Qi Feng came very early, but someone arrived at the basketball department earlier than him.

When Qi Feng stepped into the arena to prepare for a simple training warm-up, a bright picture appeared near the arena.

He is not any member of the team, but head coach Kozo Shirogane, who seems to be watching the video of Ming Rong’s game to make final preparations for the game.

Shirogane Kozo is an extremely strict head coach, he is not as violent as the god operator Pat Riley, training is life-threatening, and certainly not like Zen master Phil Jackson, the team is behind and sitting on the bench.

He’s a bit like Trail Blazers’ ’12 hires coach Terry Stotts, and there’s an old-fashioned gentleman’s style hidden in his strict coaching style.

Simply put, you don’t want to lose, but you also lose!

Whether he wins or loses the game, he can face it calmly.

This is the first time that Qi Feng has seen another side of Baijin Cultivation, because this usually unsmiling head coach always looks confident, and he can’t imagine that there is such a hard side in secret.

I guess he didn’t work so hard, how could he have to temporarily give up his position as head coach when he was in the second year of Miracle Generation?


“Here, don’t warm up yet, watch the video with me.”

The surprise on Bai Jingengzao’s face flashed, and he suddenly understood why Qi Feng was progressing so fast.

Good luck does not favor fools, but success always comes with sweat!

As everyone knows, today is completely just an accident, Qi Feng was made to sleep by his obsessive-compulsive disorder and woke up early.

Qi Feng sat down obediently and looked at it for a while, and Bai Jin Genzao asked him, “What did you see?” ”

“That guy is accurate on three-pointers.”

“And what?”

“I can keep him off.”

The object they are talking about is naturally Ming Rong’s star player Shi Wei Lingyang.

For the past two years, Reiyo has been the most dangerous three-point shooter in the national competition, and there is no one!

He averaged an astonishing 7.5 three-pointers per game, making him Ming Rong’s sharpest weapon on the offensive end.

Shi Lingyang’s three-point shot can really be said to be magical.

The three shooting methods, known as “heaven”, “earth” and “void”, represent three heights of shooting action.

The first type of sky shot is actually a backward jumper.

This kind of shooting is no stranger to Qi Feng, and he often uses this kind of shooting to avoid opponents’ blocks.

However, he is inside the three-point line, and he rarely chooses this way outside the three-point line, because the three-point line is too far from the basket.

The national competition uses the rules of international basketball competitions, and the field is also a standard 6.25 meters, and shooting at such a distance is also accompanied by a large back, and the difficulty is not ordinarily high.

After all, he is a junior high school student….

However, compared with the shot of the sky, Qi Feng felt that the second kind of earth shot was even more difficult, even higher than the “void”.

This is a three-point foul making play, but Shi Lingyang is not an ordinary foul, this guy is causing the opponent to foul at the same time, his own three-point shot must be scored.

It means that he can throw the ball in high-intensity physical confrontations, even when his body is violated by his opponent.

To do this, physical confrontation and gentle feel are indispensable.

The final “void” shot is more like a control of the rhythm, by inducing the opponent to squat deeper and unable to burst and jump at full strength at the first time, so as to easily complete the shot.

This is the principle of Shi Wei Lingyang’s three shots!

The void looks the strongest, but in fact, as long as you get used to it in advance, Qi Feng feels that the two strongest shooting methods of Shi Wei Lingyang are “sky” and “earth”.

Shi Wei Lingyang’s three kinds of shooting are powerful, Shirogane Genzo naturally knows it, but the most difficult part of defending Shi Wei Lingyang is, how can you distinguish what choices he will make?

If it is not handled well and cannot accurately distinguish Shi Wei Lingyang’s shooting choices, Diguang may face a gorgeous three-point rain.

As a result, Qi Feng said, “My eyes can see.” ”

Bai Jin Gengzao suddenly “foreheaded”, he almost forgot that this little fart next to him had super eyesight, and all the opponent’s actions would seem very slow in front of him.

“Actually, coach, it’s not hard to tell how he shoots.” Qi Feng took the remote control, took out three different shots, and said, “Although his shooting methods are very rich, and he is also very smart, in order to confuse the opponent, he is consistent every time he starts his move, but if you look closely, you can see the difference in his center of gravity.” ”

Gravity exists, especially in the world of basketball. Unless you plan ahead of time, you can’t have the kind of scene where you suddenly throw back when you jump halfway through the jump.

That’s against physics, otherwise you’ll wait for Newton to lift the coffin board and find you a theory. Although many years ago Newton showed that he could not control the animation of Sakura Country…

Look at the remake of “Football Boy”, the big empty wing is like a monster, and the footwork that falls from the sky kicks the ball from the top of the mountain to Wakabayashi Genzo.

Qi Feng was shocked at that time, he saw that the two were at least a few kilometers away from each other at that time, and Beckham couldn’t kick such a world wave, right?

But what shocked him even more was still behind, when Ruolin Genzo received the football, he said, “This is definitely not the foot power that middle school students can have, it should be played by high school students.” ”

I wipe it!

Qi Feng said that he dare not go against the sky so much when playing super-powered basketball, do you have any misunderstandings about high school students?

Pulled away…….

When Bai Jin Genzao was said by Qi Feng, he really discovered the difference between Shi Wei Lingyang’s three shots, as long as he could grasp this change, he could distinguish the opponent’s offensive choice and break it in one fell swoop.

Bai Jin Gengzuo took a deep breath and said, “I’m really ashamed that you found out so easily, it’s a big help, Qi Feng!” ”

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