Arax landed first, followed by Vermax. The two teenagers jumped off the dragon's back in a hurry and ran towards the castle. Luthris almost tripped over his black cloak. Vermithor was too big and could not fly as fast as the two dragons, so he could only land on the beach of Dragonstone.

As soon as Longzel climbed down from the dragon's back, Vermithor turned his head and looked at the boat slowly approaching the shore. The people on the boat immediately raised a flag with a red dragon on a black background and a flag with the personal emblem of Princess Rhaenyra.

This is the flag of the Targaryen family and one of the flags followed by the Black Party. The other is the four-point flag of Princess Rhaenyra. Her personal emblem is drawn on it. The four patterns on the shield are two red dragons on a black background, one is the crescent falcon emblem of her mother Queen Emma Arryn, and the other is the seahorse emblem of Laenor Velaryon.

Longzel squinted at the people getting off the boat, especially the old man with white armor and white cloak hidden under the black cloak.

"Prince Longzel." Sir Stephen Darklin recognized Longzel. After all, he was not much different from six years ago, except that the childishness between his eyebrows and eyes had completely disappeared. His face was also much tougher. When they arrived in King's Landing, Stephen Darklin happened to be on duty at the Red Castle. He witnessed the moment when Longzel and his brother arrived.

Dozens of huge ships with purple bottoms and silver dragon sails sailed into the port of King's Landing. The silver dragon laurel leaf patterns on the sails of each ship were sewn with silver thread, shining in the sun. When hundreds of tall silver-haired warriors wearing silver plate chain mail, purple cloaks, and riding armored war horses with tiger stripes paraded through the city, the whole King's Landing was boiling, especially when they saw the huge Sothoryos forest elephants carrying boxes of gold and jewelry appear.

The long voyage and the unfamiliar climate caused the giant elephants to walk unsteadily. The jewels originally inlaid on the elephant's clothes and ivory were scattered all over the ground along with the jewels in the box with the elephant's wobbly steps. In fact, the elephants of the Vareses family did not even make it back to the Red Mountains, and all died on the road. But this did not prevent them from giving the citizens of King's Landing a big shock.

So the Flea Bottom was brightly lit that night. No, not just that day, but the Flea Bottom and all the streets were brightly lit for several consecutive days.

Sir Stephen still remembers the shocked eyes of himself and his sworn brothers when two giant dragons fell from the sky and two handsome boys with only slight differences in hair length and height walked down from the dragon's back, as well as the silent throne room.

Even the king on the Iron Throne was silent for a long time, until the servants beside Longzel, the black-haired and golden-eyed boy and the barbarian boy who dared to go shirtless in front of the king, reported the names of the two brothers, and the king broke out of silence.

Thinking back to his brain, Sir Stephen Darklin was immediately delighted. If Longzel was willing to stand on the side of Rhaenyra, then the Black Party would surely win.

"I am Stephen Darklin, the Kingsguard of the late king. Now I am following the late king's will to guard the true Queen." Stephen Darklin explained why he appeared on Dragonstone.

Longzel nodded: "The princess will welcome you." After that, he walked towards the direction of the castle.

"Your Highness, it's time to call the Queen now." Stephen Darklin insisted, tightening the package on his body, and followed closely behind Longzel.

"The princess has not been crowned yet." Longzel said with a smile, "But the 'legitimate king' of King's Landing was crowned the Conqueror's Crown by the captain of the Kingsguard in front of the people. Just based on this point, plus the fact that Aegon is a man, these points alone are enough for most of the nobles in the country to favor him."

"Oathbreaker." Stephen Darklin spat, "Christon Cole has defiled his white robe. The duty of the Kingsguard is to protect the king, not to participate in the transfer of the throne. He is betting on the future of the Kingsguard."

Longzel spread his hands slightly, indicating that he rarely participated in the intrigues of the court. Compared with the quagmire of King's Landing, he still prefers his own territory.

As they talked, they had already walked to the courtyard of Dragonstone Castle, and saw Rhaenyra dragging her weak body and rushing out with the people of the Black Party Meeting. Jacaerys and Lucerys stuck to their mother, and they had obviously been talking for a while.

"Prince Longzel, thank you for your support." Although Rhaenyra was still very weak, the smile on her face was visible to almost everyone: "I have reserved a place for you in my royal meeting. As long as the usurper surrenders, I will give you whatever you want!"

Rhaenyra smiled: "Your Highness, I am Xiaojie's knight, and his affairs are my affairs, but I also have my own territory to take care of. Stormland and Riverland are adjacent to my territory. If the negotiations break down and the war starts, I must consider my territory first."

"As long as you stand by my side, I have the confidence to make the usurper pay the price." Rhaenyra didn't care whether Longzel would fight by her side. She cared more about whether the governor of the borderland could fight for her.

"Your Majesty." Sir Stephen Darklin took the opportunity to take out the crown in the package. "I brought the crowns of the centenarian king and the previous king." The white-haired white knight glanced at his nephew Gunthor Darklin and knelt on one knee in front of Rhaenyra.

"Your Majesty, this is your legal right." The White Knight respectfully placed the crown in his palm.

"Long live Her Majesty the Queen!" Count Bartimus Celtigar was the first to raise his hand, and then all the Black Party nobles and Dragonstone soldiers in the courtyard began to shout "Long live Her Majesty the Queen! Long live the Light of the Kingdom!" Long live the legitimate queen!"

Damon took the crown and carefully placed it on his wife's head. "Hail to Queen Rhaenyra I of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm!"

Longzell smiled and watched the crowd roaring with joy, and Princess Rhaenys was also applauding. The old princess's eyes were complicated, ranging from relief to loss. Rhaenyra tried to straighten her back and slowly sealed the title of Guardian of the Realm. To her husband, he appointed Jakaris the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.

"My lords, Your Majesty the Queen, Your Highness the Prince." Bartimus Celtija walked into the middle of the crowd again: "Prince Longzell's Warmisor has arrived at Dragonstone Island, and now we have three centaurs who can go to war immediately. Fighting dragons. The dragons of the two princes can also fight in the sky. The dragon of Daeron the Usurper is far away in Oldtown. Now there are only three dragons in King's Landing, five against three. The advantage is mine. Your Majesty, I suggest that we send the dragon to attack immediately. , let the usurper of King's Landing try the dragon's wrath."

"Lord Celtija." Damon said softly: "I understand your defense of my wife's power, but the situation is different. Dragons are not everything in war, especially the war of the Dragon King family. There is no shortage of Valery in Westeros. In the history of Asia, it is not that we have not witnessed the record of Maegor riding the Black Death to kill Flash Silver. Dragon war is not a foolproof method. We will not use our dragons to fight against the usurper unless it is absolutely necessary." Damon. He said and looked at Long Zell. "The dragon is a deterrent. It is like my dark sister. It is always more awe-inspiring to the enemy when it is hidden in the scabbard and ready to attack than when it is unsheathed and ready to kill at any time."

He and Rhaenys had this idea at the beginning, so even though they were ready to launch a dragon war, when they saw the two dragons strengthened by the mysterious energy of the ruins of Valyria, Daemon gave up decisively. Got the idea of ​​​​Dragon War. Now that there are only two Dragon King families with dragons left, every dragon is precious. It doesn't matter how many mortal armies die. Every time a dragon dies, the flesh of these two ancient families is cut off.

"Before you take up the sword, fight with your words," Daemon continued.

Longzell nodded slightly, then continued what Damon said: "Aegon has the support of a large number of small and medium-sized nobles. His base is the Hightower family in the south and the Lannister family in the west. The entire west and most of the south are For his use." Longzell said: "Duke Loras dare not touch the Hightower family, but as the governor of the Reach, Duke Loras still has a lot of energy. If he can cooperate with Hightower, The Er family is best at dealing with it. If not, I will need to stay in the south. Dorne is broken, but they promise to fight for the queen. Prince Keolen sent 1,500 troops to support your cause. "Lonzel stood in the center of the courtyard. Analyzing the situation in the South. "And the Stormlands."

"Storm's End will stand by my side," Princess Rhaenyra said.

Rhaenys nodded: "My mother Jocelyn Baratheon is a blood relative of the deceased old Duke Beaumond. Duke Beaumond has always firmly supported the rights of me and Rhaenyra."

"There is a high probability that the valley and the north will be on our side, but the north is too big and too far." Damon said with a smile: "If I wait for the Stark family in the north to go south, I may have taken the usurper's head. On the tip of the spear."

"Damon, don't underestimate Duke Stark in the north." Longzell smiled: "Although I am in the border area, I have also heard about the great achievements of Duke Cregan Stark. He dealt with I am impressed by Ser Bennard Stark's decisiveness. As long as he is on our side, I can guarantee that he will surprise us."

"Cousin, we need your silver fleet." Rhaenys said: "The Velaryon family will block the throat, which requires a large number of ships. The Velaryon family alone is still a bit stretched."

Ronzel nodded: "I have asked Sir Miles to lead thirty battleships northward. The Silver Fleet still needs to patrol the Dorne Sea. The pirates on the Stepstone Islands are ready to make moves recently."

Thirty ships. Corliss knew that these ships were simply not enough, but supplements were better than nothing: "Prince, on behalf of the Velaryon family, I would like to thank you for your support."

Long Zell nodded: "So what we have to do is probably to win over the princes in the Valley, Stormland and the North, and then win the support of the Riverland."

"We have no shortage of friends in the Riverlands." Daemon smiled. "But we need a stronghold where they can boldly show their black flag."

"Harrenhal," Ronzel said.

Daemon nodded: "Your Majesty, I will go to Harrenhal to win the army of the Riverlands for you."

"I will guard Dragon's Nest City." Longzell said: "If there are changes in the Stormlands, I will immediately suppress the Stormlands. Over in the River Bend, I will let the Hightower family know the consequences of betrayal."

"The Velaryon family will block the throat." Lord Corlys said: "The southern border is in chaos. King's Landing will have no food support from the Reach and no supplies from the sea. Starvation will destroy the city and the usurper."

Rhaenyra nodded in acknowledgment of these strategies. She will stay on Dragonstone to recuperate,

"We will send troops to help defend Dragonstone." Count Bartimus Celtija said. Their troops are limited, but they are more than enough to protect a castle. Princess Rhaenys will ride Melias to patrol the Throat and Blackwater Bay to protect the fleet and prevent the opponent's dragon from attacking. Dragonstone Island has a complete tunnel system. In fact, it is not particularly afraid of the dragon's air strikes. It is more afraid of the mortal army. After all, it is difficult for dragon flames to burn people hiding deep underground and in deep mountains, but mortal armies can really dig deep into the ground.

"Your Majesty." Bachelor Grates changed his title: "I will send a raven to the lord just mentioned."

"No need for a raven, mother." Prince Jakaris stood in the center of the courtyard, showing off his brown-black hair calmly in front of everyone. "We have a dragon. The dragon is more convincing than the raven. Let Xiaolu and I be the messengers."

"That's right!" Lucreth jumped up: "We are also men of the Targaryen family, and we also want to fight for your power."

"And me!" Eleven-year-old Joffrey also jumped out. "Terexiu can carry people into space, and so can I!"

Earl Collis couldn't help but smile when he heard Xiaolu's words: "You brat, your last name is Velaryon now." But everyone could hear the pride and smile in the sea snake's tone.

"Joffrey! Stop it!" Rhaenyra pulled Joffrey back. He tapped the boy's forehead angrily. But she couldn't refuse Xiaojie and Xiaolu's request.

As a mother, she could only leave a kiss on the foreheads of her two sons.

"Remember, you are just messengers, not knights." She said seriously. "Fighting is absolutely prohibited and guest rights must be strictly adhered to."

"Don't worry, princess." Long Zell's happy smile never disappeared: "They are not knights yet."

"Hey, sir, so after this battle is over, can you canonize me as a knight?" Jakaris said with a smile.

"Haha." Long Zell laughed: "Let's wait until the battle is over."

"Xiaojie, you go to the valley and the north. You are the elder brother."

"I understand, mother." Jakaris understood what his mother meant. The north and the valley were further away, more dangerous, and more likely to be intercepted by dragons of the Green Party or princes loyal to the Green Party. Storm's End is not only close to Dragonstone Island, but also closer to Dragon's Nest City. You can fly directly to Dragon's Nest City at any time via the trail, and Silver Wing is still guarding Dragon's Nest City. Even Vhagar couldn't escape the siege of several dragons.

"Don't worry, Little Road, you will definitely receive a warm welcome at Storm's End." Rhaenyra hugged her son. Lucreth was almost as tall as her. The years of following Valarr had made this cute little boy The chipmunk grew into a handsome young man.

"Princess Rhaenys has the blood of the Baratheon family in her body. They will definitely stick to their oath and defend their legitimate queen."

The first update clocks in at 4,000 words. By September 1st, the author will be busy with projects and papers, so the update time will be a little messy, but the number of words in both updates will increase significantly.

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