Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 147 Aegon's Kingsguard

The turmoil in King's Landing did not affect the daily operations of Dragon's Nest City too much. At least Longzell calmed down quickly after knowing that Meral's dragon egg hatched. He was not worried about what the hatching of the dragon would cause. This has a strange influence. As long as Meral is still on the Gray Island, even if the dragon eventually belongs to the usurper's son, crushing him by the Varese family will be the same as crushing an ant. What's more, Longzell can be 100% sure that the hatched baby dragon has nothing to do with Meral, because the bloodline resonance method of hatching dragon eggs actually has great limitations, and they are so far apart. At such a distance, the newborn dragon can be completely confirmed to be a pure wild dragon.

Ronzel is now more concerned about the affairs of the territory, King Aegon's selection of the Kingsguard, and the child in Diana's belly. He has already made a decision. When Aegon finishes selecting the Kingsguard and Argo's wedding is over, they Let's go on a tour to several big cities in the territory and inspect the Silver Blood Army manors in various places. Finally, they will go to Old Town, which has completely declined.

Dragon's Nest, the Twin Towers, Aegon's Room.

As king, Aegon enjoys the largest room in the Twin Towers, which was once the indoor training ground for Rey and Valarr. It is wide, bright and has excellent lighting. Now, the place is paved with expensive solid wood floors and Myr carpets. On the walls hang the Valyrian steel sword "Blackfire", the Targaryen family's red three-headed dragon flag on a black background, and the map of Westeros. A world map and seven tapestries depicting history. The fire in the fireplace is burning, bringing warmth to the room. Next to the comfortable velvet bed is a bookshelf, so that the little king can read anytime and anywhere. There is also a special bathroom on the inside of this room. Of course, the hot water is prepared by the servants. Before coming to Dragon's Nest City, neither Aegon nor Viserys had the habit of taking a bath, but after arriving in Dragon's Nest City, Both teenagers have developed a daily habit of taking a hot bath. After all, it is very comfortable to take a bath after training or taming a dragon, especially if you don't have to go all the way to the hot spring at the bottom of the Bay Leaf Tower. This is extremely comfortable for the young king brother.

Aegon walked out of the bathroom wearing a loose woolen nightgown and wrung out his long silver hair. He walked to the bed and threw himself on the bed to relieve the fatigue of the day. At this moment, the door rang.

The little king hurriedly sat up and straightened his clothes. "Please come in." Aegon was curious about who would come. Ronzel rarely interfered in his daily life. Rey loved the great library of Laurel Tower even more after the death of Luthris. Only Valar would He came to find him when he had nothing to do, but during this period he was dealt with quite badly by Layla, and most of his energy was spent on his daughter Daniela. When he thought of Daniela, Aegon couldn't help but feel a little regretful. It was originally thought that Danila would marry Viserys, but it turned out that Ronzel and Valar's final decision was to let Ringor marry Danila and wait until Danila had her first period to get married.

The person who opened the door was Longzel's attendant and his newly promoted blood-sworn brother, Earl Revel Haydon. Although he was often scolded by Aslan on the training ground, everyone knew that Revel was very skilled in martial arts. , just not as good as the very perverted Aslan and Hoffa.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty would like to inform you that Sir Stephen and Sir Ilic have arrived at Dragon's Nest City, and the Kingsguard Tournament can begin tomorrow morning."

"The two knights have arrived?" Aegon stood up hurriedly, Revell nodded and turned sideways. The moment the two knights in white robes and armor saw the little king, they knelt down on one knee. Stephen Dark Sir Lin is much older, his head is bald, and his beard has turned gray. However, Sir Elik Kargel, who lost his twin brother, has cheered up. Now he is also a rare swordsman in the kingdom, and he no longer has to fight for Others will mistake him and his brother and worry about it. It is really a joke of the seven hells. Ilic has grown a long beard. The brown beard has been hanging down to his chest. His long hair is tied into a bun on his head. Later, people in the Red Castle said that Alec was commemorating his brother who disappeared in the war. Although Alec betrayed the orthodox king, he was still a respected white knight-after all, some people still thought that Da Yi Both Genn and Rhaenyra were the legitimate kings of that crazy year.

"Your Majesty." Sir Stephen Duckling stood up: "It is our greatest honor to see you thrive." The old captain looked happily at the king who had grown much taller and matured a lot: " We bring news from King's Landing."

Stephen motioned to Ilic to say that as the only two remaining Kingsguards in the Dance of the Dragons, Stephen Darklin realized that he might not live long, and Ilic, who was not yet forty years old, not only had excellent swordsmanship, but also He is loyal and values ​​oaths and honor. In fact, to this day, Ilic is still glad that he did not face his brother head-on. He still doesn’t know what would happen if he drew swords against his twin brother in a war. matter. Therefore, with his knightly virtues, he is the best candidate for captain of the Kingsguard, and Stephen hopes to take this opportunity to let Ilic leave more impression on the king.

Aegon nodded and looked at Sir Ilic with his lavender eyes. "Sir, please speak."

Eric raised his head and slowly told the king everything that had happened in King's Landing during this period. The recovered gold, the compensation from the Westerlands and the treasury of the Hightower family filled the treasury again. At the same time, Dalton Greyjoy's tribute also made the treasury richer. Daemon took advantage of the situation and began to build a large-scale project. The Jacaerys Sept broke ground in the Visennia Hills. The new road began to slowly spread out with three hills as the core. The wildly growing neighborhoods were re-divided by the newly planned streets. Daemon vowed to make the title of "Prince of Flea Bottom" he got when he was young a history, although this was unlikely.

And two dragons were hatched, and the Targaryen family had a new dragon, although one of them belonged to Mellar Sunfire in Daemon's opinion. But this also proved that the Targaryen dragon blood was still boiling.

"I see." Aegon didn't think it was strange. After all, the Vareses family had hatched several dragons in the past two years. Even Viserys's dragon egg, which had been silent for so long, had hatched. Although the hatched dragon was a little funny, it was hatched after all.

Seeing that Aegon could keep calm at such a happy event as the hatching of the dragon, Sir Stephen was even happier. The old man secretly thanked God for the blessing of the Targaryen dynasty for having two wise rulers in a row, and silently prayed to the Virgin Mary and the old woman that Aegon could live as long as Jaehaerys I.

But Aegon, seeing the captain of the Kingsguard suddenly burst into tears, couldn't hold it back. He could only comfort the old captain and signaled with his eyes that Sir Elric could take Stephen back to the room to rest. Only then did he send away the inexplicable old knight.

The next day's Kingsguard Tournament was actually quite "gentle". Aegon refused to include the jousting on horseback, and everyone fought on foot. After all, three of the candidate knights had Valyrian steel swords and were outstanding swordsmen, which was enough for them to reserve the final position. Someone came out to challenge the three knights. A mercenary knight tried to challenge the elderly Ser Tyr Templeton, but his weapon was cut off by the former "Knight of Nine Stars" holding the "Star Mirror". If the old knight hadn't let him off, it would have been the arm of the mercenary knight that was cut off.

To be honest, there were quite a few people who bullied the old Tyr Templeton, but each of them was defeated miserably. Ser Cole Darry had his weapon cut off, Ser Dick Blackmont was almost cut in half, and Ser Rickard Florent didn't last a round before the old knight cut off his weapon and kicked him aside. In the end, two young knights from the Vale, Garon Belmore and Will Hunter, could not stand it anymore and took the initiative to help the old knight to defeat several opponents.

The battle lasted a whole day, from sunrise to dusk. In the end, only seven knights remained in the arena, including William Royce, Brandon Tarly, Tyr Templeton, who were armed with Valyrian steel weapons, Will Hunter of Longbow Hall, William Blackwood of Raventree, Adrian Rayford of Red Fort, Harold Dark of Duskendale, and Garin Dinwater of Dorne.

King Aegon called a halt to the competition because both Sir Stephen Darklyn and Sir Tyr Templeton were over sixty years old, and no one could guarantee when the Stranger would take the two old men away. So the young king, who was amazed by the knights' martial arts, decisively chose "I want them all" and included the remaining seven knights in the list of the Kingsguard. However, the young Will Hunter and Garin Dinwater would temporarily serve as squires of Stephen Darklyn, waiting for a vacancy in the Kingsguard.

Rey was still hanging out in the library. He was recently obsessed with his family's collection of books about raising dragons. After Longzel knew Rey's idea, he happily sent a silver-haired assistant scholar, Hagen, to assist him. His origin was very interesting. Hagen was the grandson of the illegitimate brother of Cleorius. Yes, in addition to the three brothers Longzel, the Vareses family also had many silver-haired collaterals and illegitimate descendants. Longzel integrated them when he was still in Volantis. Some of these people stayed in Volantis forever, some loyal and reliable became the backbone of the Silver Blood Army, and a few became important helpers of the family. The studious Hagen was one of them. He is now an apprentice of Scholar Evans, learning knowledge from him.

Only Longzel and Valar watched the entire competition with little interest. Just as the sun was setting, Longzel suddenly raised his eyes and looked to the south.

He sensed a blazing magic element coming from the south, a very familiar smell. "Acolyte of the Red God?" Longzel frowned. "No, although it smells like the Red God, it's not that pure? Who could it be?" Longzel muttered to himself in a voice that no one else could hear.

Wine Harbor.

The large ship "Carnival Maiden" from Lys slowly entered the port under the guidance of a tugboat. Lys's Governor Lysandro Rogar looked at the brightly lit and prosperous city in front of him with a gloomy face.

On the way, he received news that Dalton Greyjoy's Iron Fleet had defeated Lohar's fleet. The Ironborn had broken through a subsidiary town of Lys and looted it. Now, the huge Iron Fleet can attack Lys at any time. This made Lysandro very uncomfortable.

At this moment, a beautiful and somewhat dangerous woman walked out of the cabin. On her heart-shaped face, her red eyes seemed to burn with an eternal flame. Her long copper-colored hair fell to her waist. She was wearing a red robe, but it couldn't hide her good figure. On her slender neck, a gold necklace inlaid with rubies swayed slightly. The woman closed her eyes and raised her head. The ruby ​​on her neck emitted a faint light, but Drazeko Rogar, who was standing next to her, looked at the woman with horror.

Her body seemed to be burning, emitting amazing heat, but this heat was fleeting. As she opened her red eyes, the heat that permeated around her also subsided.

"I finally found the land blessed by the King of Light and His Chosen One."

The red-robed woman bowed her head devoutly.

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