Ice and Fire: Reign of the Dragon

Chapter 95 Silent Storm

"Today's harvest is not bad, old Jack." The fishermen in Broken Boat Bay excitedly raised the big fish that had just emerged from the water. They set sail today with several fishing boats and jointly pulled a large net.

"Of course." Old Harry checked the catch that had just come out of the water. Although there are many storms in Shipbreaker Bay, every storm will bring a bumper harvest to the fishermen, which can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes. "Have mercy on us, the catch is enough to pay the taxes."

"Where is your boy? I haven't seen him for several days." Another fisherman asked with some confusion.

"I sent him and my mother-in-law to the south." Old Harry sighed: "The old man is recruiting soldiers. If my boy doesn't leave quickly, he will not be able to escape. There is still some way to survive in the south. It is said that the prince in the south is The workshops and city construction sites are hiring, and skilled workers can earn a lot of coppers a week. The construction sites also provide food, including black bread without stones and strong beer.”

"By the way, did you see the fire last Sunday?"

"I saw it, I saw it." Old Harry still has lingering fears. At that time, in order to raise money for his children and wife to travel south, he set sail in the storm to fish, and happened to encounter the scene of a giant dragon fighting in the storm. "I was scared to death, old man. It was like a big mountain and it flew over in a flash. Half of the sky was fucking red. If it hadn't been for my cleverness, I would have rowed away quickly. I'm afraid."

"Oh no, that's the place where there was a fire that day."

Old Harry suddenly realized: "This is the sea area." At this moment, the sky gradually became gloomy again. "Let's return." Another old fisherman with a gray beard looked at the sky. Today's catch was not bad, so there was no need to risk fishing in the storm.

Several boats slowly pulled the big nets to the shore, and several fishermen dragged the big nets ashore with force. The nets were heavy. "It's so heavy. It looks like it's another big harvest." Old Harry rubbed his hands happily: "Everyone, work hard, work hard."

Several fishermen groaned and dragged the big net out of the sea, "Seven levels of hell, what is this!" Several fishermen fell to the ground almost at the same time.

"Devil, devil." An old fisherman pointed tremblingly at the broken dragon corpse in the net. Old Jack was well-informed and had also seen dragons hunting at sea. He immediately rushed over and covered the old fisherman's mouth: " Don't talk nonsense, this is a dragon."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a terrifying dragon roar coming from behind the hillside. The giant yellow dragon swooped over like lightning and landed steadily next to a few old fishermen who were paralyzed in fear. Rhaenyra wiped the ground. He jumped off the dragon's back and carefully walked towards the broken dragon corpse in the net. Several fishermen were so frightened that they did not dare to come out. Syrax glanced at a few fishermen and roared to the sky.

Another dragon roar responded to its painful roar, and silver wings fell from the sky. A dragon twice as big as Sylax landed on the other side. Valarr, wearing Valyrian steel armor, rushed forward without stopping. He came over and threw a money bag to a few fishermen.

Old Harry opened the bag tremblingly and took a look. The dazzling golden light instantly made him tighten the mouth of the bag.

"Take it back and divide it yourself. Don't say a word about what you saw today." Valar's voice was low, as if he was speaking through gritted teeth. He watched Rhaenyra kneeling in front of the fishing net and frantically pulling at the dragon corpse. Finally, the little body that was swollen and soaked by sea water was dug out, and Rhaenyra cried loudly while hugging the same broken body.

Syrax was also mourning. Valar walked quietly to Queen Rhaenyra, lowered her head, and mourned for her attendant. After a while, the queen raised her head with tears on her face, and reached out to untie the road. The straps on the saddle of a Slither dragon. "I want to take him home."

"Your Majesty, Xiaolu is a true warrior." Valar gritted his teeth and said: "I should have made him a knight immediately. Damn Aemond."

"Prince Valarr." Rhaenyra struggled to put Xiaolu's body on Syrax's back, wiped her tears, her whole face was stained by seawater and mud. "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"If it were me, I would be more aggressive than you." Valarr clenched his fists: "When will we break into King's Landing." He couldn't wait to teach Aemond a lesson.

"We have to wait for the news from King's Landing and your brother's return after receiving the news." Queen Rhaenyra said: "Our people have not sent back the news from King's Landing. Dragonstone now only has two dragons that can fight, and the usurper. There is still a big gap.”

"My brother will be back soon." Valar patted his breastplate: "There are Rey and Shadow Nightmare in Dragon Nest City, as well as my army, so there won't be any problems for the time being. I will be with Your Majesty and my brother Fly to King's Landing and make Aemond pay."

Rhaenyra nodded heavily. What she wanted to say was choked by her own voice, but she finally managed to speak out: "Prince Valarr, after my discussion with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, , we hope to get Rhaena engaged to Prince Rey?”

"Who is Renya?" Valarr touched his head: "Oh, I remembered, the little fiancée on Xiaolu, Leila has a very good relationship with her. I have met her several times, she is very cute and obedient. Little girl. But I don’t have to say anything about this. You have to tell my brother and third brother, Your Majesty.”

"I understand." Rhaenyra nodded, her tears still falling down her cheeks drop by drop: "I originally wanted to go to Dragon's Nest City in person, but now that you are here, I..."

"I will escort you to Dragonstone." Valar turned around and walked towards Silverwing. "Let the Usurper and Aemond pay the price soon. You can come to Dragon's Nest at any time. Our Purple Palace welcomes you at any time."

Rhaenyra nodded and returned to the dragon's back of Syrax. She carefully tied Xiaolu's body to the front of the dragon saddle, and then drove Syrax to take off.

Silverwing followed closely behind, and the two dragons flew away from the beach one after another, leaving only a few fishermen to share the money in the bag.

"I found the dragon, so I should get more." The young fisherman grabbed the bag and poured the golden dragons in the bag all over the ground. He leaned over the ground and counted the golden dragons while talking in a nagging manner.

"What did you find? Everyone gets a share!" The old fisherman was not happy. He pulled his eldest son to dig the gold dragons towards him. Only Old Harry quietly picked up a gold coin and ran away, leaving the remaining fishermen to scramble for the gold coins on the ground like crazy. "How dare you rob me!" A burly fisherman picked up the harpoon on the boat and shouted.

"Ah!" The scream made Old Harry pause, but he continued to run without stopping.

The night and dark clouds gradually enveloped the beach, and there were gold coins and bloodstains that were difficult to erase.

The North, Wolf Forest.

Longzel stabbed a glacier deer with a spear. Watching the giant creature whimpering and falling, Jacaris cut off the antlers neatly, and the venison was cut by several leaders of the mountain clans and handed over to the chefs in the team for grilling. Cregan Stark cut off a piece of venison with a knife, put it in his mouth and chewed it, then continued: "Prince, this is probably the largest deer in the Wolf Forest."

"Whether it is or not, it is our prey today." Longzier put away his hunting spear with a smile. Their alliance in the North was unusually smooth. Perhaps it was the oppression of the two dragons, or perhaps the people of the North really kept their word. The lords of the entire North came to Winterfell in person, ready to wait for the wheat in their territory to be harvested and immediately recruit troops to go south.

Longzier promised to continue to organize a fleet in winter to buy cheap food from the East Continent for the North and sell it to the lords of the North at a low price. Jacaerys also reiterated Queen Alysanne's promise in the North that the Targaryen family would marry a girl from the Stark family in the future, or marry a princess to the heir of the Stark family. The Manderly family also received a promise of marriage.

Lord Rodrik Dustin and the elderly predecessor of the Lacewell family, Lord Robb Lacewell - the old warrior immediately passed the position to his grandson when he learned that the Greybeard Wolf Army was formed. He put on armor, took his battle axe, long-haired horse and sworn knight to join Rodrik's team. The two thousand grey-bearded veterans led by them had already gone south a few days ago. Everyone in this army was equipped with long-haired horses from the North. They did not take the King's Road, but took the Neck and passed the Twins, striving to join the battlefield in the riverlands as quickly as possible.

At this time, Lord Domeric Bolton, who had a pair of amber eyes, rode a fast horse to the camp with a serious face. The young Lord Bolton jumped off the warhorse and rushed to Cregan. "My lord, the letter from Storm's End and the letter from Harrenhal."

Cregan opened the two letters and took a look. His expressionless face was instantly stained with a touch of frost. He looked up at Longzel and Prince Jacaerys who was busy cutting venison, and could only sigh and hand the letter to Longzel.

Longzel closed his eyes after reading the letter. Jacaerys took the letter from Longzel with some curiosity. After reading it, he also fell into a long silence. If you look closely, you can see that the boy's eyes are gradually turning red.

"Very good, very good." Longzel opened his eyes, and even Duke Cregan could feel the coldness and murderous intent in Longzel's deep purple eyes. "Good job, Xiaolu, good job, Aemond, good job."

He stood up immediately. "Xiaojie, we are going to fly to Harrenhal, Duke, I'm sorry we can't stay in the North anymore."

"I sympathize with Prince Luthris's experience." Duke Cregan prayed for Luthris with the gesture of praying to the old gods: "The North will never forget, we will go south to join the war as soon as possible."

Longzel nodded gratefully and dragged the motionless Jacaerys to the place where the dragon rested.

"My Lord, is this true? Xiaolu..." Xiaojie didn't come to his senses until he ran to the somewhat manic dragon. He asked with a sob.

"Xiaolu died as a warrior." Longzel climbed onto the dragon saddle of Wormisoor: "We will use the warrior's method to seek justice for him, Xiaojie, let's go."

"Yes." Jacaerys wiped his frozen tears vigorously and jumped onto the dragon back of Wormax. The two dragons took off almost at the same time and flew south.

Duskdale Town.

Vhagar glanced coldly at the burning town, and Yangyan was feasting on the dead cattle and horses on the side. Aemond watched Christon Cole press Earl Gunthor Darklin to a wooden stake and force him to kneel. Great Aegon stood in front of Gunthor and spat at him: "Traitor."

"You are the traitor, the false king, the oath-breaker, and the kinslayer." Gunthor stared at Great Aegon without flinching: "The crown on your head was stolen. Now you don't even want King's Landing? Usurper."

Great Aegon's defense was instantly broken, "Christon, kill this traitor."

"Come on, Kingmaker." Gunthor glanced at the captain of the white knights, and the acting king's hand raised his sword, "You have tarnished your white robes, and the gods will..."

Before he finished speaking, the blade had already fallen, and the earl's head rolled on the ground for a few times and did not move. The acting king's hand faced the dejected soldiers of the Darkling family. "Now you have another chance to swear allegiance to the orthodox king." He pointed to Great Aegon: "We can forgive you."

Watching the soldiers of Duskendale kneel down one after another, Great Aegon's smile finally returned to his face: "Brother, where are we going next?"

Aemond, who had been silent all the time, finally broke the silence: "Raven's Rest, Your Majesty, Lord Christon, our plan can begin."

The first update check-in, I finally finished the ddl, tears in my eyes, there will be another update around 11 o'clock tonight, which is very substantial, three updates on September 2nd and 3rd, to make up for the two updates owed before, three updates on the first weekend of September, and four updates if possible.

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