Identify Sailing Favorites, Start with Four Emperors Buggy

Chapter 75 Momosuke? This Name Sounds Flattering! [Kneeling For Full Order And Customization]


Xiao Zi, who just returned to her room after attending Kurozumi Orochi's banquet,

The moment I heard this question from Miracle Space,

The whole person froze in place immediately, his face pale.

"how so?"

"Dimension of Miracles is actually asking me what my real name is?!"

"If this continues, my true identity will be exposed!"

"'s over..."

While muttering to herself, a look of fear appeared on Xiao Zi's face.

because she knows very well,

If her true identity is revealed,

Then the next thing waiting for her... is death!

"Father, mother, big brother..."

"Then... what on earth should I do?"

Xiao Zi sat on the ground leaning against the wall a little weakly, thinking about what to do after her identity was exposed.

But at this moment, Rizhen's hasty knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xiao Zi was startled immediately.

But before she could ask who the person knocking on the door was, a deep voice came from outside the door.

"It's me, Kuangshiro."

In the miracle space

【Kaido: Ugh~ Isn’t that woman Xiaozi, the oiran of our Wanokuni? Finally, there is a question that Laozi knows the answer to!】

【Jin: But, if the answer is really that simple, does the Miracle Space specifically ask this question?】

[Don Quixote·Doflamingo: Furfurfurfur~ Now it is the personal identification video of Roronoa Zoro, but he suddenly asked the name of a woman he saved casually, which shows that the identity of this woman is definitely not as simple as imagined what!】

【Quinn: What? Could it be that Xiaozi has other identities that we don't know about?!】

【Kurozumi Orochi: It shouldn't be, Xiaozi has been the oiran of Wanokuni for several years, and I didn't find out that she has any special status...】

【Kaido: Kurozumi Orochi, Laozi immediately send someone to call that Xiao Zi over, and ask her for her real identity! Laozi must get the points for this question!】

【Kurozumi Orochi: Yes, Master Kaido, I will send Kushiro to bring Xiaozi here!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Little Kaido, when you were in Rocks Pirate, the captain, I treated you well. Why don’t you send me a private message after you ask the answer. We will compete fairly on this question. How about it?】

【John: Hahahaha, old captain, at this time you have come to have an old relationship with Kaido again~】

【Silver Ax: Sure enough, as long as anyone can help the old captain answer the question, he will immediately go to curry favor with him】

[ Ochoku: It's a pity, I didn't know who beat Kaido, the strongest among the newcomers, severely in order to establish his captain's majesty in front of the newcomers who had just boarded the ship 1

【Kaido: Old Captain, are you willing to say that you treat me well? You want me to tell you the answer, but wait for the next life, eh~】

【Charlotte Linlin: Well~ Kaido, it’s a lie that the old captain treats you kindly, but it’s true that the old lady treats you kindly. You haven’t returned the kindness of the fruit of the fish, the phantom beast, and the blue dragon form. , It shouldn’t be too much to private message me with an answer later, right?]

【Shiki: I don’t think it’s too much either, except for the fish fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon form, Linlin gave you "tuition" for so many nights after you boarded the boat, and it has contributed a lot to your growth. Kaido, Jiehahahaha!]

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ Yes, Kaido, Linlin is the hero who helped you complete the transformation from a boy to a man. This kindness is much more important than those who just farted on the old captain’s mouth HI

【Kaido: You guys, shut up! Bring that up again, believe it or not, Laozi will tear you all up!】

"Attention all viewers, the answering will start in five seconds!"



【Kaido: @Kurozumi Orochi, how is it? Did someone bring it? Did you get the answer?】

【Kurozumi Orochi: Master Kaido, please wait a moment. Kushiro said that he is already on his way to bring Xiaozi here, but for some reason there is no result yet. 】

【Kaido: Wait a little longer?! What the hell! Even if Laozi can wait, this miracle space can’t wait! You bastards, you can’t even do such a trivial thing, what does Laozi want from you? use?!】

[Kurozumi Orochi: I'm really sorry, Master Kaido, I don't know if there was any accident on Kushiro's side, and I haven't replied to my messages since then...J

[Kaido: Damn it! Time is running out! The one point that was supposed to be won is gone! 】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Hahahaha! Good! It’s okay if it’s gone! You didn’t agree to Laozi’s conditions just now, it’s okay now, and no one can answer this question correctly!】



"The answering question has officially begun!"

[Roronoa Zoro: ****! (answer the question, the answer has been hidden, only the answerer can see it)

【Kaido: Huh? Why did this brat suddenly jump out to answer the question, and even hide the answer? Could it be that he knows the correct answer?!】

[Quinn: No, in the video, he met Xiao Zi obviously two years later, and he didn't know the kid before that, so how could he know Xiao Zi who even we don't know? What's your real name?]

【Jhin: That being said, another possibility is not ruled out. 】

【Jack: What is possible?】

[Jin: It is possible that Xiao Zi just took the initiative to send a private message to this Roronoa Zoro, telling him her real name!

【 Roronoa Zoro: It seems that you are the smartest one among the Beasts Pirates, right? You can guess the truth so quickly, what a terrible enemy. 】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Huh? Zoro, is what that guy said true?】

【Roronoa Zoro: Yes, I did receive a private message from the woman in the video just now, and she told me the correct answer. 】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Damn it! Why did the beautiful lady in the video send you a private message to tell you the answer?! What kind of shit luck did you get, green algae head?!]

【Usopp: I'm curious, why does the woman named Xiaozi in the video know the correct answer [but doesn't answer the question herself? Instead, she tells Zoro the correct answer[?]

【Nami: Maybe it's because she has some unspeakable secrets that she can't tell herself. 】

[Nico Robin: I think there is another reason. It may be because of the current situation of answer points. At present, only Zoro has got two points, and everyone else has only one point.

And now it is the Sixth Paths random question. According to the previous practice, I am afraid that there will be only the last question left.

The woman named Xiao Zi probably felt that even if she answered this question correctly, she might not be able to get a reward for answering another question correctly. It would be better to just tell Zoro the answer and help him secure the first place. help. 】

【Roronoa Zoro: Your analysis is really correct, Robin】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: As expected of Miss Robin, she is smart~】

Step back in time a few minutes.

Wanokuni, in Xiao Zi's room.

Kyoshiro pushed the door open and said anxiously to Xiao Zi whose real name is Kozuki Hiyori:

"Master Rihe, I'm afraid your identity will be exposed soon."

"In order to protect your safety, I'm afraid we can only use that last resort!"

very few people know,

The Wanokuni yakuza boss Kushiro, who is loyal to Kurozumi Orochi,

His true identity is actually one of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes who followed Kozuki·Oden——Denjiro!

After the death of Kozuki·Oden,

Under the excessive grief, Denjiro even changed his appearance.

To avenge Kozuki·Oden,

Denjiro changed his identity,

Under the pseudonym Kageshiro, he returned to the flower city of Wanokuni.

Due to his powerful strength, he quickly gathered a group of subordinates.

In the end, he was valued by Kurozumi · Orochi, and let him serve as his bodyguard.

Denjiro endured the humiliation and stayed with Kurozumi · Orochi incognito.

Waiting for the day when he can truly avenge Kozuki · Oden.

Eleven years ago, Kuang met Guangming Rihe.

After learning the real identity of the other party, he decided to protect the other party.

So, he changed Kozuki Hiyori's name to Xiaozi, and made him the famous oiran of Wanokuni.

And asked Rihe to carry a bag of blood plasma with him every day, just in case.

And now, this bag of blood plasma is always going to come in handy!

"Master Hiyori, if you run away like this, you will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi."

"So, when your identity is revealed later and the Kurozumi snake comes looking for you, I will personally act and pretend to kill you, and then send your 'corpse' out secretly.

"Although I don't know how long this trick can keep them from hiding, it should be able to delay for a while. When the time comes, the farther you can escape, the better!"

Denjiro stood in front of Kozuki Hiyori, explaining his plan hastily.

This was the only plan he could think of, which could help Rihe escape as much as possible under the current situation.

Hiyori nodded, and then asked:

"So, Denjiro, should you or I answer this question next?"

Hearing this, Denjiro shook his head and said:

"No, no matter who of us answers this question, I'm afraid we still won't have the chance to get the reward of the miracle space in the end."

"I have an idea, how about telling Hiyori-sama your true identity to Mr. Roronoa Zoro."

"In this way, he should be able to secure the first place in this round of answering points, and he can choose two rewards at will.

Hiyori blinked suspiciously:

"You mean, let him give us another reward at that time?"

Denjiro continued to shake his head and said:

"No, it seems a bit too unreasonable and excessive to ask that Mr. Swordsman to give us a reward directly.

"I only hope that Mr. Swordsman will be willing to promise Hiyori-sama your safety after getting two rewards and becoming stronger, and he intends to help Wanokuni!"

"Judging from the previous identification video of this Mr. Swordsman, he should agree to such a request.

Hearing Denjiro's explanation, Kozuki Hiyori also nodded in agreement.

Then, as the other party said, he started sending private messages to tell Zoro everything.

Back to the present time.

In the miraculous space——

"There are still five seconds left in the answering time. Audiences who have not answered the questions please do so as soon as possible."






"Question time is up!"

"Congratulations Roronoa Zoro for answering correctly, get 1 point!"

【Kaido: Damn it, this kid really got the answer right! It seems that Xiao Zi really told this guy the answer!】

【Rocks D. Xebec: Damn it! In this way, that Roronoa Zoro already has three points alone, and the most other people only have one point. This round of rewards is completely useless!】

【John: Hahahaha, old captain, this round is over again, so why don’t you wait for the next round? HI

【Silver Ax: Although I think, even the next round of old captains is still useless~】

【Ochoku: You can't say it so absolutely, you have to give the old captain a little hopeful illusion~ hahahaha!】

【Monkey D. Luffy: Wow!!! Zoro, you seem to be getting two rewards this round, it's really great!】

【Nami: Zoro, remember to choose something valuable later!】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

projection screen

The video continues.

After defeating Kamazo (Kira),

Zoro also collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion due to injury and hunger.

Gyūki Maru took Qiushui and left directly.

turn the camera,

When the screen reappears,

Zoro was already 557 lying in a cabin.

A bandage was wrapped over his right shoulder,

Someone had obviously given him initial treatment.

He was also covered with a woman's red kimono coat.

The first thing Zoro wakes up,

Just shouted "Knife!",

Then he sat up suddenly.

Only then did he discover that there was a little girl and a person in the cabin.

It was the two people he had rescued from Kamazo before - Xiao Zi and Hu Zi.

Seeing Zoro wake up, Xiaozi and Huzi quickly expressed their thanks to Zoro.

Put down the lives of both of them.

Zoro didn't care about this, and wanted to leave immediately to get back his beauty.

However, Xiaozi and Huzi stopped him on the grounds that his injury had not recovered.

It happened that Zoro was also hungry, so he stayed first.

While eating, Zoro had a conversation with Xiao Zi and others.

Knowing that the opponent was hunted down because he offended Wanokuni's general, Kurozumi Orochi.

And I know that the person who snatched my autumn water is Gyūki Maru, a monk soldier who specializes in snatching other people's weapons on the Jiedao Bridge.

After some conversation, Xiao Zi looked at Zoro in front of her, "Silent for a long time.

After that, it seemed that some kind of determination had been made.

He spoke again:

"Sorry, there is one thing that I hope you will keep secret.

Hearing this, Zoro's expression also became serious, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Zi continued to speak slowly:

"Actually, I have been looking for my big brother, the big brother who separated 20 years ago."

"He might be at Wanokuni now!"

"The big brother's name is...Kozuki・Momonosuke!"

The moment he heard the name Kozuki·Momonosuke, Zoro's eyes froze slightly.

As if they knew each other.

And Xiao Zi continued:

"I'm my younger sister, and my name is... Kozuki·Hiyori!"

【Kurozumi・Orochi: What?! Xiaozi’s real name is Kozuki・Hyori?! Kozuki・Oden’s daughter?!!!】

【Kaido: Is Oden's daughter? She's still alive?! Shouldn't they have all died in the fire eighteen years ago?】

[Kozuki·Oden: Hiyori! It's Hiyori!! I said that when I saw the girl in the video just now, I don't know why I felt very familiar and kind!】

【Kozuki·时: Great, it seems that Hi and Mirai are still alive and healthy】

【Edward·Newgate: Gu la la la~ It turned out to be Xiao Hiyori, she was born on my boat back then~】

【Gol·D·Luo Jie: Haha, Xiao Rihe stayed on my boat for a while back then, I really miss it~】

【 Roronoa Zoro: Who is Momosuke? Why do I feel like I know him in the video?】

【Vince Mo Ke·Sanji: I don’t know why, but when I heard the name Momosuke, I had an urge to beat him up. I feel like he should be a very flat guy.

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