Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 32 Dragon Nest City (two in one)

Still not satisfied, Wormisor burned the last wave of Dornishmen until they screamed, then slowly and leisurely turned the faucet and flew towards Blackport City. The giant dragon flew around Blackport City several times, but did not land for a long time.

Earl Edric waved his hands hurriedly. "Quick, hurry up and guide the prince to land."

Dondarrion's soldiers in the city rushed to their main tower and waved flags to signal that the dragon could land in this open area.

Wormisor glanced at the main tower of Blackport City with some hesitation, then cautiously approached, and with visible caution, he slowly landed on the main tower.

Silver Wing didn't have so many worries. It wasn't big enough to worry about crushing other people's castles. After Vermisor took off, it landed directly on the main tower.

Earl Edric, his bachelor and his attendants stood obediently in front of the main tower door, waiting for the two brothers to come down. Then they saw two brothers wearing Valyrian steel armor walking up to them.

Long Zell took off his helmet and bowed slightly. "I'm here on an appointment."

"Your Highness, thank you very much. The Seven Gods bless you for your greatness and kindness." Earl Edric was not surprised at all by the young age of these two dragon knights. After all, he took over the count's burden at this age. His son It was also at this age that he fought hard against the Dornish people and lived up to the reputation of Purple Lightning.

"Jon is with our people." Ronzel walked to Count Edric. "He will return to the Frontier with the fleet."

"I am very concerned about your arrangement." Earl Edric quickly called on the servants of the castle to clean up the hall and prepare food. "Please also understand that Blackport City has been besieged by the Dornish people for a long time and lacks fresh meat."

"There's always bread and salt," Valarr said with a smile. He had crammed in his knowledge of Westeros on the ship and now couldn't help but show off.

"Of course." Earl Edric straightened his waist and said with pride, "The Dondarrion family's hospitality is famous throughout the Borderlands and the Stormlands."

Entering the main hall of the castle, the attendant handed over a plate of white bread torn into small pieces and a pinch of salt. Earl Edric was not polite. He picked up a piece of bread, dipped it in the salt and swallowed it. Seeing that the Earl had finished the bread, Long Zell also picked up a piece of bread, dipped it in salt, threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

The white bread in Westeros is rougher than the white bread in the Eastern Continent, but it also has a richer texture.

The food at the reception was quite sumptuous. Onions and green peas were mixed together, and a little bacon was added to stew it into a pot of hot soup. Earl Edric ordered the last few sheep raised in the castle to be killed, and the fresh mutton was used. Mutton pies and mutton-radish soup were made, as well as chopped turnips and cabbage as a side dish. The chef took out the sausages stored in the castle, cut some into small pieces and smoked them, and mixed some with haggis. Stew together into a thick soup. There are also wines from the Arbor and gin from Dorne, as well as fairly exquisite white bread and a generous portion of wheat porridge.

"Your Highness, I have prepared a room for you and the princes. The Lightning Tower will be under your management until the construction of your castle is completed. The servants of the Dondarrion family are your servants."

"Thank you." Long Zell forked a piece of grilled sausage. Although it had obviously been stored for a long time, it tasted pretty good. "I'll pay the rent."

"Your willingness to come to our rescue has already paid the rent." Earl Edric said with emotion. "This battle will take at least five years for my family to calm down before they can barely recover. The Weir family are bastards despised by the gods, scum, sewer rats, bed bugs, and the damned Dornish prostitutes whose brains were eaten. I Sooner or later they will be skinned."

Longzell enjoyed the food quietly, without touching the wine, and just listened to the count's complaints. Seeing that his brother was silent, Valar swallowed the words he was about to brag about with a piece of wheat porridge.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Long Zell wiped his mouth. "I will bother you more during this period. As for the Dornish people, they will pay the price for their foolish actions sooner or later. The debt owed must be repaid."

"I want Jon to follow you, you see"

"Ser Jon has been named." Longzell shook his head. "My squire is only Prince Jakaris, but Sir Jon can practice with Linn and the others." He looked into the Earl's eyes. "I will carry out many projects in the territory. If Ser Jon wants to learn, he is free to learn."

"Thank you so much." Lord Edric hammered his fork on the table again and again, and everyone in the Dondarrion family at the banquet raised their glasses at the same time. "If the Dondarrion family had not been loyal to the Baratheon family in the Stormlands for generations, I would prefer you to become the true governor of the Marchlands."

"I respect your tradition." Ronzel stood up with a smile and raised the cup containing the light fruit wine he brought. "Long live our friendship."

"Long live our friendship, long live Prince Ronzel!"

"Long live our friendship, long live Prince Ronzel!"

The bard invited by Earl Edric saw the Earl nodding to him, and began to play the harp and sing praises to Ronzel's rescue.

"Silver Dragonborn, Silver Dragonborn.

Coming across the sea, everyone was singing.

The gods sing, and all living creatures play together.

Dragonborn of Silver, Dragonborn of Silver.

Bronze anger returns to the mortal world.

The silver wings of kindness fly again.

Dragonborn of Silver, Dragonborn of Silver.

Take action righteously, and the soldiers sound their horns.

The dragon is coming, and the thieves are frightened.

Rats of Dorne, Rats of Dorne.

Under the dragon flames, there were all withered bones.

If you dare to invade again, strangers will come to greet you.

Dragonborn of Silver, Dragonborn of Silver.

The people rejoiced and the gods sang.

Save me from danger, I will never be able to return it in a lifetime.

Sing here, and all people will learn from it.

Dragonborn of Silver, Dragonborn of Silver.

All peoples praise it, all peoples sing it. "

The banquet gradually came to an end with cheerful singing.

Lightning tower late at night.

Ronzel and Valar lived in a spacious room. Valar refused the room assigned to him and ran directly to his brother, begged for a book and read for a while before falling asleep. Ronzel was left alone to quietly read the book sent by Earl Edric's maester. This old book called "A Brief History of the Borderlands" recorded in detail the events during the reign of Jaehaerys I and before. The history of the Marches and the wars with Dorne.

Ronzel has become very fluent in Common Language. They were taught Common Language on a ship-by-ship basis when they were on the ship. His people enthusiastically believed that the Ronzel family were real gods and that gods did things. Of course they have to do a good job. So when they crossed half of Essos and came to the west, in addition to Valyrian with a Volantis accent, everyone basically mastered the common language that was relatively fluent but with some accents.

Boom, boom, boom.

Someone knocked lightly on the door outside.

Long Zell looked up. "Please come in".

A young servant came in. He closed the door gently, and his face suddenly blurred. When it condensed again, it turned into an ordinary young face.

"Your Highness." Kungul glanced at the sleeping Valar and walked towards Longzell silently. "There are two maids outside and a kitchen girl who wants to sneak into you and Master Vallard's room. Someone has already asked them to go back to their respective rooms to sleep."

"It's normal." Long Zell closed the book. "You're faster than I thought."

Kungur lowered his head and said: "Someone's training is quite qualified. Your Highness, the Lightning Tower has been searched. There is only one secret passage. Do you want it?"

"Just keep an eye on it." Ronzel said: "After all, it is someone else's castle. If you want to stay in Westeros for a long time, you must respect the traditions here."

"You did a good job." Kungul said sincerely, and then frowned in confusion, as if he was wondering why he said such a thing.

Long Zell smiled and nodded. "Go and stare outside. By the way, have you brought the things?"

Kungul took out a roll of parchment from his clothes. This is a drawing drawn by the family's master architect. It indicates Ronzel's construction plans.

A fortress-type castle, which will also be the main city of the Varese family in the future. This castle will be built using ancient Valyrian construction methods. It just so happens that Dragonzel, who has dragons and magic, can restore this. A mysterious technology that has disappeared from the world for many years.

A large town will be built at the intersection of Midsummer Plains and the castle to form a complete city. Varese will place the handicrafts brought here and establish more villages in Midsummer Plains and Tianping Valley.

Several castles and at least one fortress pass guarding the Bone Road.

and a huge port.

With sufficient wealth, at least for three to five years, even if not a grain of wheat grows on the territory, the people of the Varese family will not go hungry.

The family's huge wealth is an important source of confidence for Long Zell.

After resting in Blackport City for a period of time, the fleet of the Varese family also bypassed the treacherous and changeable waters of the Stormland in batches and arrived at the North Dorne Sea. By the way, they burned the port of Weir City and let Ulern Count Weir cursed loudly at the ruined port.

Leaving Valar to take care of Rey, who had just arrived, and Shadow Nightmare, who surprised everyone, Dragonzel set off on his dragon.

His goal is very simple, which is to survey the terrain of Midsummer Plains.

Shepherd Tom is an old bachelor from a small village at the foot of the Red Mountains. His wife was brutally killed by the Dornish people. Even he lost one eye and could only make a living by shepherding sheep.

The land in Midsummer Plains is very fertile, but there are not many villages. After all, the invasion and plunder by the Dornishmen and the bandits from the Crimson Mountains has done too much harm. Fortunately, this is a royal fief, and the Dragon King in King's Landing doesn't care much about the people here. , they are not even active in collecting taxes, so the civilians here live quite well.

Tom is driving his sheep back to the fold. Get ready to go home and have something to eat. As soon as he came out of the sheepfold, he ran into the village elder.

"Tom, come and count your sheep." Elder Jerry squinted his eyes and stretched his neck, trying to count the sheep in the sheepfold.

"Seven levels of hell, old Jerry, what do you want to do?" Tom hurriedly stood in front of his sheepfold. It took him many years to save these sheep, so nothing could happen to him.

"We have a new lord, a royal prince blessed by the Dragon God."


Old Jerry spread his hands. "His tax officials will do the statistics and will allocate the ownerless wasteland and mountain pastures to everyone later."


"The taxes we have to pay have also been adjusted and are lower than before."

"Then we still have to pay taxes, and the prince will protect us, right?" Tom asked curiously. He didn't want to be robbed by the Dornishmen as soon as the pasture was allocated.

"What are you talking about?" Elder Jerry hit Tom on the head hard. "The prince has a dragon god."

"Gods." Tom stared blankly behind Elder Jerry.

"Why are you so stupid?" Old Jerry looked back doubtfully.


A loud dragon roar came from the clouds, and a huge black shadow passed over their heads and hovered in front of a towering peak in the Red Mountains.

"God." Old Jerry was also stunned.

Longzel looked at the mountain in front of him. He had used his magic vision to determine that the Red Mountains were not an ordinary red mountain range. This mountain range was full of fiery magic energy. It was precisely because of this that the climates of the three places separated by only one mountain were completely different. Dorne was dry and hot, the river bay was warm and humid, and the storm land was densely vegetated and stormy.

But this magical energy was not strong, far less than the magical energy overflow at the edge of the Valyrian ruins. It seemed to have been silent for many years.

But this would only facilitate Longzel's plan.

"Dude, leave it to you." Longzel, who was a little pale, took out his hand and gently patted Wormisol. Wormisol roared happily and found a specific location.

Longzel used Womiso's bone spur to cut open his palm, and the blood flashing with silver light quickly seeped into Womiso's body.

"Womiso, dragon flame!"

After the last bit of blood was absorbed by Womiso, Longzel roared. Womiso sprayed a continuous dragon flame towards the mountain.

The red mountain range turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye under this silver flame, and slowly a black liquid-like thing flowed down from the mountain. Longzel grabbed the handle of the dragon saddle and carefully fine-tuned Womiso's dragon flame.

Before setting off, Longzel mixed a large amount of blood with spells attached into the flesh and blood fed to Womiso, and slowly outlined the appearance of the castle in his mind.

The same appearance slowly emerged on the mountain peak.

Nine towering towers gradually emerged from the melting mountain peaks. The shape of a giant dragon can be vaguely seen on the top of the tallest tower.

The tall city walls also slowly peeled off from the mountain peaks, and the mountain body, which had gradually turned into pure black, was melting and reshaping.

Womisol seemed to enjoy this process very much. Its membrane wings and scales gradually changed from bronze to molten gold under the background of the endless dragon flame.

"Womisol, stop."

Longzel felt the castle in his mind gradually taking shape, and immediately stopped Womisol's breath, but the mountain peak was still melting.

"Womisol, climb."

The dragon flew to the highest point of the mountain peak that had gradually taken on the shape of a castle, and at Longzel's command, it spewed out dragon flames with a hint of silver again.

The mountain at the bottom stopped melting, but the towers and city walls above became clearer under the baking of the dragon flame. Finally, the towers and city walls slowly melted out suitable holes, allowing the dragon flame to continue burning inside. Outline the appearance that Longzel hoped for.

Feeling the weakness of his partner due to the massive blood loss, Womisor stopped breathing after burning the interior of the three towers, and turned his dragon head to the position of the rider, as if asking if he wanted to rest.

"I'm fine, Womisor." Longzel smiled and bent down to pat Womisor's body, letting it see his gradually red face. "I'm a blood witch, this blood is nothing to me, continue."

Womisor shook his head gently. He was still not at ease.

"Don't worry." Longzel put his hand on Womisor and let it feel the magic fluctuations in his body. "Don't underestimate your partner."

Womisor felt the energy fluctuations that Longzel gradually recovered for a while, and then continued to spit out dragon flames, burning the remaining tower interiors and the mountain that needed to be hollowed out.

The nine towers gradually took shape, and Womisor folded his wings, lowered his height to the mountainside, that is, the position of the mountain, and breathed out another dragon flame.

A big hole was instantly blown open in the mountain, and the surging dragon flames burned the inside of the mountain crazily, trying to connect it with the hollowed-out part of the mountain.

This is their future nest.

"The name of this castle is Dragon Nest City." Looking at the huge cave suddenly opened up, Longzel drove Womisol to the sky with satisfaction, admiring the castle that had already taken shape.

"The rest of the work will be left to my craftsmen." Longzel said in his heart.

Sorry everyone, I applied medicine all day today, so I can only do two in one. After recovery, the length of each chapter will increase a little. After all, I don’t have much manuscripts left, and I will burst later.

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