Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 36 Vulture King Exits the Cave

"Okay, okay, it's not like I won't give you food." Hearing his father's cry, the young man turned back helplessly. "Under the compartment are stored enough bread, pickles and fresh water for you for three to five months. Don't think about eating meat. You old man, please take this opportunity to lose weight."

After the young man finished speaking to his father, he waved his hands and left calmly. He would not do such a thing as parricide. After all, wearing the crown safely was his top priority. As long as his cousin sister did not lie to him, everything would be fine. It will be completed within a few months. They don't even have to do anything. They just need to stand still and keep an eye on the princes of Sidorn. Most of their work is.

After that, the disintegrated Dorne will become a stage for several major families to dance, and the Dane family will also regain the crown of the King of the Turbulent River.

The younger members of the Dane family were so fed up with the cake drawn by Obaya that they collectively blocked the news of the replacement of the family leader. The ravens flying out from Gaoyin City and Starfall City could only bring the news that everything was normal.


This beautiful city is like a ship sailing to the east, standing proudly where Queen Nymeria landed.

Prince Keolen has just given ardent advice to Earl Ullen Weir, telling him that it is best to apologize to the new Dragon King as soon as possible. The consequences of every time Dorne is ravaged by dragon flames will take years or even decades. Smooth. In the first Dorne War that year, although King Aegon I finally returned in defeat, the ecstatic Dornish people soon discovered the consequences. It took many years for the princes in the hinterland of Dorne to barely recover, and many Burnt fields and oases can no longer produce food.

Prince Keoulun just hopes that everyone will calm down. Maintaining the status quo is the most beneficial mode for Dorne. He sat tiredly on his soft chair and asked the heir of the Elion family from the City of Divine Grace and his attendant to hand him a cold wine with lemon juice and chili juice. He wanted to relieve his worries. anger.

"Who else did that idiot Uleen look for besides me?"

The attendant thought for a moment: "Your Majesty, in addition to meeting you in Sunspear, Earl Weir also met with people from the Vulture Gang. The old Vulture promised to gather for him those young men who could not survive in the city and town to go to the Crimson Mountains to support the new people. The Vulture King.”

Keolen's glass paused.

"The new Vulture King?" He took a sip of cold wine with some concern. "Who is this person from? Is he the son of the Brymond family or a new gangster?"

"The maester and other adults think it may be the illegitimate or biological son of the Brymond family." The attendant calmly answered the prince's question. "The new Vulture King has wealth and sophisticated weapons and armor that he didn't know where to come from. They even raised hundreds of sand war horses. It is said that in their nest, Eagle Cave Castle, the Vulture King hoarded thousands of them. Warriors. However, their military supplies are probably not sufficient from the lords.”

"Urene, this idiot." Prince Dorne slammed the cup hard. "He wants to drag the whole of Dorne into the war. Go and ask the maester to send out ravens and tell all the territorial nobles that the Vulture King is also our enemy. Don't Destroy the rare peace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Above the clouds in the Crimson Mountains, Wormisor was flying under the cover of the clouds. There was a hint of blood in Long Zell's deep purple eyes. He wanted to see what the so-called Vulture King was.

Suddenly, Wormisor roared low, and Long Zell understood that his partner had found the target. Ronzel concentrated the blood into his eyes.

Through the clouds, Longzell could clearly see the castle. Hundreds of Dornish people wearing fine armor were drinking and having fun. Above the castle, a vulture with a crown fluttered its wings.

Wormisor circled in the air, and Longzell's eyes lit up. He found the passage leading to the south from Eagle Cave Castle.

A narrow mountain road, concealed enough, if Long Zeer had not been riding a dragon, it would be difficult for anyone to discover this passage.

"There are armors and war horses." Long Zell patted Wormisor, indicating that he could go back. "It seems that the gains from this wave may be unimaginable." He already knew how to arrange for the Vulture King to go into battle as soon as possible.

It will take a few months for the towers in Dragon's Nest City to be occupied. They are still living in Blackport City, waiting for the arrival of the two princes, who are already on the way, and their dragons.

The dragon climbed up again until it completely disappeared from the sky.

The Dornishmen below saw nothing, they were still drinking and having fun.

Only the Vulture King in the castle watched this farce with an expressionless face. His bachelor was an assistant bachelor brought from his family. He was not as versatile as a formal bachelor, but he was more than capable of delivering messages and treating injuries. of.

"Your Majesty." The bachelor handed the letter he just received to the Vulture King and read the content of the letter for him: "Earl Ulern will send 1,500 soldiers to join your team, and they will carry 600 horses of sand. War horses, thousands of pure gold coins join you, and there are 15 knights in the team."

"They are all hedge knights," the Vulture King said coldly.

"I don't know, but the Weir family just lost more than a thousand people and dozens of knights under the Black Harbor City. It is probably difficult to gather enough soldiers."

"Thank Earl Weir for me, I will pour the flames of war on the cowards in the frontier as promised."

"In addition, Earl Ullen also promised that he has contacted the leaders of the homeless gangs near Sunspear City. They will gather no less than 4,000 young men, girls and old men to go north to work, but they have no equipment."

"It doesn't matter. What about the other nobles?"

"Prince Keoren has cut off his relationship with you, Your Majesty. He called on all the lords in the territory to cut off your supplies."

"Tsk," the Vulture King spat with disdain. "He doesn't have the courage of His Majesty Marion at all. The Dornish people are really blind to choose him as the prince. It's better to choose a woman.\

,""Among the nobles contacted by Earl Ullen, Earl Tolan of Soul Hill agreed to send troops to protect the city of Weir, but they only sent 800 spearmen. Other families refused. Earl Yronwood even sent 600 infantry to station at the borders of the two territories."

The Vulture King was thinking, and suddenly the ground under his feet shook, and he jumped up and wanted to hide under the table.

"Your Majesty, it doesn't seem to be an earthquake." The bachelor hurriedly pulled the "king" who lost his composure.

The Vulture King got out and walked quickly to the window in the direction of the shaking.

"Seven layers of hell."

The Vulture King murmured.

He saw the mountains in the south filled with smoke and dust. He was so perceptive that he guessed what happened at once.

His food transportation channel was gone.

I'm really sorry, it turned into an abscess today, and it's the most difficult time before recovery. It hurts when I move. I pray that it will burst as soon as possible. There will be only one update today. After recovery, there will be three days of burst update, three chapters a day. Thank you for your understanding.

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