Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 212 Usopp Observation Haki Awakens! Super Long-Distance Kill! [Kneeling For Full Order And C

【Torrebol: Wait, I read it right, right? Is this long-nosed kid trying to snipe at the sugar that is far above the opposite high ground and hidden behind the wall?!】

[Seka: Although this long-nosed kid showed his sniper ability far beyond ordinary people at Enies Lobby before, the current situation is obviously much more complicated than that at Enies Lobby, and it is obviously impossible for him to do it of!】

[Diamanti: That’s right, the straight-line distance between the old King’s Heights and the new King’s Heights is nearly 20 kilometers. Let’s not talk about whether the guy’s slingshot can reach this far, even if Yes, with such a long distance, it is absolutely impossible for him to hit the sugar that is blocked by the wall!]

[Buffalo: I think this long-nosed brat is being forced into a hurry, so he wants to give it a go, but in fact, if he wants to do what he said, it's just a dream.

【Senor Peak: But... Didn't the Miracle Space say that Granose was defeated by this long-nosed brat? Maybe he can really succeed?】

[Jola: I said Senor, why do you want others to destroy your prestige? The Miracle Space did say that Granose was defeated by this long-nosed brat, but hasn’t it already been played? I was defeated by him, it would be better to say that I was fainted by him, if you really want to rely on strength, that guy can't be the opponent of Granose at all!】

【Gladius: That’s right, it’s considered lucky that this long-nosed brat was able to stun Sugar once before. “How could Sugar be defeated by him and take another drink? 】

[San Tang: It is true that 733 said so, but I don’t know why... I suddenly have a very bad premonition...

【Don Quixote·Doflamingo: This damn long-nosed brat, is it possible that something will happen again?!】

Amidst the jeers and a little worry of Donquixote Family cadres,

The video on the projection screen continues to play

At Usopp's behest,

Kanjuro, who possessed the ability of Paramecia·Bibi fruit, began to paint and draw something on the wall beside him.

And Usopp is also tinkering with his equipment.

The next moment, the camera shot to the other side.

In the palace of the New King's Heights.

The already awakened Sugar is holding a basket of grapes in his hand, and is constantly approaching where Luffy and Trafalgar Law are.

As she walked, she said to herself with a gloomy expression:

"My revenge plan is very simple, just touch them!"

"Straw Hat Crew, I want you to disappear from this world!"

In this kind of soliloquy, the distance between Sasuke and Luffy and others is also getting closer.

The camera goes back to the former site of Wang Zhi Heights.

Kanjuro slowly put down the paintbrush in his hand, turned his head to look at Usopp beside him, and said:

"Your Excellency Usopp, I have kept you waiting!"

"My painting is done!"

Hearing this, Usopp was overjoyed.

He ran forward (cifa) to look at what Kanjuro had drawn, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, not bad!"

As he said that, he immediately took out what Kanjuro had drawn and wrapped it in an object like a green leaf.

Kin'emon asked curiously, "Is this a bullet?"

Usopp nodded triumphantly, "That's right, it's called Grass Star.

"It's going to be the killing blow to get rid of Sugar!"

After finishing speaking, Usopp took the Lemongrass Star to the edge of the former King's Heights site, and placed it on the slingshot.

"Violet, please use your clairvoyance from now on, tell me every word about the movements of the sugar!"

Violet nodded and replied: "Yes."

On the side, Kin'emon was still a little worried and asked:

"Is clairvoyance alone really enough?"

Usopp lowered the goggles above his head, and responded in a deep voice:

"There is no other way, Granose has already started to act!"

"I'm a sniper, and support is my vocation.

"What I have to do is to destroy the enemy unconsciously and protect my companions!"

In Usopp's words at this moment, there is no wavering conviction.

Although even he himself is not sure whether this blow will be successful,

But he understood one thing very clearly——this blow must not fail!

If it fails, Luffy will be turned into a toy by the sugar, and will be completely erased from the memory of all of them!

He will never allow this to happen!

While contemplating, Violet on the side suddenly spoke seriously:

"Sugar is heading for both of them!"

Hearing this, the expression on Usopp's face became more serious.

He pulled the slingshot in his hand hard, and began to constantly adjust the shooting angle under the prompt and guidance of Violet.

And at the same time,

Behind Usopp,

Many crazy people who were attracted by his bounty of 500 million Baileys have already boarded the former site of King's Heights,

Started to swarm towards it.

King Riku, Kinemon, Kanjuro and others stepped forward to stop them desperately,

But obviously it can't last too long.

And if those crazy people rush forward,

Usopp's sniping operation will obviously fall short!

Therefore, he must make a quick decision!

Under such circumstances, Usopp inevitably became more nervous.

He kept taking deep breaths to adjust his state,

Trying to lock the location of sugar according to Violet's prompt.

However, the distance between the two is too far apart.

Coupled with the wall barrier with the palace.

Even with the help of Violet's staring fruit ability, it's impossible for Usopp to lock on the target with precision.

This also made him hesitate to launch the Minion Star in his hand.

After only get one chance!

【Torrebol: Hehe~ Look at the guy in the video who is so nervous that his hands are shaking. In this state, it’s no wonder he can shoot sugar!】

【Seka: He struggled there for so long, it was nothing more than doing nothing!】

【Fan Ola: This distance, coupled with the obstruction of the wall, even I am afraid it will be difficult to hit the enemy accurately. Can this sniper from Straw Hat Crew really be able to do it?】

【Monkey D. Luffy: No! I believe Usopp will be able to do it! After all, he is the sniper on our ship!】

【Yasopp: Although it is indeed difficult to accurately hit the enemy in such a situation, this kind of thing must be no problem for my son of Yasopp!】

On the projection screen, the video continues——

Just when Usopp was too late to make a move,

In the palace of the Highlands of the New King,

Granu had already come to Luffy and Luo at this moment.

As Violet said before, Luffy and Luo didn't even know the existence of sugar.

When they saw Granose appear, they only thought that the other party was an ordinary little girl.

Therefore, even though Granose walked towards them step by step, the two of them were not at all vigilant.

If things go on like this, Luffy and Luo being turned into toys is a sure thing!

It can be said that the situation at this moment has really reached the point of urgency.

Usopp's hand holding the slingshot was still shaking.

"The target is on the inside of the wall, as long as the shot misses... Luffy will disappear!"

"Hey! Luffy, I don't want to stay in the ocean without you!"

"If there is no you, who else can save this country?!"

"Look at the trick, Granose! I won't let your trick succeed!"

While thinking about it, Usopp finally made up his mind to release the slingshot in his hand.

Although still not fully sure, but the arrow is on the string and has to be launched!

At this moment, he has no other choice but to give it a go!

However, just when he was about to fire the ammunition.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over Usopp.

Everything in the distance suddenly became extremely clear at this moment.

Even, he can clearly see...

Far away in the Highland Palace of the New King, behind the wall are the auras of Luffy, Luo, and Sugar!

At this moment, he does not need Violet's guidance at all, and can easily and extremely accurately target the target of Granose!

【Rocks D. Xebec: Fuck! This guy actually awakened the super-long-distance Observation Haki?!!!】.

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