Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 52 Longzel's Grand Tour Plan


Diana closed the letter sent by her father. Donald Tully knew that there was something wrong with his education methods, so this time he gave the choice to his daughter.

He just wrote the pros and cons of the marriage in detail in the letter. As a great nobleman with a full set of aristocratic education and rich experience, Donald Tully knew the moment he knew that the royal family wanted Longzel to get married as soon as possible. In fact, in the end There are only a few suitable families, and the Tully family is undoubtedly a choice that can be accepted by all forces if Longzel does not object.

Ronzel is now the nominal governor of the borderlands, and all the borderland lords are theoretically loyal to him. However, the core of the problem is that the borderland lords have been loyal to the Gardener family of the Reach in the past thousands of years. Tilly The Er family and the Durrandon family and the Baratheon family in the Stormland. Just a title does not make them abandon their tradition. After all, the Karen family hereditarily holds the title of "Commander of the Frontier", and no nobles from the frontier have ever bowed to the Karen family. The Tyrell family inherited the title of "Guardians of the Marches" hereditary, but most of the lords of the Marches were still loyal to the Lord of the Stormlands.

In his letter, Earl Tully laughed at himself as a group of nobles who wanted to save face and suffer, but the fundamental issue was still interests. The Dondarrion family had enough reason to change their allegiance because they were rescued by Longzel. The Selmy family was too weak, and Baratheon was willing to do this as a favor. But other families are different. One missing person is a blow to the old master. So now those families are still waiting and watching.

But the Tully family is different. The Tully family that participated in the Dorne War has already been branded as the Varese family. There are interest disputes between the two families. Longzell needs the Tully family's example, and the Tully family also I hope Long Zell will lead them to make great achievements.

Therefore, Donald Tully hopes that his daughter will complete this marriage as much as possible. Marriage is not only an important means for the Varese family to fully integrate into Westeros, but also the key to the family changing its banner and becoming stronger.

Diana crumpled the letter into a ball with some confusion. She and her sister Sansara are both smart and perceptive people, so they naturally understand the meaning of marriage, and they also understand that in this era, the concept of free marriage does not exist for aristocratic women. Naturally, she had some different emotions towards Long Zell. After all, this young man saved them and showed outstanding abilities and good qualities of caring for his family.

"Sister." Alan Tully, who still had some bruises on his forehead, opened the door and happily sat down next to Diana.

"What happened?" Diana looked at the bruises on her brother's forehead. She pulled off his clothes and saw that there were indeed a lot of bruises on his body. "Who did you fight with?"

"It's not a fight, it's a training." Alan looked left and right, and finally found Qingshui in the corner.

"That water is not clean, drink this, it was freshly squeezed today." Diana stopped her brother from scooping up a bowl of water, stood up and took out a bottle of juice from the cabinet and handed it to her brother. "No drinking allowed."

"I know." Alan took a big gulp of juice. "Today, the prince's blood-sworn brothers were training, and I went to join in the fun, but I failed to hit Lord Aslan, and was beaten to the ground by him." Alan was actually a little proud. "But I defeated Jon Dondarrion and Harold Selmy. By the way, there are a few new knights in the Dragon Crystal Tower. There is a guy named Samwell who is very good. I almost Never hit him."

"You are not as old as Ser Harlow, no matter how big or small, this is not Horn Hill." Diana raised her hand and gave her brother a shudder. "Even in Horn Hill, you have to respect others."

"I understand." Alan touched his forehead a little aggrievedly. "It's not like there are no outsiders."

"It won't work without outsiders. Alan, you are the future Earl of Tully. Although we don't like our father very much, we still need to learn from our father's behavior so that we can become a good lord in the future."

"I understand." Alan suddenly came over with a mysterious smile on his face. "I heard from Jon that the King of King's Landing recommended you and Sister Sansara to marry His Highness the Prince. Is it true?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Diana frowned and shuddered again. The younger brother who was hit immediately held his head: "Even if it is, we can't make it public at will. My sister and I are just on the list. In the end, Long Ze We have no right to interfere with who your prince chooses or how he chooses it. Alan, you should not mention this matter in front of others. "

Alan's eyes reflected his sister's serious look, and he swallowed. It seems that things are indeed not simple. Alan is also a smart person, and he immediately realized that some things are wrong if he talks too much.

"Sister, I understand, I was wrong."

"Okay, go and have a rest." Diana was about to say something, but suddenly paused.

"Huh? Sister, you forgot again. The prince has arranged a new residence for us. I live in the Dragon Crystal Tower, and sister, you live in the Laurel Leaf Tower." Alan was somewhat surprised as he glanced around the camp filled with books and files. "You haven't packed your luggage yet, right?"

"Seven levels of hell." Diana then remembered that she was busy and forgot something. "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and help clean up." Diana screamed, but her hands were not messy at all and she quickly packed up the files.

"Hehe." Alan smiled naively and hurried over to help his sister pack her things.

While Diana was packing her luggage quickly.

Dorne, high hidden city.

Obara Dayne expressionlessly tore up the letter sent by "King" Albin Dayne. Quinlan Dayne, the acting mayor of High Hidden City, and Amira Sand, the illegitimate daughter of High Hidden City, surrounded the female warrior. They had just seen the contents of the letter.

Albin asked Obara to take the opportunity of getting the support of the Varese family to propose to Longzel. In the letter, he "generously" stated that he would prepare a dowry for Obara that was enough to match the queen of a dragon king, so as to bring the support of the dragon to the "King of the Turbulent River".

"When did Albin become so stupid?" The young Quinlan also knew that this matter was unreliable. Especially since the woman he wanted to marry was Obara, who regarded Dawn as her beloved.

"I would like to taste the taste of the dragon king." Amira Sand licked her lips.

"I think the dragon would like to taste you too." Obara said unhappily. "Don't let your imagination run wild, Quinlan. Do you want to try on the battlefield?"

Quinlan nodded. Although he was still a child, he was also a warrior. He and his sister were eager for a glorious battle.

"And me?" Amira instantly put the marriage behind her mind. "I want it too."

Obara rolled her eyes at her illegitimate sister. "Albin wants to conquer Yronwood and Martell with his lower body. That's stupid. Only the sword can really conquer a man." Obara glanced at the letter that was torn into pieces. "It's enough for me to have the Dawn in my life. Quinlan, how many troops can High Hidden City summon? Let's go to the territory of the madman Uller to fight for the autumn wind, and by the way, mess up the sands of Kogel."

Quinlan's mind turned. "1,500 people, I have to leave soldiers to guard the city and monitor the Blemont family, but there are 500 cavalry inside."

"Very good, take our great uncle with you." Obara carried the giant sword Dawn on her back. "Let him see what it looks like when a young man wields the Dawn."

Dragon Nest City, Silver Blood Tower

Longzel stood in front of the map, thinking carefully.

He actually had his own ideas about marriage, but he wanted to look around. Dorne was watched by Valar, and he had enough time to visit the territories of various nobles to see the real situation in Westeros and see the candidates chosen by the royal family for him and his brother.

Horn Hill must be visited. Earl Tully has already sent a letter to inform him that he has proposed to the Tyrell family and the Iron Throne to dissolve the feudal relationship and is ready to re-please the "Marchmaster". And Diana Tully is indeed a good marriage candidate.

Before going to Horn Hill, he also has to visit Earl Royce Cullen in Nightsong. As a lord of the Prince's Pass, this "Marchmaster of the Marchers" controls the most important passage connecting the north and the south. If the Cullen family can be conquered, the Vareses family will be able to gain a firm foothold in the Marchers.

Then there are several castles in the Reach, Golden Tree City of the Rowan family, Brightwater City of the Florent family, High Court of the Tyrell family, and Oldtown of Hightower.

The last one is a letter from the royal family. Queen Alicent asked Longzier to visit her youngest son, Prince Daeron, in Oldtown. Longzier had no reason to refuse.

Then he would go north to visit Casterly Rock, and go east to visit the lords of the Riverlands and the North, and finally go south. Go to King's Landing to meet the king, and visit the Baratheon family on the way back.

"My lord, the ravens have been released." Prince Jacaerys knocked on the side door and walked in after getting Longzier's consent. "Dr. Visari will ensure that you can receive all the news from Dragon's Nest as soon as possible."

Longzier nodded. "Get ready, we will set off in two days."

I actually finished the drawing today. The sketches of Dragon's Nest and Shadow Nightmare are attached at the end of the article. I don't know how to adjust the Shadow Nightmare picture, so let's leave it like this. I haven't drawn for too many years, and my hands are raw. Please forgive me.

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