Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 158 Garp Exposes The Dark History Of The Dragon, The Terrifying Supreme Fast Drag? ! [Kneeli

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hey, Sabo met a strange uncle with slippers on his face~】


【Monkey D Garp: Hahahaha! Luffy, that's not a strange man, it's you Laozi!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? I Laozi? What does that mean~?!】

【Nami: Luffy, that man is your father, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey·-D·Long!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Nani?!!! That strange uncle is actually my-dad?!!!】

【Usopp: No one even came out to show your father, Luffy, how slow is your reaction...

【Monkey D. Luffy: Hee hee, so my dad looks like this. By the way, the slipper print on his face is so strange~】

【Monkey D Garp: Hahaha! That, that was when he was disobedient when he was a child, and was photographed by the old man with slippers, and left such a mark when he accidentally applied too much force~】

【Emporio Ivankov: Hahahahahaha! Long, that’s not what you told us before. Didn’t you say that it was a tattoo that you specially tattooed and has a special meaning?】

【Belo Betty: I didn't expect that even a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes like you, Long Long, would lie~】

【Lindbergh: It's amazing, Dragon~】


【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Good guy, Garp, you are really cruel, you can actually use slippers to leave such a permanent mark, maybe you used Armament Haki to wrap around the slippers, right? !】

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ The slippers that can leave such a mark on the face of the leader of the revolutionary army are not ordinary slippers, at least they must be of the highest quality, right?]

【Shiki: Gee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! God damn it, you are so fast, I didn't expect you, Whitebeard, you old guy to have such a humorous moment.

【Monkey D Garp: I seem to have revealed a terrible secret by accident. Maybe Long is about to die? Fortunately, this old man is Laozi, so he doesn’t dare to do anything to me, hahahaha~ 】

In the projection screen, the video continues

When the comatose Sabo woke up again, the time had come to the next morning.

He was still in the remote alley where he met Long last night, and the wound on his forehead was simply bandaged by Long with gauze.

After Sabo woke up, he immediately ran towards the city gate with his still weak body.

Anxious to see what's going on at the end of the Uncertain.

However, before he slipped out of the city gate, he was discovered again by patrolling soldiers.

Naturally, the weak Sabo couldn't escape the soldiers' clutches.

Soon, he was taken home again.

In the picture, Outluka II severely slapped Sabo's face who was brought back.

At the same time, he shouted at him angrily:

"It doesn't matter how many times you escape, Sabo!"

"I have sent your photo to all the guards and soldiers, don't even think about leaving Gao Town!"

"No, don't even think about leaving this home!"

As he spoke, Outluka II looked at the two soldiers who brought Sabo back.

After some conversation, the other party was hired to be responsible for watching Sabo.

Immediately afterwards, Ottoluka II squatted in front of Sabo, and continued with a gloomy voice:

"Sabo, from now on you stay in the room and accept the full noble deal."

Hearing this, Sabo wants to protest against something.

However, Otto Luca II spoke again:

"As I said, I can kill those two guys with just one order."

"You should know, right?"

Sabo naturally knew that the two guys his father mentioned were Ace and Luffy.

After struggling for a while, Sabo could only slowly lower his head, and replied, "Got it."

Seeing that Sabo finally compromised, a false smile suddenly appeared on the face of Ottoluka II, and said with a smile:

"If you know it, change your mind and study hard like Staley."

"And bring happiness to the parents who raised you, isn't that your happiness too?"

After finishing speaking, King Orteluca II turned around and left with a look on his face.

Lock Sabo in the room alone.

The door of the room was guarded by the two soldiers, and the windows were all sealed.

Don't give Sabo the slightest chance to escape.

【John: Tsk tsk tsk, such a father can hardly be called a father! 】

【Silver Ax: That's right, this kind of rubbish is disgusting even for me, a pirate!】

【Ochoku: Hahaha, if this was changed to Doflamingo’s childhood, wouldn’t this kind of rubbish father have been shot and killed by him hundreds of times already~

The video continues——

Sabo, who was locked in the room, had a gloomy face.

There is no doubt that he desperately wants to escape from this birdcage-like home that suffocates him.

He couldn't stay in a place like this for a moment!

Finally on the second day, he found a chance.

This is the day when the Celestial Dragons come to inspect the Kingdom of Goa.

People in Goa Kingdom are very curious to see the face of Celestial Dragons,

Even the two soldiers guarding Sabo's room were no exception.

So the two soldiers discussed it, and only one guard was left outside the door, while the other went to the port to join in the fun.

Sabo also seized this opportunity perfectly,

Taking advantage of the weakest guard, he sneaked out of the room.

Today's Gaozhen Street is empty,

Everyone gathered at the pier waiting for the arrival of the Celestial Dragons.

So Sabo escaped very smoothly.

He didn't go to the Terminus of Uncertainty or Mount Corpo to find Ace and Luffy.

Because he knew that if he went to find Ace and Luffy again, he would definitely bring them danger.

After a lot of struggle, Sabo decided to go to sea early and leave the country completely!

So, he also quietly came to the port of Goya Kingdom.

And took advantage of the chaos to steal a small fishing boat parked at the port, and painted his own "S" pirate flag on the mast.

Without any hesitation, Sabo soon set sail in his small fishing boat!

On the boundless sea, Sabo's small fishing boat gradually left the port of Goa Kingdom.

………… Ask for flowers……………

Looking at the kingdom that kept going away behind him, and at the blue sea in front of him, Sabo couldn't help being in a good mood.

At this moment, he finally felt the real freedom!

“The weather is so nice!”

"Today is a great day to go to sea!"

Sabo sighed standing on the deck of the fishing boat, with a long-lost smile on his face.

This was the first time he had smiled since being taken away from the terminal of the Uncertain.

At this time, someone finally found the fishing boat and Sabo at the port behind him.

The people on the shore kept shouting to Sabo, telling him to come back quickly.

But Sabo said to himself very firmly:

"The scariest thing is that I am swallowed by this country and turned into a bunch of walking dead..."

"So, I'm not going back!!!"

The small fishing boat continued to sail far away,

It seems that he wants to lead this young man towards the freedom he has longed for.

However, at this moment!

On the sea in the distance, there is a huge and luxurious ship approaching quickly.

On the huge sail, there is also the logo of the world government!

There is no doubt that this ship is the exclusive ship of the world's official government carrying Celestial Dragons to visit the sub-kingdom!

Sabo looked up at the huge ship passing by him, and exclaimed:

"What a big boat! It feels like I'm about to be swept in by the big waves it raises!"

"If only I could be the captain of that ship sometime..."

Sabo was talking to himself, with a longing smile on his face.

What he didn't know, however, was that

At this moment on the deck of the world government ship,

A Celestial Dragons wearing a fat white protective suit and a glass oxygen mask, who looks like a fat pig, is slowly raising a small rocket launcher and aiming the barrel at the small fishing boat that was captured by Sabo.

The next moment, the Celestial Dragons pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.


With a loud bang, the cannonball hit the fishing boat where Sabo was on.

A raging fire suddenly ignited on the small fishing boat.

Panicked, Sabo hurriedly took off his coat to put out the fire.

"Damn it! The boat is on fire!"

"Why did you fire all of a sudden?!"

Sabo was very puzzled by this.

On the deck of the world government ship, the bazooka raised by the Celestial Dragons has not been put down yet.

The subordinates on the side seemed to want to dissuade: "Jermak Saint, there is a child on board!"

Hearing this, the Celestial Dragons named Jermak Saint were not moved at all, and said coldly:

"Since the pirate flag is hoisted, it should be treated as a pirate!"

"And, the most unforgivable thing is... how dare a mere pariah walk past my boat like this!!!"

With a roar of St. Germark, he pulled the trigger again.


Another rocket hit the small fishing boat hard.

This time, the small fishing boat was completely blown apart!

Sinking into the bottom of the sea together with Sabo, life and death are uncertain.....

The picture freezes here, and the cold mechanical sound sounds again.

"Random question 4: May I ask who saved the dead Sabo corpse?".

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