Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 116 Garp: Nami, The Granddaughter-In-Law, The More I Look At It, The More Pleasing I Am! [Kn

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Tsk tsk tsk, this little girl's fighting power is really amazing!】

[Shanks: Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji should be the three most powerful members of their pirate group, but they were beaten into such a miserable state by the little girl Nami. Ah! Hahahaha~]

【Usopp: This kind of thing... just get used to it~】

[Tony Tony Chopper: Except for Robin, everyone else on our ship was beaten by Nami. 】

[Nami: Oh, look at what you are saying, why do you feel like I am an unreasonable tigress? She is obviously just a weak and beautiful girl~]

【Charlotte Linlin: So, Straw Hat Crew gave me all the treasures of The fish men island because I ate my old lady's dim sum?!】

【Charlotte Katakuri: In this way, after Whitebeard died, it should be our Big Mom Pirates who sheltered The fish men island and asked them to offer us refreshments on time. 1

【Charlotte Perospero: That straw hat kid actually dared to eat all the snacks provided for his mother, he is looking for death!】

【Charlotte Cracker: Although he used those treasures as compensation, it was not enough to appease mom's anger. No wonder in the last round of identification video, the kid from the Vince Mo Ke family asked mom to let Straw Hat Crew go~ 】

【Nami: Let us go? We stole our treasure, we should settle accounts with you guys! Luffy, listen to me, next time you meet Big Mom pirates, hit me straight and hard! If If you dare to give them the treasure again, you will die!!!]

【Monkey D. Luffy: Alright! I got it! I also want to beat that aunt away, which is something I can only wish for!

【Usopp: Longevity~ Nami actually asked Luffy to provoke the Four Emperors Pirates!!!】

【Nico Robin: Hehe, after all, they moved Nami's most concerned treasure~】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Nami, who started the surge, is much more terrifying than the Four Emperors aunt!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: The crazy Nami Sanji is so Haki and charming!!】

The video continues——

After leaving The fish men island, Nami and others officially entered the second half of the Grand Line—New World!

However, it has just emerged from the bottom of the sea and entered the upper waters of the New World.

Straw Hat Crew encountered an island half as cold as fire.

At the same time, the Sonny's phone also received a distress message from the island.

Smelling adventure, Luffy insists on going to the island.

In desperation, Nami had to use the "cream road" made of clouds to send Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin to the island.

And she stayed on the Sunny with Sanji, Chopper, Franky and Brook.

After Luffy and others landed on the island, Sanji also entered the kitchen to prepare snacks.

Nami and others who stayed on the deck were stunned by a burst of Hypnosis gas floating from nowhere.

When they woke up again, they found that they had been locked in a room with a thick alloy door.

Here, they also encountered the head of the samurai Kin'emon.

Franky blasted the door open with a laser cannon, and Nami and others successfully escaped from the closed room.

And such a movement naturally attracted the attention of a large group of soldiers.

While avoiding the pursuit of those heavily armed soldiers, Nami and others broke into a biscuit room by mistake.

There are many, many children with extremely large heads in the room.

Seeing Nami and others who broke in suddenly, these children called for help.

The children hope that Nami and others can take them away from here.

Originally, Franky, Sanji and others had no intention of agreeing.

After all, they don't know these children well, and they are still facing the pursuit of a large group of soldiers.

Sanji and the others were not so kind.

However, just when several people were about to leave here, Nami stopped suddenly.

She looked at Sanji and the others with a very serious expression, and said firmly;

"Let's go help those kids!"

On the opposite side of her, Sanji dissuaded:

"What are you talking about, Ms. Nami?! We have absolutely no reason to help them!"

"And didn't they say they were sick? Maybe this is a hospital."

"We have just met them, and we haven't even figured out the specific situation yet!"

"Besides, we're not from the Children's Aid..."

Sanji tried his best to persuade, under such circumstances, he chose the most rational way.

Across the way, Nami responded:

"I know what you said, but..."

"I can't just ignore the children crying for help!"

Nami's tone was firm and decisive.

At this moment, she didn't have the usual appearance of the timid trio at all.

Seeing Nami's insistence, Sanji, Franky and others had no choice but to give up and run away with the magnified children in the biscuit room.

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: What a kind little girl, even though she is a pirate, she will never ignore the children's pleas for help, good job!】

【Sakazuki: Hmph! Pirates are pirates. There is no difference between good and evil. In my opinion, they are all existences that must be eliminated!】

【Shanks: Having said that, the situation of these children in the video seems a bit weird, they are not giants, why are they so huge?】

【Vega Punk: If I'm not mistaken, those children should be the test subjects that Guy Sana used to conduct the TV experiment. 】

【Vince Mo Ke·Judge: Is it gigantic? I did hear Guy spread the word about this experiment before, and like SMILE, it seems to be the result of his experiment that he is proud of. 】

【 Nami: What are you proud of? Taking innocent children as experimental subjects, what is there to be proud of?! This guy named Guysa is simply an extremely evil scientist... ...No, it’s scumbags!]

【Guy Sarah Courant: Huh?! Not only was my experimental plan exposed by the Miracle Space, but I was also called a scum by you. Isn't this too miserable for me?!!!】

【Vega Punk: Since you have done these shameful and evil experiments yourself, don’t blame others for exposing and accusing you. Science is not a tool for evil guys like you to do whatever they want!】

The video continues——

Soon, Nami and others ran outside the laboratory with their children.

However, here, they met Smoker, Trafalgar Law and others who were confronting each other.

Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Franky were replaced by Luo's Op-Op Fruit ability.

Nami's heart was swapped into Franky's body while her body was temporarily occupied by Sanji's personality.

The people continued to escape, and then they encountered the attack of Yeti COOLBROTHER, Guy's killer combination, and Nami who occupied Franky's body was caught by the other party.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Trafalgar Law reappeared and saved Nami.

And returned everyone's hearts to their original bodies.

However, since Sanji, who occupied Nami's body at that time, left alone to find Kin'emon, Nami's heart could only be temporarily replaced in Sanji's body.

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Ah, I'm dead! Miss Nami's heart lived in my body, and my heart lived in Miss Nami's body, this must be the legendary two-way rush !!!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: And, after my heart enters Miss Nami's body, Miss Nami's body is under my control! Doesn't that mean, chatter

【Brook: Yohohohoho~ Mr. Sanji, I know what you're thinking~ Having said that, I wonder if you can let me take a look at Ms. Nami's fat times~】

【 Nami: You two guys! Do you want to die?! Sanji, listen to me, if you dare to do anything to my body during the heart exchange, you will die!

The video continues——

After a series of incidents, Nami and Sanji finally managed to get back their bodies.

Later, Nami and the others stopped the runaway children, and the face children were successfully rescued.

And after Luffy defeated Guy, he and Usopp shot down the Donquixote Family cadres Buffalo and baby5 who came to rescue Guy.

After the battle, Nami handed over the children to the MarineG5 branch led by Smoker and Tashigi.

The group left and set sail again, leaving Punk Hazard for Dressrosa.

After arriving in Dressrosa, Nami, Chopper and Brook did not go to the island, but stayed on the Sonny to guard the ship.

Defeated the invading Donquixote Family cadre Jorah.

Afterwards, under Luo's instructions, Nami and others drove the Sonny to Greenbit, preparing to pick up Guysa.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a surprise attack from Doflamingo.

Sanji arrived just in time to block Doflamingo, but was quickly pinned down.

The next short section basically overlaps with the previous Sanji appraisal video, and it quickly passes by.

With Luo's help, everyone uses the wind cannon to escape from the pursuit of Doflamingo and Fujitora.

But just when they were about to return to Dressrosa to meet Luffy and others, they encountered the Queen Mother singing number of the Big Mom Pirates.

After some phone bug communication with Luffy, Nami and others decided to take the Sonny to the next stop Zou Island first.

On Zou Island, Nami experienced the incident where Sanji was taken away by the Big Mom Pirates.

One picture after another kept flashing rapidly.

Finally, it was time for Luffy and others to arrive at Zou Island.

In the picture, Nami happily ran towards Luffy, threw himself into Luffy's arms, and hugged him tightly.

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss! This hug from these two little guys is so sweet to me!】

【Monkey D Garp: Hahahaha! Not bad! This old granddaughter-in-law looks more and more pleasing to the eye!】

The video continues——

After Luffy and others arrived at Zou, Nami told them the ins and outs of Sanji being taken away by the Big Mom Pirates.

Immediately afterwards, Straw Hat Crew split into two groups again.

Nami, Luffy, Chopper, Brook and others went to Wanguo, preparing to bring Sanji back.

Soon, Nami and others arrived in Wan Guo.

However, he was lured to the Temptation Forest of Cake Island by the wrong information deliberately given by Pudding.

Here, they encountered the obstacles of those plants Homiz in the forest, and the attack of Bree, the mirror fruit capable person.

Chopper and Garrett were imprisoned in the mirror world.

Nami uses the newly upgraded weather rod to defeat Bree, but finally allows him to escape through the mirror.

In such a process, Nami also accidentally discovered that those hulks in the forest

Miz seemed to be very afraid of a life card he was carrying.

That was the life card Lola gave her when she was at the Thriller barque.

After discovering this, Nami used this life card to control Homiz in the forest.

Take Luffy out of the Temptation Forest smoothly.

【Nami: It turned out that the life card that Lola gave me back then has such a purpose. It was really helpful! Thank you, Lola!】

【Charlotte Lola: Hey, I'm happy to help you too!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Damn Lola! It's all because you gave my old lady's life card to outsiders, which made them walk out of the forest of temptation so easily!】

【Charlotte Owen: Lola, you are really a guy who eats inside and out. Not only did you destroy the marriage between the family and the giant family, but now you are helping outsiders deal with the family


【Charlotte Cracker: A guy like this is not worthy of being a member of our Charlotte family! If you let me know where you are now, I will go there with my own hands.

Take you back and bring you to my mother for questioning!]

【Nami: Don't even think about it! I will never allow you to bully my friends!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: That's right! Lola is our friend, and the life card she gave helped us get out of that magical forest in the future. I will never allow you to

Bully her! If you dare to catch Lola, I will blow you away before that!]

【Charlotte·Mundo: Hehe, what a group of big talkers! Cracker big brother is one of the three dessert generals of our Charlotte family, and you guys can

Want to defeat him? It’s just a dream!]

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hmph! Is there anything impossible? I want to fight even your mother BIGMOM together!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, this kid has the toughest mouth all over his body!】

【Charlotte Cracker: Hehe, to deal with a brat like you, you don’t need your mother to do it yourself. I can easily deal with you by myself!】

The video continues——

After Nami and Luffy walked out of the Forest of Temptation, they soon encountered obstacles from the enemy again.

And this time the enemy is none other than Charlotte Cracker, the biscuit minister who is one of the three dessert generals of the Charlotte family!

With Cracker, who can summon endless cookie warriors, Luffy still finds it a bit tricky at first.

But soon Nami came up with a plan.

She uses the weather stick to summon rain clouds, which rain down heavily.

All the cookie soldiers summoned by Cracker got wet.

Then, Luffy started the crazy biscuit "buffet" mode and ate all the biscuit warriors summoned by Cracker.

Then use the new form of the fourth gear-Tank Man Satiated Version to easily knock Cracker into the air.

【Charlotte Linlin: What? Cracker was defeated by the Straw Hat?!】

【Charlotte Cracker: Fuck! What the hell?!!! I ate all my biscuits?! How can it still be like this?!!!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Humph! What did I say, I will definitely beat you up!】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! This is really an interesting way of fighting~】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ I can think of this kind of battle method, whether it is the straw hat boy or that little girl, they are really quite smart and witty~ 1

【Shiki: I feel like this little girl is covered with eyes all over her body!】

In the projection screen of the Miracle Space——

One picture after another continued to flash rapidly.

After Luffy was kicked unconscious by Sanji, Nami slapped Sanji hard.

When the angry army of the Big Mom Pirates came to attack Luffy, Nami and Luffy fought the enemy together, but they were locked up in the prisoner's library because they were defeated.

After being rescued by Jinbei, Nami also started to prepare the plan to assassinate Big Mom together with everyone.

And after the assassination plan failed, "Nami and others' escape also began.

The aunt who suffered from eating disorder stepped on the thunder cloud Zeus, held the emperor sword Napoleon, and followed the sun Homiz Prometheus, chasing Nami and others all the way to the Forest of Temptation


Facing the runaway aunt, Nami and the others also fell into a predicament where they could not do anything, and they were about to be caught up by the other party.

Suddenly, the screen freezes, and a cold mechanical sound sounds.

"Random question 6: May I ask which Homiz of the above three aunts was finally abducted by Nami?".

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