Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 92 The Maiden of the Valley and the Wolf of Winter

"That's settled." Aemond tapped the map. "We'll prepare to evacuate King's Landing immediately."

"I'll go and convince Helena." Great Aegon finally found something he could do. "For the sake of the children, she will definitely fight for us."

"And the queen can go to the South to protect Prince Daeron." Taelan sighed: "Prince Daeron only has one little dragon. If Dragonzel chooses to go to the South, one more dragon will give him a higher chance of winning."

"Sir Criston, Sir Taelan, you two will lead the army north, and His Majesty and I will ride dragons to cover you. Lord Jasper, Lord Larris, Lord Orwell, if Rhaenyra enters King's Landing, you should also evacuate as soon as possible." Aemond sighed and made arrangements.

The meeting hall fell into silence again.

At Maegor's Holdfast, Aegon the Great carefully walked into the room of his wife, whom he had not visited for a long time. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Helena packing her things. His three children were dressed. Jaehaerys stood beside his twin sister in a daze, holding his younger brother Melar in his arms, looking at his father who came in and his mother who had tied up the package with some bewilderment.


"I know everything." Helena glanced at Aegon the Great: "Wars between blood relatives are the most hated by the gods, and so are wars between dragons. Aemond is a kinslayer, Aegon, you are also responsible."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, Helena." Aegon the Great sat next to Helena. "We need you and Dreamfire. The children need it too. Aemond hopes you can fight for us. I want you to take the children to Oldtown, which is safer than King's Landing, and Grandpa's family will also arrange for the children to go to a safer place."

Helena looked into Aegon the Great's eyes quietly, but Aegon the Great did not dare to look at her.

"I won't let the Dreamfire burn innocent people." Helena said softly, "I'm not a warrior either. I'll take the children to Oldtown." The queen ignored the king and picked up Jaehaerys. "Aegon, I hope you and Aemond can take responsibility for your actions."

Aegon the Great was silent.

The Vale, the Moon Gate.

Duchess Jeyne did not take Dragonzel and Jacaerys to the Eyrie. She knew that she could not stop the two dragon riders from flying to the Eyrie, so she just negotiated the terms here.

"Prince, Prince, I thank you for coming." Duchess Jeyne walked out of the Moon Gate with Artis Royce and stood in front of Wormisower. She knew that the one who could really influence the negotiations was actually Dragonzel, who had absolute military power, not Jacaerys who came on behalf of his mother. "Your dragon has solved a big problem for me, Your Highness."

"The Golden Eagle of Seagull Town?" Wormisower slowly moved his body, revealing a pool of broken flesh under his feet. Longzel recognized the tattered golden eagle flag. "I've heard of them, a branch of the Arryn family, rich and good at business. My family's merchant ships once traded with them."

Jaccaris jumped off from Womacks and took out the letter: "Duke Jeyne, I come on behalf of my mother, Queen Rhaenyla I of the Targaryen family."

"I know why you're here, Prince." Duchess Jeyne took the letter and didn't open the wax seal: "You can see that my rule is not stable. My relatives have tried to challenge my inheritance and legal rights three times. My cousin Sir Arnold often says that women are too weak and unsuitable to rule. He has coveted my position for a long time. Unfortunately, now he can only be with the flying birds in the sky prison. I hope he can rule these lovely birds well." Duchess Jeyne walked to Jaccaris. Prince Jaccaris had grown taller than her, but the virgin of the valley had no interest in this child who was 21 years younger than her. She just looked at the prince's brown-black hair with interest.

Of course, the prince accepted her gaze frankly.

"To be honest, I am not satisfied with your stepfather. He is not worthy of his first wife, so I dare not compliment your mother's taste in choosing men, but this does not affect my oath, Your Highness." Duke Jenny looked at Longzel on the dragon's back.

Longzel also looked at this beautiful virgin of the Vale who still retained her girlhood with interest. As the leader of the Vale, Jenny Arryn has no children. Her favorite heir is Sir Joffrey Arryn, but the inheritance of the Vale is not stable. Perhaps there will be more interesting variables.

He couldn't help rubbing the hand guard of the dragon saddle. It seems that he left a little regret for not coming to the Vale during the last grand tour. At this time, Artis Royce also walked to the side of Wormisol. The dragon was too lazy to pay attention to the little bug, but Longzel was very interested in this young man.

After all, this guy was able to pick Sebastian at the tournament, so he was considered to be quite capable. But it was obvious that it was not Attis' turn to speak in this situation.

"Raenyra is my legitimate queen. She is related to me by blood. We should help each other, especially in this man's world." Jenny looked at Longzel and said, "I envy Lady Diana. After all, her man will not regard himself as a god just because he has a dragon, and treat her as a dispensable toy."

"Diana is my wife, please watch your words." Longzel replied, and the dragon under him snorted violently, but did not cause any damage.

Duchess Jane finally smiled: "It seems I was right. Lady Diana is far luckier than Rhea. The prince, the valley and the knights of the valley will support Her Majesty's cause, but we need time to raise troops and food."

The Duchess continued: "The valley can provide Her Majesty the Queen with an army of 20,000 people, including 5,000 knights, but we need time. Lord Attis can lead 1,500 cavalry into the Riverlands first."

"Tell me your conditions, sir." Long Zell knew that everything Jenny was saying now was to prepare for the negotiation, so it was better to lay it out first.

"Your Highness, the Valley needs a dragon knight to protect it." Jenny said: "The Valley is not afraid of the army. For thousands of years, both the wolves in the north and the kings of the Riverlands have fallen into the sand in front of the Blood Gate. The Valley We are not afraid of the navy. Although the fleet in Seagull Town is small, it can protect itself by relying on the port. The valley is only afraid of the dragon. "

The Duchess looked at Longzel: "We need the protection of a dragon knight. I hate the feeling of being powerless, and I don't want to end up like my cousin."

"We will send dragon knights to protect the valley. This is the king's obligation to his vassals." Jakaris immediately agreed, so Jenny knelt in front of the prince, and her vassals also knelt in front of the dragon. The long sword shows loyalty.

The two dragons soon took off again. After meeting the Marquis of Sunderland in the Three Sisters Islands, the two immediately flew to Winterfell. They received the raven sent by Cregan Stark at the Sisters, and Lord Cregan was already gathering his subjects to prepare for winter and war.

Winterfell is a huge, ancient castle. The thick walls protect this ancient castle that has stood here for eight thousand years, as well as the godswood forest and hot spring gardens in the city.

"The dragon is coming! The dragon is coming!" The soldiers of Winterfell shouted loudly, calling for people to clear the place for the dragon to land. Vormithor landed with a roar, followed by Vormax. The people in the courtyard looked nervously at the two giant beasts - one of them was larger than most courtyards in Winterfell, and only this square could accommodate it. Huge Wormisole.

Cregan Stark, Lord Manderly, and Lord Rodrik Dustin stood beside the square, waiting for the two to get off the dragon's back.

"Duke Cregen, it seems that the news I heard in the south is true." Ronzel smiled and punched Cregen, who was already taller than him: "You are stronger than I thought. "More."

"We would also like to thank the Varese family for their trade." Cregan Stark, who had begun to grow a beard, twitched his lips in a rare move: "At least this winter, our cellar is no longer so empty. Longze Prince, you are still so young.”

"Duke, I represent my mother."

"Xiaojie, it goes without saying." Cregan Stark said: "The North will never forget, and the North will always abide by its oath, so you don't have to worry about our position."

The Duke motioned to the gray-haired Count Rodrik Dustin to take a step forward: "The Northern Territory needs to harvest quickly, otherwise many people will die in the winter, even with the cheap food shipped by Prince Longzel, so the Northern Territory's The army will be late in moving south. As an apology, Count Rodrik will lead 2,000 gray-bearded veterans with horses to fight for the queen."

The Duke's gray eyes were stained with blood: "They have experienced hundreds of battles and are determined to die. Your Highness, they will die for the Queen, and my army will also go south soon. The traitors who betrayed their oaths will surely Pay the price."

"Thank you for your loyalty, Lord Cregan." Jakaris nodded.

"Okay, now it's our time, Prince Longzel." Cregen stood in front of Longzel. "When we last met, I wanted to ask for advice on the prince's Valyrian steel sword. This time, I hope the prince will grant my little wish."

"It's an honor."

Second update, there will be an update in the underworld tonight. If you mind, you can watch it together on the 29th. I will probably be able to finish DDL that day and resume normal updates.

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