Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 104 Sanji Vs Quinn! Germa Exoskeleton Awakens! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customization]

【 Rocks D. Xebec: Fuck! What did I hear?! Linlin actually wants to marry that Sanji kid?!】

【John: Hehe, she doesn't want to marry Sanji, she's obviously a skills!】

【Silver Ax: Hahahaha! Sure enough, Linlin is a guy who can make anything for food!】

【Ochoku: But Linlin, you still want to marry that brat Sanji at your age, aren’t you a little too old? Hahahaha!】

【Kaido: Fuck! Linlin, you are a bit too crazy, don't you?! You want to marry your prospective son-in-law?!】

【Shiki: Jiehahahaha! Why, Kaido, are you jealous?

【Kaido: I'm jealous of your uncle! Don't talk nonsense, you golden retriever!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, how about it, Sanji kid, do you want to think about it?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even if you want to get married, you must marry my dear Miss Pudding~】

【Roronoa Zoro: Oh, this guy is really hopeless~】

The video continues——

Under the cover of Jinbei, Sun Pirates and Germa Corps,

Straw Hat Crew finally managed to escape the hunt of Big Mom Pirates and left the waters of the nations.

Afterwards, the group continued on to Wanokuni non-stop.

Get ready to join up with the remaining Straw Hat Crew already there.

After entering the inland sea of ​​Wanokuni, the Kuni encountered a giant Uzumaki.

This also caused Luffy to separate from Sanji and others.

Fortunately, Sanji found Luffy's life card, and reunited with Luffy, Luo, Jinweimen and others according to the guidance of the life card.

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned.

The scene came to the streets of the flower capital of Wanokuni.

Sanji, who changed into a kimono as the Romans did, opened a soba ramen stall on the streets of the flower city, and changed his name to Sangoro. "eight sixty"

The ramen stand quickly attracted many customers, especially among women.

Here, Sanji also successfully reunited with Usopp, Franky and Robin.

However, the good times didn't last long.

Soon several of Kuangshilang's subordinates found trouble at the ramen stand.

And knocked down the ramen stand directly in front of Sanji.

Angry Sanji gave the other party a hard lesson, and made the other party eat all the ramen that was knocked to the ground.

And because of beating Kuang Shilang's subordinates, Sanji was also targeted.

Not long after, someone came to trouble Sanji again and assassinated him.

The person who came was Peggy Wan, one of the Beasts Pirates' Flying Six Cells.

The two started a battle on the streets of the night flower capital.

In order not to reveal his true identity, Sanji took out the battle suit that Niji had stuffed into him when he left Wan Guo — the battle suit "Invisible Black" in Germa 66.

【Vince Mo Ke Niji: Hehe, Sanji, you really are a duplicity guy. Didn’t you say that you would never use the power of Germa’s battle suit? Why did you use it so quickly?】

[Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Hmph! Do you think I want to use it?! If it weren’t for the special circumstances where I couldn’t reveal my identity, even if I, Sanji, were to die outside, it would be absolutely impossible for me to use your Germa’s battle suit again. !】

[Vince Mo Ke·Yongzhi: Oh~ Really? I hope that after you see the power of that battle suit later, you can still say this sentence with iron bones~]

The video continues——

After putting on the battle suit,

Sanji's strength and speed have been greatly improved.

And also has the ability of jet flight and invisibility.

This made Sanji sigh with emotion, the dream he had longed for but was shattered during the Thriller barque could be realized with the help of Germa, whom he hated the most, which is more or less ironic.

But Sanji didn't reject it too much, he successfully repelled Peggy Wan with the power of the invisible black combat suit.

Although the battle did not tell the winner, he did not reveal his identity either.

And also successfully covered Usopp, Franky and others to complete the retreat.

Then, the camera turned.

The picture came to a women's bathroom.

Nami, Robin and others are taking a bath in the bathroom.

There are many other women around.

The scene is very fragrant.

However, Sanji is not seen in the screen.

【Tony Tony Chopper: Huh? What's going on? Why did you suddenly start showing the scene in the women's bathroom, where is Sanji?】

【Usopp: It’s useless to think about it? He must have used the stealth ability of the battle suit to hide in a corner of the bathroom and peep!】

【Brook: Yohohohoho~ This picture is really amazing! Mr. Sanji, you are in heaven!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: That's right! This is heaven!!! The power of Germa's battle suit is so fragrant!!!】

【Vince Mo Ke · Yuji: Hahahaha, what did I just say~】

【Vince Mo Ke Niji: I have to say, this picture is really glamorous. I really didn’t expect that invisible black can be used like this. I would have kept it for myself if I knew it!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Humph! Don’t even think about it! Invisible black belongs to me!!!】

【Franky: It's over, it seems that Sanji has completely transformed into the shape of Germa~】

The video continues——

Just when Sanji used the ability of invisibility to hide in the women's bathhouse and peep.

There was a sudden commotion outside the bathhouse.

Immediately afterwards, Hawkins broke in with a group of Beasts Pirates men to search everyone.

Nami's identity was also discovered by Hawkins.

In a critical moment, Sanji appeared.

Use the ability to fly in the battle suit to escape from the sky with Nami, Robin and Shinobi.

But afterwards, he was beaten up by Nami because of peeping.

Immediately afterwards, the camera switched quickly again.

The picture soon came to the Straw Hat Crew and the combined samurai to launch an all-out attack on Ghost Island.

Using the ability of the invisible black, Sanji took Momonosuke who was almost executed from Jin's hand at the very moment.

Then began to cover Luffy and headed towards the top floor of Ghost Island Castle.

On the way, Sanji encounters Black Maria, one of the Beasts Pirates, and a group of pirates.

He easily eliminated all the male pirates who besieged him.

But because he was unwilling to take action against women, he was forced into a desperate situation by Black Maria and a group of female subordinates.

Finally caught by Black Maria with a spider web.

In the picture, Black Maria looks at Sanji who is entangled in spider webs and cannot move.

Slowly took out a pair of black knuckles and put it on his hand.

"Turn on the radio for the whole island."

Black Maria gave an order to a subordinate behind her.

Then he said to Sanji in a slightly joking tone:

"Then, next..."

"Call me Nico Robin!"

As she said that, Black Maria slammed her hands towards Sanji.

She punched Sanji hard without mercy.

while continuing:

"Call for help, call Nico Robin here!"

"I have already set up sufficient traps and preparations here, as soon as that devil's son comes, he will definitely fall into my hands!"

"If you don't call for help, you will die!"

While speaking, the movement of Black Maria's hand has not stopped.

The punches with the knuckles kept falling, and Sanji was beaten to the ground in no time.

Looking very embarrassed.

However, no matter how Black Maria attacked him, Sanji did not say a word for a long time.

【 Sengoku: Huh? Are the Beasts Pirates eyeing Nico Robin too? It must be because of her ability to decipher historical texts!】

【Roronoa Zoro: You lecherous kappa, what a disgrace, to be forced into such a desperate situation by a woman again. 】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Tsk tsk tsk, he really is a strong man, even if he is beaten up like this, he is not willing to ask his partner for help?】

[John: It must be because he doesn't want his companions to take risks, right? After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a trap~]

【Silver Ax: Is it possible that he intends to die silently like this, and he doesn't want to put his companions in danger?】

【Ochoku: From this alone, he is a very admirable man

The video continues——

Faced with Black Maria's continuous attacks, Sanji, who was beaten to the point of bleeding, suddenly shouted:

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing this, Black Maria slightly stopped what she was doing.

Sanji panted heavily, with a look of determination written all over his face, and continued:

"Give me some free time to say something!"

On the side, Black Maria's subordinates seemed to be moved by Sanji's behavior, and said with tears:

"This man must be planning to say something like "Go to die" and then go to die generously!"

"Even in the face of death crisis, I don't want to put my companions in danger, and choose to bear it all silently!"

"If it wasn't for the enemy, I would have fallen in love with him!"

However, the next moment.

Something unexpected happened!

After taking a deep breath, Sanji suddenly raised his throat and shouted:

"Help me! Robin sauce!"

"This is the third floor, Yin Hall!"

"I was taken hostage, sorry!"

"If you don't come, I will be killed!"

The loud cry for help spread through the entire Ghost Island in an instant.

【Rocks D. Xebec: What?!!! You actually asked for help?!】

【John: What a surprise. I originally thought that even if he died, it would be absolutely impossible for him to lure his companion into such a trap. 】

【Silver Ax: Does it seem like we still think too highly of this guy?】

【Ochoku: Tsk tsk tsk, I take back what I said earlier, this brat is really disappointing~】

【Franky: As a man, you actually make such an embarrassing cry for help, Sanji, you are so funny, hahahaha!】

【Usopp: After all, the opponent is a woman, so there is nothing Sanji can do about it......】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hee hee, Sanji, I knew you would call for help

【Black Maria: Huh? What's going on? Why did Blackfoot lure Nico Robin to such a dangerous place, but their partners didn't look angry at all?】

【Nico Robin: You don't understand, what a wonderful thing it is to be needed and trusted by your partners... I am very happy to hear that Sanji asked me for help. 】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Robin Sauce~(~¯¯¯¯¯)~】

The video continues——

Shortly after Sanji's distress call,

Robin rushed over quickly.

she directly

A slap slapped Black Maria who was about to continue to attack Sanji.

Brook, who came along with him, took the opportunity to save Sanji.

Subsequently, Sanji handed over the battlefield here to Robin and Brook.

I am going to continue to meet Kinemon and others.

Immediately afterwards, Sanji caught Luo and Zoro who had just come down from the roof of Onijima on the way forward.

After being entrusted by Luo, Zoro, who was seriously injured, was turned into a humanoid mummy with bandages.

And took Zoro back to the main venue of Onijima Castle.

After returning to the main venue, Sanji first saved Chopper from Quinn.

Then, Zoro, who has temporarily recovered from the use of Zow's special potion, fights against the big sign of the Beasts Pirates - Jhin and Quinn!

During the battle, Sanji always felt something strange in his body.

He suspected that this had something to do with his use of Germa's battle suit.

But with the enemy at hand, Sanji also took care of others flawlessly.

The battle with Quinn continued.

In the screen, Quinn in the form of Dragon Dragon Fruit Ancient Species Brachiosaurus stared at Sanji's devil feet and laughed loudly:

"Mhahaha! You're Judge's son, right?!"

"I heard that all his cubs are reformed people, that guy is really a terrific Lanzi!

"Are your burning legs also made of machinery?"

Sanji responded in a deep voice:

"Unfortunately, I'm really the only one who is a normal human being."

In this regard, Quinn did not believe it.

"Do humans burn? You bastard!"

"You are not Lunaria!"

Hearing this, Sanji raised his leg slowly, and suddenly shouted:

"Of course! My passion is hotter than the flame!"

【Usopp: Having said that, I actually wanted to complain about this question a long time ago. How could a normal human being have his legs on fire?!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: I said it all, that is the flame of my passion!】

【Usopp: It’s even more strange to be able to start a fire with enthusiasm alone! It’s not a Mera-mera Fruit ability!】

【Franky: Could it be that Sanji's body was actually affected by Germa's experiment, and that's why he behaved differently from ordinary people?】

[Vince Mo Ke·Judge: It does seem a bit strange to think about it...]

【Vince Mo Ke·Iji: Could it be that this kid is not actually a failure, but that he awakened the exoskeleton a little later than us?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Absolutely impossible! I don’t want to be a reinvented person like you Germa!】

The video continues——

The intense battle between Sanji and Quinn continues.

The offensive of both of them was quite violent.

But for the awakened Quinn who has the ability to plant the evil 0.0 devil fruit in ancient Zoan,

Sanji's attack couldn't cause any substantial damage to him with thick skin and thick flesh.

While fighting Sanji, Quinn kept urging him to use Germa's battle suit quickly.

As a scientist, he also wanted to see the power of Germa's battle suit.

However, Sanji firmly refused.

In any case, he was unwilling to put on Germa's combat uniform again.

Seeing this, Quinn no longer insisted, but threatened to let the other party watch something interesting.

Then, Quinn in Brachiosaurus form suddenly stretched his long tail and neck straight, keeping them flush with the ground.

"Wrist Dragon Snake!"

A loud shout came from Quinn's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, his straightened head, neck and tail were shot out like a cannonball.

Only the huge limbs and torso remained in place.

This bizarre attack method shocked everyone present.

And the launched Quinn is like a giant python entangled Sanji's body tightly, while constantly shrinking and exerting force.

In just a moment, Sanji's whole body was crushed by such entanglement, causing multiple fractures.

However, it is also only a moment's work.

The fractures on Sanji's body were all healed miraculously.

Such a change surprised even himself.

And just when he was amazed, Quinn swung a huge machete at the back of Sanji's neck!


Accompanied by a loud noise like a metal collision.

The huge machete landed on the back of Sanji's neck suddenly.

However, Quinn's expected scene of Sanji's head falling to the ground did not appear.

On the contrary, the moment when the huge machete hit the back of Sanji's neck.

That gigantic machete made of tough alloy...

It actually broke apart inch by inch in an instant!!!.

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