Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 48 Return to Dragon Nest City

Oberyn Standal stood awkwardly next to Tigris Hoth. Oberyn was a noble knight of Dorne. He once belonged to the Manwudi family in King Tomb City, but the Manwudi family was previously The Weir family used various means to seize many territories, and Oberyn's village was one of them, forcing the not-so-wealthy knight to sell his armor to maintain the village's livelihood, and then Tragically, he was summoned by Ullen Weir to go north to fight, only to be burned by Vermithor and Silverwing. Fortunately, Oberyn hid quickly enough and hid in the mountains for a few days. Oberyn and a few peasant soldiers brought from the village joined Longzel's army as wandering knights.

After all, Long Zell paid the army and gave him ample supplies.

Although Oberyn was poor, he was indeed a good fighter. He followed Count Tully's cavalry on the battlefield and penetrated the Dornish cavalry line. He also killed several noble knights with his own hands and killed a raven with a javelin. The illegitimate son of the Uler family, and more importantly, he captured the flag of the Uler family. This is the reason why he can stand in front of Long Zell today.

The only fly in the ointment was that he met an acquaintance, Tigris Hoss, the lord of a small village in Xinjiang. It's not that the two families have any grudges. After all, the Borderers and the Dornish people have been entangled in love and hate for thousands of years. Although they have blood feuds with each other, each other's blood also flows in each other's bodies.

Mainly in the early days of peace, young Oberyn pursued the daughter of Teclis. Almost succeeded in kidnapping Teclis' daughter.

As a result, when it came time to talk about marriage, the war broke out.

The result is that now Oberyn doesn't dare to look into Teclis's eyes, but Teclis looks at Oberyn's back thoughtfully.

Lyn Vartaken turned the book in his hand to the page corresponding to Oberyn. "Sir Oberyn Standal killed 2 knights of the Weir family in the battle and captured the opponent's armor. 3 knights of the Uller family captured the opponent's armor and horses. 3 knights of the Toland family captured the opponent's horses. , killed Sir Arthur Sand, the commander of the Uller family, and captured a flag of the Uller family, a war horse, and a piece of armor. Oberyn, do you agree with your contribution? "

"No objection." Oberyn felt his calves shaking. He had never been so nervous during the seven hells. He always felt that Long Zell, who was watching him on the stage, would suddenly let his dragon bite. Burn yourself to death.

"Your Highness, I dare not lie to you. I was once the lord of Dorne Star Coin Village. I was only forced to join the war because of the war provoked by the Weir family."

"I understand your difficulties." Longzell naturally knew the thoughts of the remaining Dorne local nobles represented by Oberyn. After Ulene's exhaustive recruitment, both civilians and nobles in the Stone Road Territory were deeply affected. Its harm. Oberyn's Star Coin Village is located in the north and was not greatly affected by the war. However, the population also dropped sharply at this time, and the surrounding villages where the lords died were almost empty.

"Sir Oberyn, your achievements are enough to prove your bravery. I recognize your ownership of the Star Coin Village. At the same time, the four villages and mills surrounding the Star Coin Village that have lost knights also belong to you. In addition, , as your reward, I will also give you gold worth 1,500 pure gold dragons, which is enough to support you in building a small castle."

"May the Seven Gods bless you, Your Highness." Oberyn Stantal let out a sigh of relief and knelt down on one knee. "The Stanthal family will serve you forever, until the last Stanthal returns to the Stranger."

Got money. Oberyn became excited instantly. If he saved 1,500 gold dragons, he would still have a lot left over, enough for him to propose marriage to Teclis again.

This time he dared to look into the eyes of Tigris Hoss when he turned back. It was at this time that he discovered that Tigris had been looking at him with encouragement and approval.

Oberyn's back straightened even further.

Tigris Hoss was originally the lord of the land of Longzell. During this expedition, he took his Hoss with him to the battlefield.

Of course, the old man did not let the child rush to the front line. Instead, the old man followed Aslan Rondel's cavalry and killed several Dornish cavalry, at least one named Dornish knight.

What he got was relatively simple, a golden dragon that could renovate the old tower castle of the Hess family, and an edict to recognize the territory.

The only reason why Ronzel is still here is to deal with the land issues in the old and new territories. Shengxia Plain, Tianping Valley and Gaohen Gang are territories directly under the jurisdiction of Long Zell. They have fertile soil, abundant products, and are located on major transportation routes. Therefore, they are all used by Long Zell to build manors to support the Silver Blood Army and retainers. Every veteran Families were given land that could support a retired soldier. As for the Decisive Frontier, the Expansion Peak and the Risky Frontier, except for the land where port towns were to be built along the coast, which was designated as directly under the jurisdiction of Longzel, the remaining territories were entrusted to local nobles and retainers by Longzel. The Hess family, the Haydn family, and the Isabul family are typical examples.

As the chief retainer of the Varese family, Vanson Caon was allowed to build a castle belonging to the Caon family. The Vartarken family, the Jieyan family, the Rondel family and the Feizer family also obtained the power to build castles. They were allowed to build castles and maintain order in the new territory of Dorne. However, after these castles are completed, they will be managed by officials sent by Long Zell. The heads of these families will still stay in Dragon Nest City to assist Long Zell.

Dorne's territory was re-divided. The territory east of the mountains and near the bay was directly governed by Longzel to build a large port town. The valley in the north was intricately divided. There were foreign families such as the Hermosa family and the family of the retainers, and local families such as the Stenthal family to maintain the status quo. More importantly, a large number of people from the east poured in here. This became the basis for Longzel's rule.

The situation in the new territory gradually stabilized. The Dornish people who received tax exemptions and military protection unexpectedly accepted Longzel's rule. After all, people are pragmatic, and being able to eat and survive is the premise of everything.

Dorne in the south was becoming more and more chaotic. After it was clear that Longzel would not go south to pick peaches in a short time, Leven Yronwood immediately gathered a large army and tried to take down the Prince's Pass in one fell swoop. Prince Kooren, who suffered heavy losses, was also accumulating strength again, but what he didn't expect was.

The Uller family in the seven layers of hell actually sent people to rob Martell's wheat.

The angry Prince Keoren immediately spent a lot of money to recruit 2,000 soldiers and finally drove the elusive Uller family bandits out of his remaining territory.

Only the Dayne family was as quiet as death, and no one knew what the King of the Turbulent River wanted to do.

Dragon's Nest City.

After the urgent construction by the craftsmen brought by Longzel, Dragon's Nest City has taken shape in just a few months, and the town below has gradually transformed from a tent city to a wooden and stone city.

This town, called "Summer Hall", is large in scale, with a town hall that can accommodate thousands of people, which is still a wooden scaffolding and marble foundation as the axis. Six wide roads extend outward, connecting to the Bone Road in the south and connecting to the end of the King's Road in the north.

On the east side of the town, a temple rises from the ground, and on the west side of the town, a forest is slowly taking shape. From the town hall outward, the houses are gradually replaced by beautiful houses built of wood and stone.

The Dragon Nest City on the high ground is also very majestic. The narrow road extends up the mountain until it reaches the dragon head-shaped gate embedded in the mountain. In the first circle of walls that are integrated with the mountain, there stand the Sword Tower, the Laurel Leaf Tower, the Flame Tower and the Gods Tower. The fish beam wood transplanted from the far north also grows in this layer of the castle. Going up, the new black city wall is embedded in the mountain. The mountain melts into three towers, the slender and beautiful Dragon Crystal Tower, the majestic Dragon Cave Tower, and the dark Raven Tower. The three towers surround the last layer of towering city walls. There are strange patterns flowing on the walls of this layer of city walls. You can't see anything from a distance. Only when you look closely can you barely see the patterns of flames. The Silver Blood Tower stands proudly in the center of the nine towers, guarded by the twin towers connected by a corridor.

The interior decoration of the nine towers has been completed. What is still under construction are other buildings in the city, such as the sanctuary, the stables, etc.

Jacaris and Lusiris had already returned to Dragon's Nest, waiting for the next fighter plane to appear.

"Little Snow Rabbit, do you want to go to the Dragon's Nest together?" Prince Lusiris knocked on Rey's door.

"Big Chipmunk, if you dare to call me by my nickname again, I will find my brother." Rey pulled the door open unhappily and grabbed a handful of Lusiris.

After returning to Dragon's Nest, Rey had his own room, located in the Twin Towers. The room was not very big. The velvet high bed from Volantis was in the center of the room. The expensive carpet came from the carpet workshop of Vareses, which has been gradually built up and resumed production. In addition to scattered toys, the corners of the room were filled with various books.

Rey actually likes reading very much. He just doesn't like Dr. Vesalius's preaching.

"Hehe, don't you call me by my nickname too." Lusiris pulled Rey's hand familiarly. They were closer in age and became good friends in a few days. "Big chipmunk? My brother told you, didn't he?"

"Lulululu." Rey stuck out his tongue at Lusiris. "Anyway, my brother doesn't care if I call him Snow Rabbit. By the way, where's Xiaojie? I haven't seen him all day."

"Xiaojie." Lusiris pulled Rey down the ladder. "I guess he went to the Laurel Leaf Tower."

"You should learn from Xiaojie, Big Chipmunk." Rey hugged Lusiris in his arms. "Read more books."

"You said it as if you don't want to see Shadow Nightmare." Lusiris was a little envious: "Shadow Nightmare grows so fast. If it weren't so thin, it might look bigger than my Araxes."

"Shadow Nightmare does not look like the dragon in the records." Rey also thought of his own dragon. "Normal dragons don't have so many thorns, nor are they so thin."

"But Shadow Nightmare's dragon flame is white." Lusiris asked curiously. "How did you do it?"

"I don't know." Rey shook his head and nodded to the patrolling Silver Blood Army veteran.

"Your Highness, the mechanical extension of the dragon's lair is ready." The old soldier knew where the two princes were going as soon as he saw the direction they were going. The current Dragon's Nest City is very large. If you just walk from the Twin Towers to the Dragon's Lair Tower, and then walk the long ladder from the Dragon's Lair Tower to the Dragon's Lair, it will take a long time.

However, Longzel also has a way. The Silver Blood Tower is directly connected to the hollowed-out mountain. He set up a mechanical extension in the Silver Blood Tower, which can lead people into the Dragon's Lair.

Rey and Lusiris ran into the Silver Blood Tower through the corridor, climbed two more flights of stairs, and came to a platform.

The huge gears turned slowly.

The platform descended and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

In the darkness, bursts of dragon roars were faintly heard.

The platform landed steadily, and the two princes just stepped off the platform when they heard two long dragon roars coming from outside the mountain.

"They are back!"

Rey immediately recognized the voices of Womisol and Silver Wing.

First update check-in

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