhaps the meaning of the academy is that the dragon's lair with a closed door does not allow the dragon to have enough space to move around?

No matter what, Daemon felt that he should slowly try to imitate the dragon's lair mode in Dragon's Nest City. Perhaps he could let Corakxiu try to imitate the position of Vormithor and coordinate the dragons, so that he could try to open the dragon lair. The cave faces the back door of the sea and unlocks the chains that bind the dragon.

You can try it, Damon nodded to himself.

Rat number.

Martha asked her husband and monk to take the children to the castle to enjoy the reward first. Damon ordered Dragonstone to prepare sumptuous meals for the people who came after them, as well as a bounty of 50 pure gold dragons. However, Malda still needs to check the ship. They will not spend the night on Dragonstone Island. When Wormisor takes off, they have to rush back to the wine port as soon as possible. After all, it takes several days to travel from the wine port to Summer Hall even by riding a horse. , they cannot afford to delay this time.

Joffrey slowly walked up behind Malda, who was at the side of the ship, waiting for the dock workers to clean up the barnacles. Martha immediately felt someone behind her, turned around, and saw a handsome, tall, brown-haired boy looking at her with complicated eyes. Malda recognized the sterling silver seahorse buckle on the boy's cloak at a glance, and coupled with Joffrey's exquisite clothes, Malda realized the boy's identity almost immediately.

"My Lord Earl." The petite woman bowed her knees slightly to show respect.

"Malda" Joffrey paused, the female captain smiled and raised her hair, and said calmly: "Lord Joffrey, I already have a husband. My husband Denis is a member of the Summerhall City Guard and a retired Silver Blood Cavalryman. He has his own land in the Silver Blood Manor near Summerhall."

"Lady Marda." Joffrey smiled. He did not have the arrogance of ordinary nobles. Instead, he looked more like a normal, but mature big child. The young earl with brown hair looked around to make sure no one was looking at him, and whispered, "My grandfather told me about Adam and Alyn before he died."

Malda suddenly became alert: "My Lord Earl, I can assure you that we will never land on Tidehead again. My husband and I are capable of raising two children, and this time the merit is enough for my husband to be knighted and win a surname. My children will also be named after my husband." Marda knew Joffrey's identity and the identity of her children very well. Although she knew that Queen Rhaenyra's three sons were all good children, she did not dare to gamble with her children's lives, especially since there were many blood branches of the Velaryon family who were eyeing the position of the Lord of the Tide. Joffrey did not take action, but that did not mean that those people would not take action.

"No, no, Lady Marda, you misunderstood." Joffrey waved his hand hurriedly and continued to explain in a low voice: "Adam and Alyn are related to me by blood. Whether I should call them brothers or uncles, this will not change. The blood of the Velaryon family flows with salt and sea, blood and fire, especially the blood of grandfather and father, which is more precious. Lady Marda, can you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, Earl, but I just want my children to grow up safely. We now have a stable future and don't want to take risks anymore," Marda whispered.

Joffrey shook his head and continued to say something to Marda. Marda widened her eyes in shock, but still shook her head firmly. Joffrey sighed and said in a tone that was not like his age: "Lady Marda, I hope you will think about it again. The door of Climax City will always be open to you."

Maryda still shook her head firmly, and seemed not to be moved by Joffrey. Joffrey could only sigh and leave, leaving Marda standing alone beside the Rat, staring blankly at the towering castle.

Dragon's Nest City, the training ground under the Dragon Crystal Tower.

Black-haired Hoffa held a spear and looked coldly at the candidates. After no less than seven rounds of fighting, only five young people remained on the field, which was exactly the number Hoffa and his team needed, but Hoffa still had to test their skills. After all, the most important task of the Blood Oath Brothers was to protect Longzel and his family, even though Longzel himself did not need much protection.

Three young warriors have passed Hoffa's assessment and are now standing next to Aslan. They have beautiful faces like girls, but the strong muscles on their naked upper bodies, the arakh scimitars on their waists, and the long braids all show the extraordinaryness of this 17-year-old Dothraki boy named "Joch". He is also one of the three Dothraki warriors recommended by Ago. Ago has reserved a "bandit" position for him and promised that as long as he becomes the new "blood guard" of Ago's "Blood of My Blood" Longzier Great Khal, he will immediately fulfill his promise.

There is also the blood sworn brother that Longzier originally prepared for his son, the youngest son of Earl Randyll Cavron, 1 Cavron, a black-haired, six-foot-five-inch tall boy. He used the flexible combination of chain hammer and shield to persist for a long time until Hoffa's Valyrian steel spear "Lawkeeper" pierced his shield and he was defeated.

And Lady Leila's guard, 24-year-old York Weshui, a silver-haired mercenary who is good at sword and shield. He fought on the warship with a sword and shield when he was very young. As the illegitimate son of a member of the Celtigar family, the young mercenary finally earned his dignity with his bravery. Like Joffrey Culveron, he was defeated after Hoffa stabbed his shield.

Azor Celtigar, with a neat silver short hair, has grown into a handsome 15-year-old boy. He holds a spear in one hand and the Valyrian steel axe "Crab Tide" handed down by the Celtigar family in the other. He walks around Hoffa carefully, and the boy's eyes are fixed on Hoffa's gun. He has been holding on to Hoffa for a while. As long as he can hold on for a few more moves, he will succeed.

Ding, a crisp sound rang out, Hoffa seized the gap in the boy's body movement and picked up Asor's spear with a spear. The spear slipped out of his hand, but Asor reacted immediately, and the crab tide rose up, just blocking Hoffa's Valyrian steel spear "Lawkeeper". The Lawkeeper pressed down suddenly, forcing Asor to kneel on the ground, unable to move.

"There is one more trick, Asor." Hoffa said with a cold face. "Do you still want to persist?"

Asor's face turned red, and he suddenly leaned back. Hoffa seemed to realize something, and raised his spear, just blocking the steel axe flying from the side.

The little crab actually threw his battle axe directly, and then rushed to Hoffa, trying to fight.

The next moment, Asor was picked up by Hoffa by the neck. Hoffa continued to watch Asor struggle for a long time with a cold face, and then slowly put the boy down.

"You've passed, Asor." Hoffa nodded expressionlessly at Asor, who was coughing non-stop, indicating that he could go to Aslan.

Just at this time, the sound of dragon roars came from the north.

Longzel is back.

First update check-in, it's so humid today, it's raining everywhere.

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