Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 123 The Lottery Session! Iron Broken Tooth, Yun Yun Fruit And Momotaro Pills! [Kneeling For

【Rocks D. Xebec: Is this round of appraisal videos finally over? It’s another round without rewards, how abominable!】

【John: Haha, old captain, why don't you try to please that little Nami girl, maybe she can give you a reward~】

【Silver Ax: But I think with that little girl's money-greedy and shrewd personality, it's absolutely impossible to be fooled by you, old captain~】

【Ochoku: Hahaha, it’s the old captain looking at others getting rewards again~】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Hmph! You guys just feel free to be proud! In the next few rounds, Laozi will be the first to get the reward sooner or later! After Laozi is resurrected, you guys who are sarcastic will continue to be in the dead Let the world cry!!!】

[John: Hehe, we are really looking forward to that moment. HI

【Silver Ax: I just don’t know how many rounds I have to wait until that moment arrives~】

【Ochoku: Don't make us wait too long, old captain~】

In the miraculous space——

The cold mechanical sound continued to sound.

"The results of this round of answers are being summarized..."

There are seven random questions in this round, and seven correct answers. "

"Accumulated 7 points: none."

"Accumulated 6 points: None.

"Accumulated 5 points: None."

"Accumulated 4 points: None."

"Accumulated 3 points: None."

"Accumulated 2 points: Nami."

"Accumulated 1 point winners: Sengoku, Hareda, Rocks D. Xebec, Kuzan, Gion."

"Congratulations to Nami for winning the first place in this round of answering questions. Since there is only one person with the highest score in this round, Nami can get another chance to reward selection!"

[Gol·D·Luo Jie: Tsk tsk tsk, all the seven questions in this round of appraisal have been answered correctly, it's really the first time.

【Shanks: Does this mean that there will be seven rare rewards in this round of prize pool?】

[Benn Beckman: The scores of this round of answers are also quite fierce. The little girl Nami won the first place with a slight advantage of one point. If anyone among the other five can get one more point, she has to follow Others split the rewards for this round equally. 】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la ~ If you want to say who is the most angry in this round, it must be Sengoku. Three of their Marines answered the questions correctly this time, but they didn't even get a reward. ~]

【Shiki: Gee hahahaha! Marine is really miserable this round, I can already imagine the ugly face of that old dog Sengoku at the moment~】

【Sengoku: Hmph! You pirates, don’t get complacent too early! Even if you don’t get rewards, at least we Marine have answered three questions correctly this round and then look at yourselves?! It’s embarrassing to mock here if you didn’t answer even one question correctly us?!】

【Kaido: Heck lol~ So what if you answer three questions correctly? If you don’t get rewards, no matter how many questions you answer correctly, it’s useless. Do we care about answering the right questions? We only care about the miracle space How about a reward?!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well well well well~ Sengoku can't find any other place to refute us, so I can only use this point to brag about myself, it's really sad~】

【Sengoku: Hmph! I'm too lazy to argue with you, it's a waste of time! You just wait and see, since our Marine can answer three questions correctly in this round, then we will definitely be rewarded in the next round!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Sengoku old dog, you fart! The next round of rewards must be Laozi!】

Everyone chatted for a while.

A mysterious prize pool slowly emerged again in the miracle space.

This time, there were seven dazzling light clusters quietly floating in the prize pool.

The light clusters are arranged in order——appeared.

In the first light group, there are books with familiar three-color covers.

"Conqueror's Haki experience book: After using it, you can increase 5000 points of armed color, knowledge color and Conqueror's Haki experience at the same time. It can also be used by those with zero Haki foundation."

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Sure enough, this Conqueror's Haki experience book is already an old actor~】

【Shanks: The most important thing is Haki. No matter who chooses it, you can’t go wrong. It must be of great help to improve your strength, so Miracle Space will use it as a fixed guarantee reward. 】

Inside the second light group is a scroll.

"Ninjutsu · Raikiri: A powerful ninjutsu from the world of Hokage, the caster can concentrate the high-intensity current formed by Lightning Style Chakra on the hand, and pierce the target with the speed of the thrust

It can even cut off the lightning in the sky directly!"

"After the optimization of the miracle space, the energy source launched by Ninjutsu·Raikiri has been adjusted from Chakra in the Hokage world to the physical strength of the current world.

【Xiaoren: Is it the ninjutsu from that mysterious Hokage world again?】

【Lei Zang: I really want to see the ninjutsu of other worlds. Compared with our Wanokuni ninjutsu, what are the differences and differences!】

Inside the third light group was a rusty knife with a slender blade that looked tattered.

There is also a mass of white animal hair at the junction of the hilt and the blade.

"Iron Broken Fang: A powerful weapon from the world of Inuyasha, made of the fangs of the legendary big demon dog Admiral. It is a tooth knife famous for manipulating demon energy. It can freely manipulate demon energy and absorb The monster power of a powerful monster can even absorb the monster power of other monster knives."

"After the optimization of the miraculous space, the energy source of Teishiya's activation has been adjusted from the demon power of the Inuyasha world to the Haki of the current world.

[Rocks D. Xebec: This knife called Tieshaya looks tattered, and the blade is so thin, it always feels like it can be broken with a little force. What can such a knife really do? Is it powerful?]

【Shimotsuki · Kozaburo: As a swordsmith, I can feel the powerful aura emanating from this sword. Although it does not look like a powerful sword, there is no doubt that it is The quality of it will definitely not be inferior to the Twelve Works of the Supreme Quick Knife!]

【Dracule Mihawk: The moment this Iron Broken Fang appeared, I seemed to hear my black sword night screaming excitedly. This force is definitely not as simple as it looks.


【Roronoa Zoro: Is it possible to control the demon sword freely? I really want to try its power!】

[Shanks: Not only that, but I also noticed a special feature. In the past, the rewards from Otherworld, the energy sources they activated were optimized by the miracle space

It is all changed from the energy of the original world to the physical strength of our world, and the optimized energy source of this iron broken tooth is actually Haki. 】

[Edward Newgate: I have also noticed this, and it means that this broken iron tooth must have its extraordinary features, it is definitely not what we see now, it is just an ordinary-looking It's just an unremarkable, tattered, rusty knife. 】

【Shiki: It's a pity, Nami is not a swordsman, this reward is not suitable for her, otherwise I really want her to exchange this knife, let's see what's so special about it!】

Rewards continue to manifest.

In the fourth light group, there is also a reward that everyone is very familiar with.

A crystal clear clear crystal!

"Resurrection Crystal: After using it, you can resurrect an undead at will, and the resurrected person will directly restore to its peak state, and eliminate all original injuries."

【 Rocks D. Xebec: Ahhh! Why?! It’s the resurrection crystal again! Every time Laozi can’t touch it, Laozi is so mad! No, Laozi must get it in the next few rounds!! !】

[John: Hahaha, the old captain really gets mad whenever he sees the resurrection crystal

【Silver Ax: One can imagine how deep the old captain's obsession with wanting to be resurrected is~】

【Ochoku: It's a pity, I don't know if the old captain's obsession has a chance to be realized~】

In the fifth light group, there is still a reward that everyone is very familiar with, even very disgusting.

"Paramecia dung fruit: After eating, it can become a dung man, who can use various feces to attack.

"Devil Fruit produced by Miracle Space eliminates the fear of sea water and the restriction of eating only one piece. "Even if it is Demon fruit power, it can still be eaten."

【Charlotte Linlin: Oh! I fucking knew there would be this disgusting thing again!】

【Kaido: If the Conqueror's Haki experience book is a fixed guaranteed reward for each round of the Miracle Space, then this dung-like fruit is a fixed reward for disgusting us every round of the Miracle Space!】

[Porusalino: Uh~ Miracle Space really has a strong taste~]

Inside the sixth light group is a bag of pink balls, about a dozen or so.

"Momotaro pill: A magical prop from the world of Doraemon. No matter how ferocious an animal is, as long as it eats a Momotaro pill, it will become extremely obedient and loyal to the pill owner."

"After the optimization of the miracle space, the Momotaro pill is also effective for the Zoan Demon fruit power in this world!"

【Kaido:???!!! What does this miraculous space mean?!】

【Shiki: Jiehahahahaha! We were still discussing before, if only the little girl Ayu’s dumpling fruit ability could work on the real Zoan fruit ability users, then maybe he can directly tame Kaido as a mount. Fortunately, the Miracle Space actually gave such a reward!]

[Gol·D·Luo Jie: Ayu's dango fruit ability can only be effective for animal ability users who eat the SMILE fruit at most, and has no effect on the real Zoan fruit ability users, and this Momotaro pill has been optimized by the miracle space , but it can really have an effect on Zoan!]

【Shanks: So, with this Momotaro Maruko, it is no longer a dream to tame Kaido as a mount? Hahahaha, there is such a good thing!】

[Charlotte Linlin: Well, well~ Kaido, I feel that this reward from the Miracle Space is deliberately aimed at you. After all, in this sea, you Beasts Pirates have the most Zoan Demon fruit power, and there are still some Rare ancient species and phantom beast species~]

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ If the Nami girl really redeems this Momotaro pill reward, then Kaido, you have to be careful~】

...ask for flowers...

【 Kaido: Hmph! What if she exchanged this Momotaro pill?! Want to tame Laozi? The premise is that she has the ability to throw the pill into Laozi's mouth! This alone is absolutely impossible! !!】

[Crane: What Kaido said is not wrong. If you want to use the Momotaro pill to tame a Zoan-capable user, the premise is that you can let the other party eat the pill. If you are facing a powerful Zoan-capable user, you want to It is not easy to do this...]

【Sengoku: However, if such a good thing can be obtained by our Marine, it will definitely have an unexpected effect at a critical moment!】

【 Kaido

: Hehe, Sengoku, you Marines don’t have the chance to choose rewards, so stop being wild here~]

After some discussions among the people.

The last light group in the prize pool of the miraculous space also slowly revealed a reward.

It was a pure white fruit with a cloud-like shape and soft texture.

"Logia·Yunyun fruit: After eating, you can become a Logia Yunyun person, who can freely change into various forms of clouds, and possess the corresponding abilities of various forms of clouds.

"The Devil Fruit produced by Miracle Space has eliminated the fear of sea water and the restriction of eating only one piece, even if it is Demon fruit power, it can still be eaten.

【Nami:!!! Logia · Yunyun fruit! I didn't expect this type of Devil Fruit to exist!】

【Usopp: Nami, this Devil Fruit is a perfect match for you! It can perfectly display the meteorological knowledge you have learned!】

[Nico Robin: If you eat this Devil Fruit, Nami, you will definitely improve to a great extent in terms of combat power and navigation skills. 】


【Nami: That's right, I even feel that this Yunyun is really designed for me by the Miracle Space!】

【Franky: And the Devil Fruit optimized by the miracle space, you don't have any worries at all, eating it is definitely a sure profit!】

【Brook: Yohohohoho~ It looks like this Devil Fruit is destined to become Ms. Nami's pocket~】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: I'm really looking forward to it, Nami-san's appearance after eating Yunyun fruit~~~】

After all the seven rewards in the prize pool have been displayed.

The next moment, the cold mechanical sound sounded again.

"All the rewards in the prize pool have been displayed. After a countdown of five seconds, the winners will be able to choose their own rewards."

"The selection time is a total of three minutes. Overtime will be regarded as giving up the reward opportunity automatically."





"Please start selecting rewards!"

The cold mechanical sound fell, Nami did not hesitate for too long, and quickly made his choice.

【Nami: I choose Resurrection Crystal and Logia · Yunyun Fruit! (Reward Choice)】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Huh?! The resurrection crystal!!! This little girl actually chose the resurrection crystal!!!】

【John: Tsk tsk tsk, look, the old captain is going crazy again~】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Little girl Nami, let's discuss something~ Can you give me the resurrection crystal? As long as you can help me resurrect, I will agree to any conditions!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Don’t you like money? When I come back to life, how about I take all the most valuable treasures in the world and give them to you?! As long as you can help me resurrect, everything is fine!】

【Silver Ax: Hahaha! The old captain really started this usual rhetoric again~】

【Ochoku: But the old captain doesn't think about it, the reason why the little girl chooses the resurrection crystal is definitely not for resurrecting him~】

【Shiki: If I'm not mistaken, she chose the resurrection crystal to revive her adoptive mother, right?】

: You don’t need to think about it, you know Ken Yang, that guy Rocks is really thinking about farts all day long~ hahahaha!]

【Rocks D. Xebec: Fuck! Can you guys stop interrupting?! Girl Nami, don’t listen to their nonsense, you really don’t think about resurrecting me


[Nami: I'm sorry "I refuse! Want to get rewards from me for nothing? There is no door!!!】

Three minutes of reward selection time is fleeting.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again.

"There are still five seconds left in the reward time. Winners who have not yet selected the reward, please choose as soon as possible. Overtime will be regarded as giving up the reward automatically!"





"Select time!"

"Congratulations to Nami for getting the resurrection crystal and the Logia Yunyun fruit!"

"This round of appraisal is completely over, and the next appraisal video will be played this afternoon.

"Keywords for the next issue - 【Playing the Ape】, so stay tuned!"

Slowly falling with the cold mechanical sound.

The people in the miraculous space did not stay too long and left one after another.

The entire miraculous space gradually fell into silence again... er.

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