Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 55 The Tower of Highgarden

On the day when Ronzel arrived at Horn Hill, Highgarden also welcomed its distinguished guests, Ser Mond Hightower and Prince Daeron Targaryen, who was fostered in Oldtown. When he became Ser Mond's squire. The heir to the towering tower brought a huge team of 800 people, including 60 wealthy knights. The Duke of Highgarden, the young Lord Loras Tyrell, could not refuse their arrival. Fortunately, his wife, Lady Zhenthia of House Fossoway, was very resourceful, otherwise Highgarden would have been turned upside down by Hightower. .

Lady Zhencia prepared a luxurious palace with a garden for the heir to the towering tower and the little prince. Marble fountains, lush flowers and towering ancient trees, the Tyrell family even diverted underground water to build a bathroom that can provide hot water at any time. Even the picky Mond Hightower couldn't find anything wrong with it.

"Prince." Mond walked to Daeron who was reading the Highgarden books.

"Uncle." The little prince, who was fascinated by the book, didn't react until Mond called him, and stood up hurriedly to greet his cousin. "Sorry, it's my problem."

Mond touched the little prince's silver short hair happily. "It's a good thing to love reading. Old Town has the largest library in Westeros. When you grow older, I will bring you the books in it."

"So uncle, why don't we wait for Cousin Ronzel and me in Old Town." Darren paused. "Nephew Strong." He whispered the latter noun. "I remember the letter said his grand parade would arrive in Oldtown."

"Highgarden is more suitable than Oldtown, Your Highness." Mond put his hand on the prince's shoulder and did not answer Daeron's question directly. "Neither Hightower nor Tyrell have girls of the right age. The two families receiving the prince and prince together will better show the enthusiasm of the princes of the Reach. It will also save the prince's time. After all, Dorne is still at war."

No boy would feel at ease hearing about the war. Daeron was no exception. He became interested as soon as he heard about the war in Dorne. "Uncle, so what's the current war situation in Dorne? Why don't we join the war?"

"The prince has captured all the territory of Stone Road. Now due to the mutual attacks by the three false kings in the hinterland of Dorne, many Dornish people have fled to the territory under the prince's rule. Ports, cities and castles are now being built there. The prince has given They provided bread and copper plates. "Your Highness, the war is not that simple. If we enter the war in the name of the kingdom, it will be a disaster."

Darren nodded in understanding. "The letter from King's Landing said that my two brothers will join the war at the right time. What about me? Theselion can already carry people, although it cannot fly far."

"Blue Queen" Tesarian, the dragon of Prince Daeron, is a small cobalt blue dragon with bright claws and a horn crown like copper foil. Unfortunately, it is still very young and does not have another giant dragon with it. It flew with me, so I sadly had to stay in Old Town.

"Listen, Your Highness." Mond leaned into the prince's ear. "Neither King's Landing nor we will allow you to attack unless Terselion is strong enough to withstand the threat of bows and spears."

"Ah~" Prince Darren was a little disappointed.

"Your Highness, Prince Longzell is a brand new force. The situation in the kingdom has changed. But we are a step late. Princess Rhaenyra has already placed a heavy bet on him. Two Strongs are following them to explain. Everything." Mond whispered earnestly: "To regain your brother's inheritance, we need allies, at least to keep the Silver Dragon family neutral."

"What should I do?" Darren still stared with a pair of clear eyes as if he understood, and his mind was now blank.

"Show the prince the ability of true royal blood and leave a good impression in front of him." Mond continued to whisper. "At least it's better than Strong. After all, you are the blood of the Dragon King with silver hair and purple eyes. Leave the rest to us."

Darren nodded still confused.

Jiaoling, main hall.

"Sir Harlon, you might as well speak more clearly." Earl Tully looked at the uninvited guest in front of him with some dissatisfaction. "Jiaoling respects its guests, but uninvited guests are another matter."

Ronzel looked at Haron Tyrell quietly without speaking, as if waiting for Haron to continue speaking.

"Prince." Haron thought for a while and finally decided to directly state their demands and cards. "House Tyrell would like your support."

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Earl Tully rushed to Haroon's side, his voice became louder. "You want to ask a royal prince to take sides?"

"Lord Tully, let Sir Haroon continue." Ronzel stepped into the main hall and motioned for everyone to sit down. Only then did Earl Tully let go of Haron and led Ronzel to sit on the throne.

He himself sat opposite Haron and looked at Haron with dissatisfaction.

"Prince, the situation in the Reach is very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences." Harlon sighed, "The Tyrell family is called the Governor of the Reach and the Duke of Highgarden, but for the Reach The nobles do not have as strong a restraining power as other guardian families, and the departure of Earl Tully is a huge loss for us. As members of the Tyrell family, we cannot accept such a result. "

"But it is legal for Earl Tully to pledge allegiance to me. After all, I am the governor of the border area now." Ronzel said with a smile. "Or is it that the High Court has prepared a more valuable offer for me?"

"We know this very well, Prince." Haron explained, "We only want your support at the critical moment, and Highgarden can provide all the support you need."

"We don't need support now, my lord." Longzel crossed his hands and rested them on his chin. "Things that can be solved by a prince and a few earls do not require the participation of a duke."

"Food, gold, population, and craftsmen." Haron said, "Prince, support is not just about troops."

"How do you plan to transport these things?" Lord Tully frowned, "Let everyone see that Highgarden is supporting the war against Dorne by carload after carload?"

"No, my lord, there is more than one way." Haron hurriedly explained, "The prince can issue an edict to recruit craftsmen in the River Reach, and thousands of skilled craftsmen will voluntarily go to the prince's territory, and the advantages of the prince's territory will be greatly improved. High-quality products are urgently needed by Highgarden, so we will purchase the silk, glassware, wine and ironware of the Vareses family at a high price, and your family's merchants can also buy enough food at a preferential price. "

"Thank the Tyrell family for my plan." Longzier said: "So, what do I need to pay? Publicly declare that Duke Loras is my friend? Or do I need to ride a dragon to Highgarden when necessary?"

"Prince, if this is possible, the Tyrell family will always be grateful for your generosity." Haron was overjoyed, but when he saw Longzier's half-smile, his momentum weakened. "Prince, the Tyrell family has only one extravagant hope. We hope to marry the future daughter of the Vareses family for the descendants of Duke Loras, or to become the bedmate of the future boy of your family."

"Oh?" Longzier continued to maintain that expression. "Does Lord Haron think that your family can compete with the royal family?"

"We don't ask for your children, Your Highness." Haron bent down. "The blood connection will provide us with solid support. The Tyrell family will also support all your decisions."

"I will consider it, Lord Harron, please tell Duke Loras." Longzier stood up. "I cherish his friendship and hope he will not break his promise."

"I will, Your Highness." Harron was overjoyed. His face was full of smiles.

"Your Highness, it's our turn now." Seeing that Harron finally stopped hesitating, Lord Tully took the Broken Heart from the servant and knelt on one knee in front of Longzier.

"I, Lord Horn Hill, Donald of the Tully family, swear to Prince Longzier of the Vareses family that the Striding Hunter will always be the vanguard of the Silver Dragon until the bow and arrow break and the bloodline is cut off. I swear by the bloodline of Garth Greenhand." He raised the Broken Heart above his head. "New and old gods bear witness."

"I accept your allegiance." Longzier stood up, took the broken heart, symbolically patted Lord Tully on the shoulder twice, and returned the broken heart to him with both hands.

"Tyrell family witness, Lord Donald, may your hunting bow still be strong." Ser Harron bore witness to the old lord.

"Very good, now it's time to talk about another thing, Lord Tully."

Longzier looked into Lord Tully's eyes and said with a smile.

The second update, the illustrations are Oldtown and Highgarden of the CK3 Ice and Fire module, which is really well done.

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