Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 80 Dorne Surrenders (55, please order first)

"That's why I've been saying that the army is useless." Count Landau Cavron watched the eight winged beasts soar into the sky, and couldn't help but said to Aslan Rondel on the side. "These eight dragons are enough to withstand an army of 100,000 people."

Vhagar flew so slowly that several other dragons quickly overtook it, causing Aemond to shout over and over again: "Fast! Fast!"

The blazing golden dragon flames of Wormisor poured down on them, and the infantry in the first row were instantly burned to ashes. Then the second row, and the third row, the most elite warriors of the Yronwood family were even burned under the dragon flames. Not as good as a snowman.

"Don't panic!" "King" Lewin rolled off his horse. He knew that he must not expand his target at this time. He could only try his best to prevent the dragon from deliberately targeting him. Lewin took it from the crossbowman on the side. With a crossbow, he shouted: "Aim at the rider, kill the dragon knight, and the dragon will naturally retreat."

The archers drew their bow strings one after another, but what they faced was Vomithor who flew high after spitting out a wave of dragon flames, and the three giant dragons that followed closely behind.

Yang Yan is the youngest and the fastest. This majestic and gorgeous young golden dragon swept across the Dornish line, spreading golden flames over the position. The long line of fire directly penetrated the Dornish infantry square, and the cavalry was running away.

The moment the dragon appeared, no horse dared to stay in this pass. Syrax followed closely behind, also spitting out blazing dragon flames, burning around the Dornish military formation together with Corakxiu's bloody flames. In the blink of an eye, the Dornish people were surrounded by flames.

Vhagar finally arrived, and with it came Vormithor, who had returned to the battlefield. The two behemoths blocked the sun, and fire that could melt rocks poured down from the sky like a river.

It's a wonder Yronwood's infantry have held on until now.

It was a miracle. At the moment when the dragon flames of Vhagar and Vormithor came, Yronwood's army collapsed. No one wanted to stand there and wait to be roasted to char, especially those in the team. The moment the archer was sent away by a breath of dragon flame from Wormisor.

"Your Majesty, run." Arthur Sand, the illegitimate son of the Yronwood family, brought a war horse with a look of ashen on his face. This was one of the few war horses that had not yet fled. "Yronwood City"

"That's the eight-headed dragon." Lewen looked desperately at the black shadows in the sky. Red, golden, yellow, and pale flames spread all over the pass. There were people covered with fire everywhere, and there were charcoal everywhere. Ash.

"A giant dragon wiped out 'Black Heart' Harren and his Hall family. Yronwood City can't compare to Harrenhal anyway." Lewin murmured, and he regretted why Tigaro left when he did. Do not agree to his conditions.

Obviously it only requires a portion of the land and the transfer of coinage rights to the Iron Throne, plus a kneeling that will not cause any actual harm, in exchange for half of Dorne's territory, so why is this?

"No, Your Majesty." Levin touched the crown on his head, which was given to him by the Varese family. "After today, whether there will be any Yronwood family depends on whether the Dragon King is kind or not."

Shadow Nightmare flew through the air, and Rey enjoyed feeling the wind blowing across his cheeks and blowing his hair high. His High Valyrian command was quite proficient, even better than that of several princes. Shadow Nightmare let out an unpleasant neigh, and a crossbow arrow that flew from nowhere hit its body, and was then struck as hard as The skin and scales of the bones bounced off.

This is also the special thing about Shadow Nightmare. Not only does it fly fast, but its seemingly skinny body is actually extremely hard. Rey described it as "bones growing outside the body." When it played with the other little dragons, it relied on its "hard skin", which made those little dragons grin.

Thin pale flames shot into the fire field and exploded when they hit the ground.

Maybe Rey didn't notice what his breath hit, but Levin would definitely remember this moment forever.

Pale flames exploded above his head, and Arthur Sand and his golden crown, the High King of Dorne, were forever fused together in the flames.

The last sound heard by the Yronwood family's defeated troops was the rumble of the hooves of the Borderland cavalry.

One after another, giant dragons landed around the ruins of Tianji City. The eight dragon knights simultaneously looked down at the silent Prince Keolen Martell and his entourage.

"Your Highness the Princess." Prince Keolun finally said: "Is our agreement still fulfilled?"

"The conditions for the Martell family were proposed by my father, Prince Keolen, you should be grateful that my kind and tolerant father still sits on the Iron Throne, not my brave husband, this is already the best condition. Bend the knee, accept the territory, and offer hostages. My son Joffrey will be betrothed to Alexandra. The food from the Reach will support East Dorne through the Prince's Pass and the sea. By then, the distance between the Iron Throne and Sunspear will be The connection will be even closer, and I don’t think you can find a better deal.”

Prince Daemon sat on the dragon's saddle and smiled without saying anything. On the other hand, Aemond's smile had not yet dissipated, and immediately there was a trace of worry and dissatisfaction on his face.

"Your kindness is like the Virgin Mary in heaven." Prince Keolun lowered his head.

For the first time in a hundred years.

The Sun of Dorne, the proud prince of House Nameros Martell, took off his crown and knelt before the eight-headed dragon.

His sword was stuck in the ground in front of him, and behind him were the lords who surrendered to the Martell family. The damage caused by this war was even more than the conquest war of the year.

The Arion family in Godsgrace City only had one sapling left, the Tollan family in Soul Hill only had one married woman left, the Vance family in Vance City lost their heirs and many male members, the Dart family in Lemon Grove had no head, the Kogel family in Sandstone City and the Uller family in Hellgate Castle disappeared forever in the yellow sand of Dorne.

The lords knelt and offered their swords. They needed rest and bread more than pride.

Everyone was tired.

Before that, Albin had taken off the crown under the coercion of his sister and bent his knees to the messenger of the Iron Throne.

After a hundred years, Dorne finally returned to the rule of the Iron Throne.

The Vareses family also swallowed up a part of the fertile land. The entire Prince's Pass, half of the Blemont Valley, the entire Stone Road, the entire Red March, and most of the Yronwood Valley were all swallowed by the silver dragon.

It will take a long time to digest again.

The dragons left with satisfaction, and Vareses's retainers immediately began to prepare to build castles and villages on the new territory.

Conquest may be quick, but ruling often takes generations.

The fifth watch is completed, and I'm going to ddl.

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