Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 75 Silver Twins

"Your Highness, the situation is not very optimistic." Dr. Vesalius sighed and walked out. Time did not leave many marks on his face, but it only made his already long and messy beard longer and messier. "Although Madam did not give birth at the most dangerous age and her physical strength is not bad, she is pregnant with twins after all."

Before the old doctor finished speaking, a burst of heart-rending screams erupted in the delivery room. Hearing this, Long Zell's heart trembled. "Who's in there now?" His feelings for Diana are actually quite complicated. Rather than love, he and Diana are more like friends and partners. However, in the past few years of getting along, the two sides have given each other enough respect and respect. help. At least they are very happy now.

Until Diana became pregnant, gave birth, and fell into severe pain.

"Lord Zesar, and Mrs. Leila, Your Highness. The only way Madam can relax is by holding Mrs. Leila's hand." Dr. Vesalius glanced nervously at the delivery room, and Diana's screams were heard again. , the birth of twins made it impossible for the mother to stand up and give birth, so she could only lie on the bed and endure severe pain.

"Brother." Layla Celtija rushed out with a serious face. Compared to Valarr, who loved dragons and weapons more, although Layla gave her husband enough respect and love, she preferred kindness and gentleness. , the smart Diana was together, and the two girls soon became extremely close best friends. They often inspected the construction site of Summer Hall together, studied together in the great library of Laurel Leaf Tower, and reviewed the family's account books together. And now we go into the delivery room together to accompany each other.

"How's it going?" Long Zell asked hurriedly.

Leila shook her head: "Both children are healthy, but they are too healthy. Mr. Zesar does not dare to use the anesthesia from Yiyidu. He is worried that excessive anesthesia will harm the fetus and cause the mother to not have enough strength to complete the task." Production."

"Is there any other way?" Long Zell looked anxiously at the delivery room. Diana let out another weak cry, and Leila hurriedly ran in again.

Diana was lying weakly on the delivery bed, with turbid blood still flowing under her body. The fine beads of sweat made the whole white dress look like it had just been washed. Several midwives who delivered the baby were busy changing into clean silk cloths. and hot water. Zethar Shadow Weaver, with a serious look on his face, and several burly midwives assisted Diana in giving birth. Seeing Leila come in, Zesar frowned and walked towards her, lowering his voice and asking: "Has His Highness accepted that method?"

Layla ignored Zesar, rushed to Diana's bedside in a few steps, and held her hand. "Sister, we are all here, hold on, we're just close."

Diana gasped and said weakly: "Lonzel Longzel...ah!" The severe pain overwhelmed the little bit of Yidi anesthetic that Zesar had just given, and Diana couldn't help but tighten her grip. Layla's hand.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Diana burst into tears instantly, gasping for air. "Mom. Mom"

"Both Zesar and I have prepared the last resort, Your Highness." Dr. Vesalius whispered outside the door: "Open the uterus of the pregnant woman and take out the fetus. The method in the Citadel is not safe, but Zesar's method is not safe." Oriental medicine is said to improve the survival rate of pregnant women."

"What are you talking about?" Valar resisted the urge to grab Dr. Vesalius's beard. Rey looked at the old doctor expressionlessly: "Doctor, do you want to kill my sister-in-law?"

"I dare not, but this is the last resort." Dr. Vesalius said: "The fetus is very healthy. We can guarantee that the fetus will survive after the operation."

"No need to go to such trouble." Long Zell said with a cold face: "Go and prepare the brazier."

Dr. Vesalius was stunned for a moment, and immediately rushed out with the two midwives. He didn't know how he could run so fast at such an old age. Dr. Vesalius rushed to the corridor and faced Hoffa, who was standing guard at the door of the corridor. Shouting: "Hoffa, prepare the brazier." The two midwives rushed out without stopping.

Hoffa immediately signaled Ago to stand in the middle, rushed down the stairs, and soon rushed up the stairs with the two midwives holding a brazier.

Ronzel motioned to the two midwives to place the brazier in the delivery room, picked up a piece of charcoal from the middle, and lit the fireplace in the room.

"Your Highness, the smoke from the fireplace." Zesar instantly realized what Longzel was going to do, and immediately continued to assist Diana with several midwives.

"Lonzel, save me. Save the child." Diana's hazy eyes reflected Longzel's figure, and her voice was as low as a mosquito's cry.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, and neither will our child. Don't forget, I'm still a blood witch." Long Zell lay on the delivery bed, gently wiping away the sweat from his wife, and the other Putting her hand on her wife's round belly, blood mixed with silver slowly dripped out from her fingers, fell on her belly, and slowly seeped in. Diana suddenly felt the twisted blood, as if it was hammering her own internal organs. The pain gradually subsided, and the relieved Diana finally let go of Leila's hand. "Leila." Long Zell tilted his head slightly. Leila understood what her brother wanted to do and obediently retreated to the window.

Longzell shouted at the door: "Valar, Silver Blood!" Valar rushed in panting after Dr. Vesalius, and handed the Valyrian steel sword Silver Blood to his brother, Longzell He lightly touched the sword and immediately placed his cut palm on the brazier. Dr. Vesalius immediately joined the ranks of midwives.

The blood dripped into the brazier, and the flames instantly rose, and the flames in the fireplace also stretched out their tongues of fire. After a while, the flames seemed to come alive. One, two, and countless fire lines emerged from the flames like worms, slowly crawling towards Diana's belly. Diana's eyes widened immediately.

When the first fire line merged into Diana's belly, Diana only felt her belly warm, as if something was swimming inside, and the pain of childbirth was reduced like ice and snow under that warmth. One by one, the fire lines slowly merged into the pregnant woman's womb. Diana suddenly felt an indescribable fatigue occupying her brain instantly.

"Don't sleep." Long Zeer continued to manipulate the fire line with one hand, and grabbed Diana's hand with the other hand and pressed it against his lips. "It will be fine soon, it will be fine soon."

"The baby is out, the baby is out!" The old midwife shouted excitedly. "The boy comes out first!"

The turbid blood gushed out, and the midwife picked up the wrinkled baby and handed it to the doctor and the pharmacist for care.


As soon as he patted it, the child cried vigorously. The slightly opened eyes could clearly see the deep purple, and the child's head was covered with silver-white fluff.

"It's a healthy boy, Your Highness, you have an heir!" Zersar and Dr. Vesalius cleaned the baby's body and cut the umbilical cord.

On the other side, another child was successfully picked up by the midwife. "A girl!" The midwife's voice could be heard almost throughout the corridor.

"Valar, I'm an uncle!" Rey almost jumped up with excitement. "Am I not?" Valar punched his brother and almost squeezed into the room together.

The girl's head was covered with silver-gold fluff, and she was screaming hard. Dr. Vesalius cut the girl's umbilical cord neatly. Looking at Diana, who was exhausted. "Madam, the children are all healthy. To be honest, I have never seen such healthy newborns."

"Let me see the children, let me see." The old man and another midwife hurriedly brought the babies to Diana. Diana smiled and touched the noses of the two children, and then her hands fell weakly. Zhesar rushed to the bedside.

"Zhesar, don't worry, Diana is just too tired." The wound on Longzel's palm had healed. He smiled and teased the two children, and whispered: "Take Diana to another clean and warm room, remember to change her into clean clothes."

"Understood." Everyone present nodded.

"Brother, what will the child be called?" Rey came over. "Have you thought about it?"

Longzel nodded, but his eyes could not leave the two wrinkled babies: "The boy is named Lingol, which is the name of the 'Lost Dragon' and the greatest patriarch of the family. The name of the 'Bronze Dragon King' Lingol who once served as the Archon of Ancient Valyria, and the girl is named Samantha. This is Diana's wish."

"Good name." Valar nodded.

At this moment, the voices of Jacaerys and Lusiris came from the corridor.

"My Lord, the dragon egg has hatched!"

Second update check-in, the title has been updated to "Ice and Fire: Dragon Dynasty", five updates tomorrow.

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