Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 141 Summit War Is Fully Upgraded! Kizaru's Distress 【Kneeling For Full Customization】

The crowd didn't mourn Zephyr's death for long in the video.

After all, it's just something in the future that hasn't happened yet.

Today's Zephyr is still alive and well.

And after learning about the tragedy that will happen in the future in advance, Marine also has more time to prevent and prevent the tragedy from happening in advance.


At this time, the video in the Miracle Space has already started to play,

Everyone's attention was quickly attracted by the picture on the projection screen.

In the projection screen of the Miracle Space——

The camera starts to switch quickly.

Soon, the picture came to the surface of a piece of sea.

More than a dozen Marine warships are parked here at the moment.

And not far in front of the warship, there is an island glowing from the sky.

Obviously, a big war is breaking out on this island at the moment.

Vaguely, everyone could also see that there seemed to be a gigantic monster figure in the center of that island.

Kizaru stood on the bow of the leading warship, with his pocket in one hand and the microphone of the phone bug in the other.

Beside him, a Marine soldier is holding a giant phone bug.

There was an extremely anxious report from the phone worm.

"Kizaru Admiral!"

"One Piece's treasure is still in Bullet's hands!"

"And, he devoured a lot of warships..."


The Marine soldier on the other end of the phone worm hadn't finished his report when he suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Obviously, misfortune has been encountered.

Hearing this movement, Kizaru slowly put down the microphone in his hand.

Then he looked at the island not far ahead, and said faintly:

"I can see this kind of thing without reporting it..."

【 Sengoku: Bullet? Is this something we will do against Bullet in the future?! There seemed to be some brief clips of this event in Buggy the Clown's testimonial video before. 】

【Monkey D Garp: It seems that Bullet will make a lot of noise in the future~】

【Douglas Bullet: Hahahaha~ You don’t have to think about it, it must be the future me who started to take revenge on you Marines. Thanks to you Marines, I suffered a lot!】

【Sengoku: Hmph! Bullet, don't be too arrogant, since our Marine can catch you once, we can definitely catch you a second time!】

【Douglas Bullet: Hehe, is that so? If that’s the case, I’m really looking forward to the next fight with you~ But I don’t think this day will be too far away. The battle at Marineford in a few days, Luo Jie will go too, right? It just so happens that I will defeat Luo Jie and all of you Marines at that time!!!】

[Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Bullet, you are still the same as you were decades ago. You are still so confident and motivated! Having said that, it is mentioned in the video that my treasure is in the hands of Bullet. Here, besides ONEPIECE, have I left any treasures behind?]

【Don Quixote·Doflamingo: Furfurfur~ Douglas Bullet, the legendary heir of the devil, is going to join in the battle at Marineford a few days later? It looks like this battle will become more interesting than it was originally !】

【Sir Crocodile: Hehe, this will definitely be an unprecedented huge war, I really look forward to it~】

【Gekko Moria: Hee hee hee hee hee~ Such a large-scale war will surely kill a lot of people, right? So many corpses are enough for me to form a powerful zombie army again!)

The video continues——

After the previous report was interrupted, soon another Marine soldier ran to Kizaru's side holding another phone bug.

The Marine soldier saluted Kizaru and said in a deep voice:

"Marshal is calling" [!"

Hearing this, Kizaru picked up the phone slowly, and briefly explained the situation to Sakazuki.

Then, Sakazuki's deep voice came from the phone bug.

"I see, is it awakening?"

"His strength has increased so much..."

"Porusalino, the troublesome guys have also started to move.

"For the evil elements, we must eliminate them all!"

"In that case, let's activate it as he wishes... Buster Call!!!"

【Nico Robin: Will Buster Call be activated again in the future...】

【Nami: Buster Call who destroyed Robin's hometown of Ohara and Enies Lobby once, need to use that terrifying power to deal with that guy called Bullet?】

【Douglas Bullet: Hehehehe! It’s finally here again, Buster Call!!! I was defeated by your Marine’s Buster Call 21 years ago, and now I can finally face it again and beat it to shreds with my own hands up!】

【Douglas Bullet: Chop Suey Marines, get ready to watch, this is my first step to take revenge on you, and then I will kill everyone in your Marines, including Admiral and the marshal......all Kill them all!!!]

【Sakazuki: Hehe, what an arrogant pirate! I hope you can show up at Marineford in a few days, so that I can melt you, a criminal, into ashes with my own hands!!!】

【Douglas Bullet: Hmph! Let's wait and see!】

[Rocks D. Xebec: Tsk tsk tsk, it looks like the battle in Marineford in a few days will be very interesting! Damn, if I can be resurrected, I will definitely have to get involved by then!]

【Kaido: Ugh~ Old Captain, don’t even think about it. I guess you won’t be able to wait for the chance to be resurrected when Naval Headquarters is destroyed by us. You’d better just stay in the world of the dead. ~]

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, yes, old captain, you should give up on it, but we can go to Marineford instead of you to go through this experience HT

【Porusalino: Well~ It looks like the trouble we will face in a few days is much bigger than what was shown in the previous video, it is really distressing~】

【Kuzan: I think what you are worried about is how to catch fish when the time comes, right?】

【Porusalino: Uh~ You saw through it, Kuzan~】


Video continues—

Shortly after Kizaru's call with Sakazuki ended,

Marine's Buster Call is also officially launched.

More than a dozen warships began to bombard the island with relentless artillery fire.

Under such bombardment, the entire island will eventually be destroyed.

Those who are still on the island will also be buried in the bottom of the sea with the entire island.

However, Buster Call has only just begun.

The front of the island is that a dozen pirate ships suddenly appeared.

The Kid Pirates, Broadcast Pirates, Flame Tank Pirates, Bonney Pirates and other Supernova Pirates are all among them.

And at the forefront of these (Nuo Zhao's) pirate ships is a pirate ship that looks like a sunny lion.

It is the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates - the Sonny!

At this moment, all these pirate ships set sail and sailed at a high speed.

It seems to be trying to escape the attack range of Buster Call.

Seeing this situation, Kizaru, standing on the bow of the leading warship, jumped suddenly. The figure came to the mid-air.

Then condescendingly launched a wave of eight-foot Qiong Gouyu towards the positions of the pirate ships.

All of a sudden!

The laser rain in the sky is densely falling continuously,

All the pirate ships are covered in the attack range!

If this shot fell, perhaps the pirates would not all be killed.

But those pirate ships will inevitably suffer great damage and lung damage.

In the picture, the menacing eight-foot Qiong Gouyu keeps approaching and throwing towards the pirate ship of Luffy and others.

And at this moment!

The picture suddenly freezes, and the cold mechanical sound sounds again.

"..."Random question 7: May I ask who blocked Kizaru's eight-foot Qiong Gouyu?".

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