Ice Shooter of the Green Field

Chapter 1 Football Growth System

"Why are you playing football again? Didn't you say last week that you were going to eat at my mom's!"

When a female voice came on the phone, Qi Ce slapped his forehead and hid to the side of the court with his phone, for fear of being overheard by his teammates: "Xinyu, I'm sorry, I forgot... Then I'll come over now?"

"Who wants you to come running with the smell of sweat! Play football, play football, play football! You only know how to play football all day long. Go get married to football!"


"At the age of 30, don't think of a way to make more money, just waste your whole life!" The other party scolded angrily and hung up the phone.

Qi Ce hurriedly called back, but he was directly hung up twice, and the third time he called again, this time he was finally blocked.

"Hey..." With a heavy sigh, Qi Ce looked at the rejected message on the phone, thinking about how to please her.

Saying it was a blind date doesn't really count. The other party is the daughter of my father's former colleague. I have known each other more than ten years ago and have never been married, so I was matched by my father as a matter of course. tried.

It's just that the other party has never been married. I heard that he met a scumbag. Qi Ce heard about it, but he didn't ask about it in detail. It was also a knot in his heart.

There was a burst of cheers on the field. He looked up and saw that his gate was broken by his opponent again. It seemed that the ball was also lost. , relieve the depression in the heart.

"What's the matter with you today!" When I got home, I couldn't avoid a scolding. My mother, Zhang Huafang, waited for her son to come home, and the scolding meeting began. At this time, my father usually watched the smoking coldly, and his eyes were full of hatred. .

It seemed that she had sued her father again, Qi Ce shook her head with a wry smile, and couldn't blame others, she forgot that it was indeed her fault.

In the middle of the night, the chattering mother and the silent father had already fallen asleep. Qi Ce returned to his small room and tapped the keyboard twice. The sleeping screen was awakened and emitted a faint blue light, illuminating Qi Ce. Ce's half body.

It was as if the whole world was dark and quiet. There was only a handful of screen lights with the lowest brightness, the slight noise from the computer cooling fan, and the quartz clock above his head. Qi Ce glanced at it and was about to point to the number 1.

Twenty-nine years old.

At this time, there will always be some inexplicable sighs.

Looking at the football manager game on the screen, Qi Ce felt bitter in his heart. The football dream in his youth had long been broken. He wanted to reproduce it in the game.

When playing Football Manager in the past, Qi Ce had a habit of adding a database to build himself up, putting all his real information into the game, and then imagining a past experience and substituting it into the game. It was very fulfilling to play.

But a game is a game after all, and as he gets older, the real data doesn't make much sense anymore, and Qi Ce doesn't even want to use a "veteran" who is on the verge of 30 years old when the file starts.

So in Qi Ce's computer, there is still a football manager 2008, which is probably the best generation of works for him. Well, in terms of age, it is indeed the best. That year, he was sixteen years old.

Although it was very late, Qi Ce still clicked on the game database by accident. It was repeated countless times, and Qi Ce was already familiar with it.

Position: striker, after a brief thought, Qi Ce decided to return to his old business.

In terms of properties...

Now that you have made such a choice, simply choose the data that best matches your ability - this is also a well-known operation.

When Qi Ce was young, he did not struggle for his dreams. For this reason, his father Qi Jian introduced him to Chongming Island, which is an alternative pure land for Chinese football.

The football base built there by Xu Jiebao, the former head coach of the Chinese national team in his 60s, has brought out countless talents.

Struggling for all aspects of Chinese football, Qi Ce is also one of them.

Now Qi Ce is working as a youth training coach in a football training base. To put it bluntly, he is also raising children. The salary is not high, but he likes this job very much. To this day, the identity of a player in the Hebao football base is still his golden sign.

After everything was set, Qi Ce clicked Save, but an option he had never seen before popped up.

[Is it bound to itself? 】

Because he was too familiar with this database software, Qi Ce didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just an option such as overwriting the archive, and Qi Ce subconsciously chose yes.

The computer screen turned black instantly, the dark room lost its only light source, and the whole world turned black.

Qi Ce's heart sank, what the hell? Power outage? The time to set the character is not long, but it also has to be thoughtful and thoughtful. This time, the hard work just now was in vain.

The computer restarted, and Qi Ce looked at the nostalgic Windows XP operating system in front of him inexplicably, with a bunch of question marks in his heart.

Why is my win10 downgraded? Also dropped directly to XP?

It's not just the OS that is downgraded, it's the display too, no! There are also consoles, computer desks, chairs... and even beds. The only thing that remains unchanged is the old wardrobe that has been used for nearly 20 years at home, but it has just changed its position. I bought a treadmill a few years ago. Out of the location removed the wardrobe.

It is conceivable that the wardrobe is in its place, and the treadmill is gone.

Looking back at the big butt monitor with a sense of age, it finally turned on after dawdling.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 00:01.

Qi Ce Teng stood up, turned on the light, and suddenly opened the wardrobe, which contained a mirror.

The stature is shorter, the hair on the top of the head is quite thick, the slightly loose face has become tight again, and the beard that has not been taken care of for two days has shrunk back. All of a sudden, I dreamed of being a teenager.

It's a dream...

Qi Ce stared blankly at himself in the mirror, used some common methods, and then determined that he was not dreaming.

In a word, that's what happened. Qi Ce traveled back to 2007, the sixteen-year-old flower season, although it wasn't such a flowery season.

I vaguely remember that in 2007, the sixteen-year-old Qi Ce faced the first important decision in his life, whether to continue playing football or go to high school. At this time, Qi Ce had been practicing with the Treasure Football Base for three years, but his studies were also difficult. I didn't take it too far, and I managed to get into an ordinary college.

Considering the situation of his football talents, the school he attended wanted to recruit him. At that time, the high school football game in the city was very important to the school. At that time, he finally chose to continue his studies, and also helped the school win the city's football competition. champion.

So, am I going to relive this life now?

Qi Ce didn't have much joy after crossing the road, but was a little sad. The football dream probably began to shatter from that year. Although there was still some chance to continue, the intervening years were too important and wasted.

The road to football is not easy to go. After the parents realized the reality, they still sent themselves back to high school. Even though Xu Jiabao, the old coach of Hebao Base at that time, stayed for a while, they finally respected their parents' decision.

It’s hard to say that my parents’ decision was wrong. The first football elimination rate was too high. One year ago in 2007, Xu Jiabao’s Shanghai East Asia Football Club was established. In 2006, the club participated in the Chinese League Two. There is no hope of getting into the first team.

The second is that the domestic football environment is not good, which is a key factor for parents to make the final decision.

A lot of memories came to his mind, and Qi Ce sat down again with a complicated mood. What would happen if he traveled back? He himself has no power to change this situation, and dreams are still only dreams.

However, it seems like it would be nice to do something else? Qi Ce pondered that the world had also undergone earth-shaking changes in the past half of his life, and he knew what happened during this period of time, wouldn't that be...

Qi Ce's brain couldn't accept so much information for a while, so he lay on the bed, but after a while, something even more incredible happened.

A stadium appeared in my mind, it looked very tattered, but it was very real. It's a wonderful feeling, like controlling another self watching VR.

After walking through the short corridor, Qi Ce controlled himself to walk into the pitch, which was an artificial grass pitch. Like most seven-a-side pitches outside, it was surrounded by high guardrails and had no stands.

Qi Ce could see a sentence hanging in the air.

【Welcome to the world of football growth system】

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