Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 148 Sabo Is Still Alive? ! Surprise For Ace And Luffy! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customiz

"Random question 1: May I ask who is [Emperor Yan] in this round of appraisal?"

【 Sengoku: Has the new round of appraisal finally started? If I remember correctly, Miracle Space seems to have said that this round of appraisal is the one who blocked his eight-foot Qiong Gouyu with a fire fist in the previous Kizaru video Mystery man. 】

[Crane: The title of Emperor Yan is really Haki, and it matches Mera-mera Fruit's ability very well. 】

【Marco: Emperor Yan? Isn't that the name of Ace's ultimate move~?】

【Jozi: That's right, Ace's ultimate move is called "Great Flame Ring·Emperor Yan". Could it be said that Emperor Yan refers to Ace?!】

[Bista: But we guessed it before, Ace should be dead in the future... Work

【Potter Cass D· Ace: So, is it that the person who eats my Mera-mera Fruit in the future will be awarded the title of Yandi officially certified by Miracle Space? Does this mean...he is more expensive than me? More suitable to be the owner of Mera-mera Fruit?]

【Yizang: Ace, you don’t need to think that way, maybe there is some turning point in the future, you didn’t really die, or maybe you were resurrected!】

[Namuer: That's right, since there are resurrection crystals in the miraculous space that can help people come back to life, maybe there are other methods in this sea that have the same function?!]

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la~ That's right, Ace, I don't think there is such a possibility. Maybe it's because your kid has resurrected and regained the ability of Mera-mera Fruit!】

【Potter Cass D· Ace: Daddy, are you even comforting me...

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ Brat, I am not consoling, but the future has infinite possibilities, no matter what happens, it is not surprising! 1

Whitebeard wasn't lying.

Like the team captains, he is also guessing whether Ace will die or be resurrected in the future.

After all, besides this, they really couldn't think of a character who is more suitable for the identification word "Emperor Yan" than Ace.

【Shanks: Not only that, I remember that in Kizaru’s video before, after the mysterious man blocked the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu with a fire fist, Luffy turned his head and gave him a deep look

There was first astonishment on his face, and then a relieved smile. I also think that only Ace is the most likely person who can make Luffy react like this. 】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Yes! I think so too! Ace must not be dead!!!】

【Potter Cass·D·Ace: Is that so? It doesn't seem too bad if this is the case, but I always feel that the Emperor Yan mentioned in the Miracle Dimension is someone will be what I thought Is that person?]

Inside the underground prison at Naval Headquarters Marineford.

Ace was firmly tied to the wall by seastone chains, and sighed faintly.

The expression on his face at this moment seems a little complicated.

On the side, Jinbei, who was also tightly bound by chains, saw his appearance, and couldn't help asking with some worry:

"Ace, what's on your mind?"

"Actually, I also think what Whitebeard and the others said makes sense. Maybe you in the future really didn't die, or were you resurrected by chance?"

Hearing this, Ace shook his head lightly, and said:

"No, Jinbei, this is not what I'm talking about now."

"I'm guessing, is it possible that the person who eats the Mera-mera Fruit in the future and is certified as [Emperor Yan] by the Miracle Space is another brother of me and Luffy—Sabo!"

In the dark cell, Ace's voice seemed to be trembling.

"Sabo? Is that the brother you told me about before, the brother you and the Straw Hat kid sworn?"

"But didn't you say that he had already died under the artillery of the Celestial Dragons?"

Jinbei asked with some doubts.

Ace nodded and responded:

"That's right, Sabo should have died already."

"But among the people I spoke to in Miracle Space, I saw a guy with the exact same name as Sabo!"

"He seems to be the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, and I don't know if the Sabo he knows is the same person?"

Jinbei pondered: "Didn't you and the straw hat kid ask him before? He said he doesn't know you two, maybe it's just the same name."

Ace smiled wryly and sighed: "I also know that the possibility of him being the Sabo I know is very small, but for some reason, I always have a premonition that maybe he is our brother Sabo, or maybe Sabo wasn't there at all. not dead!"

Having said that, Ace's tone couldn't help becoming a little excited.

Seeing him like this, Jinbei didn't refute anymore, but just responded softly, "I hope so..."

In the miracle space

【 Rocks D. Xebec: Damn it! Has the new round of appraisal already started?! Laozi actually overslept, what the hell! Where has this round been? How many random questions have been asked? Points How is the situation?!】

Just when everyone was guessing about the identity of Emperor Yan mentioned in Miracle Space.

Suddenly, a familiar name floated across the barrage.

【Shiki: Yo~ Isn't this the old captain?!】

【Kaido: Ugh~ Old Captain, you finally appeared~】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, old captain, everyone is waiting for you until the flowers are almost wilting~】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Huh? What's going on? Do you guys think of me like that? It's not right, it's definitely not right!】

【John: Hahaha! Old captain, you also know something is wrong?】

【Silver Ax: Old Captain, why don't you tell me the truth, what did you do in the afternoon and evening?】

【 Rocks D. Xebec: Why did I go? Didn’t Laozi just take a nap and accidentally oversleep? What’s so strange?!】

【Ochoku: Oh? Is that really the case? What you said, old captain, seems to be different from the version we know~】

【Rocks D. Xebec: What version do you know? Laozi is in the world of the dead, and you can’t see Laozi, what can you know?!】

Looking at the yin and yang ridicule of everyone on the bullet screen in the Miracle Space, Rocks finally realized something was wrong.

An ominous premonition suddenly flooded his heart.

"Could it be that those guys know something?!"

"Impossible! Laozi has never encountered a ghost in this boundless world, how could they know the real situation?"

"They must be tricking me!"

In the world of the dead, Rocks, who was surrounded by a soaring stench, thought so.

However, the speeches of the people in the miraculous space at the next moment made his expression suddenly change!

【Shiki: Jiehahahaha! It's so interesting to see the old captain pretending to be a fool here!!!】

【Kaido: Ugh~ The old captain thought we didn't know what he did, so he wanted to get away with it?】

【Charlotte Linlin: What a pity, old captain, we already know all about what you did this afternoon~】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ old captain, isn’t he just secretly eating Xiang behind our backs? It’s not a shameful thing, so it’s okay to admit it freely? 1

【Rocks D. Xebec: Fuck! What nonsense are you guys talking about?! What are you talking about?! If you talk nonsense again, Laozi will sue you for defamation!!!】

【Porusalino: Huh? Isn't that my line?】

【John: Tsk tsk tsk~Old captain, you are still pretending to be stupid at this time~】

【Silver Ax: If that's the case, let's save some face for the old captain~】

[Ochoku: Yes, let’s save some face for the old captain, who secretly ate the dung fruit and then passed out after vomiting for more than half an hour, let’s not talk about it~]

……ask for flowers…

【Rocks D. Xebec:??? Fuck! How do you bastards know such details?!!! Could it be that Laozi really turned on the live broadcast?!!!]

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Rocks, are you playing tricks on yourself?】

【Don Quixote·Doflamingo: Fufurfurfur~the majestic overlord of the sea actually stole the fruit of dung and vomited until he fainted, it's amazing~】

【Gekko Moria: Hee hee hee hee~ I have never seen such an awesome thing in my life!】

【Porusalino: Well~ Rocks, you have to thank me for sending you the dung fruit~ In order to let you eat a mouthful of warm dung fruit, I offended Marshal Sengoku~】

【 Sengoku: Polusalino! You still have the face to mention this?!!! But your dung fruit made Rocks lose face so much, the old man is very happy "I don't care about you T

【Rocks D. Xebec: Fuck?!!! You all know the co-author?!!! Damn it! How did this kind of thing get out?!!!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Damn!!! It's over! Now Laozi I's famous name has been ruined!!!】

【John: Hahaha, old captain, wake up, where did you get your first name?】

【Silver Ax: The first name? I think it’s a shitty name, it’s about the same~】


【Ochoku: Hahahaha! What a shitty name, I have to say that this description is quite appropriate~】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Boil!!!】

Just when Rocks was so angry that he was about to burst open, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

The cold mechanical prompt sounded again at this moment.

"Attention all audiences, the answering will start in five seconds, get ready!"



【Rocks D. Xebec: Huh? Have you started answering the questions yet? But...... Can anyone tell me what the f*cking questions are?!】

【Shiki: Jiehahahaha~Old Captain, don’t bother, anyway, you already have the dung fruit, you should be satisfied.”



"The answering question has officially begun!"

【Edward·Newgate: Potter Cass·D·Ace!(answer)】

【Marco: Potter Cass D· Ace! (answer)】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie· Potter Cass·D· Ace!(Questions and Answers)】

【Sengoku: Potter Cass·D·Ace!(Question Answer)】

【Crane: Potter Cass·D·Ace!(answer)】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Potter Cass·D·Ace!(Question Answer)】

【Joz: Potter Cass D· Ace! (answer)】


【Potter Cass·D·Ace: Sabo! (Question Answer)】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Sabo?! Ace, how could you answer Sabo's name, didn't Sabo already... died?】

【Potter Cass D· Ace: I don't know either, I just have this feeling vaguely......】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Oh, how wonderful it would be if Sabo was still alive...... By the way, isn't there a resurrection crystal in the prize pool of the miracle space? When I get a reward next time, I can directly use the resurrection crystal Resurrected Sabo!]

【Sabo: Huh? Are you talking about me? But I don’t know you guys... that’s right, you’re talking about another person with the same name as me, right? It’s just a coincidence. 1

"There are still five seconds left in the answering time, audience who have not answered the questions, please answer as soon as possible!"





"Question time is up!"

"Congratulations Potter Cass D. Ace for answering correctly, get a point!"

【Potter Cass D· Ace:!!!!!!】

【Monkey D. Luffy:!!!!!! II】.

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