At 3 p.m. sharp, the final of Group A of the Tokyo Qualifier officially began.

Teiko starters: Atsushi Shihara, Shuzo Hongmura, Keifeng, Kentaro Muto and Seijuro Akaji.

Genuine Affiliation: Tatsuhei Kasuga , Tomoki Tsukawa, and the trio who can’t name so they don’t have a name.

As the referee whistled, the basketball was thrown high in the air.

This is not the first time that Atsushi Ziyuan has jumped the ball for Diguang, but even so, Atsushi Ziyuan’s terrible physical fitness and athletic talent still surprised many people.


The ball reached Akaji, who methodically dribbled it through the halfway while holding out a finger.

Meaning tactical number one!

The tactic is very simple, which is to open up space as much as possible and create a singles opportunity for Atsushi Shihara.

The average height of Zhengbang is too short, which means that his mobility is very strong, and it is relatively safe to fall into position and fight in the face of such an opponent.

Qi Feng and several people ran up in an instant, even Hongcun Xiuzao pulled to the bottom corner three-point line, leaving only Ziyuan Dun alone on the inside line.


Qi Feng and Akaji Seijuro hesitated, and they both saw the problem of the opponent’s defensive arrangement.

It looks like a 32-zone joint defense, but the position of the affiliated players of Zhengbang is not dense, but each entangles a player of Diguang.

Is it because of their proud “Limbo running method”? ”

32-zone joint defense is a very common defensive system in basketball, which is more troublesome in detail, simply put, each player is responsible for a defensive area.

In response to the enemy’s strong points, this defensive system can also be changed to 23 joint defense and 32 joint defense, the system has not changed much, just a change in thinking.

For example, Zhengbang subordinates, who apparently sensed the threat of Atsushi Shihara, arranged 3 defenders on the inside line, while only 2 on the outside.

Qi Feng dared to guarantee that as long as the guy from Ziyuan caught the ball, the defenders who were ambushed near the bottom corners of both sides would inevitably surround Ziyuan Tun as soon as possible.

This kind of defense is undoubtedly extremely physically draining, because the bottom corner is the farthest from the basket.

Moreover, Masabe was forced by the threat of Atsushi Shihara to deploy three defenders on the inside, which meant that there were only two defenders on the outside, while Teiguang had three people on the outside who were offensive threats at the same time.

It stands to reason that in order to ensure their physical fitness, they generally do not defend closely when adopting regional joint defense, but Zhengbang subordinates do this at this time.

And what makes them dare to try this is precisely because their “Lingbo running method” not only has low physical consumption, but also moves quickly.

Seeing this, Seijuro Akaji had to hold the ball to test how strong Masaku’s defensive pressure was.

But before he could act, Qi Feng had already taken the initiative to ask for the ball.

He wants to continue to fight and break as many records as possible, because those guys of Miracle Generation have obviously gained the trust of Platinum Cultivation, and if they don’t take the opportunity to brush a little more now, it will be difficult to brush in the future.

“Can’t stand it so quickly?” Seijuro Akaji smiled, “Fortunately, from a third perspective, it is easier to find their weaknesses. ”

Qi Feng soon received a pass from Akaji.

Basically, now that Qi Feng takes the initiative to ask for the ball on the field, all the emperor generals will not hesitate to hand the ball over to him.

Because now Qi Feng has become the ace player of Diguang when he knows it!

Then, a bald head stopped in front of him.

It was Tomoki Tsukawa, who greeted him with an excited smile on his face.

This is a characteristic of his defense, always with a smile, which can easily cause him disgust in games.

But when you are angry because of his smile and take a tough attack, then you have fallen into his trap.

Tomoki Tsukawa’s defensive ability is undoubted, but in addition to technology, this guy also loves to engage with the mentality of enemies.

“You are Qi Feng, recently Basketball Weekly is full of your reports, consecutive scores of 60+, breaking the record of national competitions again and again, I have long wanted to limit your score to single digits.” Tomoki Tsukawa grinned.

Limit my score to single digits?

It’s arrogant enough!

Qi Feng was not a young man like Ryota Huangse, and he agreed to show a smile and said, “If you can do it, then let me see it.” ”

Saying that, he took a slight step back, and then immediately rushed out like a bullet.

“So fast.” Tsukawa Tomoki was slightly startled, he felt that the current Qi Feng was much faster and explosive than when he watched the game.

Of course, the increase in speed is not only as simple as running faster, but also includes the improvement of explosive power.

“But don’t try to get rid of me.” Tomoki Tsukawa’s defensive judgment was excellent, which allowed him to react immediately and block in front of Qi Feng again with a strange footstep.

“I’ll haunt you like a grudge!”

“Then you have to be prepared!”

The other party’s move, Qi Feng can see it all, and then he suddenly came to a sharp brake in the middle of his advance, slapped his right hand hard, and the basketball fell to the floor and rebounded to his left hand, and Qi Feng’s body tilted to the left.

It all happened almost at the same time, so much so that he seemed to have disappeared, with a trace of afterimage, and completed the change of direction from right to left between breaths.

“Can it be faster!?” Tsukawa Tomoki was slightly startled, and he couldn’t imagine that Qi Feng’s speed could be faster.

Seeing that Qi Feng had passed half of his body at once, Tsukawa Tomoki immediately made a judgment and wanted to use his body to force Qi Feng to stop.

And then….

With a “boom”, Tsukawa Tomoki bumped into Qi Feng firmly, and then he couldn’t laugh.

“It hurts… This guy! ”

Tomoki Tsukawa showed a ghostly expression, although Qi Feng’s 70KG weight is already considered a relatively strong batch in the middle of the country, but it will not reach this point, right?

He felt as if he had just been hit head-on by a truck, and his chest was hot.

“But it’s good to block him..”


As if he had expected it for a long time, when he was knocked into a stagger, the opponent took the opportunity to pull back to the three-point line and shoot an arrow, hitting the first three-point shot of the game.

“If you want to limit my score to single digits, go all out!”


PS1: Thank you for the 1000 VIP tip of [Mengli Dream See Her Dream Him], thank you brothers for the flowers, tickets, thank you very much.

PS2: More than 37 degrees before going to bed, wake up directly to 38.5, numb! Today there are only three changes, which is really uncomfortable.

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