Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 194 Meili: I'm Coming To Pick You Up! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customization]

[Fan Oka: To be able to accurately hit every target with just a slingshot from such a long distance without any auxiliary props, this guy named Usopp is indeed very powerful The sniper.....】

【Yasopp: Hahahaha! Do you now know how powerful my son is?! This brat has inherited my shooting talent, and he still has two brushes! No, he turned the tide at a critical moment~】

【 Benn Beckman: Yasopp, calm down, your grin is almost behind your ears. 】

【Shanks: Haha, I can’t help it, seeing my son’s bright moment, even if you tell him to restrain himself, he can’t restrain himself~】

【Kaido: Damn it, you actually pretended to be a brat?!】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well~ Although he did pretend to be there, that's all. His attacks are okay to deal with the little guys in the video, but they are not at all in front of the real strong. There is no threat at all~]

【Usopp: Hmph! I'm a sniper, and assists are my home game!】

【Douglas Bullet: Assists? Hehe, don’t talk too much, what can you assist with with your little three-legged skills? Cleaning up the miscellaneous fish soldiers is your greatest role~】

video continues

After "Two Four Seven" saves Robin from Spandam in time.

Usopp launched all the seastone handcuff keys that Straw Hat Crew had obtained from defeating CP9 members to the Bridge of Hesitancy.

Then with Franky's assistance, he successfully opened the seastone handcuffs on Guan Luo's hand.

So far, Nico Robin has been successfully rescued!

Straw Hat Crew also officially started the escape plan.

Except for Luffy who is still fighting Rob Lucci,

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates gathered on the Bridge of Hesitation one after another.

And start to fight against the Buster Call that has been launched.

Faced with the constant swarm of Marine soldiers, lieutenant colonels and even colonels,

Straw Hat Crew just blazed a passage,

Grab the warship that Spandam was going to use to escort Robin.

Next, just wait for Luffy to defeat Rob Lucci, and the group of them can escape on this warship.

However, just when everyone was persevering and waiting on the bridge of hesitation.

Usopp sees it through the half-broken bridge of hesitation,

Luffy, who was still fighting desperately with Lu Qi in the first pillar of the Bridge of Hesitation,

At this moment, he had already fallen into a pool of blood, and he didn't even have the strength to get up again!

Seeing this scene, Usopp suddenly and slowly reached out and took off the mask he had been wearing on his face.

His face was full of seriousness and worry.

He opened his mouth and shouted in the direction of Luffy with all his strength:

"Luffy, what are you doing?!!!"

"Get up, Luffy!!!"

Usopp's voice crossed the sea between the two and reached Luffy's ears clearly.

"Usopp... are you here too?"

Luffy, who fell to the ground, looked at Usopp and spoke with difficulty.

Usopp responded:

"Don't get me wrong!"

"I'm here to save Robin, not to see you!"

Then, Usopp looked at Rob Lucci, who was about to make the final blow to Luffy, and shouted:

"Hey! That smelly cat from CP9!"

"Come on! I'll fight with you next, let the horse come over!"

Hearing this, Luffy hurriedly shouted anxiously:

"Don't be stupid, you can't beat him!"

However, Usopp did not listen to Luffy's dissuasion at all, and continued to provoke Luffy:

"Come on! Stinky cat, your opponent is my uncle! Let's see how Laozi can beat you!"

"Don't be intimidated after listening to this, my uncle has 8,000 subordinates, the pirate among pirates, Captain Usopp too!"

【Rocks D. Xebec: Hahahaha~ Is this kid with a long nose just finished highlighting, so now he is swollen, and dares to provoke that CP9 who even the straw hat boy didn't win? Do you think he died not fast enough?! 】

【Kaido: Ugh~ How can I say that they are all ignorant guys, they are really a little too self-indulgent~】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well~ He really thought that the 8,000 subordinates he lied about would be able to frighten that CP9 agent~】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ You don't understand the real intention of the little guy with the long nose. He is trying to attract the attention of that CP9 for the straw hat kid, because the straw hat kid is buying time to breathe! 】

[Gol·D·Luo Jie: Although this little guy with a long nose is quite timid and fearful on weekdays, but in the real critical moment, he has never been cowardly, even against a straw hat boy who can't win He dared to stand up against his opponent, it is really courageous!]

【Shanks: I think Luffy should be able to unleash even greater potential under the encouragement of his actions. I am afraid that the long nose also has such intentions in it?】

The video continues——

After hearing Usopp's provocation, Lu Qi did turn around slowly and walked towards him.

Seeing this, Luffy who fell on the ground became more anxious and worried, and shouted:

"Stupid, stop being brave! Usopp!"

"You will die!"

Usopp responded immediately:

"Shut up! You half-dead guy, what else can you do?!"

Luffy continued yelling, "I'll take care of this guy!"

As if expecting Luffy to say this, Usopp responded without thinking:

"Then you have to stand up for me!"

"Don't look dead! This doesn't look like you at all!"

"No matter how dark and thick the gunpowder smoke is, you can still see the sky and the sea!"

"This is not hell, you bastard, don't act like you're dying!"

"Don't make us worry!!!"

Usopp's hoarse shouts echoed across the battlefield.

And after hearing these words he yelled, Luffy, who should have been unable to stand up again, unexpectedly burst out with strength again from nowhere.

Standing up from the ground with difficulty, the second gear started again!

"I know...this is not hell, or anything else...

Seeing Luffy standing up again, Usopp shouted excitedly:

"Beat him! Then everyone go back together, Luffy!!!"

"of course!!!"

Luffy let out a roar, and then continued to fight fiercely with Luffy.

And Usopp also turned around and continued to deal with the Marines on the Bridge of Hesitation.

[Rocks D. Xebec: Wo Mui Ma~Really or not?! The straw hat boy who was beaten to death just now, actually stood up again after a few words from that long-nosed brat? ?!】

【Charlotte Linlin: This brat with a long nose gave the straw hat kid blood, is that okay?! It's just outrageous to open the door for outrageous mother, it's outrageous to come home!】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Hahahaha! Don't underestimate the power of your partners and beliefs~】

[Kaido: There is also the straw hat boy, he is obviously beaten up like that, but he can still do sit-ups, can he hang up?! But even so, he is absolutely impossible to be my opponent, the roof of Onishima in the future Great battle, Laozi can definitely beat him to the point where he can’t even get up!]

On the projection screen, the video continues—

After another hard fight, Luffy finally defeated Rob Lucci......

Won the toughest battle ever fought.

Hearing the news of Luffy's victory, Usopp screamed excitedly.

However, just when Usopp called Luffy to hurry up and leave here with everyone.

Already exhausted, Luffy fell directly on the ground of the first pillar, unable to move any more.

Seeing this situation, Nami hurriedly asked Usopp to drive the prepared warship to the side of the first pillar where Luffy was to meet him.

But the next moment.......


Accompanied by a loud noise, there was a violent explosion at the berth of the warship that Straw Hat Crew used to escape!

The warship was blown up in an instant.

Although no casualties were caused,

But the last hope that Straw Hat Crew used to escape was snuffed out like this...

After destroying the escaped warship of Straw Hat Crew,

The ten Marine warships of Buster Call turned their guns and aimed at the first pillar where Luffy was.

They're going to blow up Luffy all along with the first pillar.

In this way, Luffy, who cannot move, will be buried in the bottom of the sea!

"No! Luffy is in danger!"

"Damn! Such a long distance can't pull him over!"

"Is there no other way?!"

"Luffy, please stand up!!!"

On the bridge of hesitation, Zoro, Robin, Sanji, Nami and others all looked in the direction of Luffy and shouted anxiously.

But even so, Luffy who fell on the ground was still unable to move an inch.

"Oops... this is really bad..."

Even Luffy himself can't see any hope at this moment.

Only 2.8 can watch the guns of those warships aiming at themselves, and they are about to completely engulf them with terror.

However, at such a desperate moment, Usopp did not follow Zoro and others to shout to Luffy.

In the picture, he suddenly covered his ears with his hands and looked around in surprise.

He kept chanting:

"Who?! Who is this voice?!"

Franky, who was behind him, responded: "Everyone said they were my little brothers!"

But Usopp vetoed it very firmly:

"No! Not over there!"

"I just heard it!"

"I did hear that... Shall we see the following?"

"Is there... anything down there?"

While talking to himself, Usopp came to the edge of the Bridge of Hesitation, poked his head out and looked towards the sea below.

And just looking at it, the surging tears flowed down from his eyes unstoppably.

The next moment, Usopp shouted in a voice almost choked up:

"Jump into the sea!"

"We are saved! He has come to save us!"

The picture freezes here, and the cold mechanical sound sounds again.

"Random question 4: What did Usopp see on the ocean below?".

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