【Shakrok Dal: What?! Was the ancient weapon Pluto not in Alabasta from the beginning?!!!】

【Gol D. Roger: That’s right, yes!】

【Shakrok Dal: How is that possible?! Hades isn't in Alabasta?! This is absolutely impossible!!!】

【Gol D. Roger: Haha, Crocodile, there is no need for me to lie to you about this.~】

【Shakrok Dal: How could this happen? Hades is... really not in Alabasta?! Then what is the purpose of my planning in Alabasta for so many years?!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! Of course, it’s to wait for the arrival of Straw Hat Boy, your"biological son".~】

【John: Hahahaha! That’s right! Didn’t we already talk about the miracle space before? You are Straw Hat's angel investor.~】

【Silver Ax: Not only that, even the Baroque Co., Ltd. you founded eventually became the support of the Straw Hat Pirates.~】

【Wang Zhi: I have reason to suspect that everything you did was actually for the Straw Hat Boys and the others!】

【Rocks Djibek: Hiss! Is that so? He is truly worthy of being an angel investor. He really... makes me cry to death!】

【Shakrokdal:...Oh!!! Shut up, you guys! I am very annoyed now, be careful I will kill you all!】

【Moonlight Moria: Hehehehe~ Crocodile, we are not afraid of your threats. After all, as we all know, you don’t know how to last-hit.~】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu ~ A guy who doesn’t even know how to last a kill when killing people, but he doesn’t pose any threat at all.~】

【Sengoku: Roger! From what you say, you seem to know the specific location of the ancient weapon Pluto?】

【Gol D. Roger: Hey, of course.~】

【Warring States:! Then tell me quickly, where is Pluto?! That is a weapon with terrifying power that can destroy the world. The navy and the world government must protect it to prevent it from falling into the hands of guys with evil intentions like Crocodile!】

【Gol D. Roger: Hahahaha! Warring States, we are old friends. I know exactly what kind of person you are, so don’t tell me those high-sounding lies. There is no way I can tell you the location of Pluto.】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ Warring States, don’t think we don’t know. The world’s government has been looking for clues to ancient weapons for so many years, and their purpose is not to protect the ancients as you said. Weapons, to prevent people with evil intentions from getting their hands on it, but to master this terrifying power and use it to strengthen the rule of the world's government and the Celestial Dragons!】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Let me tell you, even if something like ancient weapons fell into the hands of us pirates, it would be far better than falling into the hands of you sanctimonious world officials!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Well, well, well~ That’s right! Even in the world of pirates, there is benevolence and righteousness, but you hypocritical world leaders never talk about benevolence and righteousness!】

【Sakaski: Humph! What a bunch of pirates who can confuse people and confuse right and wrong! I'm too lazy to argue with you. Anyway, in a few days, I will wipe out all of you pirates!】

【Rocks D Jiback: Tsk tsk tsk tsk~ Red Dog is really as arrogant as ever.~】


On the projection screen, the video continued - the underground burial temple was still shaking violently, as if it would completely collapse at any time.

Crocodile's unbridled laughter still echoes in this temple

"It’s been such a long time getting to this point.~"

"But it's finally coming, the end!"

"This land is finally going to be mine!!!"

Krokdal was so excited that he raised the golden hook in his left hand and raised his head and shouted.

However, the next moment!


There was a loud bang.

A huge gap was suddenly blasted out of a wall on the side.

A figure also appeared on the opposite side of the wall.

Appeared in Crocodile's sight..Seeing the sudden intrusion, Crocodile obviously paused.

An expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"Your boy?!!! Crocodile said to himself in a deep voice, and his tone seemed to be a little suspicious of life.

He never thought of it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The man who should have been sucked into him by himself The straw hat kid actually appeared in front of him alive again?!

If the opponent was lucky to come back after being defeated for the first time, what about the second time?

This kid's luck... is too unbelievable A little more, right?!!!

Crocodile looked at the panting Luffy in front of him, and thought in his heart.

At the gap in the wall, Luffy stared at Crocodile with his eyes, panting:

"I finally caught up with you, crocodile!"

After a moment of shock and doubt, Crocodile quickly regained his composure and composure.

He looked at Luffy and asked in a deep voice:

"Why are you still alive?!"

"Why do you still stand up against me after being killed so many times by me?!"

"Say it, Straw Hat!!!"

At the end of the sentence, Crocodile's tone had changed from calm at the beginning to anger.

This can't be blamed on him.

After all, no matter who it is, meeting Luffy, who is like cheating, can continue to It is difficult for opponents who do sit-ups to remain calm.

【John: Hahahaha! Killing me! It really made me laugh!】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! Look at Crocodile's furious look. It's so funny.~】

【Wang Zhi: He actually had the nerve to ask the Straw Hat boy why he was still alive? Isn’t that all because you didn’t have the last hit~ Haha 127 hahahaha!】

【Shi Ji: Jie hahahaha! It was obviously Crocodile himself who had given Straw Hat a way to survive time and time again, but now he is actually asking why he is still alive. Why does this give me the feeling of a thief shouting to catch the thief?】

【Moonlight Moria: Hee hee hee~ I think all of this is actually Crocodile's painstaking efforts to help the Straw Hat boy grow up quickly. He first taught him lessons again and again to let him understand the dangers of the Grand Line, and then Again and again, he let the other party escape, allowing the Straw Hat boy to grow up quickly in this process.~】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fu Fu Fu Fu ~ Moria, I think your analysis this time is very reasonable. Crocodile really deserves to be the"mother" of Straw Hat. For the growth of the other party It's just heartbreaking~】

【Boya Hancock: Hiss! Could it be that Crocodile is really Luffy's mother? If that's the case... shouldn't I also call that guy Crocodile Mom?】

【Boyasanda Sonia: If my sister wants to call Crocodile Mom, then do Marigold and I also have to call him Mom?】

【Boya Marigold: The three of us sisters who co-wrote the book also have an extra mother inexplicably?】

【Croliosa: Hey! Snake Girl! You three sisters, don’t have any random relationships here!】

【Shakrok Dal: Convex)!!!】

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