Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 180 Eight Thousand Subordinates Captain Usopp, The Iq Basin Of The Straw Hats? [Kneeling For

On the projection screen, the video continues——

So did Usopp's life in Sibro village.

Time soon came to his seventeenth year.

One day, after Usopp yelled "the pirate is coming" in the village as usual, he leisurely came to rest in the woods next to the village.

Qingjiaotou and Luobotou also came to join him.

But the onion was the only one missing.

Seeing this, Usopp curiously asked the two of them:

"Green pepper head, carrot head, why are you the only two?"

"What happened to Onion?"

Before the two of them could answer,

A panicked shout suddenly came from a distance.

Several people followed the reputation,

Just saw Onion running anxiously towards this side.

While running, he was still shouting:

"Not good! Not good!"

"The pirates are coming!"

"The ship with the skull logo is coming from the north coast!"

Hearing Onion's shout, Usopp, Carrot and Green Pepper didn't care.

"Surely it's a lie?"

Several people muttered in unison.

But when he saw Onion running up to them panting, he still had an extremely anxious expression, and even cried.

Several people finally began to feel that something was wrong.

After Onion repeatedly confirmed that what he said was true,

A look of horror flashed across Usopp's face.

He hurriedly stepped forward, making a gesture to run into the distance.

"No, it's time for snacks!"

Usopp made excuses for his slip-up as he ran.

But the three Onion Heads shouted at him in unison: "Don't run away!"

Usopp had no choice but to stop, and continued: "Actually, I have a disease that will kill me if I don't eat snacks!"

But how could the three little boys who knew him so well believe each other's lies.

The three continued to speak:

"you're lying!"

"Captain, don't you want to be a real pirate?!"

"How can pirates be afraid of pirates?!"

【 Rocks D. Xebec: Damn! The more Laozi looked at it, the more he felt that the identification of Miracle Space this time was unreliable! This guy named Usopp is not even as courageous as the other three little boys! Called the God of Desperation?!]

【Kaido: Heck lol~ Although Miracle Space has said before that he is a coward, but Laozi f*cking did not expect him to be so cowardly! Just hearing that there are pirates coming is scary It’s really embarrassing to want to run away directly!]

【Charlotte Linlin: This guy actually got a disease that would kill him if he didn't eat snacks? This seems to be worse than my cravings, what a pity~】

【Shiki:??? Linlin, don't you really believe that kid's nonsense? What kind of disease will you die if you don't eat snacks? That's just an excuse for him to escape!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Nani?! That's a lie?! I thought I finally found a disease that was worse than my cravings!】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ Sure enough, as soon as it comes to food, Linlin's IQ will become quite touching~】

Video continues—

Onion continued to report what he saw.

"Then the pirate flag should be the logo of Buggy the Clown!"

Hearing this, Usopp was even more frightened.

Dang even prepared to slip away again.

"But there are only two small boats, and there seem to be only three figures on them."

Onion continued.

As soon as he heard that there were only three people in the other party, Usopp's steps that had just stepped out suddenly stopped.

He turned around to face Onion and the others, changed his previous timid appearance, and said vigorously:

"Okay! Let's go!"

"Usopp Pirates, to protect the peace of the village!"

"Let me, Captain Usopp, lead you to defeat those pirates!"

After finishing speaking, he directly led several people towards the north coast with their heads held high.

The camera turns.

Usopp and others came to the coast,

And there are many pirate flags placed in the grass on the cliff.

After that, all the people ambush behind the bushes.

After a while, two small boats came slowly from the distant sea and docked on the shore.

Three figures got off the boat.

It was Luffy, Zoro and Nami.

As soon as the three of them landed, Usopp immediately directed Onion and the others to erect all the pirate flags that had been placed.

Then use the slingshot to launch many glass balls towards Luffy and others.

Immediately afterwards, Usopp emerged from the bushes, stood on the cliff looking down at Luffy and others, and laughed loudly:

"Hahahaha! I am Usopp, the leader of the village's great pirate group!"

"Everyone compliments me and calls me Captain Usopp!"

"If you want to attack this village, I advise you to give up. After all, my uncle has 8,000 subordinates!"

Hearing Usopp's words, Luffy suddenly showed a shocked expression.

273 "Eight Thousand Subordinates?!!!"

"Really?! Si Guoyi!!"

However, Nami on the side saw through Usopp's lie at a glance, and said calmly: "It's a lie."

Hearing this, Usopp was shocked and said: "Ah! It's a mess!"

Nami was slightly ashamed, "Did you admit it so quickly?"

Usopp hugged his head and muttered to himself angrily:

"Oops! I didn't call myself!"

"What a smart stinky woman!"

【Don Quixote·Doflamingo: How do I feel... This guy named Usopp doesn't seem very smart...】

【Gekko Moria: The key is his clumsy lie, the Straw Hat kid actually believed it! Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, no wonder they were able to get together on the same boat!】

【 Roronoa Zoro: It's over, our group's IQ has been lowered by Luffy and Usopp...】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: I said you are a road idiot, but in fact you are also one of the members who lowered the IQ level of our group~】

【Roronoa Zoro: What did you lecherous Kappa say?! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!】

【Nami: Oh, these guys are all idiots......】.

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