Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 201 The Shadow Of Perona, The Inappropriate Usopp! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customizatio

On the projection screen, the video continues—

After wearing the mask of the sniper king,

For some reason, Usopp suddenly became extremely confident,

In an instant, the teddy bear zombie Kulossi was brought down.

Seeing this, Perona at the side was shocked and angry.

"You bastard, how dare you take my Kulossi..."

"What the hell is your funny mask for?!"

Faced with Perona's angry questioning, the masked Usopp calmed down Kaidō:

"It's the first time we meet, my name is Sniper King!"

Hearing this, Perona couldn't help complaining:

"Are you kidding?! It's still the same person, okay?!"

When Perona complained, Usopp turned around and ran away without hesitation.

It completely lost the previous majestic appearance, which made people surprised.

While Usopp was running away, there were two voices in his heart that were fighting between heaven and man.

"Calm down, you're going to fight, Usopp!"

"Shut up, I can't do it! I can't beat that ghost!"

"No! You are a man of your word!"

"Do you have any basis?!"


"Then what a fart!"

"But if you think about it, there are many suspicious things about this woman!!

"That's true... At the beginning, she was obviously afraid of me and ran away, but suddenly she became full of confidence..."

"If my attack hadn't worked from the start, she wouldn't have had to run away at all, but she just ran away screaming..."

"That's right! I went to deal with that bear for a while and lost her..."

"At that time, something must have happened!"

As Usopp ran away, the two voices in his heart, which belonged to himself and the sniper king, were constantly talking.

And at this moment, several mini-ghosts released by Perona have quietly attached to Usopp's body.

Immediately afterwards, Perona was floating in mid-air not far away and kept snapping her fingers.




Accompanied by Perona's snapping fingers, bursts of explosions sounded suddenly.

Usopp, who was still struggling to escape, was instantly overwhelmed by the terrifying explosion, and then fell heavily to the ground.

His body was bruised and bruised.

The mask of the sniper king also fell from his face to the ground.

【Sengoku: Ah, this... There are so many inner dramas during the battle, this guy really has a split personality, right?!】

[Rocks D. Xebec: Hehehe~ I thought this guy would become more powerful after wearing a mask, but it turned out that he just became a genius, it’s just the difference between one waste and two wastes That's all HI

[Gekko Moria: Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

video continues

In the picture, Usopp is on the ground.

Even though he was seriously injured, he still didn't want to give up the battle.

Still constantly thinking about Perona's weaknesses.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility.

"I see! Your trick!"

"Is there some hiding place around here?!"

As he said that, Usopp began to search the castle.

Seeing the other party's move, Perona suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Huh?! Wait! What are you looking for?!"

Usopp ignored Perona's cry and quickly found his target.

In a certain direction not far in front of him, there is a hidden door!

"That's the one! Found it"!"

"Kill Atlas Comet!"

Without hesitation, Usopp fired a few rounds of explosive ammunition towards the door.


The next moment, there was a loud bang.

The wall where the door was located was completely bombarded and collapsed.

A girl's boudoir also appeared in Usopp's sight.

On the big bed in the middle of the room, Hao Ran had a figure sitting there with his head lowered, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

It is Perona's real body!

"Found it! That is your body!"

When his guess was verified, Usopp immediately cried out excitedly.

And Perona, who was floating in mid-air, became more and more frightened and flustered.

Usopp looked at each other and said proudly:

"Huh——I can see you, but you can still fly in the sky, penetrate walls and human bodies at will, and freely control the size of your body [it's like a ghost without entity]

"But you were indeed chased by me and ran around, which shows that you still had an entity at that time.

"That is to say, the current you is a ghost created when I was not paying attention!"

"The one hiding there is your real body, right?! Don't try to lie to me again!"

Usopp said word for word what he had deduced to be true.

Quite a bit like Kudo Shinichi yelling "there is only one truth" as a famous detective. (PS: The seiyuu of Usopp and Kudo Shinichi is the same person~)

【Monkey D. Luffy: Si Guoyi! Usopp, you are so amazing, you can even guess this!】

【Tony Tony Chopper: Yes, Usopp! You are so smart! You saw the trick of that ghost girl at a glance!】

[Usopp: Hey~ Low-key, low-key~ For this uncle, this kind of thing is simply easy to grasp, nothing to be surprised and bragging about~]

【Nami: Oh~ Really? Why do I feel like your tail is going up to the sky?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: And how can he see the other party's tricks at a glance? Obviously he was almost beaten to death before he saw it.....】

The video continues——

Hearing Usopp's speculation, Pei Luo Xing endured the long response in his heart:

"I still thought you were just a passive idiot, did you get the courage from the mask just now?"

"I didn't expect you to calmly analyze..."

"But you're only 90% right!"

"I am not a ghost controlled by the body, but my own spirit body that is separated from the body and has complete self-awareness!"

Hearing this, Usopp smiled slightly.

"I see.….……"

"Then if you don't have a body to return to, what should you do?!"

As he spoke, he pulled the slingshot in his hand again.

"Then you can't avoid my attack?"

Must Kill Big Explosive Star!"

Seeing this, the spirit body of Perona shouted in panic:

"Asshole! STOP!!!"

However, it was too late.....

The round of ammunition flew out of the slingshot in Usopp's hand and flew straight towards Perona who was sitting on the bed.

But to Perona's relief, Usopp's ammunition went awry.

It didn't shoot on her body, but on the head of the bed beside her.

What's even more strange is that the ammunition named Big Explosive Star didn't explode in any way.

It seemed like a dud.

"What a risk! Fortunately, it missed, and it was a dud!"

Perona murmured to herself in shock.

"Um...then eat me again!"

Usopp was not discouraged, and immediately pulled the slingshot again to attack Perona's body again.

But this time, Perona, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally couldn't let it succeed.

She immediately released a huge super ghost from her palm and bit Usopp's entire upper body in ten bites.

But Perona's spirit body took the opportunity to quickly fly back to where the body was, and the soul returned to the body.

After returning to the main body, Perona sat on the bed and looked at Usopp who was bitten by the stunt ghost, and smiled lightly:

"Hahahahaha~ As long as I give an order, you will be blown to pieces in no time~"

In the mouth of the super ghost, Usopp, who was bitten on himself, heard this and began to struggle desperately.

At the same time, he kept screaming:


"Such a huge ghost, if it explodes, it will really kill people!"

"It's over, it's over! It's all over now!"

【Monkey D. Luffy:......】

【Tony Tony Chopper:...】


【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji:......】

【Kaido: Ugh~ This kid with a long nose is a little too unreliable, right?! Even though he has already analyzed the weakness of that ghostly little girl, he could have won the game with one move, but the ammunition he fired unexpectedly still hit the target. It’s off, it’s really useless!]

【Charlotte Linlin: Well, well, well, isn't this brat always shooting with perfect accuracy? Why can't he be accurate when it comes to critical moments? It's really unreliable~】

【Gekko Moria: Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Perona, well done, just blow that long-nosed brat to pieces!】

【Perona: Lord Moria, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you wish...

Inside the projection screen——

Perona snapped her fingers relentlessly.

The next moment, the huge super ghost exploded!

However, there was no terrorist explosion shock as imagined.

After the stunt ghost exploded, it disappeared without a sound.

All the impact of the explosion disappeared without a trace.

""Oh? What's going on?!" Perona was puzzled.

And I saw that Usopp was holding a Baker-like object in his hand at the moment.

"It's so dangerous... I sucked the impact into Berry just now!" Usopp whispered to himself.

On the bed not far away, Perona wanted to stand up.

And it wasn't until then that she belatedly discovered that her left hand was firmly stuck to the head of the bed by a ball of glue at some point.

"What's going on?! Why can't I move?!"

Usopp smiled smugly:

"I lied to you about my first big explosive star, it wasn't a dud, it was a sticky star!"

"In this way, even if you return to your original body, you won't be able to move!"

"I can destroy your body and spirit body at the same time!"

After listening to Usopp's explanation, Perona realized that she had been fooled by the other party.


She let out an unwilling self-talk.

But soon, a look of joy appeared on Perona's face.

Because she saw a huge hippo zombie appeared behind Usopp at this moment.

That's her zombie vice-captain, Gentleman Hippo!

Gentleman Hippo raised his weapon and slammed it down toward Usopp.

In Perona's view, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be the opposite of Gentleman Hippo.

It is bound to be smashed into meatloaf under this blow!

But the next moment, she was dumbfounded again...


Seeing that Usopp turned around suddenly, he pointed the palm of the shock shell at Gentleman Hippo.

(Qianma Zhao) "Shock!!!"

In an instant, all the explosion shocks of the super ghosts that were absorbed just now burst out towards the gentleman hippopotamus.

With just one blow, Gentleman Hippo was completely knocked down!

Afterwards, Usopp endured the severe pain of the impact on his arm, and fired another ammunition at Perona.

"Kill Black Light Star!"

A black ball flew to Perona's front and fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the ball opened.

Hundreds and thousands of cockroaches crawled out of it in an instant, covering Perona's whole body.

Such a terrifying scene directly scared the young girl into screaming.


"Take it away! It's disgusting!!!"

However, Usopp ignored the other party's screams at all, and took out another eye hammer marked with 10 tons of heavy poison on it.

While intimidating Perona, he raised the giant hammer seemingly very hard.

Hit Perona hard!


The moment the giant hammer hit Perona's head, it burst like a balloon, making a loud noise.

Although this hammer does not have any power,

But under multiple stimuli and shocks,

When the inflatable hammer exploded,

Perona had already foamed at the mouth and passed out due to excessive fright.

After finishing all this, Usopp looked at Perona who was unconscious and slumped on the bed, and said to himself with great confidence:

"Using an inflatable hammer and a toy cockroach to bring down the princess in the haunted house is really effortless for me~"

"Want to compare negative and deceitful with Laozi? You're playing tricks in class!".

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