Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 126 This Kizaru Is So Fucking Capable Of Pretending! ! ! [Kneeling For Full Order And Custom

(PS: Ahem, I found a very embarrassing thing. The plot at the end of the last chapter seems to be a little different from the original. Last night because there were too many things, I didn’t have time to read the original when I was rushing to finish the manuscript, so I played it myself. After a while, I didn’t expect to play it too far... In the original book, Kizaru asked to go to Sabaody on his own initiative. In fact, Kizaru asked to go to this point, so there are more things to complain about, but unfortunately, since the previous chapter has already Then I wrote it, and the little author had no choice but to continue writing along. Fortunately, a small plot should be harmless, haha, I’m really sorry~)

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Kizaru really won't take the initiative unless he has to!】

【Shiki: Sengoku has to threaten wage deductions to be willing to act. He is simply a "model worker" in Marine Admiral~】

【Shanks: If I remember correctly, from Marineford to Sabaody Archipelago, it only takes a few tens of minutes to get there on a Marine warship. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a short distance that Kizaru said it’s far away~】

【Kaido: That guy Kizaru actually said that the eleven supernova pirates gathered in the Sabaody Archipelago are scary? They're just a group of fledgling young bastards, how scary are you?!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well~ In the last sentence Kizaru said, he seemed to want to call the straw hat boy his nephew, but then suddenly changed his words, and I feel that there seems to be something tricky in it I

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ Is it because I want to call my eldest nephew?】

【Monkey D Garp:???】


【Porusalino: Huh? So I have this relationship with Vice Admiral Garp? Why don’t I even know about it~】

The video continues——

The camera turns.

Kizaru has already arrived in the waters near the Sabaody Archipelago on a warship.

Before the warship docked, Kizaru ordered his men to fire a cannonball at the island.

However, his purpose was not to suppress the pirates on the island by bombardment.


During the roar of the guns, three shells flew out quickly from the muzzle directly in front of the warship.

Fly straight to the Sabaody Archipelago ahead.

And above the cannonball in the middle, Kizaru's slender and tall figure stood steadily.

I saw him put his hands in his trouser pockets, with the cloak of justice fluttering in the wind behind him, he stepped on the bomb and swam leisurely to Island E.

The shells exploded over the Sabaody Archipelago,

And Kizaru's figure turned into a ball of golden light at the moment the bomb exploded,

In the blink of an eye, he came to the crowd of pirates fleeing in a panic not far away!


Kizaru in a yellow striped suit with one hand in his pocket,

The other arm is slowly raised to the chest,

On the wrist is a small black phone bug.

"Moshi Moshi---I'm Kizaru, I've arrived~"

"Please reply~"

Kizaru spoke slowly to the black phone bug on his wrist.

In front of him, a group of pirates were looking at the legendary Marine Admiral in horror.

Behind him, the three shells that exploded in mid-air just now are bursting into flames!

Kizaru just stood there casually, with a relaxed expression.

There was an inexplicable salty fish temperament all over his body.

【Rocks D. Xebec: Damn! This kid really knows how to pretend! Can’t he just log in honestly? He has to step on a cannonball to land! It’s almost impossible for this kid to pretend!】

[Gol·D·Luo Jie: One thing to say, Kizaru's way of appearing on the stage is really pretending, coupled with his unique salty fish temperament, this forced acting is simply natural!】

【Shiki: I don't know why, but when I see this kid pretending like this, I always have an inexplicable urge to beat him up~】


【Charlotte Linlin: +1】

【John: +1】

【Silver Ax:+1】



【Porusalino: Well~ I'm just too lazy to get off the boat, it's so easy to step on the shells to land, I don't have the idea of ​​pretending at all~】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la ~ Kizaru, what you said is not even the slightest convincing

【Porusalino: If you don’t believe me, then I can’t help it ()~】

The video continues——

Because of the landing of Admiral Kizaru, the shore of Sabaody Archipelago was in chaos.

The terrified pirates began to flee crazily.

Marine soldiers came down from the warships in large numbers, chasing and arresting the pirates.

However, in the midst of such chaos, Kizaru still stood there motionless.

He was still calling to the phone bug on his left wrist:

"Moshi Moshi~ I'm Kizaru.

"Moshi Moxi~I'm a yellow ape~"

"Moshi moshi~ Can you hear me?"

"very strange.…………"

No matter how much he called, there was still no response from the phone bug.

At this time, in the hidden alley on the side.

Two pirates were watching the Marine Admiral secretly from behind a pile of cover.

One of the pirates raised the gun in his hand and eagerly said:

"If I get rid of this guy, I'll be famous overnight!"

His partner on the side hastily dissuaded him:

"Don't be silly, the opponent is the strongest fighter in Naval Headquarters!"

However, the pirate still insisted on pointing his gun at Kizaru in front of him, and slowly pulled the trigger with trembling hands.


With a gunshot, a bullet hit Kizaru's head with precision.

But it quickly passed through his head and shot at the wall beside him.

It's as if... nothing hits!

Kizaru also continued to stand still and call the phone bug as if he didn't realize it.

The pirate who shot didn't believe in evil, and then made another shot.

But still did not cause any damage to Kizaru.

Seeing this, the two pirates reacted,

No longer thinking about attacking Kizaru, he ran in the opposite direction.

However, the next moment, Kizaru had already appeared in front of the two, blocking their way.

With a slender figure, he put his hands back into his pockets, leaned his upper body slightly forward, looked at the two pirates in front of him, and said slowly:

"Wait a minute, I want to inquire about something~"

"I'm looking for a man named Zhan Taowan, he is the old man's subordinate."

"But he hasn't returned the old man's calls. I don't know if you have seen him?"

Kizaru said quietly, but the two pirates opposite him didn't care about what the other party asked at all.

Seeing Kizaru blocking the way, the two pirates were so frightened that they turned around and ran away desperately.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Kizaru sighed helplessly:

"Really, I just inquired about it~"

While speaking, I saw him slowly lift up his left leg that was shining with golden light, and kicked at the two fleeing pirates through the air.

next moment!

A dazzling laser shot out from the bottom of his feet suddenly!

In the blink of an eye, it passed through the gap between the two pirates, and slammed on the trunk of the No. 27 Archiman mangrove in the distance ahead.


There was a violent explosion.

The stout Algerman mangrove fell down.

The two escaped pirates were so frightened by this scene that they sat down on the ground.

And Kizaru looked at the mess in the distance, with a wretched smile on his face.

"This is indeed a bit too much~"

The picture freezes here, followed by a cold mechanical sound.

"Random question 2: May I ask why Polusalino has been unable to contact Zhan Taowan?"

【Rocks D. Xebec: Grass! Kizaru still said he wasn’t pretending?! He just dealt with two little pirates. As for breaking the trunk of a red tree with one kick?!】

【Shiki: The key point is that this guy has always been unhurried, coupled with his wretched demeanor and smile, he really deserves a beating!】

【Sakazuki: Hmph! I get angry when I see Polusalino's unhurried attitude. Look at how long he landed on the Sabaody Archipelago without doing a single job, just standing there I kept calling the phone bug! If it was me, I would have wiped out all the pirates on this coast by this time!】

【Porusalino: Well~ Sakazuki, you have wronged me. I just want to contact Zhanmomaru first and then start catching pirates. But that kid Zhanmomaru has never returned my calls~】

【Zhan Taowan: Mr. Kizaru, you are the one who wronged me! You don’t even look at the color of the phone bug you’ve been calling...】

【Porusalino: Huh? The color of the phone bug? Any questions?】

【 Sengoku: Idiot! That's a black phone worm specially used for monitoring, it can't be used to make calls at all! With this phone worm, it's amazing that you can contact Zhan Momomaru!!!】

【Porusalino: So that's it~ I said why I called Zhan Taowan for a long time and he ignored me. I thought he was hiding somewhere to take a nap~】

【Zhan Taowan:......Only you can do this kind of thing?!!!】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Since Kizaru came out on the stage, he has been doing a lot of tricks~】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la ~ look at his teammates, Akainu and Sengoku are both very angry by him

[Rocks D. Xebec: Huh?! Wait! I suddenly discovered something, you guys are chatting and chatting, it seems that you have already given the answer to this question! 1

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, old captain, you didn't realize it until now, did you?】

【Kaido: The black monitor phone bug on Kizaru's wrist is so obvious, but any normal person should have already thought of this answer, right?】

【John: Look at the fact that Marine doesn’t bother to hide the answer to this question, so you should know how obvious the answer to this question is~】

【Silver Ax: Old Captain, why do I feel that your brain is not very good this round?】

【Ochoku: It's over. The old captain couldn't answer the questions correctly, and now his brain is not working well. Isn't it getting farther and farther away from the resurrection crystal~】

【Rocks D. Xebec:??? Grass! You guys! Laozi just hasn’t been in touch with things in the real world for too long, and he forgot the specific function of the black phone bug! Besides, even when he was alive, Laozi never I have never done such a dirty thing as monitoring, how can I be as shameless as those guys in Marine?!]

【Shiki: Well, old captain, I agree with the second half of what you said!】

【Kaido: That's right, those guys in Marine are really shameless, especially that old dog Sengoku!】

Charlotte Linlin: That's right, my wife agrees!]

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ there is nothing wrong with that~】

【Sengoku:????? This f*ck can also be scolded on my head inexplicably?!!!】

..."Attention all viewers, the answering question will start in five seconds, please get ready!"





"The answering question has officially begun!"

【Sengoku: Because Polusalino is using a black monitor phone bug! (Question answer)】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Because Polusalino is using a black monitor phone bug! (answer)】

【Kaido: Because Polusalino is using a black monitor phone bug! (Question answer)】

【Edward Newgate: Because Polusalino is using a black monitor phone bug! (Question)】

【Charlotte Linlin: Because Polusalino is using a black monitor phone bug! (answer)】


[Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hey! It's a neat barrage of swiping screens again, this answer is really as no suspense as the previous question~]

【Sengoku: Great!!! This question is finally my turn to take the first place!!!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Grass! Almost! Let the old dog Sengoku take the lead again!】

【Kaido: Damn! This old dog Sengoku dared to take the first place from Laozi, as expected he is the most shameless!】

【Sengoku: Hehe, who made you scold the old man so happily, you deserve it if you get robbed first!】

【Porusalino: Uh~ It’s clearly my appraisal video, how come I’m not even a single point stronger?】

[Kuzan: Be content, Polusalino, you have already obtained such a perverted Zoan human fruit · phantom beast · Amaterasu god-tier form before, so be content, but I haven't gotten any reward yet ………]

【Monkey D Garp: Hahaha! Kuzan boy, I think you use the word "pervert" very well! Kizaru's Devil Fruit really knows how to pervert!】

【Franky: Huh? Pervert?! I seem to hear someone complimenting me!】

"There are still five seconds left in the answering time, audience who have not answered the questions, please answer as soon as possible!"





"Question time is up!"

"Congratulations Sengoku for answering correctly, get a point!"

【Sengoku: Very good, continue to maintain this momentum, this round of old man will definitely be able to get the reward of the miracle space! (Money is good)】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Sengoku, don’t forget that Laozi also has a little point in his hand, the reward for this round is Laozi’s right!】


The video continues——

As soon as the camera turns, Kizaru has come to the depths of Sabaody Archipelago and appeared in a square.

In front of him is Hawkins, one of the supernovas.

"Can I interrupt you a little bit? I'm looking for a man named Zhan Taomaru."

Kizaru put his hands in his pockets, looked at Hawkins in front of him who seemed to be divining, and asked unhurriedly.

Hawkins withdrew his tarot cards and responded indifferently, "I don't know that person, so go find someone else."

Hearing this, Kizaru sighed softly.

"I can't find him~"

"But the old man is relatively free now, so I can't let you off, the bounty criminal, at this time."

"Right? 249 million bounty, magician Basil Hawkins

As he spoke, Kizaru raised his right leg and kicked Hawkins in the head.

At this moment, everything around seemed to be slowed down.

Facing Kizaru's seemingly unhurried kick,

Hawkins sat in his original position and didn't move at all, as if he didn't react at all.

Immediately afterwards, the slowed down time suddenly accelerated!

Kizaru kicked slowly, and suddenly kicked Hawkins' head with an incredible speed!

The next moment, this supernova pirate with a bounty of 249 million was kicked out of his entire body!

He slammed into a nearby building.


Houses collapsed, encircling the sky with smoke and dust.

The onlookers Zhanren didn't even know what happened, they were stunned and surprised.

On the square, there is only a faint echo of what Kizaru said just now——

"Speed ​​is power, have you... been kicked by light? Uncle!"

PS: I wish all readers a happy National Day! It’s the beginning of the month, please ask for a free monthly pass to support me. The author is very grateful!.

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